Volume 1: 1937-1941
Box 4
1. Cholinesterase in voluntary frog's muscle. J. Physiol., 1937, 89, 359-367. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1937
Box 4
2. Cholinesterase in invertebrate muscles. J. Physiol., 1937, 89, 368-371. (with Z.M. Bacq (1))., 1937
Box 4
3. Cholinesterase dans le muscle strie. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 124, 942-944. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1937
Box 4
4. Sur la repartition de la cholinesterase dans le muscle couturier de la grenouille. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937,125, 41-43. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1937
Box 4
5. Cholinesterase dans les terminaisons nerveuses du muscle strie. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 125, 43-47. (with A. Marnay (1), B. Minz (2))., 1937
Box 4
6. Cholinesterase dans le muscle de lezard. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 125, 489-490. (with A. Marnay ( 1))., 1937
Box 4
7. Cholinesterase dans le nerf du homard. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 125, 1005- 1007. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1937
Box 4
8. Cholinesterase in the central nervous system. Nature, London, 1937, 140, 427., 1937
Box 4
9. La transmission de l'influx nerveux dans le systeme nerveux central. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 126, 783-785., 1937
Box 4
10. Cholinesterase dans le muscle strie apres degenerescence du nerf moteur. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 126, 785-787. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1937
Box 4
11. Cholinesterase dans le tissus embryonnaires. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 127, 670-673., 1938
Box 4
12. Choline esterase in voluntary muscle. J. Physiol., 1938, 92, 37-47. (with A. Marnay (1))., 1938
Box 4
13. Cholinesterase dans le tissu nerveux. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 127, 894-896., 1938
Box 4
14. Distribution de la cholinesterase dans le cerveau humain. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1938, 128, 24-25., 1938
Box 4
15. La transmission de l'influx nerveux dans le systeme nerveux central. Presse médicale, 1938, 48, 942-943., 1938
Box 4
16. Cholinesterase dans les fibres nerveuses. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 128, 516-518., 1938
Box 4
17. Transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. J. Physiol., 1938, 93, 2-3 P., 1938
Box 4
18. Changements de la cholinesterase dans le muscle strie. C. R. Soc. Biol, Paris, 1938, 128, 599-603., 1938
Box 4
19. La cholinesterase dans les cultures du coeur de l'embryon, chez la poule. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 128, 577-79 (with J.A. Thomas (1))., 1938
Box 4
20. Cholinesterase at the end-plates of voluntary muscle after nerve degeneration. Nature, London, 1938, 142, 481 (with R. Couteaux (1))., 1938
Box 4
21 Cholinesterase dans le ganglion cervical sympathique superieur du chat. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 129, 830-833., 1938
Box 4
22. Sur l'action de la strychnine. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 129, 941-943., 1938
Box 4
23. Sur quelques proprietes chimiques de la cholinesterase. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1939, 130, 321-324. (with E. Lederer (2))., 1939
Box 4
24. Cholinesterase in voluntary muscle. J. Physiol., 1939, 95, 29-35., 1939
Box 4
25. Cholinesterase dans le systeme nerveux central. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., Paris, 1939, 21, 761-796., 1939
Box 4
26. Sur la biochimie de la cholinesterase. I. Preparation de l'enzyme. Groupements-Sh. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., Paris, 1939, 21, 797-808. (with E. Lederer (2))., 1939
Box 4
27. Sur l'inhibition de la cholinesterase. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1939, 130, 1065-1068., 1939
Box 4
28. Changes of choline esterase at end plates of voluntary muscle following section of sciatic nerve. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol., N.Y., 1940, 43, 177-181. (with R. Couteaux (D))., 1940
Box 4
29. The cholinergic nature of the nervous supply to the electrical organ of the torpedo (Torpedo Marmorata.). J. Physiol., 1940, 91, 3-5P. (with W. Feldberg (1), and A. Fessard (2))., 1940
Box 4
30. Choline esterase in brain and spinal cord of sheep embryos. Neurophysiol., 1940, 3, 396-402., 1940
Box 4
31. On the physiological significance of choline esterase. Yale J. Biol. and Med. , 1940, 12, 565-589., 1940
Box 4
