The materials in this two-box series document Walter Goldwater's interest and involvement in the game of chess. Some of the material related to Goldwater's membership in the Marshall Chess Club. Other materials include records and photographs of the Harlem Chess Tournament he helped to organize, and correspondence from Book Shop customers interested in books on chess and other board games.
Box 5 Folder 1
Box 5 Folder 2 to 3
Score sheets, undated, (2 Folders)
Box 5 Folder 4 to 7
Score sheets, 1941-1953, (4 Folders)
Box 5 Folder 8
Box 5 Folder 9
Box 5 Folder 10 to 12
1975, (3 Folders)
Box 5 Folder 13 to 15
1976, (3 Folders)
Box 6 Folder 1
Photographs, 1976-1978
Box 6 Folder 2 to 5
1977, (4 Folders)
Box 6 Folder 6 to 9
1978, (4 Folders)
Box 6 Folder 10
Box 6 Folder 11
Box 6 Folder 12
Box 6 Folder 13