Christian evangelistic and religious education posters and Christian scrolls and Bible verses, 1930-1949

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Series 1: Christian Evangelistic and Religious Education Posters, [1930 ?-1949 ?]

Please see the items at the end of Series 2 for digitial copies first.

Box 1OS*1 Untitled [Popular deity on horseback with attendant]

Box 1OS*2 Untitled [Popular deity on tiger]

Box 1OS*3 Untitled [Popular deity on dragon].

Box 1OS*4 Untitled [Dongchu Siming 東廚司命 (Eastern Stove God, Lord of Fate)]

Box 1OS*5 Untitled [Buddhas and Ten Kings of the Underworld]

Box 2OS*1 "China... Looks to Us!" [United China Relief Poster]

Box 2OS*2 "China First to Fight!" [United China Relief Poster]

Box 2OS*3 Untitled [Chart]

Box 2OS*4 基督化家庭運動週 ["Christianize the Household" Movement Week]

Box 2OS*5 Untitled

Box 2OS*6 基督化家庭不可少的精神 [The Essential Spirit for Christianizing the

Box 2OS*6 Household]

Box 2OS*7 Untitled

Box 2OS*8 耶穌之友 [The Friends of Jesus]

Box 2OS*9 改造新人 [Reform into a New Person]

Box 2OS*10 女界祈禱圖 [Diagram of Prayer for Women]

Box 2OS*11 耶穌基督 [Jesus Christ]

Box 2OS*12 求主使我們的家庭生活真能基督化 [Please Lord make our household life truly able to be Christianized]

Box 2OS*13 罪人死 [Sin and Death]

Box 2OS*14 久暫悲樂圖 ["The Temporal and the Eternal"]

Box 2OS*15 條屏頁尺 [Consecration Hymn: "A Vessel Filled with Living Water"]

Box 2OS*16 謹慎自守免去一切貪心 ["Rich Fool"]

Box 2OS*17 接交心友 ["Meeting New Friends"]

Box 2OS*18 來受新福 [Come Receive New Blessings]

Box 2OS*19 懷新目的 [Thinking of a new goal]

Box 2OS*20 Untitled [Selections from Psalm 182]

Box 2OS*21 出死入生 ["Unto Life"]

Box 2OS*22 抬頭是福 [Raising one's head is a blessing]

Box 2OS*23 "Help China! China is Helping Us" [United China Relief Poster]

Box 2OS*24 "Enemy Sowing Tares"

Box 2OS*25 "The Sower"

Box 2OS*26 "The Wedding Feast (2)"

Box 2OS*27 "The Light Under a Bushel etc."

Box 2OS*28 "The House on the Rock"

Box 2OS*29 "Dives and Lazarus"

Box 2OS*30 "The Wedding Feast (1)"

Box 2OS*31 Teacher's Certificate, Lanao Folk Schools, Province of Lanao, Philippine Islands

Box 2OS*32 Untitled

Box 3OS*1 Untitled [Group of Popular and Daoist Deities]

Box 4OS*1 感謝 [Thankfulness]

Box 4OS*2 忠實問題 [A Question of Loyalty]

Box 4OS*3 好撒瑪利亞人 [The Good Samaritan]

Box 4OS*4 那一種是正當的遊戲 [Which one is a Proper Game?]

Box 4OS*5 做工讀書 [Working and Studying]

Box 4OS*6 招待客人 [Entertaining Guests]

Box 4OS*7 父母的恩惠 [The Kindness of Parents]

Box 4OS*8 錢的用法 [The Way of Using Money]

Box 4OS*9 耶穌一生 [The Life of Jesus]

Box 4OS*10 慶祝聖誕 [Celebrating Christmas]

Box 4OS*11 願意幫助人 [Willing to Help People]

Box 4OS*12 窮的問題 [The Problem of Poverty]

Box 4OS*13 約瑟故事 (一) [The Story of Joseph (1)]

Box 4OS*14 約瑟故事 (二) [The Story of Joseph (2)]

Box 4OS*15 我們的大朋友 [Our Great Friends]

Box 4OS*16 看戲與做戲 [Seeing a Play and Putting on a Play]

Box 4OS*17 兒童的愛好 [Children's Hobbies]

