Philipse-Gouverneur family papers, 1653-1874

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Series I: Cataloged Collection Documents

Box 1 Folder 1 (1) Deed of trust given by Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris, William Willitt, Jonathan Brown, Mathias Marsh, John Thomas, Joseph Sackett and Wm. Hooker Smith, TO – William, Earl of Stirling, John Watts, Oliver De Laney, Walter Rutherford and Henry Cruger, as arbitrators to decide the ownership of certain farms at the east end of the Philipse Patent, claimed by Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson and Roger Morris as being a part of said Patent, and by Wm. Willitt and the others under a grant made by Connecticut, signed, sealed and acknowledged by all parties of the first part, May 25th, 1765.

Mentions--David Aikins, Nathan Birdsall, Josiah Bobbitt, Gilbert Burger, Jonathan Brown, John Calkins, Samuel Calkins, Isaac Chapman, Sylvanus Cole, Phillip Conner, Ebenezer Cran, Joseph Cran, David Crosby, Christopher Dickenson, (?) Fuller, Benjamin Gifford, William Gray, Benjamin Hatch, Malahah Hatch, Nathaniel Hatch, Justice Haviland, Abraham Hodges, Wil. Livingston, Thomas Maggott, Mathias Marsh, David Matthews, Samuel Monroe, Col. Roger Morris, William Palmer, Phineas Peck, Philip Philipse, Nathaniel Porter, Gideon Prindle, Col. Beverley Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Jos. Sackett Jr., John Smith, Noah Smith, Wm. Hooker Smith, John Solomon, Josiah Swift, Nathan Taylor, John Thomas, Wm. Willitt, Jedediah Wing, Peter W. Yates.

Box 1 Folder 2 (2) Lease from the same to the same, for the farms mentioned, for "one whole year" dated May 24th, 1765.

Mentions--David Aikins, Nathan Birdsall, Josiah Bobbitt, Gilbert Burger, Jonathan Brown, John Calkins, Samuel Calkins, Isaac Chapman, Sylvanus Cole, Phillip Conner, Ebenezer Cran, Joseph Cran, David Crosby, Christopher Dickenson, Fuller, Benjamin Gifford, William Gray, Benjamin Hatch, Malahah Hatch, Nathaniel Hatch, Justice Haviland, Abraham Hodges, Wil. Livingston, Thomas Maggott, Mathias Marsh, David Matthews, Samuel Monroe, Col. Roger Morris, William Palmer, Phineas Peck, Philip Philipse, Nathaniel Porter, Gideon Prindle, Col. Beverley Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Jos. Sackett Jr., John Smith, Noah Smith, Wm. Hooker Smith, John Solomon, Josiah Swift, Nathan Taylor, John Thomas, Wm. Willitt, Jedediah Wing, Peter W. Yates. Includes Signatures of--Jonathan Brown, Wil. Livingston, Mathias Marsh, David Mathews, Col. Roger Morris, Philip Philipse, Col. Beverley Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Jos. Sackett Jr., Wm. Hooker Smith, John Thomas, Wm. Willitt, Peter W. Yates.

Box 1 Folder 3 (3) Bill of Peter Van Schaack for legal services in dividing above lot certain farms at the east end of the Philipse Patent, date 1775.

Mentions--John Doty, Obad Hunt, Peter Van Schaack, Thomas Skinner. Includes Signatures of--John Doty, Obad Hunt, Peter Van Schaack, Thomas Skinner.

Box 1 Folder 4 (4) Also certificate of Henry Van Der Burg that Beverley Robinson, Thomas Belden and Moss Kent were duly qualified as Commissioners to divide Lot 6. (See No. 6)

Mentions--Thomas Belden, Moss Kent, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Henry Van Der Burg. Includes Signatures of--Moss Kent, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Henry Van Der Burg.

Mapcase 14-N-3 Folder 5 (5) Joint (?) Perpetual lease given by Roger Morris, Mary Morris, Beverley Robinson, Susannah Robinson, John Ogilvie, Margaret Ogilvie, Adolph Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse (by Nathaniel Marston their guardian),

[NOTE: This item has been flattened, thereby making it too large for the box and folder. It is located in the map case.]

TO--William Pendergast for a farm in the Gore in Beekman's Patent, joining lands of John Kane, John Chase and Joshua Millard. In consideration of his paying the annual quit rents for the Philipse Patents, dated May 19th, 1774, signed by William Pendergrast. Mentions--John Chase, John Kane, P. Henry Livingston, Joshua Millard, Malcom Morison, William Pendergast, Thomas Philipse; Judge James Smith, Supreme Court Common Pleas; Roswell Wilcox, Includes Signatures of--B. Henry Livingston, Malcom Morison, William Pendergast, Roswell Wilcox.

Box 1 Folder 6 (6) Map of Lot No. 6 Philipse Patent, made by Benjamin Morgan, February 15th, 1773, under direction of Thomas Belden, Moss Kent and Beverley Robinson, showing division among heirs of Philip

Includes Signature of--Benjamin Morgan. See also, folder no. 4.

Box 1 Folder 7 (7) Partition Deed. Beverley Robinson, Susanna Robinson and Mary Philipse, [illegible] Philip Philipse for Lots 2, 6, 8, Philipse Patent and certain meadows near Martelaer's Rock (Constitution Island) reserving mines and minerals, February 7th, 1754, signed, sealed, acknowledged, and recorded in office of Secretary of State, May 16, 1754.

Mentions--Goldbrow Banyar, Ebenezer Bryant, Jonathan Hampton, Joseph Murray, Mary Philipse, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Susanna Robinson, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Henry Beekman, Silas Birch, John Bircham, Nathan Bircham. Includes Signatures of-- Goldbrow Banyar, Ebenezer Bryant, Joseph Murray, Mary Philipse, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Susanna Robinson.

Box 1 Folder 8 (8) Deed of Release by Beverley Robinson and Roger Morris,

TO--Philip Philipse for lands in east part of Lot 8, Philipse Patent, dated April 14th, 1761. Signed, sealed, acknowledged, and recorded. (See also, folder no. 1.) Mentions--(Goldbrow Banyar, Stephen De Lancy, Jacobus Elpandurup, Colonel Roger Morris, John Moorehouse, James Parker, Colonel Beverley Robinson, John Watts. Includes Signatures of--Goldbrow Banyar, Stephen De Lancy, Colonel Roger Morris, John Moorehouse, James Parker, Colonel Beverley Robinson, John Watts.

Box 1 Folder 9 (9) Original on paper and ancient copy [See, folder (9-a)] of will of Fredrick (Flypsie) Philipse, on parchment, dated October 26th, 1700. Witnesses Isaac De Forrest, Olof Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt and William Nicoll.

Mentions – Goldbrow Baynar, Susan Brockholtz, Anthony Brockholst, Henry Brockholst; Edward Hyde, Viscount Cornbury; Mr. Coroe (NY), Isaac De Forrests, Widow DeKey, Jan. Desmaretz, Mr. Droylett, Fredrick (Philipse) Flypsie, Anneke French, Philip French, Annekie Gosens, Daniel Honan, Michael Howden; Edward Hyde, Viscount Cornbury; Isaac Kipp, Jacobus Kipp, Dr. George Lockhart, Isaac Marquise, William Nicoll, Frederick Philipse (Flypse), John Richbell, John Rider, John Morin Scott, Dr. Henricus Selinus, Olof Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt, John Ward, Robert White, William the Clock Buyer. Includes Signatures of – Goldbrow Banyar; Edward Hyde, Viscount Cornbury; Fredrick Flypsie, Daniel Honan; Edward Hyde, Viscount Cornbury; Frederick Philipse (Flypse), Olof Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt,

Box 1 Folder 9-a (9-a) The ancient copy of will of Fredrick Flypsie

Box 1 Folder 9-b (9-b) (2) signatures of Frederick Philipse from W.S. Pelletreau

Box 1 Folder 10 (10) Papers connected with Gore in Rombout Patent -- Bond of Samuel Ver Planck

TO--Beverley Robinson, Adolph Philipse, Nathaniel Marston, John Ogilvie and Roger Morris; to abide by the award of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks and Daniel Kissam, arbitrators appointed to establish line between Rombout Patent and Philipse Patent, dated June 1770. Mentions--Thomas Hicks, Daniel Kissam, Nathan Childs, Nathaniel Marston, Roger Morris, William Nicoll, Adolph Philipse, Charles Ramadge, Beverley Robinson, Samuel Ver Planck, Includes Signatures of--Nathan Childs, Charles Ramadge, Samuel Ver Planck.

Box 1 Folder 11 (11) Award of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators; establishing line between the two Patents, to begin at south side of Fishkill Creek and to run east 6 degrees, north 16 miles, to rear line of Rombout Patent, January 26th, 1771. (Share of Mr. Ver Planck).

Mentions--William Nicoll, James Duane, Thomas Hicks. Mr. Scott. Includes Signatures of--William Nicoll, James Duane, Thomas Hicks.

Box 1 Folder 12 (12) Award of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators as regards the share of Lawrence Lawrence owner of 1/3 of the share of Jacobus Kipp in Rombout Patent.

Mentions--James Duane, Thomas Hicks, Jacobus Kipp, Lawrence Lawrence, W. Nicoll. Includes Signatures of--James Duane, Thomas Hicks, William Nicoll,

Box 1 Folder 13 (13) Bond of Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Phllipse, Nathaniel Marston and John Ogilvie

TO--Lawrence Lawrence: to abide by the award of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators, dated June 18th, 1771. Mentions--Moses Bondy, Mrs. Brett, Robert Cocks, Governor Thomas Dongan, Augustus V. Horne, Lawrence Lawrence, Nathaniel Marston, Colonel Roger Morris, Reverend John Ogilvie, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Augustus Van Horne, Adolph Philipse. Includes Signatures of--Robert Cocks, Augustus V. Horne, Nathaniel Marston, Colonel Roger Morris, Reverend John Ogilvie, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Augustus Van Horne, Adolph Philipse.

Box 1 Folder 14 (14) Bond of Lawrence Lawrence

TO--Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Nathaniel Marston and John Ogilvie: to abide by the award as of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators, June 15th 1770. Mentions--Mathew Bubols, (?) Dyckman, Lawrence, Lawrence, Beverley Robinson. Includes Signatures of--Mathew Dubois, (?) Dyckman, Lawrence, Lawrence.

Box 1 Folder 15 (15) Bond of Oliver De Lancey, John Watts and John Van Cortlandt

TO--Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Nathaniel Marston and John Ogilvie: agreeing as part owners and as trustees for the heirs and devisees of Stephanus Van Cortlandt (except heirs of Johannes Van Cortlandt) to abide by the award of William Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators, June 6th, 1770. Mentions--Oliver De De Lancey, Thomas Jones, John Van Cortlandt, Johannes Van Cortland, John Watts, Stephen Watts. Includes Signatures of--Oliver De Lancey, Thomas Jones, John Van Cortlandt, John Watts, Stephen Watts.