32. Action of ions on choline esterase. Nature, London, 1940, 145, 513-514., 1940
Box 4
33. "Electricity elicited by an organic chemical process." Science, 1940, 91, 405-406., 1940
Box 4
34. Localization of choline esterase in nerve fibers. Science, 1940, 92, 513-514. (with E. J. Boell (1))., 1940
Box 4
35. Relation between electrical changes during nerve activity and concentration of choline esterase. J. Neurophysiol., 1941, 4, 348-361. (with B. Meyerhof (2))., 1941
Box 4
36. Electric potential and activity of choline esterase in the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus). J. Gen. Physiol., 1941, 25, 75-88. (with C.W. Coates (2) and R.T. Cox (3))., 1941
Box 4
Marnay, A. Cholinesterase dans l'organe électrique de la torpille. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1937, 126, 573-574., 1937
Box 4
Marnay, A. Cholinesterase dans le muscle strié du crapaud. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1938, 128, 290., 1938
Box 4
Marnay, A. Cholinesterase dans le muscle strié de la tortue. C.R. Soc. Biol. , Paris, 1938, 127, 896-897., 1938
Volume 2: 1942-1946
Box 4
64. On the localization of enzymes in nerve fibers. Science, 1942, 95, 76-77 (H.B. Steinbach (2))., 1942
Box 4
65. Electrical potential and activity of choline esterase in nerve. Federation Proceedings, 1942, 1, 62., 1942
Box 4
66. Localization of enzymes in nerves. I. Succinic dehydrogenase and vitamin B1. Neurophysiol. 1942, 5, 109-120, (with H. B. Steinbach (2))., 1942
Box 4
67. On the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses. The Collecting Net, 1942, 17, 1-6., 1942
Box 4
68. Choline esterase in primitive nervous systems. J. Cell, and Comp. Physiol., 1942, 20, 1-4, (with T.H. Bullock (1))., 1942
Box 4
69. Action potential and enzyme activity in the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus). I. Choline esterase and respiration. J. Neurophysiol. , 1942, 5, 499-516 (with R. T. Cox (2), C. W. Coates (3) and A. L. Machado (4))., 1942
Box 4
70. Phosphocreatine as energy source of the action potential. Proc. Soc.Exp. Biol. N.Y., 1943, 52, 97-99 with R.T. Cox (2), C.W. Coates (3))., 1943
Box 4
71. Acetylcholine and the physiology of the central nervous system. Science, 1943, 97, 569-571 (with J.F. Fulton (1))., 1943
Box 4
72. Localization of enzymes in nerves. II. Cytochrome oxidase. J. Neurophysiol., 1943, 6, 203-211 (with H.B. Steinbach (2), A.L. Machado (3) and S. Spiegelman (4))., 1943
Box 4
73. Acetylcholine and the mechanism of nerve activity. Exp. Med. and Surg., 1943, 1, 273-277., 1943
Box 4
74. Action potential and enzyme activity in the electric organ of Electrophorus Electricus. II. Phosphocreatine as energy source of the action potential. J. Neuro-physiol., 1943, 6, 383-396 (with R.T. Cox (2), C.W. Coates (3), and A.L. Machado (4))., 1943
Box 4
75. The formation of acetylcholine. A new enzyme "choline acetylase". J. Neurophysiol., 1943, 6, 397-404 (with A.L. Machado (2))., 1943
Box 4
76. Effect of glutamic acid on the formation of acetylcholine. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 150, 485-486 (with H.M. John (2) and H. Waelsch (3))., 1943
Box 4
77. On the toxicity of atabrine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. N.Y., 1943, 54, 336-338 (with H. Waelsch (1))., 1943
Box 4
78. Effects of dorsal root section on choline esterase concentration in spinal cord of cats. J. Neurophysiol., 1944, 7, 27-36 (with E.C. Hoff (2))., 1944
Box 4
79. On the energy source of the nerve action potential. Biol. Bull., 1944, 87, 158., 1944
Box 4
80. On the specificity of choline esterase in nervous tissue. Science, 1944, 100, 454-455 (with M.A. Rothenberg (2))., 1944
Box 4
81. Inhibition of choline acetylase bv cc-keto acids. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N.Y., 1944, 57, 361-362 (with H.M. John (2))., 1944
Box 4
82. Studies on choline acetylase. I. Effect of amino acids on the dialyzed enzyme. Inhibition by oc-keto acids. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 158, 157-171 (with H.M. John (2))., 1945
Box 4
83. Studies on cholinesterase. I. On the specificity of the enzyme in nerve tissue. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 158, 653-666 (with M.A. Rothenberg (2))., 1945
Box 4
84. The role of acetylcholine in the mechanism of nerve activity. In: Harris, R.S., and Thimann, K.V., Vitamins and Hormones, 1945, 3, 337-377., 1945
Box 4
85. Chemical mechanism of nervous action. In: Green, D. E., Currents in Biochem. Research., New York, 1946, 335-356., 1946
Box 4
Couteaux, R. La cholinesterase des plaques motrices. Bull. Bioiogique de la France et de la Belgique, 76, 14-57 (1942)., 1942
