This series contains the correspondence between the series editor, Austin P. Evans, and the authors and representatives at Columbia University Press (CUP). The records are organized by the title of the work and/or the author of the original ancient or medieval text to be translated and annotated. The files include correspondence with the translators and/or commentators and the representatives from Columbia University Press. There are also files with published reviews.
Box 1
Abelard's Sic et Non (not published by Columbia), 1938-1946
Al-Taftazani's A commentary on the creed of Islam, 1930-1949
Ambroise's The crusade of Richard Lion-Heart, 1940-1942
(John L. La Monte and Merton Jerome Hubert)
Andreas Capellanus's The art of courtly love, 1939-1941
Bodin's Method for the easy comprehension of history, 1939-1949
Boniface's Letters (The letters of Saint Boniface), 1932-1942
Book of the Popes, Reviews, 1917
Brant's Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools), 1942-1946
Cassiodorus's An introduction to divine and human readings, 1939-1946
Castellio's De haereticis (Concerning Heretics), 1930-1935
Cato's De agri cultura (On Farming), 1928-1935
Conquest of Lisbon (De expugnatione Lyxbonensi), 1932-1936
Copernicus Astronomy (Three Copernican treatises), 1937-1951
English translations from medieval sources, bibliography, 1929-1951
(Clarissa P. Farrar and Austin P. Evans (2 folders))
Gesta Friderici (The deeds of Frederick Barbarrosa), 1930-1953
(Charles Christopher Mierow)
Gregory VII, Letters, 1930-1932
Erasmus's Institutio principis Christiani (The education of a Christian prince),, 1927-1937
Gregory of Tours's Historia Francorum (History of the Franks), 1924-1939
Gregory of Tours, Reviews, 1917
Hellenistic Civilization (unpublished), 1929-1933
(Harry Mortimer Hubbell (H.M. Hubbell))
Hellenic Civilization, Reviews, 1915-1916
(G. W. Botsford and E. G. Sihler)
Helmold's Cronica Slavorum (The chronicle of the Slavs), 1928-1936
History of History, 1923-1927
History of History, Reviews, 1923
History of Mar Yaballaha (Yaballaha III), 1925-1927
Irish History Sources (The sources for the early history of Ireland),, 1923-1935
Box 2
Jean de Venette (The chronicle of Jean de Venette), 1929-1954
(Jean Birdsall and Richard A. Newhall)
Lanzelet; a romance of Lancelot, 1948-1951
(Kenneth G. T. Webster and Roger Sherman Loomis)
Literature of the New Testament, 1932-1941
Literature of the New Testament, Reviews, 1922-1924
Liutprand's Antapodosis (unpublished), 1928-1929
(Frances Harper and Loren C. MacKinney)
Macrobius's Commentary on the dream of Scipio, 1939-1951
Odo of Deuil's De profectione Ludovici VII in orientem, 1941-1951
(Virginia Gingerick Berry)
Old Norwegian Law (The earliest Norwegian laws), 1928-1935
Orosius (The seven books of history against the pagans; the apology of Paulus Orosius),, 1923-1937
(Irving Woodworth Raymond)
Otto of Freising (The two cities; a chronicle of universal history to the year 1146 A.D.), 1919-1929, 1146, 1919-1929
(Charles Christopher Mierow)
Papal Finance (Papal revenues in the Middle Ages), 1925-1936
Pascal's Equilibrium of Liquids (The physical treatises of Pascal: the equilibrium of liquids and the weight of the mass of the air),, 1931-1937
Peasant Life in Old German Epics (Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich),, 1926-1936
Penitentials (Medieval handbooks of penance), 1925-1939
(John T. McNeill and Helena M. Gamer)
Peterborough Chronicle, 1939-1951
Philip de Novare's The wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and Cyprus,, 1930-1936
(John L. La Monte and Merton Jerome Hubert)
Puritan Tracts (Tracts on liberty in the Puritan Revolution), 1929-1937
Redentin Easter play (Das Redentiner Spiel), 1936-1941
Robert de Clari's Conquest of Constantinople, 1930-1935
Russian Law (Medieval Russian laws), 1939-1947
Salvianus's On the government of God, 1927-1932
See of Peter, 1925-1927
(James T. Shotwell and Louise Ropes Loomis)
Social and Economic History (A guide to the printed materials for English social and economic history, 1750-1850),, 1920-1926
University records (University records and life in the Middle Ages),, 1937-1954
Usamah's An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the crusades,, 1928-1930
William of Tyre's A history of deeds done beyond the sea, 1925-1948
(Emily Atwater Babcock and A. C. Krey)
Zabara's The book of delight, 1928-1932
(Moses Hadas and Merriam Sherwood)