Box 1 Folder 16 (16) Legal opinion of "Mr. [David] Ogden" that Fishkill Creek is the true north boundary of Philipse Patent, giving full descriptions of original grants of both Patents. No date

Mentions--Henry Beekman, D. Dorlandt, David Ogden. Includes Signatures of--Mr. Ogden

Box 1 Folder 17 (17) Map of Rombout Patent, (made by Cornelius Low, surveyor, 1721)

Mentions--Corn Low, Moses Bondy

Box 1 Folder 18 (18) Division of Rombout Patent made May 9th, 1708 by (Thomas) Noxon, Sheriff, assisted by 12 freeholders, three allotments made for the representatives of the original patentees. Copy from Record

Mentions--John Bass, Mrs. Brett, Roger Brett, John Baptist Dumond, Waldrand Dumnond, Arian Geriste, Abraham Hendrickson, Jacob Keep, John Keep, Jacobus Kipp, George Joseph Moore, Thomas Noxon, Lawrence Ostrandt, Michael Parmenter, Casper Prince, Johanis Schapmus, Egbert Schonmaker, Turmis Tappen, Gert Van Cortlandt, Barnt VanKleek. Includes Signatures of--George Joseph Moore,

Box 1 Folder 19 (19) Descriptions of Rombout Patent made by James Bobin, Secretary, from record, 1721 May 25, 3 copies with notes on same probably made by Mr. Ogden

Includes Signatures of--James Bobin, Moss Kent.

Box 1 Folder 20 (20) Release from Beverley Robinson, John Ogilvie, Adolph Philipse and Nathaniel Marston (guardian of Frederick and Nathaniel Philipse)

TO Lawrence Lawrence for all lands north of line established by arbitrators, February 18th, 1771. Mentions--Lloyd Danbury, Nathaniel Marston, Thomas Marston, Reverend John Ogilvie, Adolph Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Peleg Wixon (or Wissens). Includes Signatures of--Lloyd Danbury, Nathaniel Marston, Thomas Marston, Reverend John Ogilvie, Adolph Philipse, Colonel Beverley Robinson.

Box 1 Folder 21 (21) Letter from Beverley Robinson to Lawrence Lawrence sending notice of giving release, and requesting release in return, Dated Highlands, March 5th, 1771

Includes Signature of--Colonel Beverley Robinson.

Box 1 Folder 22 (22) Bill for expenses of above award for all lands south of line established fay arbitrators with receipt for 29 pounds, 12,6- by Samuel Ver Planck to Beverley Robinson

Mentions--Beverley Robinson. Includes Signature of--Samuel Ver Planck.

Box 1 Folder 23 (23) Release from Samuel Ver Planck to Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse and Nathaniel Marston, for all lands south of line established by arbitrators, dated February 18th 1771

Mentions--Nathan Childs, John Livingston, Nathaniel Marston, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Samuel Ver Planck. Includes Signatures of--Nathan Childs, John Livingston, Nathaniel Marston, Samuel Ver Planck.

Box 1 Folder 24 (24) Release from Lawrence Lawrence to Beverley Robinson and others for all lands south of said line, 1771

Mentions--John Davis, Lawrence Lawrence, William and William Livingston, Albert Swin. Includes Signature of--John Davis, Lawrence Lawrence, William and William [Livingston (?)] Albert Swin.

Box 1 Folder 25 (25) Deed from William G. Ver Planck, Mary Ver Planck, Philip A. Ver Planck and Eliza Ver Planck, TO--Mary Gouverneur for confirmation of boundary line between Rombout and Philipse Patents, July 21st, 1846. Pencil notes by Frederick Philipse.

Mentions--Mary Gouverneur, Samuel Gouverneur, Nathan Reeve, Jacob Schofield, E. Fitch Smith, Eliza VerPlanck, Eliza A. VerPlanck, Mary E. VerPlanck, Philip A. Ver Planck, William G. Ver Planck, Charles Webb. Includes Signatures of--E. Fitch Smith, Eliza A. Ver Planck, Mary E. Ver Planck, Philip A. Ver Planck, William G. Ver Planck.

Box 1 Folder 26 (26) Copy Opinion of Greene C. Bronson, Attorney General, concerning true boundary line between Putnam and Duchess Counties, and establishing an east line from the south side of the mouth of Fishkill Creek as such boundary.

In 1754, an agreement between Philipse and Beekman was had and a line run by Samuel Willey, surveyor, 2 ½ miles north of East and West lines, contains full notices of the Gores in Rombout and Beekman Patents, stating that the north line of Rombout Gore was run by James Clinton in 1774, and called the "Agreement line", that Judge (Jacob) Trumpbour run the "east and west" line in 1833, and refers to case of Jackson, ex demissione, Schenck v. Wood, 13 Johnson 346, et cetera. Mentions--Henry Beekman, Greene C. Bronson, James Clinton, H. Halsey, John Hopkins, James Trumpbour, Samuel Willis. Includes Signatures of--H. Halsey--

Box 1 Folder 27 (27) Release from Beverly Robinson and others

TO--Samuel Ver Planck for all lands north of line established by arbitrators, dated February 18th, 1771. Copy from record by Archibald Campbell, Deputy Secretary. Mentions--Lloyd Danbury, Archibald Campbell, Robert Harpur, Thomas Marston, James Trumpbour, Hugh Wallace. Includes Signatures of--Lloyd Danbury, Archibald Campbell, Robert Harpur, Thomas Marston.

Box 1 Folder 28 (28) Map showing Compromise Line of 1771

Mentions--T. Connor, Samuel M. Stevens, Philip Ver Planck, Samuel Ver Planck.

Box 1 Folder 29 (29) Genealogical map of Ver Planck family.

Box 1 Folder 30 (30) Gore in Beekman Patent. James Jackson ex demissione Beverley Robinson against Samuel Munro. (See also (202) in box 3.)

Suit in ejectment for lands in said Gore. Plaintiff's declaration cites agreement between New York and Connecticut, 1683-1719--establishment of line in 1731, descent of title of Philipse Patent from Adolph Philipse to present owners, --agreement with Henry Beekman and others by which the north line of Gore was run by Willis, January 15th, 1754 and release of all lands south of said line by the owners of Beekman's Patent January 18th, 1754. (Samuel Munro was ejected after a long and expensive suit.) Mentions--John Cowles, Governor Thomas Dongan and James Jackson.

Box 1 Folder 31 (31) Dates of birth and baptism of children of Philip and Margaret Philipse, (note by Frederick Philipse that it is in handwriting of Philip Philipse their father), and death of Philip Philipse, May 9th, 1768

Mentions--Reverend Samuel Auchmuty, Reverend Henry Barclay, Mary Brockholst, Reverend Richard Charlton, Ebenezer Grant, Isaac Lattouch, Mary Marston, Nathaniel Marston, Samuel Monroe, Beverley Robinson, Frederick Phi1ipse, Johanna Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse, Nathaniel Marston Jr., Adolph Philipse.

Box 1 Folder 32 (32) Abstract of title of Frederick Philipse, Samuel M. Warburton, and Mary M. Gouverneur, Margaret P. Moore, and Mary Philipse Gouverneur (daughter of Adolphus), to lands in Philipse Patent.

[NOTE: documents (32) and (33) are in the same folder.]

Giving complete genealogical data, and mentioning grant of lands under water by Patent 1811, and sale of dock property at Cold Spring to Paul S. Foster and Henry Haldane, 1831. Mentions--Theodore Griffin, Mary Gouverneur, Samuel Gouverneur, Margaret Moore, William Moore, Mr. [Paul S.] Forbes, Paul S. Foster, A.G. Gill, Elizabeth G. Gouverneur, Frederick Philipse Gouverneur, Henry Holdane, Mary Marston.

Box 1 Folder 33 (33) Newspaper clippings showing dates of deaths of Adolph Philipse as 1749-50 and of Margaret Philipse as 1752

[NOTE: documents (32) and (33) are in the same folder.]

Mentions--Adolph Philipse, Margaret Philipse.

Box 1 Folder 33.5 (33 ½) Adolphe Philipse Esq to John Cruger--Indenture 21st June 1789

Box 1 Folder 34 (34) Chancery Suit. Complaint of Johanna Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson and wife and Mary Philipse, executors and devisees of Frederick Philipse, heir-at-law to Adolph Philipse.

[NOTE: Document (34) is missing.]

The subject of this extremely voluminous complaint is that the above [Johanna Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson and wife and Mary Philipse] were entitled to 1/8 of the personal property of Adolph Philipse; that Joseph Reade, who married Anna, daughter of Philip and Ann French, was appointed administrator and was instructed to take advice upon all matters with Joseph Murray, Esq., that the personal estate was very large and that Philip French and Cornelius Van Horn had brought suits for large sums and that Reade, without consulting his counsel and apparently with intent to favor his relations, had confessed judgment without making any defense, and refused to make any effort to have the judgment set aside. That claims for vary large sums were made by Frances Van Cortlandt, executrix, Frederick Van Cortlandt, executor of Jacobus Van Cortlandt, deceased, and that Read in the same manner had confessed judgment for 4,000 pounds, although most of the claims were fictitious, among others a large sum for board while visiting at the house of Jacobus Van Cortlandt as a relative, neither expecting to pay nor Mr. Cortlandt ever expecting to charge for the same. The complainants pray for relief as usual. It would seem as if the Van Cortlandt family had made a [illegible] effort to obtain from the estate of Adolph Philipse dead, a part of the wealth which they failed to get from Adolph Philipse living. Attached to the complaint are several lengthy schedules, showing dealings with great numbers of people, and curious as giving the prices of almost every conceivable article used and dealt in at that time (1752). Mentions--John Abul, N. Ailwell, Huylbert Ailson, Abraham Akerman, John Alje, (?) Allen, Mrs. Allair, John Alsop, Albert Anthony, Mrs. Baybarire, Thomas Bayeams, Samuel Bayard, Samuel Bell, Mrs. Betsy, (?) Bickley, Christopher Billop, Mr. Bloons, Cornelius Joregon Bowman, John Busteed, Mr. Bradford, William Browyer, Ebenezer Bryant, (?) Bybair, Jeremiah Calcut, Mrs. Carr, Captain Carter, William Gasbeck Chambers, George Clarke, Thomas Codrington, Jeremiah Colent, Mr. Cooper, William Coventry, Glen Cross, Martinus Cruger, Thomas Davenport, William Davenport, Nic Davois (See Devois) Lawrence DeCamp, Barent DeWit, Colonel DePuyster, Joseph Dereman, Abraham Devois, D. Dorlandt, Thomas Dunkan, Mr. Dupree, John Duybel, Garet Duykin, Mr. Fairchild, Anthony Farmers, Anneke French, Elizabeth French, John French, Nanny French, Philip French, Mr. Freneau, Charles Fontyn, William Foster, William Fowler, David Galation, William Gilbert, N. Gouverneur, Colonel Grosbeck, Mrs. Hageman, Captain Hamilton, John Hardenbrook, Sir Charles Hardy Kt., John Harmony, John Harris, Tunes Harsk, Joseph Haynes, D. Henderson, Egbert Hendrickse, Gerrtie Hibbins, Humphy Hill, Gertie Hobbs, Captain Holland, John Hornik, William Howard, Humphrey Hull, Thomas Huson, John Hutchins, David Jamieson, Mrs. Jandine, Captain Joiner, (?) Kearney, John Kierson, James Kierstead, Isaac King, James Kip, John Leads, Abraham Lefferts, John Lemetre, P.W.B. Livingston, Gabriel Ludlow, Abraham Mesier, John Montanye, Joseph Murray, Benjamin Nicoll, Richard Nichols, Elisha Parker, (?) Peiro, Samuel Pell, Mrs. Ann Philipse, Catharine Philipse, Johanna Philipse, Joseph Philips, James Phillipps, Abraham Pierce, Daniel Polhemus, Widow Provost, (?) Quimby, James Read, James Reade, Captain Lawrence Reade, Ann Reseau, Paul Richard, Thomas Roberts, James Roosevelt, (?) Rowlands, Harmans Rutgers, Richard Sackett, Samuel the Carman, John Sayre, John Morin Scott, Mr. Sharpes, Isaac (widow) Sie, Peter Sie, Robert Sinklair, Reverend Thomas Slow, William Smith, John Stephenson, Widow Storm, David Storms, Daniel Stregch, Peter Striker, Charlotte String, John Theobold, Abraham Tietsoort, Frances Van Cortlandt, Frederick Van Cortlandt, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Cornelius Van Horn, John Van Horn, Van Der Hovens, Wunderspiegelan, Widow VanTassyl, John Van Versten, Abraham Van Vleet, John Van Santer, Abraham Van Stryp, John VanZandt, (?) Verduyn, Ben Waide, William Walton, Borvit Wartman, Robert Watts, (widow) Wervay, Lawrence Wassel, Abraham White, John White, Peter White. Includes Signatures of--Abraham Pierce.