Box 4OS*18 兒童衛生 [Children's Hygiene]

Box 4OS*19 中國名人 [Famous People of China]

Box 4OS*20 合作的好處 [The Benefits of Cooperation]

Box 4OS*21 新式和舊式的喪禮 [New and Old Style Funerals]

Box 4OS*22 草花護愛 [Protecting Plants]

Box 4OS*23 耶穌保護小孩 [Jesus Protects Children]

Box 4OS*24 承認錯處 [Admitting Mistakes]

Box 4OS*25 遊戲健康 [Playing is Healthy]

Box 4OS*26 摩西故事 [The Story of Moses]

Box 4OS*27 中國人的四種病 [Four Types of Sickness for Chinese People]

Box 4OS*28 怎樣除滅蒼蠅 [How to Eradicate Flies]

Box 4OS*29 兒童禱告 [Children Praying]

Box 4OS*30 Title Missing [Map of Western Hemisphere]

Box 4OS*31 Title Missing [Map of Eastern Hemisphere]

Box 5OS*1 Untitled [Quotes from Numbers 6:24-26; Genesis 31:49]

Box 5OS*2 Untitled [1 Samuel 3:9; Psalm 51:10 Psalm 119:105]

Box 5OS*3 Untitled [1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 5:8]

Box 5OS*4 Untitled [Micah 6:8; Luke 10:29]

Box 5OS*5 Untitled [Matthew 19:13-15]

Box 5OS*6 Untitled [Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 121:7-8]

Box 5OS*7 Untitled [Psalm 19:1; Matthew 6:26, 28, 29]

Box 5OS*8 Untitled [Psalm 34:13; Proverbs 16:32; James 4:11]

Box 5OS*9 Untitled [John 3:16, 13:24-25, 15:13]

Box 5OS*10 Untitled [Psalm 67:1-2; Psalm 103:1-2]

Box 5OS*11 Untitled [Matthew 5:5,7,9]

Box 5OS*12 Untitled [Matthew 6:9-13]

Box 5OS*13 Untitled [Matthew 7:12; Acts 20:35; Matthew 5:16]

Box 5OS*14 Untitled [Matthew 20:26-28; Galatians 6:2]

Box 5OS*15 Untitled [Luke 2:40,52; 1 Timothy 4:12]

Box 5OS*16 Untitled [Luke 16:10; Ephesians 4:25]

Box 5OS*17 Untitled [Acts 17:24,25,28; John 4:24; 1 John 4:16]

Box 5OS*18 Untitled [Romans 12:9,17,21; Philippians 4:13]

Box 5OS*19 Untitled [Luke 2:51; Ephesians 6:1-2]

Box 5OS*20 Untitled [Luke 2:8-14]

Box 6OS*1 步行歌 [Walking Song]

Box 6OS*2 放學歌 [School is Out Song]

Box 6OS*3 我願意幫助別人 [I am Willing to Help Others]

Box 6OS*4 小農人撒種歌 [Little Farmers Spread the Seeds Song]

Box 6OS*5 遊戲歌 [Playing Song]

Box 6OS*6 請看農夫 [Please Look at the Farmers]

Box 6OS*7 感恩詩 [Poem of Thanksgiving]

Box 6OS*8 好少年 [Good Children]

Box 6OS*9 兩個小眼 [Two Small Eyes]

Box 6OS*10 孩童晨禱 [Child's Morning Prayer]

Box 6OS*11 謝飯歌 [Thanks for Food Song]

Box 6OS*12 孩童晚禱 [Child's Evening Prayer]

Box 6OS*13 快樂好家庭 [Happy and Good Household]

Box 6OS*14 主保護 [Lord Protect]

Box 6OS*15 孩童獻捐禱 [Children Collect Donations Prayer]

Box 6OS*16 主耶穌的話 [The Word of Lord Jesus]

Box 6OS*17 我為耶穌朋友 [I am a Friend of Jesus]

Box 6OS*18 打魚歌 [Fishing Song]

Box 6OS*19 聖誕歌 [Christmas Song]

Box 6OS*20 天下兒童歌 [All the Children of the World Song]

Box 7OS*1 出坑之法 ["The Horrible Pit"]