Peter G. Stafford papers, 1960-1971

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Series III: Books

Box 35-40 Abramson, Harold A. The use of LSD in psychotherapy. New York, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, circa, 1960

Box 35-40 Aikon, John W. Explorations in awareness. Sorocco, N.M., The Church of the Awakening, circa, 1966

Box 35-40 Alpert, Richard & Sidney Cohen. LSD. New York, The New American Library,, 1966

Box 35-40 Alexander, Marsha. The Sexual paradise of LSD, North Hollywood, Ca, Brandon House,, 1967

Box 35-40 Anderson, Chester. The Butterfly Kid. New York, Piramid Books, circa, 1967

Box 35-40 Barron, Frank. Creativity and psychological health. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, circa, 1963

Box 35-40 Bernard, Pierre (ed.). Dossier LSD. Paris, Le Soleil Noir, circa l967 (Les Cahiers Noirs du Soleil 1)

Box 35-40 Bestic, Alan. Turn me on, man. New York, Award Books, circa, 1966

Box 35-40 Bieberrnan, Lisa Phaneroihyme; a western approach to the religious use of psychochemicals. Cambridge, Mass., Psychedelic Information Center, circa, 1968

Box 35-40 Birmingham, John (ed.) Our time is now; notes from the high school underground. New York, Praeger, circa, 1970

Box 35-40 Bischoff, William H. The ecstasy drugs. Delray Beach, Fla. University Circle Press, circa, 1966

Box 35-40 Bishop, Maiden Orange. The discovery of love; a psychedelic experience with LSD-25. New York, Dodd, Mea, circa, 1963

Box 35-40 Bowles, Paul. Tip above the worlds New York, Simon and Schuster, circa, 1966

Box 35-40 Bloomquist, Edward R. Marijuana. Beverly Hills, Ca., Glencoe Press, circa, 1968

Box 35-40 Blum, Richard and others. Utoplates; the use and users of LSD-25. New York, Atherton Press, 1965.

Box 35-40 Braden, William. The private sea; LSD and the search for God. Chicago, Quadrangle Books l967

Box 35-40 Bronsteen, Ruth. The hippy's handbook. New York Canyon Books, l967

Box 35-40 Brotman, Richard & Alfred Freedman. A community mental health approach to drug addiction. Washington US Dept. of HEW, circa, 1966

Box 35-40 Burroughs, William S. Naked lunch. New York, Grove Press, l959, 19663

Box 35-40 Burroughs, William S. The ticket that exploded. New York, Grove Press,, 1968

Box 35-40 Burroughs, William S. & Allen Ginsberg. The yage letters. San Francisco City Lights Books, circa 1963 1965, 1963, 1965

Box 35-40 Caldwell, W. V. LSD psychotherapy: an exploration of psychedelic and psycholytic therapy New York, Grove Press,, 1968

Box 35-40 Calvano, Tony. Acid orgy. San Diego, Ca. Companion Books, 1967

Box 35-40 Carey, James T. The coinage drug scene. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, l968

Box 35-40 Cashman, John. The LSD story. Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett, 1966

Box 35-40 Chandler, Nancy R. (ed.) Sex, youth and drugs. Malibu, Ca., World, 1968 1969, 1968, 1969

Box 35-40 Charbonneau, Louis. Psychedelic-4O. New York, Bantam Books, 1965

Box 35-40 Cholden, Lewis (ed). Lysergic acid and diethylamide and mescaline in experimental psychiatry. New York, Grune and Stratton,, 1965

Box 35-40 Cohen, Daniel. Myths of the space age. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1967

Box 35-40 Cohen, John (ed.) The essential Lenny Bruce. New York, Ballantine Books,, 1967

Box 35-40 Cohen, Sidney. The beyond within; the LSD story. New York, Atheneum, 1964.

Box 35-40 Condit, D. M., Bert H. Cooper, Jr. and others. Challenge and response in internal conflict. Washington, Social Science Research Institute, 1968.3 vols. (vol. 2 is an incomplete xerox copy)

Box 35-40 Davis, James P. The love generation; a study of sex among the hippies. San Diego, Ca., Publishers Export Co.,, 1967

Box 35-40 De Ropp, Robert S. Drugs and the mind. New York, Grove Press, l957, 1960s (2 copies), 1960s

Box 35-40 The Drug takers. New York, Time Life Books, 1965

Box 35-40 Dunlap, Jane. Exploring inner space; personal experiences under LSD-25. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World,, 1961

Box 35-40 Efron, Daniel H., Bo Holmstedt & Nathan S. Kline. Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs. Washington US Dept. of HEW, 1967.