Box 2 Folder 35 (35) Partition Deed. Charles M. Warburton, Bishop of Limerick, and wife Frances (by Thomas Streatfield Clarkson, Attorney), Augustus Vallette Van Horne and wife Ann Van Horne, Reverend Frederick Van Horne and wife Elizabeth C. Van Horne (by Augustus Van Horne, Attorney) James P. Van Horne and wife Eliza Van Horne, Thomas S. Clarkson and wife Elizabeth Clarkson, Levinus Clarkson and wife Anne Mary Clarkson

TO--Samuel and Mary Gouverneur. The said Frances, Augustus, Elizabeth, Frederick, Ann and James P. being children, and Mary Gouverneur a grandchild, of Ann Van Horne widow first of Nathaniel Marston and second of David Van Horne. (She was daughter of Jacobus Van Cortlandt.) In a partition deed of the real estate of Frederick Van Cortlandt given October 14th, 1807 by John Jay and Gouverneur Morris as trustees, and Augustus Van Cortlandt, Eve White, Sir John Macnamara Hayes and wife Anne, Henry White, Frederick V.C. White, John Clarke White, Peter Jay Munro and wife Margaret, Archibald Bruce and wife Frances, (The said Anna, Frederick, Henry, John, Margaret and Frances being children of Eva White) there was conveyed to the parties mentioned above [at (35)], the 3rd allotment of said real estate as follows: 1st Subdivision 4 of Lot 5 in first allotment of Oriskany Patent in Oneida County, NY--120 acres; 2nd Subdivision 1 of Lot 4 in second allotment--117 acres. 3rd Subdivision 4 of Lot 4 in Second allotment--74 acres; 4th Subdivision 3 of Lot 1 in Fifth allotment--104 acres; 5th Subdivision 1 of west half of Lot 2 in Sixth allotment--118 acres. Second--A Lot between South and [illegible] Streets, New York; Third--Two Lots between Pearl and Water Streets; Fourth--Lot on east side of New Forest; Fifth--Ten Lots in the 5th and 6th Wards, part of the "Pasture Lots". The parties first named release to Samuel and Mary Gouverneur Lot No. 10 in the Pasture Lots. Dated June 27th, 1808. Mentions--Archibald Bruce, Elizabeth Clarkson, Levinus Clarkson, Mary Clarkson, Thomas S. Clarkson, Thomas Copper, Mary Gouverneur, Samuel Gouverneur, Ann Hayes, Sir John M. Hayes, John Jay, Abraham Lott, Abraham Lott, Gabriel Ludlow, Margaret Monroe, Peter J. Monroe, Gouverneur Morris, Isaac P. Ogden, August Van Cortlandt, Ann Van Horne, Augustus Van Horne, Augustus Van Horne, James P. Van Horne, Mary C. Van Horne, Charles M. Warburton, Eve White, Frederick Van Cortlandt White, Henry White , John Chambers White, John Clarke White. Includes Signatures of--Elizabeth Clarkson, Levinus Clarkson, Mary Clarkson, Thomas S. Clarkson, Thomas Copper, Abraham Lott, James P. Ogden, Ann Van Horne, Augustus Van Horne, James P. Van Horne, Mary C. Van Horne.

Box 2 Folder 36 (36) Map of Lot 2 Philipse Patent (Now Cold Spring, Bull Hill et cetera), made by Daniel Lambert, 1769, giving names of early residents

Mentions--(?) Budd, Thomas Davenport, William Davenport, (?) Eldridge, David Lambert Jr. (?) Nelson, John Ogilvie, (?) Rogers, (?) Sears. Includes Signature of--David Lambert Jr.

Box 2 Folder 37 (37) Copy will of Reverend John Ogilvie, English letters testamentary attached, dated November 22nd, 1774

Leaves legacies to church for Charity school, to corporation for relief of widows and children of clergymen, and to College of Province of New York. To wife Margaret Leasehold house and land at Corlears Hook and 1/4 of estate, rest to children George and Mary. Mentions--Samuel Bayard Jr., Cadwallader Colden, James De Lancy, George Gosking, (?) Heseltene, Samuel Jones, David Judson, J. Lamarkee, Cary Ludlow, (?) Lushington, John Marston, Nathaniel Marston, Rachel Marston, George Ogilvie, Mary Ogilvie, Henry Stevens, James Townley, Thomas Tredwell, Augustus Van Cortlandt, John Wigglesworth. Includes Signatures of--George Gosking, Henry Stevens, James Townley, John Wigglesworth.

Box 2 Folder 38 (38) Lease (on Paper) Frederick Philipse

TO--Adolph Philipse l/5 of a tract of 10,000 acres in Ulster County, Patented to Jeremiah Schuyler, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Frederick Philipse, William Sharpas and Isaac Robin, January 22nd 1719. Said Tract bounded north by land of Edward Gatehouse, and Gerardus Beekman, west by mountains, south by unappropriated land and east by Paltz river, dated December 15th, 1727. Mentions--Gerardus Beekman, James De Lancy, Captain John Evans, David Galation, Edward Gatehouse, Obad Hunt, Isaac Robbin, Stephen Russel, Jeremiah Schuyler, Frederick Philipse, William Sharpas, Jacobus Van Cortlandt. Includes Signatures of--James De Lancy, Obad Hunt, Frederick Philipse, William Sharpas.

Box 2 Folder 39 (39) Release (on Parchment) Frederick Philipse--

TO--Adolph Philipse l/5 of a tract of 10,000 acres in Ulster County, Patented to Jeremiah Schuyler, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Frederick Philipse, William Sharpas and Isaac Robin, January 22nd, 1719. Said tract bounded north by land of Edward Gatehouse, and Gerardus Beekman, west by mountains, south by unappropriated land and east by Paltz river, dated December 15th, 1727. Mentions--James De Lancy, Obidiah Hunt, George-Ogilvie, Jeremiah Schuyler, Gordon Treat. Includes Signatures of--James De Lancy, Frederick Philipse.

Box 2 Folder 40 (40) Petition of Philip Philipse to Governor Thomas Dongan for a Patent for land at Sing Sing, February 18th, 1686. (Copy)

Box 2 Folder 41 (41) Patent to Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson, and Roger Morris for lands at east end of Philipse Patent next the Oblong, March 27th, 1761. (Copy) Recites first patent to Adolph Philipse

Mentions--Cadwallader Colden.

Box 2 Folder 42 (42) Orders in Council granting Patent for the above land at Sing Sing, 4,725 acres, February 7th 1761. (Certified Copy)

Mentions--George Clarke, Henry Beekman, Alexander Colden, Cadwallader Colden, Archibald Kennedy, Stephanas Van Cortland.

Box 2 Folder 43 (43) Copy of patent to Frederick Philipse, dated 1680 and granted by Edmund Andros for a plot of land in New York City on Stony Street

Mentions--Edmund Andros, Philip Wells, John West.

Box 2 Folder 44 (44) Letter about above same Petition [for a Patent for land at Sing Sing] from Reverend Marmaduke C.F. Morris, Newton-on-Ouse, York, England, Feb. 22, 1888

Mentions--Marmaduke C.F. Morris. Includes Signature of--Marmaduke C.F. Morris.

Box 2 Folder 45 (45) Papers relating to dispute with Native Americans about lands in Philipse Patent.

Statement of controversy between Daniel Nimham (1726-1778), Native American Sakima [Chief] of the Wappinger, and Philipse family, March 9th 1765. Copy from volume XVIII Land Papers, Secretary of State's office.

Box 2 Folder 46 (46) Report of Committee appointed by Council on dispute with Native Americans about lands in Philipse Patent, 1765

Mentions--Daniel Monroe, Stephen Wilcocks, Joseph Craw, Daniel Horsmanden. (See also (54) in box 2)

Box 2 Folder 47 (47) Petition of Sakima [Chief] Daniel Nimham to Sir Henry Moore, January 7th, 1767

Box 2 Folder 48 (48) Petition of Sakima [Chief] Daniel Nimham to Sir Henry Moore March 1st, 1765 to Cadwallader Colden

Mentions--Daniel Nimham, Jacobus Nimham, Pound Pocktone.

Box 2 Folder 49 (49) List of witnesses desired by Daniel Nimham showing names of several early settlers on Philipse Patent, January 30th 1767

Mentions--Jacobus Tarbush, Peter Angevine, Judge Bloomer, Honice Boyde, Daniel Cornall, Samuel Costan, George Curry, Richard Curry, John Depie, James Dickenson, John Baptist Dumond, Henry Fernander, Isaac Fernander, Samuel Hasor, William Hill, Neheamier Horten, Joseph Merritt, George Huson, William Ogden, David Paddock, James Phillipps, Elijah Tomkins, Judge Underhill, John Tomkins, Joseph Travis, John VanTassel, Daniel Nimham, Sir Henry Moore.