Volume 3: 1945-1947
Box 4
86 On the formation of acetylcholine in the nerve axon. Science, 1945, 102, 250-251 (with H.M. John (2))., 1945
Box 4
87. On the effect of drugs on cholinesterase. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 159, 239-240 (with H. Schneemann (2))., 1945
Box 4
88. Effects of inhibitors of choline esterase on the nerve action potential. J. Neurophysiol., 1946, 9, 9-22 (with T.H. Bullock (1 ) and M.A. Rothenberg (3))., 1946
Box 4
89. On the role of acetylcholine in the mechanism of nerve activity. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. Proc. Laurentian Conference, New York. 1947, 1, 1-26., 1946
Box 4
90. Studies on cholinesterase. II. Enzyme activity and voltage of the action potential in electric tissue. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 163, 39-48 (with C.W. Coates (2 ) and M.A. Rothenberg (3))., 1946
Box 4
91. Studies on choline acetylase. II. The formation of acetylcholine in the nerve axon. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 163, 475-480 (with H.M. John (2 ) and M. Berman (3))., 1946
Box 4
92. Chemical mechanism of nerve activity. Ann. New York Acad. Sc., 1946, 41, 395-428., 1946
Box 4
93. Chemical aspects of the transmission of the nerve impulses. Progress Neurol. and Psychiat., 1946, 1, 59-75 (with M.A. Rothenberg (2))., 1946
Box 4
94. Effect of di-isopropyl fluorphosphate (DFP) on action potential and choline esterase of nerve. J. Neurophysiol., 1946, 9, 253-260 (with T.H. Bullock (1), H. Grundfest (2), M.A. Rothenberg (4) and K. Sterling (5))., 1946
Box 4
95. On the energy source of the action potential in the electric organ of Electrophorus Electricus. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 165, 223-231 (with C.W. Coates (2), M.A. Rothenberg (3), and M.V. Brown (4))., 1946
Box 4
96. Studies on choline acetylase. III. On the preparation of the coenzyme and its effect on the enzyme. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 165, 551-563 (with M. Berman (2))., 1946
Box 4
97. Effect of di-isopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) on the action potential of muscle. Science, 1946, 104, 317 (with R. Couteaux (1), H. Grundfest (2), M.A. Rothenberg (4))., 1946
Box 4
98. Generality of the role of acetylcholine in nerve and muscle conduction. J. Neurophysiol., 1947, 10, 11-21 (with T.H. Bullock (1), H. Grundfest (2), and M.A. Rothenberg (4))., 1947
Box 4
99. Effect of di-isopropyl fluorphosphate (DFP) on action potential and cholinesterase of nerve. II. J. Neurophysiol., 1947, 10, 63-78. (with T.H. Schlock (1), H. Grundfest (2), and M.A. Rothenberg (4))., 1947
Box 4
100. Presence of choline acetylase in striated and cardiac muscle. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 161, 295-296 (with M. Berman (2), and Michael S. Weiss (3))., 1947
Box 4
102. Grundfest, H.D. Nachmansohn and M.A. Rothenberg. Effect of di-isopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) on action potential and cholinesterase of nerve. III. J. Neurophysiol., 10, 155-164, 1947., 1947
Box 4
103. Rothenberg, M.A., and D. Nachmansohn. Studies on cholinesterase. III. Purification of the enzyme from electric tissue by fractional ammonium sulfate precipitation. J. Biol. Chem., 168, 223-231, 1947, 1947
Volume 4: 1947-1950
Box 4
1. (105) Nachmansohn, D., and E.A. Feld. Studies on cholinesterase. IV. On the mechanism of diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) action in vivo. J. Biol. Chem., 171, 715-724 (1947)., 1947
Box 4
2. (107) Nachmansohn, D. and M.W. Weiss. Studies on choline acetylase. IV. Effect of citric acid. J. Biol. Chem., 172, 677-697 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
3. (108) Rothenberg, M.A. and E.A. Feld. Rate of penetration of electrolytes into nerve fibers. J. Biol. Chem., 172, 345-346 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
4. (109) Nachmansohn, D. Effect of inhibitors of cholinesterase on conduction in nerve and muscle. XVII. Intern. Congress Physiol., Oxford (1947)., 1948
Box 4
5. (110) Rothenberg, M.A., D.B. Sprinson, and Dr. Nachmansohn Site of action of acetylcholine. J. Neurophysiol., 11, 111-116 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
6. (111) Feld, E.A., H. Grundfest, D. Nachmansohn, and M.A. Rothenberg. Effect of di-isopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) on action potential and cholinesterase of nerve. IV. J. Neurophysiol., 11, 125-132 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