Box 35-40 Ellson, R. N. Sex-happy hippie. San Diego, Ca., Corinth,1968

Box 35-40 Finn, Elizabeth & Larry Littlejohn. Drugs in the Tenderloin. San Francisco, Central City Target Area,, 1967

Box 35-40 Flattery, David S. & J. M. Pierce. Peyote. Berkeley, Ca. The Berkeley Press,, 1965

Box 35-40 Flip's groovy guide to the groops! New York Signet Books, 1968

Box 35-40 Fort, Joel. The pleasure seekers; the drug crisis, youth and society. New York, Grove Press l969,, 1970

Box 35-40 Free city. N.p., undated

Box 35-40 Fuller, R. Buckminster. I seem to be a verb. New York, Bantam Books, 1970

Box 35-40 Galbraith, John Kenneth. The affluent society. New York Mentor Books 1958 1968, 1958, 1968

Box 35-40 How to get out of Vietnam; a workable solution to the worst problem of our time. New York Signet Books,, 1967

Box 35-40 Gamage, James R. & Edmund L. Zerkin. A comprehensive guide to the English language literature on cannabis (marijuana), Beloit, Wis., Stash Press,, 1969

Box 35-40 Ghiselin, Brewster (ed.) The creative process; a symposium. New York Mentor Books, 1952

Box 35-40 Goldstein, Richard. 1 in 7: drugs on campus. New York, Walker and Co., 1966

Box 35-40 Golightly, Bonnie. On the fringe of the para-normal. New York, Award Books, l969

Box 35-40 The great hippie hoax. New York, Award Books, 1968

Box 35-40 Green, Gerald. The lotus eaters. New York, Pocket Books ccl959, 1960

Box 35-40 Gross, Henry. The flower people. New York, Ballantine Books, 1968

Box 35-40 Harman, Willis W. and others. Psychedelic agents in creative problem-solving: a pilot study. (Reprint from: Psychological reports, 19, 1966 211-27), 1966

Box 35-40 The hasty papers; a one-shot review. New York, The Hasty Papers, 1960.

Box 35-40 Hatterer, Lawrence J. The artist in society; problems and treatment of the creative personality. New York, Grove Press l965,, 1966

Box 35-40 Kersey, John. Too far to walk. New York, Bantam Books l966, 1967

Box 35-40 Hoffer, A. & Humphrey Osmond. The hallucinogens. New York, Academic Press, 1967.

Box 35-40 Hollander, Charles (ed.) Background papers on student drug involvement.

Box 35-40 Washington, United States National Student Association, l967. (Two copies in variant bindings)

Box 35-40 Hopkins, Jerry (ed.) The hippie papers; notes from the underground press. New York, Signet Books 1968 (Two copies), 1968

Box 35-40 Hunt, Morton M. The natural history of love. New York, Grove Press, 1959

Box 35-40 Huxley, Aldous. Island. New York, Bantam Books 1962 1963, 1962, 1963

Box 35-40 Hyde, Margaret O. (ed.) Hind drugs. New York, Pocket Books l968, 1969

Box 35-40 Kalrrrus, Hans. Genetics. West Drayton U.K. Pelican Books, 1948

Box 35-40 Kavaler, Lucy. Mushrooms, molds, and miracles; the strange realm of fungi. New York, John Day, 1965

Box 35-40 Kavaler, Lucy. Mushrooms, molds, and miracles; the strange realm of fungi. WNew York Signet Books l965,, 1966

Box 35-40 Kennaway, James. The mind benders. New York Signet Books l963, 1964

Box 35-40 Kesey, Ken. One flew over the cuckoo's nest. New York Signet Books, 1962 1963, 1962, 1963

Box 35-40 Kleps, Arthur. The Neo-American Church; catechism and handbook ... Millbrook, N.Y., The Kriya Press of the Sri Ram Ashrama, l967

Box 35-40 Kluver, Heinrich. Mescal and mechanisms of hallucinations. Chicago, Phoenix Books,, 1966

Box 35-40 Kraslow, David & Stuart H. Loory. The secret search for peace in Vietnam. New York, Vintage Books,, 1968

Box 35-40 Laing, R. D. The politics of experience and the bird of paradise. Harmondsworth U.K. Penguin Books l967,, 1968

Box 35-40 Larner, Jeremy & Ralph Tefferteller. The addict in the street. New York, Grove Press, 1964

Box 35-40 Laurie, Peter. Drugs; medical, psychological and social facts. Baltimore, Penguin Books,, 1967

Box 35-40 Leary, Timothy. The politics of ecstasy. New York, G« P. Putnam's Sons, l968 Two copies.