Box 2 Folder 50 (50) Reasons of Roger Morris, Beverley Robinson, and Philip Philipse against the claims of Nimham

Mentions--Mr. Duane, Sir Henry Moore.

Box 2 Folder 51 (51) Affidavit of Timothy Shaw March 6th, 1767, states he had known all settlements on Philipse Patent for last 25 years, giving names of early settlers and account of difficulties with Native Americans

Mentions--John Barley, (?) Barlow, John Bircham, Nathan Bircham, John Bradley, William Brandepey, Caleb Brundige, Jeremiah Calkins, John Calkins, (?) Cole, Amos Dickenson, James Dickenson, John Dickenson, John Engleston, Samuel Field, (?) Hill, Daniel Horsmanden, William Hunt, George Hughson, Samuel Jones, Ebenezer King, Thomas Kirkham, Uriah Lawrence, James McCready, Philip Minthorne, Moses Northrup Sr., David Paddock, James Paddock, Peter Paddock, Joseph Porter, William Rabeley, John Reynols, Nathaniel Robinson, Timothy Shaw, John Smith, William Smith, John Sprague, Edward Stevens, William Sturdevent, Elisha Tomkins, John Tomkins, Daniel Townsend, Nathaniel Underhill, Ichabod Vickerey, Hezekiah Wright. Includes Signatures of--Daniel Horsmanden, Timothy Shaw.

Box 2 Folder 52 (52) Memorandum of certain items of evidence to be obtained evidently in relation to Gore in Beekman Patent, including "release of Colonel Beekman to Beverley Robinson and others," copy of Beekman's Patent. and "Old Colonel Beekman's will". undated, (circa 1770)

Mentions-William Scott.

Box 2 Folder 53 (53) Proceedings in Council February 6th, 1765, on Petition of Roger Morris and others, stating that Stephen Wilcox, Charles Peck and others had "spirited up" certain Native Americans to make trouble

Reference to a committee, one of the judges to be one. Mentions--Goldbrow Banyar, Cadwallader Colden, (?) Delancy, Daniel Horsmanden, Samuel Monroe, Charles Peck, Robert Watts, Stephen Wilcocks, Mr. Smith, Mr. Reade, Mr. Walton. Includes Signature of--Goldbrow Banyar.

Box 2 Folder 54 (54) Proceedings of the Council (Colonial Court of Chancery), Judge Daniel Horsmanden, Chairman, certifying that Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris and Philip Philipse were the true owners of the Patent 'by lawful purchase," and that Stephen Wilcox, Joseph Craw and Samuel Munro should be proceeded against for stirring up Native Americans-- with decree of council to such effect

Including (See also, (46) in box 2 [16th March 1763]. Mentions-- John Aikin, Goldbrow Banyar, Blandiena Bayard, Cadwallader Colden, Stephen Cowenham, Joseph Craw, (?) Delancy, Daniel Horsmanden, Stephen Kounham, Daniel Monroe, Samuel Monroe, Daniel Nimham, Jacobus Nimham, Pound Pocktone, James Reade, William Sharpass, Mr. Smith, (?) Stirling, Jacobus Terbus, Mr. Watts, Mr. Walton, Robert Watts, Philip Van Cortlandt, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Stephen Wilcocks. Includes Signature of--Goldbrow Banyar.

Box 2 Folder 55 (55) Letter from Sir William Johnson to Colonel Roger Morris, dated Johnson Hall, August 26th, 1765, states that the claims of Nimham and his Native Americans had been presented

but he [Nimham] had declined assistance and that he had made it an invariable rule when claims are set up by a tribe of little consequence to let it remain unsupported rather than disturb old titles, but otherwise when a tribe is powerful enough to make trouble. Includes Signature of--Sir William Johnson.

Box 2 Folder 56 (56) Original Native American Deed to Adolph Philipse for all the lands in Highland Patent, August 13th 1702 [Facsimile is in William S. Pelletreau's History of Putnam County New York: With Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men (Philadelphia : W.W. Preston, 1886): between pp. 18-19.]

[NOTE: (56) and (56-a) are in the same folder.]

Mentions Native Americans--Amehevend, Cowenhahum, Cramatacht, Gachquaran, Goraponwas, Haupe, Hengham, Kochhenond, Meconop, Matapscht, Onach Lean, Petawachpiet, Siporewak, Shawiss, Wapatough, Wassawawogh, Werachtacus, Whannawhan. Including Native American Signatures--Amehevend, Cowenhahum, Cramatacht, Gachquaran, Haupe, Hengham, Meconop, Metapscht, Onach Lean, Siporewak, Shawiss, Wassawawogh. Also Mentions--Blandiena Bayard, Adolph Philipse, William Sharpas, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt, Stephanus Van Cortlandt. Also Includes Signatures--Blandiena Bayard, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, William Sharpass.

Box 2 Folder 56 (56-a) Facsimile of above deed (56)

[NOTE: (56) and (56-a) are in the same folder.]

Box 2 Folder 57 (57) Petition of Adolph Philipse to Governor Benjamin Fletcher for Patent June 7th, 1697 (Copy)

Mentions--Goldbrow Banyar, Samuel Barnums, D. Crosby, Lambert Dorlandt, Governor Benjamin Fletcher, Adolph Philipse, Jan Seberinge, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Including Signature of--Goldbrow Banyar.

Box 2 Folder 58 (58) Original release from Jan Seberinge and Lambert Dorlandt to Adolph Philipse for lands purchased of Native Americans, June 16th 1697

Mentions--Anthony Brockholst, Lambert Dorlandt, David Jamieson, Jan (Roeloffe) Seberinge, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Thomas Young. Including Signatures of--Lambert Dorlandt, David Jamieson, Jan (Roeloffe) Seberinge, Thomas Young.

Box 2 Folder 59 (59) Original Native American Deed to Jean Seabrant and Lambard Dorlandt for lands afterwards sold to Adolph Philipse, July 15th 1691 [Facsimile is in William S. Pelletreau's History of Putnam County New York: With Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men (Philadelphia : W.W. Preston, 1886): between pp. 12-13.]

Mentions Native Americans--Anguikenagg, Raentagg, Wassawrawigh, Mannakahorint, Moakenap, Weaweinoww, Awanganugh. Including Native American Signatures--Anguikenagg, Raentagg, Wassawrawigh, Mannakahorint, Moakenap, Weaweinoww, Awanganugh. Also mentions--Nicholas Reynells, Lambert Dorlandt, Jan Seberinge, Philip Van Cortlandt, Stephen Van Cortlandt. Also Mentions Signatures--Nicholas Reynells, Stephen Van Cortlandt.

Box 2 Folder 60 (60) License from Anthony Brockholst to Jan Sebringe and others to buy lands from the Native Americans

Mentions--Anthony Brockholst, John Knight, Jan Seberinge. Including Signature of--Anthony Brockholst.

Box 2 Folder 61 (61) Copy of Patent to Adolph Philipse (Certified)

Mentions--Goldbrow Banyar, Archibald Campbell, Jasper Hopper, David Jamieson. Including Signatures of--Goldbrow Banyar, Archibald Campbell, Jasper Hopper, David Jamieson.

Box 2 Folder 62 (62) Philipse family Portraits: Colonel Adolph ("Patentes")

Frederick ("Yonker") and his children--Frederick, Philip, Susanna, Mary and Margaret; Margaret Ogilvie (wife of Philip): Also of Lieutenant Colonel Roger Morris (descendant of Mary) and his wife: Also Photograph of Reverend Frederick O. Morris of Nunburnholme, Yorkshire, England, grandson of Mary Philipse.

Box 2 Folder 63 (63) Autograph letter of Reverend Frederick O. Morris of Nunburnholme, Yorkshire, England

Box 2 Folder 64 (64) Deed--John Longwell and wife Mehitabel Longwell. TO--Nicholas and William Ager, 64 acres of land in Carmel, March 7th, 1806. Acknowledged before Robert Johnston (Judge)

Mentions--Nicholas Ager, William Ager, David Hitchcock, Joseph Hitchcock, (Judge) Robert Johnston, John Longwell, Mehitabel Longwell, Gilbert Traves, Lewis Pinckney, Thomas Pinckney. Including Signatures of--(Judge) Robert Johnston, John Longwell, Mehitabel Longwell, Thomas Pinckney.

Box 2 Folder 65 (65) Deed--John Sprague, TO--Aaron Hazen, 20 acres in Town of Fredericks, Putnam County, April 3rd, 1805, Witness S.H. Pratt, James Townsend

Mentions--Aaron Hazen, (Judge) Robert Johnston, Joseph Philips, S.H. Pratt, John Sprague, Peter Terry, James Townsend. Including Signatures of--(Judge) Robert Johnston, S.H. Pratt, John Sprague, James Townsend.

Box 2 Folder 66 (66) Deed--Abraham Baker, wife Mary Baker. TO--Samuel and Deborah Baker, 25 acres in Philipstown "by Edward Hoffer's Land", December 9th, 1801. Acknowledged before Samuel Owens

Mentions--Abraham Baker, Abraham Baker Jr., Deborah Baker, Mary Baker, Samuel Baker, William Denning, Michael Dobs, Edward Hoffer, Edward Hopper, Samuel Owens, Isaac Sirrine. Including Signatures of--Abraham Baker, Abraham Baker Jr., Mary Baker, Michael Dobs, Samuel Owens, Isaac Sirrine.

Box 2 Folder 67 (67) Deed--James Burton, and Nemie Burton, his wife to Daniel Seger. 62 acres in lot 20 on Oblong town of Franklin, (now Patterson) bounded west by middle line of Oblong, 292 rods by 34

Witness William Carlile, Thomas Frost Sr. Acknowledged before Sebastian Vischer, April 8th, 1799. Mentions--James Burton, Nemie Burton, William Carlile, Thomas Frost Sr., Thomas Gould, Daniel Seger, Sebastian Vischer. Including Signatures of--James Burton, Nemie Burton, William Carlile, Thomas Frost Sr., Sebastian Vischer.

Box 2 Folder 68 (68) Deed--Dennis Sunderland, wife Nancy. TO--Jacob Badeau, 6 acres in Carmel on west side of road from Red Mills to Peekskill, April 4th 1812. Witness Robert Johnston, Ann Mitchell. Acknowledge

Mentions--Jacob Badeau, Richard Dean, Samuel Downs, (Judge) Robert Johnston, Ann Mitchell, Dennis Sunderlin (Sunderland), Dennis Sunderland, Nancy Sunderland. Including Signatures of--(Judge) Robert Johnston, Ann Mitchell, Dennis Sunderlin (Sunderland), Nancy Sunderlin.

