R: raised white, light blue and white square with design on it. The Society of Columbia Scholars - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. V: Brown felt bottom.
R: raised white, light blue and white square with design on it. The Society of Columbia Scholars - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. V: Brown felt bottom.
R: Thomas G. Masaryk V: 1850 Na Parmet 85 Narazenin Prumino Presidenta Republiky ceskoslovenske 1935. First-ever Commemorative Medal issued in Czechoslovakia in 1935 on the occasion of the 85th birthday of the first Czech President T.G. Masaryk.
R: Tho. MacDonough Stagno Champion Clas. Reg. Brit. Superauit V: Uno Latere Percuso alterum. Inter Class Ameri. Et Brit. Die XI Sept. MDCCCXIIII Impavide Vertit