Box 35-40 Leary, Timothy, Ralph Metzner & Richard Alpert. The psychedelic experience as a manual based on the Tibetan book of the dead. New Hyde Park, N.Y, University Books, 1964

Box 35-40 Leary, Timothy, Ralph Metzner & Richard Alpert The psychedelic experience: a manual based on the Tibetan book of the dead. New Hyde Park, N.Y., University Books 1964 1966, 1964, 1966

Box 35-40 Leary, Timothy Start your own religion. Millbrook, N.Y., The Kriya Press of the Sri Ram Ashrama, cl967

Box 35-40 Leigh, Michael. The velvet underground. New York, Macfadden Books, 1963

Box 35-40 Lindesmith, Alfred R. Addiction and opiates. Chicago, Aldine, 1968

Box 35-40 Louria, Donald. Nightmare drugs. New York, Pocket Books, 1966

Box 35-40 Lucia, Salvatore Pablo (ed.) Alcohol and civilization. New York, McGraw-Hill, l963

Box 35-40 McClure, Michael, Meat science essays. San Francisco City Lights Books, 1963

Box 35-40 McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding media: the extensions of man. New York Signet Books, 1964 1966, 1964, 1966

Box 35-40 McLuhan, Marshall & Quentin Fiore. War and peace in the global village. New York, Bantam Books,, 1968

Box 35-40 Margolis, Jack S. & Richard Clorfene. A child's garden of grass (the official handbook for marijuana users)" New York, Pocket Books, l969,, 1970

Box 35-40 Masters, R. E. L. Forbidden sexual behavior and morality; an objective reexamination of perverse sex practices in different cultures. New York, Matrix House l962,, 1966

Box 35-40 Masters, R. E. L. and Jean Houston. The varieties of psychedelic experience. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston l966

Box 35-40 Mathison, Richard. The shocking history of drugs. New York, Ballantine Books, l958

Box 35-40 Ketzner, Ralph (ed.) The ecstatic adventure. New York, Macmillan, 1968

Box 35-40 Michael, Donald N. The next generation; the prospects ahead for the youth of today and tomorrow. New York, Random House, 1965

Box 35-40 Morier, Michael W. Home grown happiness. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Mikus Book, 1967

Box 35-40 Mulligan, Raphael. Sex hook. Los Angeles, Classic Publications, cl969.

Box 35-40 New York City. May or's Committee on Marihuana. The marihuana problem in the city of New York; sociological, medical, psychological and pharmacological studies. San Francisco, LeMar, undated (Reprint of the 1944 report), undated, 1944

Box 35-40 Newfield, Jack. A prophetic minority. New York The New American Library,, 1966

Box 35-40 Newland, Constance A. Myself and I. New York Signet Books, l962, 1963

Box 35-40 Newman, Frank. Barbara. New York The Traveller's Companion, l968

Box 35-40 Nowlis, Helen H. Drugs on the college campus. N.p., National Association of Student Personnel Administrators C19673

Box 35-40 Nowlis, Helen H. Drugs on the college campus. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Books l969 (Two copies)

Box 35-40 Parapsychology Foundation, Inc. Proceedings of two conferences on parapsychology and pharmacology. New York, Parapsychology Foundation l961

Box 35-40 Pollard, John C, Leonard Uhr & Elizabeth Stern. Drugs and phantasy; the effects of LSD, psilocybin, and sernyl on college students. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1965

Box 35-40 Princeton University Student Committee on Mental Health. Psychedelics and the college student. Princeton, N.J. the Committee,, 1967

Box 35-40 Rimmer, Robert H. The Harrad experiment. New York, Bantam Books, 1966

Box 35-40 Rose, Panama. The Hashish cookbook. Gnaoua Press, 1966.