Box 2 Folder 69 (69) Nathaniel Gager, wife Elizabeth Gager, to Ebenezer Cole, part of lot sold by Commissioners of Forfeiture to Joseph Bard, 72 acres joining land of David Hill. May 15th, 1795, (Putnam Valley)

Mentions--Joseph Bard, Ebenezer Bell, Ebenezer Cole, Elizabeth Gager, Nathaniel Gager, David Hill, Gilbert Livingston, Charles Miller, Henry Post. Including Signatures of--Joseph Bard, Ebenezer Bell, Elizabeth Gager, Nathaniel Gager, Gilbert Livingston, Charles Miller.

Box 2 Folder 64x (64x) Commission to Fred. Philipse as 3rd Lieutenant in Capt. Adolph Philipse, Independent Company of Rangers by Governor William Tryon Sept. 9th, 1772

Mentions--Edw. Fanning, Governor William Tryon. Including Signatures of--Edw. Fanning, Gov. Wm. Tryon. [old number 137]

Box 2 Folder 65x (65x) Diploma, Latin, to Frederick Philipse as B.A. Kings College, May 18th, 1773. Myles Cooper, President

Including Signature of--Myles Cooper [old number 188]

Box 2 Folder 66x (66x) Diploma to Nathaniel Philipse, May 18th, 1773

Including Signature of--Myles Cooper [old number 189]

Box 2 Folder 67x (67x) Commission to Adolph Philipse as Capt. of Independent Company of Rangers, by Governor William Tryon, Sept. 9th 1772

Mentions--George Hepburn, Governor William Tryon. Including Signature of--Gov. Wm. Tryon. [old number 159]

Box 2 Folder 68x (68x) Commission of Nathaniel Philipse as Ensign in 7th Regt., by Sir. Wm. Howe, August 28th, 1776

Including Signature of--Sir William Howe [old number 155]

Box 2 Folder 69x (69x) Commission to Fred. P. Philipse, Captain in Safe Guards, July 1st, 1779 by Sir Henry Clinton, with note by F.P., 1846

Mentions--Sir Henry Clinton, John Smith, Fred P. Philipse. Including Signatures of--Sir Henry Clinton, John Smith. [old number 145]

Box 3 Folder 70 (70) Deed--William Yeomans, wife Chloe Yeomans. TO--Elijah Carver 60 acres at northwest end of Long Pond bounded east by Timothy Carver, May 7th 1807. Witness Cornelius and Abraham Hill. Acknowledged before John Crane. (Carmel)

Mentions--Elijah Carver, Timothy Carver, Elijah Cole, Elisha Cole, John Crane, Abraham Hill, Cornelius Hill, Lewis Pinckney, Chloe Yeomans, William Yeomans. Including Signatures of--John Crane, Abraham Hill, Cornelius Hill, William Yeomans, Chloe Yeomans.

Box 3 Folder 70x (70x) Marine Society. Certificate of Membership to Adolphus Philipse, April 6th, 1772, by Leonard Lispenard President

Mentions--A. Griffiths, Leonard Lispenard. Including Signatures of--A. Griffiths, Leonard Lispenard. [old number 146]

Box 3 Folder 71 (71) Deed--John K. Seger, wife Clarry Seger. TO--Daniel Seger, 20 acres in lot 20 on Oblong, bounded east by Connecticut line, June 6th, 1808, Witness. Stephen and Daniel Barnum. Acknowledged. (Patterson)

Mentions--Samuel Barnum, Stephen Barnum, Daniel Barnum, Silas Burch, Clarry Seger, Daniel B. Seger, John K. Seger. Including Signatures of--Stephen Barnum, Daniel Barnum, Clarry Seger, John K. Seger.

Box 3 Folder 71x (71x) Sir Guy Carleton, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath . . . TO--Frederick P. Philips Esq. appointment to Captain of a Troop in the King's American Dragoons, 22nd February 1701

Box 3 Folder 72 (72) Deed--Stephen Hoyt and Eunice Leach, Administrators of Amos Leach. TO--Jakin Hayt, 88 acres in south west corner of lot 19 on Oblong, bought by Amos Leach of Silas Burch "where said Amos lived" except 6 acres sold to Daniel Haynes. Also a wood lot, 10 acres, in lot 16 on Oblong, "sold by Silas Burch, wife Mary to Amos Leach in 1808." September 22nd, 1809. Witnessed and Acknowledged (Patterson)

Mentions--Stephen Barnum, Silas Birch, Mary Burch, Silas Burch, Daniel Haynes, Jakin Hayt, Stephen Hoyt, Henry S. Jones, Amos Leach, Amos C. Leach, Betsey Leach, Deborah Leach, Eunice Leach, Julius C. Leach, Larry M. Leach, Rhuamay Leach, Daniel B. Seger. Including Signatures of--Stephen Barnum, Stephen Hoyt, Henry S. Jones, Eunice Leach.

Box 3 Folder 73 (73) Deed--William Yeomans and his wife Chloe Yeomans. TO--Isaac Austin, 30 acres, in Carmel, June 14th, 1802. Witnessed Robert Johnston, William H. Johnson, Acknowledged

Mentions--Isaac Austin, Smith Austin, Hendrick Brewer, Abraham Hill, William Jones, (Judge) Robert Johnston, William H. Johnston, John Simpkins, James Tallmadge, Chloe Yeomans, William Yeomans, Jonathan Whiting, Elijah Wright. Including Signatures of--Abraham Hill, (Judge) Robert Johnston, William H. Johnston, Chloe Yeomans, William Yeomans.

Box 3 Folder 74 (74) Deed--Ichabod Williams and wife Sarah Williams. TO--Joseph and William Duncan, 70 acres at north east corner of lot 19 on Oblong, except 12 acres sold to [?] Broughton, June 29, 1808, (Patterson)

Mentions--[?] Broughton, Zarnah Broughton, Joseph F. Cunningham, Joseph Duncan, William Duncan, (Judge) Robert Johnston, Samuel Rood Jr., Ichabod Williams, Sarah Williams. Including Signatures of--Joseph F. Cunningham, (Judge) Robert Johnston, Ichabod Williams, Sarah Williams, Samuel Rood Jr.

Box 3 Folder 75 (75) Deed--Devoe Bailey wife Elizabeth to Absalom Early, 13 acres in Carmel, Dec. 28th, 1797

Mentions--Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, Absalom Early, John Ganong, James Gregory, Joseph Gregory, John Halett, Eliphalet Hull, Hezekiah Hull, (Judge) Robert Johnston. Including signatures of--Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, James Gregory, John Halett, Eliphalet Hull, (Judge) Robert Johnston.

Box 3 Folder 76 (76) Deed--James Gregory and wife Esther, TO--Ebenezer Ganong, 90 acres in southwest corner of towns of Southeast, "beginning at a hemlock stump on east side of Croton river, the comer of four towns, Southeast, Carmel, North Salem and Stephen Town, " April 1st, 1808. Witnesses. John and Arabella Crane. Acknowledged

Mentions--Arabella Crane, John Crane, Ebenezer Ganong, Esther Gregory. Including Signatures of--Arabella Crane, John Crane, James Gregory and Esther Gregory.

Box 3 Folder 77 (77) Quit Claim Deed--Israel Cole. TO--Reuben Crosby, about 50 acres of land on the West side of the road leading from the Meeting house to Quaker Hill, 1761

[NOTE: Document (77) is missing.]

Mentions--Israel Cole, Joseph Cole, Joshua Crosby, Reuben Crosby, Samuel Dickenson, Moss Kent, Thomas Paddock, Elijah Tomkins, Joseph Vickerey. Including Signatures of--Israel Cole, Samuel Dickenson, Moss Kent.

Box 3 Folder 78 (78) Deed--Hannah Nickerson. TO--Edward Nickerson, 20 acres in Fredericks (now Patterson) on east side of Croton River, July 23rd, 1787. Witnesses Caleb Palmer, William DeLavan

Mentions--Jacob Benedict, Joseph Crane, William De Lavan, Hannah Nickerson, Edward Nickerson, Caleb Palmer. Including Signatures of--Joseph Crane, William De Lavan, Caleb Palmer, Hannah Nickerson.

Box 3 Folder 79 (79) Deed--Robert Johnston. TO--William Falconer, 5 acres "called the ore lot", bounded west by said Falconer, north by Mahopac pond, east by Abel Smith, reserving right to get ore, and any quantity of stone out of the quarry for use of mill farms, where said Johnson now lives. Price $100.00, Witnesses Elias Cornelius, Richard Dean, May 6th, 1808. Acknowledged before John Brush

Mentions--John Brush, Elias Cornelius, Joseph Crane, Richard Deen (or Dan), William Falconer, James Faleneur, Elizabeth Johnston, Robert Johnston, Abel Smith. Including Signatures of--John Brush, Elias Cornelius, Joseph Crane, Richard Deen (or Dan), Elizabeth Johnston, Robert Johnston.

Box 3 Folder 80 (80) John and Nathaniel Hyatt. TO--James B. Townsend and Charles Minor ½ of 400 acres in Philipse town, bounded East by line between Philipse town and Kent, (original east line of lot 4 Philipse patent) February 25th, 1818. Witnessed and Acknowledged

Mentions--Edward Buckbee, Charlotty Hyatt, Elizabeth Hyatt, John Hyatt, Minerva Hyatt, Nathaniel Hyatt, Charles Minor, James B, Townsend. Including Signatures of--Edward Buckbee, Charlotty Hyatt, Elizabeth Hyatt, John Hyatt, Minerva Hyatt, Nathaniel Hyatt.

Box 3 Folder 81 (81) Solomon Owens and wife Betsey and Jane Owens, widow of Jonathan Owens. TO--Benjamin and Israel Owens, 24 acres in Philipsetown, west side of Canopus Hollow road, June 27th, 1808

Mentions--John Concklin, Joseph Gale, Robert Johnston, Benjamin Owens, Betsy Owens, Israel Owens, Jane Owens, Jonathan Owens, Samuel Owens, Solomon Owens, John Tomkins. Including Signatures of--(Judge) Robert Johnston, John Concklin, Joseph Gale, Betsy Owens, Jane Owens, Samuel Owens, Solomon Owens.

Box 3 Folder 81 (81½) Cost of living on above lot [document 81]

[NOTE: (81) and (81 ½) are in the same folder.]

Box 3 Folder 82 (82) Deed--Devoe Bailey and wife Elisabeth. TO--Absalom Early, 5 acres, south part of Fredericks town, June 9th, 1792

Mentions--Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, (?) Crane, Absalom Early, Hezekiah Hull, (Judge) Robert Johnston, Abel Smith. Including Signatures of--Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, (?) Crane, (Judge) Robert Johnston.