7. (113) Nachmansohn, D. The role of acetylcholine in conduction. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 83, 463-493 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
8. (112) Nachmansohn, D., M.A. Rothenberg, and E.A. Feld. Studies on cholinesterase. V. Kinetics of the enzyme inhibition. J. Biol. Chem., 174, 247-256 (1948)., 1948
Box 4
9. (115) Augustinsson, K.B. Substrate concentration and specificity of choline ester-splitting enzymes. Arch. Biochem., 23, 111-126 (1949), 1949
Box 4
10. (116) Augustinsson, K.B. and D. Nachmansohn. Studies on cholinesterase. VI. Kinetics of the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. J. Biol. Chem., 179, 543-559 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
11. (117) Augustinsson, K.B. and D. Nachmansohn. Distinction between acetylcholinesterase and other choline ester-splitting enzymes. Science, 110, 98-99 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
12. (118) Hestrin, D. The reaction of acetylcholine and other carboxylic acid derivatives with hydroxylamine and its analytical application. J. Biol. Chem., 180, 249-261 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
13. (119) Nachmansohn, D., S. Hestin, and H. Voripaieff. Enzymatic synthesis of a compound with acetylcholine-like biological activity. J. Biol. Chem., 180, 875-887 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
14. (124) Middleton, S., and H.H. Middleton. Acetylcholine-like action of a product formed by an acetylating enzyme system derived from brain. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., 71, 523-526 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
15. Nachmansohn, D., S. Hestrin, and H. Voripaieff. Synthesis of acetylcholine. The Collecting Net, XIX, No. 1, November (1949), 1949
Box 4
16. (120) Hestrin, S. Acylation reactions mediated by purified acetylcholine esterase. J. Biol. Chem., 180, 879-881 (1949)., 1949
Box 4
17. (121) Korey, S. Some factors influencing the contractility of a non-conducting fiber preparation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Meyerhof Anniversary Issue), 4, 58-67 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
18. (122) Nachmansohn, D. Studies on permeability in relation to nerve function. I. Axonal conduction and synaptic transmission. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Meyerhof Anniversary Issue) 4, 78-95 (1950), 1950
Box 4
19. (123) Rothenberg, M.A. Studies on permeability in relation to nerve function. II. Ionic movements across axonal membranes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Meyerhof Anniversary Issue) 4, 96-114 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
20. (125) Hestrin, S. Acylation reactions mediated by purified acetylcholinesterase II. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (Meyerhof Anniversary Issue) 4, 310-321 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
21. (126) Nachmansohn, D. Electric currents in nerve tissue and electric organs. Electrical Engineering, 69, 231-234 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
22. (114) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of nervous activity. Chapter 9. A. Acetylcholine. In: Hormones, II. (G. Pincus and K.V. Thimann, eds.) Academic Press, New York, pp. 515-599 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
23. (127) Wilson, I. B., and Bergmann, F. Studies on cholinesterase. VII. The active surface of acetylcholinesterase derived from effects of pH on inhibitors. J. Biol. Chem., T85, 479-489, (1950)., 1950
Box 4
24. (128) Wilson, I.B., and Bergmann, F. Acetylcholinesterase. VIII. Dissociation constants of the active group. J. Biol. Chem., 186, 683-692 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
25. (129) Bergmann, F., I.B. Wilson, and Dr. Nachmansohn. Acetylcholinesterase. IX. Structural features determining the inhibition by amino acids and related compounds. J. Biol. Chem., 186, 693-703 (1950), 1950
Box 4
26. (130) Bergman, F., I.B. Wilson, and D. Nachmansohn. The inhibitory effect of stilbamidine, curare and related compounds and its relationship to the active groups of acetylcholinesterase. Action of stilbamidine upon nerve impulse conduction. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 6, 217-224 (1950)., 1950
Box 4
27. (131) Wilson, I.B., F. Bergmann, and D. Nachmansohn. Acetylcholinesterase. X. Mechanism of the catalysis of acylation reactions. J. Biol. Chem., 186, 781-790 (1950)., 1950
Volume 5: 1951-1952
Box 5
1. (132) Korey, S.R. Effect of dilantin and mesantoin on the giant axon of the squid. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., 76, 297-299 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