Box 35-40 Roseman, Bernard. LSD; the age of mind. Hollywood, Ca., Wilshire Book Co. l963

Box 35-40 Rosevear, John. Pot; a handbook of marihuana. New Hyde Park, N.Y., University Books,, 1967

Box 35-40 Salt-man, Jules. What can we do about drug abuse. New York, Public Affairs Committee,, 1966

Box 35-40 San Francisco State College. The Institute for Psychedelic Research. Use of psychedelic agents to facilitate creative problem solving. San Francisco, the Institute,, 1964

Box 35-40 Simmons, J. L. & Barry Winograd. It's happening; a portrait of the youth scene today. Santa Barbara, Ca., Marc-Laird Publications,, 1966

Box 35-40 Simmons, J. L.(ed.) Marihuana; myths and realities. North Hollywood, Ca., Brandon House,, 1967

Box 35-40 Sjoman, Vilgot. I am curious (yellow). New York, Grove Press l968

Box 35-40 Smith, David E. (ed.) The new social drugs cultural, medical, and legal perspectives on marijuana. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall,, 1970

Box 35-40 Smith, Warren & Eugene Olson. The menace of pep pills. Chicago, Merit Books,, 1965

Box 35-40 Smith Kline & French Laboratories. Drug abuse; escape to nowhere: a guide for educators. Washington National Education Association,, 1967

Box 35-40 Solomon, David.(ed.) LSD; the consciousness-expanding drug. New York, G.P. Putnam & Sons,, 1964

Box 35-40 Solomon, David The marihuana papers. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1966

Box 35-40 Stafford, Peter, ed. Psychedelic baby reaches puberty. New York, Praeger, l971

Box 35-40 Stearn, Jess. The seekers. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1969.

Box 35-40 Steiger, Brad. ESP; your sixth sense. New York, Award Books, 1966

Box 35-40 Superweed, Mary Jane. Drug manufacturing for fun and profit. Chthon Press,, 1969

Box 35-40 Superweed, Mary Jane The marijuana consumer's and dealer's guide. N.p., Chthon Press, l968

Box 35-40 Taylor, Norman. Narcotics: nature's dangerous gifts; a revised edition of Flight from reality. New York, Delta Books, 1963.

Box 35-40 U.S. Congress. Organization and coordination of federal drug research and regulatory programs: LSD; hearings before the subcommittee on executive reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations United States Senate ... Washington, Government Printing Office,, 1966

Box 35-40 U.S. Congress Reorganization plan no. 1 of 1968 (drug abuse and narcotics) and H. Res. 1101 hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives ... Washington, Government Printing Office, 1968., 1968, 1101

Box 35-40 U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. Alcohol and alcoholism. Washington, U.S. Dept. of HEW,, 1968

Box 35-40 U.S. National Institute of Mental Health comic book on drugs a Washington, U.S. Dept. of HEW,, 1967

Box 35-40 U.S. National Institute of Mental Health Narcotic drug addiction. Washington, U.S. Dept. of HEW, 1965

Box 35-40 Us 2; the paperback magazine. New York Bantam Books, 1969

Box 35-40 Usdin, Earl & Daniel H. Efron. Psychotropic drugs and related compounds. Washington U.S. Dept. of HEW,, 1967

Box 35-40 Von Hoffman, Nicholas. We are the people our parents warned us against. Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett, 1968

Box 35-40 Watts, Alan W. Psychotherapy east and west. New York Mentor, l961,1963

Box 35-40 Weil, Gunther M., Ralph Metzner & Timothy Leary. The psychedelic reader; selected from The Psychedelic Review. New Hyde Park, N.Y., University Books,, 1965

Box 35-40 Williams, Paul. Outlaw blues; a book of rock music. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1969.

Box 35-40 Wilson, Colin. Beyond the outsider; the philosophy of the future. Boston, Houghton" Mifflin, 1965.

Box 35-40 Wilson, Colin. The outsider. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, l956

Box 35-40 Wilson, John Rowan and others. The mind. New York Time Life Books, l964

Box 35-40 Wolf, Leonard (ed.) Voices from the love generation. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., l968

Box 35-40 Wolfe, Burton H. The hippies . New York Signet Books,, 1968

Box 35-40 Woodruff, C, Roy. Alcoholism and Christian experience. Philadelphia, The Westminster Press l968

Box 35-40 Young, Warren R.F. Joseph R. Hixson. LSD on campus, New York Dell, 1966