Box 3 Folder 83 (83) Deed--John Jean and wife Isabel. TO--Abraham Mayner, 150 acres, east side of Groton River, (Southeast) March 27th, 1800

Mentions--Lemuel Clifts, Elijah Dean, Isabel Jean or (Jans) John Jean or (Jans), Abraham Mayner, Ebenezer Purdy, Samuel Theall. Including Signatures of--Isabel Jean or (Jans), John Jean or (Jans), Ebenezer Purdy, Samuel Theall.

Box 3 Folder 84 (84) Solomon Owens and others. TO--Benjamin Owens, 64 acres in Philipse town, "part of farms where Jonathan Owens lived." May 26th, 1813

Mentions--Cornelius Crawford, David Delavan, Jonathan Ferris, Jonathan Owens, Solomon Owens, Mary Tomkins, John Tomkins. Including Signatures of--Jonathan Ferris, Solomon Owens, Mary Tomkins, John Tomkins.

Box 3 Folder 85 (85) Letter from County Clerk of Dutchess, to County Clerk of Putman County, April 15th, 1835, referring to certain title deeds deposited with Loan Commissioners (Copy)

Box 3 Folder 86 (86) Deed--Benjamin Owens and wife Barbara Owens, Israel Owens and Jane Owens, widow of Jonathan Owens. TO--Solomon Owens, 33 acres in Philipstown, bounded south by Westchester line, June 27th, 1808

Mentions--Joseph Gale, Isaac Lent, Barbara Owens, Benjamin Owens, Israel Owens, Jane Owens, Solomon Owens. Including Signatures of--Joseph Gale, Barbara Owens, Benjamin Owens, Israel Owens, Jane Owens.

Box 3 Folder 87 87) Samuel Slawson and wife Polly Slawson, and Silas Slawson. TO – William Webb, 4 acres east side mill brook (Carmel) February 24th, 1803

Mentions--Joseph Crane, Nathan Lane Jr., Abraham Slawson Jr., Polly Slawson, Samuel Slawson, Silas Slawson, Michael Van De Vorts, William Webb. Including Signatures of--Nathan Lane Jr., Abraham Slawson Jr., Polly Slawson, Samuel Slawson, Silas Slawson.

Box 3 Folder 88 (88) Deed--Solomon Owens. TO--John Tomkins, 11 acres in Philipsetown bounded south by County line, May 14th, 1814.

Mentions--Jacob Frost, Jane Gales, Joseph Gale, Isaac Lent, William Nelson, Solomon Owens, Isaac Purdy Jr., John Tomkins. Including Signatures of--Joseph Gale, William Nelson, Solomon Owens, John Tomkins.

Box 3 Folder 89 (89) Deed--Josephus Barrett, wife Phebe. TO--William Robinson, 32 acres in Fredricks, (Kent) July 1st, 1814

Mentions--Josephus Barrett, Justus Barrett, Phebe Barrett, Cyrus Benjamin, Peter Benjamin, William Robinson, Ray Smith, Rowland Tanscoy. Including Signatures of--Josephus Barrett, Phebe Barrett, Cyrus Benjamin, Peter Benjamin.

Box 3 Folder 90 (90) Perpetual Lease. Margaret Ogilvie and Frederick Philips. TO--John Griffin, 116 acres, bounded west by line between Fishkill and Beekman towns, Dated June 7th, 1800, Signed by John Griffin, Witnesses, Mary Philips, Amos Balden, Gilbert Livingston

Mentions--Amos Belden, John Griffin, Gilbert Livingston, Margaret Ogilvie, Frederick Philipse, Mary Philipse, Thomas Sears. Including Signatures of--Amos Belden, John Griffin, Gilbert Livingston, Margaret Ogilvie, Frederick Philipse, Mary Philipse.

Box 3 Folder 91.5 (91½) Newspaper clippings referring to letters in the Prussian Army Archives from German army officers.

[NOTE: Clippings are missing or were withdrawn]

Clippings mention the elegance of manners prevailing in the old colonial families, like the Beekmans, Philipse &c [and other similar things]

Box 3 Folder 93 (93) Printed Memorial of Roger Morris in behalf of his four children, to the Commissioners appointed by order of Parliament to inquire into the losses and services of American Loyalists, 1787. Setting forth in full the claims of his children, to lands in Philipse Patent.

Mentions--Roger Morris

Box 3 Folder 94 (94) List of tenants on Capt. Philips long lot, (lot 6) Philipse Patent 1804, also on (lot 8) Mrs. Ogilvie's short lot, 1806

Mentions--Jonathan Andee, Josiah Baker, Daniel Baldwin, Eleazer Baldwin, Peleg Ballad, Tracy Ballad, Jos. Ballard, Abner Bangs, N. Bangs, Henry Bardin, Thaddeus Baxter, Daniel Belden, Henry Belden, Lewis Bennet, Samuel Birtch, Robert Booth, Elisha Brown, Ebenezer Brown, Michael Brown, Peter E. Brown, William Burrnus, et al.

Box 3 Folder 95 (95) List of Tenants and rents on lot 6, and 3 lot 8, November 1795

Mentions--John Adams, William Ager, John Ambler, Enos Ambler, Jonathan Andee, Avery Baker, Jones Baker Jr., Josiah Baker, Nathaniel Baker, Phineas Baker, Pelig Ballad, Tracy Ballad, James Baldwin, Abner Bangs, William Barber, Daniel Bardin, Henry Bardin, James Bardin, Mary Bardin, Garet Barger, Gideon Baxter, Daniel Belden, Daniel Birtch, Jeremiah Birtch, Samuel Birtch, Isaac Booth, Robert Booth, Daniel Borden, Henry Borden, James Borden, Ebenezer Brown, Elisha Brown, Peter E. Brown, William Burrhus, William Bunhust, et al.

Box 3 Folder 96 (96) License to Fred Philipse Gouverneur as Attorney at Law by John Savage, Ch. Justice, Aug. 22nd 1828, attested by A. Breen, Clerk

Including Signatures of--John Savage, A. Breen.

Box 3 Folder 98 (98) Map showing the divisions of the Gores in Rumbout and Beekman Patents, between the State of New York and Philipse family, November 1786 with notes on same

Box 3 Folder 99 (99) Map on north line of Highlands Mountains, made by John Alsop (about 1692) showing location of Nimham's wigwams and houses of settlers

[NOTE: See, Oversize]

Mentions--John Alsop, Daniel Nimham, John Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 100 (100) Will of Frederick Philipse, dated June 6th, 1751. Proved Oct. 14th, 1751, with genealogical notes (two copies)

Mentions--Goldbrow Banyar, Daniel Bayard, Geo. Clinton, Widow Crane, David Clarkson, James Emott, William Hammersley, William Jones Sr., Bartholomew Le Roux, Wm. Livingston, Jos. Murray, John Pintard, Adolph Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Johanna Philipse, Margaret Philipse, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Susannah (Philipse), Robinson, Beverley Robinson, John Russel, John Roome, John Richbell, Jacobus Van Cortland. Signature of--Charles McVean.

Box 3 Folder 100 (100½) Press Clippings about library of Fred Philipse (whose estates were confiscated)

[NOTE: (100) and (100½) are in the same folder.]

Mentions--John G. Leake, Frederick Philipse.

Box 3 Folder 101 (101) Original will and-certified copy of will of Samuel M.W. Gouverneur

Including Signatures of--Thomas Brady, S.M.W. Gouverneur, I.B. Nelson.

Box 3 Folder 102 (102) And letters testamentary, to Mary M. Gouverneur, Jan. 6th, 1877

Including Signature of--Edward Wright.

Box 3 Folder 103 (103) Will of Mary Gouverneur, dated May 13th, 1848. Original and [2 true copies]

Mentions--Mary M. Gouverneur, Adolphus N. Gouverneur, S.M.W. Gouverneur, Margaret P. Moors, Michael McCormick, Elias C. McLean. Including Signatures of--Mary Gouverneur, Michael McCormick, Elias C. McLean.

Box 3 Folder 104 (104) Also letters testamentary to Adolphus N. and Samuel M.W. Gouverneur, Jan. 9th, 1849

Mentions--Stephen Barnum, Azar B. Crane. Including Signatures of--Stephen Barnum, Azar B. Crane.

Box 3 Folder 105 (105) Letters of administration on estate of Margaret Ogilvie--

[NOTE: (105) and (105a) are in the same folder.]

TO--Frederick Philipse by Sylvanus Miller, Surrogate, Aug. 30th, 1808. Including Signature of--Silvanus Miller.

Box 3 Folder 105 (105a) [illegible] to F.P. Gouvernuer, May 1829 by James Campbell

[NOTE: (105) and (105a) are in the same folder.]

Box 3 Folder 107 (107) Will of Samuel Gouverneur Jan. 4th 1847, original and [(copy by F.P.) [NOTE: copy withdrawn]]

Mentions--Ager R. Crane, Samuel Gouverneur, Mary Gouverneur, Samuel M.W. Gouverneur, Elias C, McLean, Michael McCormick, Fred. Philipse. Including Signature of--Samuel Gouverneur

Box 3 Folder 108 (108) Letters Testamentary to Adolphus N. to Adolphus N. and Samuel M.W Gouverneur, Feb. 26th, 1847

Box 3 Folder 109 (109) List of tenants, rents &c [and other similar things] on Lot 6, Philipse Patent 1810

Mentions--Samuel Atkins, Levy Baker, Daniel Baldwin 2nd, Peleg Ballad, Noah Bouten, Jered Boutin, William Burgys, William Burrhus, Ebenezer Cole, John Conklin, Abiel Crosby, David Crosby, Edward Crosby, Enoch Crosby, Enoch Crosby Jr., James Crosby, Peter Crosby, Peter Dikeman, Edmond Done, Reuben Done, Benj. Dykman, Ezra Dykman, Joseph Dykman Jr., Hezekiah Dykman, Jacob Ellis, Enoch Ferris, Thomas Ferry, James Foster, Edmond Fowler, Solomon Fowler, Stephen Fowler, Daniel Gay, Elisha Gifford, Nehemiah Gifford, Jonathan Godfrey, William Green, Abraham Hill, Ferris Hill,, Charles Hines, James Hines, John Howe, Henry Hoyt, Elisha Hubbard, Nathaniel Hubbard, Abraham Hyatt, Benjamin Isaacs, Jonathan Kelly, Daniel Kents, John Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, Abraham Maybee Jr., Ethan Mead, Elisha Merritt, Stephen Minor, Jared Morehouse, George Murtch, Samuel Purdy, Elijah Penny, Robert Penny, Samuel Purdy, John Raymond, Dr. Daniel Read, Edward Rice, Ira Roberts, Moses Robertson, Moses C. Robinson, Amos Rogers, Lewis Rogers, Hezekiah Rowland, Levy Rowland, Archibald Sears, Thomas B. Sears, Abijah Seely, Jonathan Smith, John Snow, William Snow, Ichiel Stephens, Jehial Stevens, John Sunderland, Peter Terry, Thomas Terry, Samuel Towners, Abijah Townsend, Isaac Travis, Philip B. Travus, Charles Warring, Peter Warring, Samuel Warring, Ephriam Whitney, Silas Whitney, Widow of: John Wood, Decd., Ezra Young.