2. (133) Korey, S.R., B. de Braganza, and D. Nachmansohn. Choline acetylase. V. Esterifications and transacetylations. J. Biol. Chem., 189, 705-715 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
3. (134) Wilson, I.B. Acetylcholinesterase. XI. Reversibility of tetraethyl pyrophosphate inhibition. J. Biol. Chem., 190, 111-117 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
4. (135) Wilson, I.B. Mechanism of enzymic hydrolysis. I. Role of the acidic groups in the esteratic site of acetylcholinesterase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 7, 466-470 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
5. (136) Nachmansohn, D. and I.B. Wilson. The enzymic hydrolysis and synthesis of acetylcholine. In: Advances in Enzymology, XII, 259-339, Interscience, New York (1951)., 1951
Box 5
6. (137) Nachmansohn, D. Energy sources of bioelectricity. In: Phosphorus Metabolism, Vol. I, Chapter X (W.D. McElroy and B. Glass, eds.) The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore (1951) pp. 568-585., 1951
Box 5
7. (138) Wilson, I.B. Mechanism of hydrolysis. II. New evidence for an acylated enzyme as intermediate. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 7, 520-525 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
8. (139) Korey, S.R., and R. Mitchell. Studies on permeability in relation to nerve function. III. Permittivity of brain cortex slices to glycine and aspartic acid. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 7, 507-519 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
9. (140) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical mechanisms of nerve activity. In: E.S.G. Barron: Modern Trends in Physiology and Biochemistry. Academic Press, N.Y., 229-276 (1952), 1952
Box 5
10. (141) Wilson, I.B., S. Levine, and I. Freiberger. Effects of electrical charge upon the activity of liver esterase. J. Biol. Chem., 194, 613-617 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
11. (142) Nachmansohn, D., I.B. Wilson, S.R. Korey, and R. Berman. Choline acetylase. VI. Substitution of ATP-acetate by thiolacetate. J. Biol. Chem., 195, 25-36 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
12. (143) Grundfest, H., D. Nachmansohn, C.Y. Kao, and R. Chambers. Mode of blocking of axonal activity by curare and inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase. Nature, Ld., 169, 190 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
13. (144) Nachmansohn, D., S. Ochoa, and F.A. Lipmann. Otto Meyerhof: 1884-1951. Science, 115, 365-369 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
14. (145) Nachmansohn, D. The neuromuscular junction. In: Le MUSCLE, etude de biologie et de pathologie, C.R. du Colloque tenu a Royaumont, France, 8/31-9/6/1950. L'expansion, pp. 121-172 (1950)., 1950
Box 5
15. (146) Wilson, I.B. Acetylcholinesterase. XII. Further studies of binding forces. J. Biol. Chem., 197, 215-225 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
16. (147) Nachmansohn, D. Otto Meyerhof 1884-1951. Proc. Rudolf Virchow Med. Soc., 10, 89-91 (1951)., 1951
Box 5
17. (148) Korkes, S., A. del Campillo, S.R. Korey, J. R. Stern, D. Nachmansohn, and S. Ochoa. Coupling of acetyl donor systems with choline acetylase. J. Biol. Chem., 198, 215-220 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
18. (149) Nachmansohn, D. Nerve function and irradiation effects. J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 39, 137-178 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
19. (150) Wilson, I.B. Acetylcholinesterase - The mechanism of enzyme activity. Baskerville Chem. Journ., 3, 7-12 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
20. (151) Nachmansohn, D. Metabolisme et fonction de la cellule nerveuse. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 34, 447-465 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
21. (152) Wilson, I.B. Acetylcholinesterase. XIII. Reactivation of alkyl phosphate-inhibited enzyme. J. Biol. Chem., 199, 113-120 (1952)., 1952
Volume 6: 1952-1955
Box 5
1. (155) Nachmansohn, D. La conduction de l'influx nerveux et la transmission synaptique. Estratto Dai Rendiconti Dell' Istituto Superiore di Sanita, XV, 1267-1301 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
2. (157) Nachmansohn, D. Transmission of nerve impulses across the neuromuscular junction. Proc. of the First and Second Medical Conferences (1951-1952) of the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., (A.T. Milhorat, ed.) pp. 2-15 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
3. (153) Korey, S.R. Studies on permeability in relation to nerve function. IV. Effect of glutamate and aspartate upon the rate of entrance of potassium into brain cortical slices. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 9, 633-635 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
4. (158) Altamirano, M., C.W. Coates, H. Grundfest, and D. Nachmansohn. Mechanisms of bioelectric activity in electrical tissue. I. The response to indirect and direct stimulation of electroplaques of Electrophorus electricus. J. Gen. Physiol., 37, 91-110 (1953)., 1953
Box 5
5. (156) Wilson, I.B., and M. Cohen. The essentiality of acetyl cholinesterase in conduction. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 11, 147-156 (1953)., 1953
Box 5
6. (160) Berman, R., I.B. Wilson, and D. Nachmansohn. Choline acetylase specificity in relation to biological function. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 12, 315-324 (1953)., 1953
Box 5
7. (161) Wilson, I.B. The mechanism of enzyme hydrolysis studied with acetylcholinesterase. In: The Mechanism of Enzyme Action (W.C. McElroy and B. Glass, eds.) The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, pp. 642-657 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
8. Wilson, I.B. Preparation of acetyl coenzyme A. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 3205-3206 (1952)., 1952
Box 5
9. (159) Wilson, I.B., and E.K. Meislich. Reactivation of acetylcholinesterase inhibited by alkylphosphates. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75, 4628 (1953)., 1953
Box 5
10. (165) Wilson, I.B., and E. Cabib. Is acetylcholinesterase a metallo enzyme? J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 5154-5156 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
11. (166) Friess, S.L., I.B. Wilson, and E. Cabib. On the Mg (II) activation of acetylcholinesterase. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 5156-5157 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
12. (162) Wilson, I.B. The active surface of the serum esterase. J. Biol. Chem., 208, 123-132 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
13. (163) Berman-Reisberg, R. Sulfhydryl groups of choline acetylase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 14, 442-443 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
14. (164) Wilson, I.B., and D. Nachmansohn. The generation of bioelectric potentials. In: Ion Transport Across Membranes (H. T. Clarke, and D. Nachmansohn, eds.) Academic Press, New York, pp. 35-64 (1954)., 1954
Box 5
15. (167) Eisenberg, M.A. The acetate-activating enzyme of Rhodospirillum Rubrum. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 16, 58-65 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
16. (168) Nachmansohn, D. Metabolism and function of the nerve cell. In: Harvey Lectures 1953/1954, Academic Press, Inc., New York, pp. 57-99 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
17. (169) Nachmansohn, D. Acetylcholine and energy transformations in nerve cells. In: A Textbook of Physiology (J.F. Fulton, ed.) 17th Ed., W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 192 -204 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
18. (170) Altamirano, M., W.L. Schleyer, C.W. Coates, and D. Nachmansohn. Electrical activity in electric tissue. I. The difference between tertiary and quaternary nitrogen compounds in relation to their chemical and electrical activities. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 16, 268-283 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
19. (172) Schleyer, W.L. Electrical activity in electric tissue. II. Evaluation of esterase activity in intact electroplax. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, P6, 396-403 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
20. (177) Altamirano, M., C.W. Coates, H. Grundfest, and Dr. Nachmansohn. Electrical activity in electric tissue. III. Modifications of electrical activity by acetylcholine and related compounds. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 16, 449-463 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
21. (173) Wilson, I.B., and S. Ginsburg. Reactivation of acetyl cholinesterase inhibited by alkylphosphates. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 54, 569-571 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
22. (171) Nachmansohn, D. Stoffwechsel und Funktion der Nervenzelle. Deutsche Med. Wochenschr., 80, 196-198 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