Box 3 Folder 110 (110) List of Tenants, rents &c. [and other similar things] on Long Lot, (Lot 8)

Mentions--Jonathan Andee, Josiah Baker, Daniel Baldwin, Eleazer Baldwin, Benjamin Ballad, Thaddeus Baxter, Lewis Bennet, Daniel Birtch, Aaron Brown, et al.

Box 3 Folder 117 (117) Gores. Memorandum of lands in sold to Henry Davis, John Chase and Moses Bundy with receipts for money signed by Margaret Ogilvie, Beverley Robinson, Roger Morris arid John Ogilvie, January 31st, 1771-73

Mentions--Moses Bondy, John Chase, Henry Davis, Col. Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, Margaret Ogilvie. Including Signatures of--Col. Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, Margaret Ogilvie.

Box 3 Folder 118 (118) Memorandum of same lands by Beverley Robinson

Mentions--Moses Bondy, John Chase, Henry Davis, Col. Beverley Robinson--Including Signature of--Col. Beverly Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 119 (119) Will of Adolph Philipse, dated June 2nd, 1785

Witnesses--Henry H. Kip, Jno. H. Kip, Richard Bayley. Proved June 2nd, 1785. Thomas Treadwell, Judge of Probate. Mentions--Richard Bayley, Anne Grant, Margaret Grant, Henry H. Kipp, John H. Kipp, Adolph Philipse, Thomas Tredwell. Including Signatures of--Richard Bayley, Henry H. Kipp, John H, Kipp, Adolph Philipse, Thomas Tredwell.

Box 3 Folder 124 (124) (Rumbout Patent) Notes of surveys made by Jonathan Hampton, Sept. 16, 1763

Mentions--(?) Buckhout, Judge Bush, Daniel Bush, Mr. Clinton, Gideon Crowfoot, Capt. Dickenson, Matthew Dubois, Mr. Griffin, Jonathan Hampton, (?) Hassbuck, William Haviland, (?) Lawrence, Saml. Munrow, (?) Taylor, Mathus Valentine, Mr. Willis. Including Signature of--Jonathan Hampton.

Box 3 Folder 125 (125) Bill for same also for Great survey in May 1765 -- making maps and with the lawyers and at trial

Mentions--Sidney Breese, Henry V.D. Ham, Jonathan Hampton, Mr. Ogden, Thomas Sanders. Including Signatures of--Jonathan Hampton, Mr. Ogden.

Box 3 Folder 128 (128) Original Will [and copy] of Philip Philipse, Jan. 30th, 1768, Codicil Feb. 11th, 1768, Witnesses --William Farquhar, Wil. Livingston, Wm. Wickham, Thomas Marston, John Marston, John Cooke

Mentions--Henry Brockholst, Mary Brockholst, John Cooke, William Farquhar, Wil. and Wm. Livingston, John Marston, Nathaniel Marston, Thomas Marston, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Margaret Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Wm. Wickhan. Including Signatures of--Wil. and Wm. Livingston, Philip Philipse, Wm. Farquhar, Wm. Wickham, Thomas Marston, John Marston, John Crooke, Fran. Childs.

Box 3 Folder 130 (130) John Jacob Astor, agreement to paid claim to Fred. Philipse all right to meadows near Constitution Island if he does not compromise with State of N.Y. May 23rd, 1827

Mentions--John Jacob Astor, Wm. W. Bruce. Including Signatures of--John Jacob Astor, Wm, W. Bruce.

Box 3 Folder 131 (131) Rumbout Patent, certified copy of Patent granted to Francis Rumbout, Jacobus Kipp and Steph. Van Cortlandt, Oct. 17th 1685

Mentions--Archibald Campbell, Jasper Hopper, Jacobus Kipp, Francis Rumbout, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Gulyne Ver Planck, Henrica VerPlanck. Including Signatures of--Archibald Campbell, Jasper Hopper.

Box 3 Folder 133 (133) Beekman Patent, Gore, Agreement by Henry. Beekman, Catherine Pawling and Robert G. Livingston as owners of the Patent that Alexander Colden and Samuel Willis shall run a line due east from mouth of Fishkill to the Oblong line, thence north along Oblong line 200 chains, thence due west to rear of Rumbout Patent, Jan. 15th, 1754

The tract thus laid out is called the Gore in Beekman Patent, and was released to the Philipse family to settle all disputes as to the boundaries between the two Patents. Mentions--Henry Beekman, Henry Beekman, Alexander Colden, Daniel Horsmanden, Henry P. Livingston, Robert G. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Susannah Robinson, Wm. Scott, Augustus Van Cortlandt. Including Signatures of--Henry Beekman, Daniel Horsmanden, Henry P. Livingston, Robert G. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Philip Philipse, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Wm. Scott.

Box 3 Folder 135 (135) Release of Henry Beekman and others to Philipse family for said Gore, Jan. 18th, 1758 (Recorded). (The paper is stamped)

Mentions--(?) Baker, Henry Beekman, Daniel Horsmanden, William Hunt, Henry Jacobs, P. Henry Livingston, Robert H. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Susannah Robinson, Wm. Scott, Samuel Willis. Including Signatures of--Henry Beekman, Daniel Horsrmanden, Henry Jacobs, P. Henry Livingston, Robert H. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Philip Philipse, Wm. Scott.

Box 3 Folder 136 (136) Map of Beekman Patent showing divisions between Catherine Pawling, Henry Beekman and Robert G. Livingston, undated (about 1760)

Mentions--Henry Beekman, Mrs. Brett, (?) DeMayer, Catherine Pawling.

Box 3 Folder 141 (141) Original Will of Adolphus N. Gouverneur, August 24th 1853, Copy of same

Mentions--George Carruthers, Adolphus Gouverneur, Andrew Russel, Ambrose Ryder. Including Signatures of--George Carruthers, Adolphus Gouverneur, Andrew Russel, Ambrose Ryder.

Box 3 Folder 142 (142) Letters of Administration to S.M.W. Gouverneur by Ambrose Ryder, Surrogate, September 10th, 1853

Mentions--John G. Leake. Including Signature of--John G. Leake.

Box 3 Folder 143 (143) Will. Fred Philipse, Sept. 1873. Proved November 21st, 1874. [Exemplified copy by Wm. Wood, Surrogate

Mentions--Edward. Baxter, George McCabe, Frederick Philipse, Wm. Wood, John K. Wyott, Edward Wright. Including Signatures of--Edward Baxter, George McCabe, Frederick Philipse, Wm. Wood, John K. Wyott, Edward Wright.

Box 3 Folder 144 (144) Letters testamentary and copy to Mary M. Gouverneur

Mentions--Edward Wright. Including Signature of--Edward Wright.

Box 3 Folder 154 (154) List of Deeds and papers delivered to Frederick Philipse by Joseph Read executor of Adolph Philipse, March 12th, 1749. Receipt of Fred Philipse

[NOTE: (154) and (154½) are in the same folder.]

Mentions--Johannes Buts, Samuel Davenport, Fred De Peyster, Isaac Hendricksen, Cornelius Kierstied, Frederick Philipse, Jacob Read, Jacobus Swarthout, Jacobus Terbos, Abm. VanHorn. Including Signatures of--Fred De Peyster, Frederick Philipse.

Box 3 Folder 154 (154½) Release by Aug. Van Cortland of claims of Estate of Eva Van Cortland, against Jos. Reade as Ex'r. of Estate of Adolph Philipse. (By courtesy of W.L. Pelletreau.)

[NOTE: (154) and (154½) are in the same folder.]

Mentions--John Charlton, Rich. Hareson, Adolph Philipse, Joseph Reade, John Reade, Thomas Smith, Wm. L. Smith, Philip Van Horne, Augustus Van Cortlandt. Including Signatures of--Rich. Hareson, Thomas Smith, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Wm. L. Smith.

Box 3 Folder 156 (156) Lease from Philip philipse. TO--Moss Kent for farm in Lot 8, 118 acres, August 1st, 1766, (On this farm Chancellor Kent was born and includes land on which church at Doanesburgh stands.)

Mentions--Zebulum Bass, Ezekiel Burgess, Jeremiah Burges, David Paddock, Moss Kent, Gideon Pringle. Including Signatures of--Moss Kent, Gideon Pringle.

Box 3 Folder 157 (157) List of tenants on Lot 8 1768, also when first surveyed

[See, Oversize]

Mentions--Nath'l Astin, David Astin, Bethuel Baker, Edmond Baker, Elisha Baker, Josiah Baker, Abner Bangs, Elisha Bangs, Sam'l Bangs, Zebulum Bass, Josiah Benjamin, Ezekiel Burgess, Jacob Burgis, Capt. Fleming Calgin, Isaac Chapman, Abenezar Chase, Gillson Clap, Israel Cole, Sylvanus Cole, Joshua Conklin, Eleazer Cools, Joseph Craw, James Crosby, Reuben Crosby, Gedion Ellis, Jacob Ellis, Simeon Ellis, John Finch, Caleb Fowler, Moses Fowler, Jo'n Garrison, Jonathan Godfrey, Benj. Green, Lazarus Griffin, Oliver Gray, Richard Gray, Joshua Hinckley, Tho's Hinckley, James Hughson, Ebenezer Jones, Nahemiah Jones, Theophilus Jones, Wm. Judd, Elisha Kellock, Jonathan Kelly, John Kelly, Moss Kent, Ebenezer King, Thomas Lovelass, Abr'm Mabe, Malcom Morison, Jonathan Paddock, Thomas Paddock, Wm. Penny, Jacob Phillips, Joseph Philips, Reuben Rableyea, Wm. Rableyea, Edward Rice, Morison Rice, Peter Robinson, Josiah Swift, Nathan Taylor, Joseph Taylors, Benj. Titus, Elijah Tomkins, Charles Townsend, Dan'l Townsend Jr., Jo's Vickery, Jon'a Vickery, Elijah White. Including Signatures of--Wm. Judd, Elijah Tomkins.