23. (175) Nachmansohn, D. Mechanisms of impulse transmission across neuromuscular junctions. Am. J. Phys. Med., 34, 33-45 (1955). (Muscular Dystrophy Symposium), 1955
Box 5
24. (174) Weber, A. Value of models for understanding of muscular contraction. Am. J. Phys. Med., S4, 19-32 (1955). (Muscular Dystrophy Symposium), 1955
Box 5
25. (176) Hasselbach, W. and A. Weber. Models for the study of the contraction of muscle and of cell protoplasm. Pharm. Revs., 7, 97-117 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
26. (178) Nachmansohn, D. and l.B. Wilson. Molecular basis for generation of bioelectric potentials. In: Electrochemistry in Biology and Medicine (T. Shedlovsky, ed.) John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 167-186 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
27. (179) Nachmansohn, D. and l.B. Wilson. Choline acetylase. In: Methods in Enzymology (S.P. Colowick and N.O. Kaplan, eds.) Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, pp. 619-624 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
28. (180) Nachmansohn, D., and I.B. Wilson. Acetylcholinesterase. In: Methods in Enzymology (S.P. Colowick and N. O. Kaplan, eds.) Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 642-651 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
29. (182) Nachmansohn, D. Metabolism and function of the nerve cell. In: Neurochemistry (K.A.C. Elliott, I.H. Page, and J. H. Quastel, eds.) Chapter XIV, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 390-524 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
30. (181) Wilson, I.B. Reactivation of human serum esterase inhibited by alkylphosphates. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 2383-2386 (1955)., 1955
Volume 7: 1955-1956
Box 5
1. (189) Wilson, I.B. The interaction of tensilon and neostigmine with acetylcholinesterase. Arch. internat. pharmacodyn., CIV, 204-213 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
2. (183) Wilson, I.B., S. Ginsburg, and E.K. Meislich. The reactivation of acetylcholinesterase inhibited by tetraethylpyrophosphate and diisopropyl fluorophosphate. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 4286-4291 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
3. (191) Wilson, I.B., and E. Cabib. Acetylcholinesterase: Enthalpies and entropies of activation. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78, 202-207 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
4. (198) Wilson, I.B. Promotion of acetylcholinesterase activity by the anionic site. Faraday Society Discussions, 20, 119-125 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
5. (185) Nachmansohn, D. The generation of bioelectric potentials. Editorial, Circulation Research, III, 429-433 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
6. Nachmansohn, D. Review of "Biochemistry of the Developing Nervous System", Proceedings of the First International Neurochemical Symposium at Magdalen College, Oxford, 13-17 July 1974 (Heinrich Waelsch, ed.), Academic Press, New York (1955). Science, 123, 591 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
7. (186) Nachmansohn, D. Principles for testing drug effects during growth. In: Biochemistry of the Developing Nervous System; Proc. of the First Intern. Neurochemical Symposium, Oxford, July 1954. Academic Press, New York, 479-490 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
8. (187) Nachmansohn, D. Die Rolle des Acetylcholins in den Elementar- vorgaengen der Nervenleitung. In: Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 48, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 575-683 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
9. (195) Wilson, I.B., and M. Altamirano. Action of tertiary and quaternary nitrogen derivatives upon the acetylcholine receptor. In: Neurochemistry (S.R. Korey, ed.) Hoeber-Harper, New York, 155-168 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
10. (196) Nachmansohn, D., and Wilson, I.B. Trends in the biochemistry of nerve activity. In: Currents in Biochemical Research, 1956 (D.E. Green, ed.) Interscience, New York, 628-652 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
11. (194) Wilson, I.B. Chemical control of ion movements during nerve activity. In: Interscience Proc. Third Intern. Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels, 1955 (C. Liebecq, ed.) Academic Press, New York, 440-444 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
12. (188) Altamirano, M. Electrical properties of the innervated membrane of the electroplax of electric eel. J. Cell, and Comp. Physiol., 46, 249-278 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