Box 3 Folder 158 (158) Receipt by Fred Philipse, Philip Philipse, Roger Morris and Beverley Robinson "for each of our proportion of bonds belonging to estate of Fred Philipse", March 23rd, 1767

Mentions--Col. Roger Morris, Frederick Philipse, Philip Philippe, Col, Beverly Robinson. Including Signatures of--Col. Roger Morris, Frederick Philipse, Philip Philipse, Col. Beverley Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 160 (160) Will of Philip Ver Plank (original)

October 23rd, 1767. Leaves to son, Philip, farms in Manor-of Cortlandt, to son Jacobus, the neck called by the Indians Managh (Ver Plank's Point) farms in Manor of Cortlandt, and 1/10 of lot on north side of Wappinger's kill as allotted to heirs of Stph. Van Cortlandt, and 1/10 of three lots in Rumbout Patent. To son Philip and daughters Ann Mary, Gertrude and Catherine 1/3 of 3 lots in Rumbout Patent as fell to the share of our grandfather Gulian Ver plank. To son Johannes, lands in Manor of Cortlandt, also to son Philip the farm in Dutchess Co., where I now live, with several tracts which belonged to my brother Julian. Mentions--Jno. D. Cumheiz, Edw. Fanning, Arent Lent, Frans. Lent, Hendrick Lent, Jacob Lent, Johannes Lent, Gilbert Livingston, Albert Monfort, Jan. Montross, Philip Ver Planck. Including Signatures of--Jno. D. Cumheiz, Edw. Fanning, Arent Lent, Frans. Lent, Hendrick Lent, Jacob Lent, Johannes Lent, Gilbert Livingston, Albert Monfort, Jan. Montross, Philip VerPlanck.

Box 3 Folder 161 (161) Probate of same [160], November 29th, 1771

Box 3 Folder 162 (162) Will of Philip Ver Plank (son of above [161]) May 19th, 1777. Proved October 6th 1791

Including Signature of--Philip Ver Planck.

Box 3 Folder 163 (163) Map, Rurabout Patent, showing lines of surveys around Fishkill and Wappinger's creeks, also showing location of tenants ejected by Philipse family. undated, probably 1760

Mentions--Johannes Buys, George Brinkerhove, Abraham Buys, Richard Saekett, Thomas Sanders, Johanes Tarbush.

Box 3 Folder 164 (164) Rough draft of Will of Susanna Brockholtz, widow of Major Anthony Brockholtz, July 1724. Mentions children Judith (wife of Dirck Van Vecht an,) Susanna, (wife of Frederick Philipse,) Johanna, wife of Philip French) Henry and Mary

Mentions--Henry Brockholst, Mary Brockholst, Susanna Brockholst. [intelligible]

Box 3 Folder 165 (165) Deed Janetie Rapalzie, widow of Ram Janse for herself and children, Jan Ramse, Joris Ramse, Ram Ramse, Jacob, Ramse, Jeronimus Ramse, Dowe Ramse, Abraham Ramse, John Gerritse intermarried with Jannetie Ramse, Catilina Ramse, Isaac Ramse and Sarah Ramse. TO--Peter Janse Messier, "A piece of land in New York, bounded south by the high street that leadeth eastward to the Stadt House, In length 44 foot on the south, 70 foor [ford] on the west 41 on the north and 64 ½ on east." English measure. October1687. Witness, John Aikers, Jacob Vanderbilt (ancestor of Vanderbilt family). Endorsed on the above is a deed from the Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of New York. TO--Peter Johnson Messier for a "small strip of land near the City Hall", September 1st, 1687. Signed by N. Bayard, Mayor.

Mentions--Jan Ainkers, Nicholas Bayard, Abm. Ramse, Catilina Ramsa, Dowe Ramse, Isaacy Ramse, Jacob Ramse, Jannettie Ramse, Jan. Ramse, Jeronius Ramse, Joris Ramse, Ran Ramse, Sarah Ramse, Jacob Vanderbilt. Including Signatures of--Jan Ainkers, Nicholas Bayard, Abm Ramse, Catilina Ramse, Dowe Ramse, Isaacy Ranse, Jacob Ramse Jannattie Ramse, Jan Ramse, Jeronius Ramse, Joris Ramse, Ram Ramse, Sarah Ramse, Jacob Vanderbilt.

Box 3 Folder 166 (166) Deed--Adrian Blower. TO--Rem Jansen of Port Orange, for house and lot north of the Wall, bounded west by Sybrant Jansen, north by highway, east by City Hall, south by the Wall, (has Seal of Hew Netherlands) Sworn copy and translation annexed. June 19, 1659

Mentions--Adrian Blowert, Adriaen Blowert, Jansen Sybrant, (?) La Montaigne, Bryan Newton, Carel Van Brugge. Including Signatures of--Adriaen Blowert, Carel Van Brugge.

Box 3 Folder 167 (167) Deed--Peter Wolfert Sr., as creditor of the estate of Klaas Jansen Rust. TO--Philip Gerardy. A lot on Winkle Street. In size on the street side, 3 rods, 3 feet. On the east side, 3 rods, less, 6 inches. On the north side, 3 rods, 3 feet. On the west side 2 rods, 2 feet 8 inches. (Has seal of Dutch East India Company) October 15, 1653. Sworn copy and translation annexed

Mentions--Klass Jansen Rust, Philip Gerardy, Sybrant Jansen, Joannes Van Bruge, Hendrick Janszen Van Der Vin, Peter Wolfert Sr. Including-Signature of--Peter Wolfert Sr.

Box 3 Folder 168 (168) Deed Johannes Pietersen Var Brugge, as Attorney of Dirche Van Galen, widow of Wm. Tanasen. TO--Jeronimus Ebbing, for a house and lot in New Amsterdam between Mathias De Voo and Johannes Verbrugge. (has Seal of New Netherlands) June 4, 1657. Copy and translation annexed

Mentions--Martin Crugier, Mathias De Voo, Joannes De Peyster, Mathew De. Vos, Jacob DeWinter, Jeronimus Ebbing, Sybrant Jansen, Matthias Nicoll, William Tomas, Wm. Tomasen, Dirck VanGalen, L. Van Reyven, Henry I. Van Vin, Johannes Verbrugge, Johannes Pietersen Ver Brugge. Including Signature of--Martin Crugier, Matthias Nicoll, Johannes Pietersen Ver Brugge. A certificate in English by Matthias Nicoll states that a Patent for confirmation of the deed has been granted Jan. 9th 1666.

Box 3 Folder 172 (172) Map of Rumbout and Beakman Patents made by Jacobus Terboss, May 9th, 1744, showing divisions .among comers

Mentions--Jacobus Terbos.

Box 3 Folder 173 (173) Account of the expenses connected with the disputes and settlements about lands in Philipse Patent, including a long list of legal charges, expenses in ejecting tenants, suppressing mob, &c. [and other similar things] 1753-1769

Mentions--John Aikin, Daniel Birdsells, Catherine Brett, (?) Brock, Luke Cover, Bartholomew Crannel, Joseph Craw, Peter Davis, Gilbert Dickenson, Tartulus Dickenson, John Doty, Captain Dow, William Drapes, Mr. Duane, (?) Durlings, Edward Gray, -----, Jonathan Hampton, Stephen Hopkins, Daniel Horsmsnden, (?) Humphreys, Jared Ingersoll, Thomas Jones, Stephen Kibble, Wm. Livingston, James Lowns, James Mills, Benjamin Morgan, Malcom Morison, -----, Joseph Murray, Benjamin Nicoll, Mr. David Ogden, (?) Pendergrass, Thomas Philipse, Peter Pratt, Edward Rice, (?) Rivington, Col. Beverley Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Thomas Sanders, Jno. Morin Scott, Timothy Shaw, William Smith Sr., Wm. Smith Jr., John Stout, John Thomas, Samuel Towners, Hendrick Van Amberg, Cornelius Van DeBergh, H. Van Dehen, Baltus VanKleek, (?) Van Wyck, Samuel VerPlanck. Including Signatures of--Samuel Gouverneur, Stephen Kibble, Col. Beverley Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 179 (179) Release of Catherine Philipse widow of Frederick Philipse (the 1st) to Fred Philipse for yearly rent of 25 pounds due her by husband's will. Jan. 6th, 1730

Mentions--Adolph Philipse, Catharine Philipse, Jacobus VanCortlandt. Including Signatures of--Adolph Philipse, Catharine Philipse, Jacobus Van Cortlandt.

Box 3 Folder 180 (180) Ante Nuptial Contract between Rev. John Ogilvie and Margaret, widow of Philip Philipse, May 15th, 1769

Mentions--John Crooke, Ephriam Ogden, Margaret Ogilvie, Rev. John Ogilvie. Including Signatures of--John Crooke, Ephriam Ogden, Margaret Ogilvie, Rev. John Ogilvie.

Box 3 Folder 185 (185) Letter from Beverley Robinson to Fred Philipse in relation to his confiscated estate. Mortlake, England May 5th, 1786

Including Signature of--Col. Beverly Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 186 (186) Agreement between Beverley Robinson and Jacobus Terboss and John Burnett. The latter to search for nines and minerals on lands of Col. Robinson and are to pay for the first year "2 fowls", for the next ten years ¼ of the ore found. After that 1/3 of ore, May 19th, 1756

Mentions--John Burnett, Col. Beverley Robinson. Including Signature of--Col, Beverley Robinson.

Box 3 Folder 200 (200) Certificate signed by John Watts July 23, 1829, that Margaret Ogilvie resided in house at corner of William and Pine Streets and that her son Nathaniel Philipse died in her life time without male issue

Mentions--Margaret Ogilvie, Nathaniel Philipse. Including Signature of--John Watts.

Box 3 Folder 202 (202) Affidavit by Mrs. Elizabeth G. Griffin (formerly Mrs. Adolphus Nathaniel Gouverneur) of the date of birth of her daughter Mary Philipse (Gouverneur) Iselin

Including Signature of--E.G. Griffin.

Box 3 Folder 206 (206) Letters of Administration Estate Frederick Philipse to F.P. Gouverneur June 1829, Jeremiah Hine, Surrogate Putnam County

Including Signature of--Jeremiah Hine.

Box 3 Folder 207 (207) Surrender, Lease and Indenture Quintepartite, dated June 29, 1753 (Certified Copy) Philip Philipse (1st part) Beverley Robinson and Susannah his wife (2nd part) Mary Philipse (3rd part) Wm. Alexander (4th part) Thomas Jones (5th part)

[NOTE: Document (207) is missing.]

Mentions--Wm. Alexander, Geo. Banyar, Peter Du Bois, Thomas Jones, Catherine Jundin, Joseph Murray, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverley Robinson, Susannah Robinson. Including Signature of--Aaron Sword.

Box 3 Folder 208 (208) Rough Minutes of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York in case of Thomas Jones Demandant, against William Alexander, tenant. (Certified Copy)

[NOTE: Document (208) is missing.]

Mentions--John Chambers, Chief Justice De Lancev, Hugh Hunt, Philip Philipse, Mary Philipse, Susannah Robinson, Beverley Robinson, Thomas Wenman. Including Signature of--William A. Butler.

Box 3 Folder 209 (209) Murray, Joseph (pay order), no place, 1738 May 13

Series II: Collection Acquisition and Related Documents

Box 1 Index to Collection

Box 1 Memorandum as to the Philipse-Gouverneur Collection, 1921 February 10

Box 1 Visitors' Book , 1933