13. (197) Altamirano, M. Effect of acetylcholine in the electroplax of electric eel. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 20, 323-336 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
14. (192) Cohen, M. Concentration of choline acetylase in conducting tissue. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 60, 284-296 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
15. (193) Weber, A. The ultracentrifugal separation of L-myosin and actin in an actomyosin sol under the influence of ATP. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 19, 345-351 (1956)., 1956
Box 5
16. (184) Wilson, I.B., and S. Ginsburg. A powerful reactivator of alkylphosphate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 18, 168-170 (1955)., 1955
Box 5
17. (190) Kewitz, H., and I.B. Wilson. A specific antidoge against lethal alkylphosphate intoxication. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 60, 261-263 (1956)., 1956
Volume 8: 1957-1960
Box 5
1. (202) Kewitz, H. A specific antidote against lethal alkyl phosphate intoxication. III. Repair of chemical lesion. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 66, 263-270 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
2. (203) Kewitz, H. and D. Nachmansohn. A specific antidote against lethal alkyl phosphate intoxication. IV. Effects in brain. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 66, 271-283 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
3. (206) Wilson, I.B. and F. Sondheimer. A specific antidote against lethal alkyl phosphate intoxication. V. Antidotal properties. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 69, 468-474 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
4. (204) Berman-Reisberg, R. Properties and biological significance of choline acetylase. The Yale J. of Biol, and Med., 29, 403-435 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
5. (200) Eisenberg, M.A. The acetate-activating mechanism of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 23, 327-323(1957)., 1957
Box 5
6. (208) Nachmansohn, D. Carl Neuberg, 1877-1956. Proc. Rudolf Virchow Med. Soc., New York, XV, 75-82 (1956)., 1957
Box 5
7. (207) Nachmansohn, D. Etudes sur la conduction de l'influx nerveux au niveau moleculaire. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 39, 1021-1035 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
8. (209) Nerve function and irradiation effects. IIIe Congres Interntl. de Neuropathologie, Bruxelles 1957, pp. 195-200 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
9. (205) Altamirano, M., and C.W. Coates. Effect of potassium on electroplax of Electrophorus electricus. J. Cell, and Comp. Physiol., 39, 69-102 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
10. (210) Schoffeniels, E., and D. Nachmansohn. An isolated single electroplax preparation. I. New data on the effect of acetylcholine and related compounds. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 26, 1-15 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
11. (212) Schoffeniels, E. An isolated single electroplax preparation. II. Improved preparation for studying ion flux. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 26, 585-596 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
12. (214) Wilson, I.B. Designing of a new drug with antidotal properties against the nerve gas Sarin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 27, 196-199, (1958)., 1958
Box 5
13. (215) Schoffeniels, E. Potassium concentration, and potential difference in the single isolated electroplax of the electric eel. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 27, 660 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
14. (218) Schoffeniels, E., I.B. Wilson, and D. Nachmansohn. Overshoot and block of conduction by lipid soluble acetylcholine analogues. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 27, 629-633 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
15. (227) Dettbarn, W.D. Action of lipid soluble quaternary ammonium ions on the resting potential of myelinated nerve fibers of the frog. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 32, 381-386 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
16. (221) Hinterbuchner, L.P. and I.B. Wilson. Muscle response to long chain quaternary ammonium ions. I. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 31, 323-327 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
17. (226) Hinterbuchner, L.P. and I.B. Wilson. Muscle response to long chain quaternary ammonium ions. II. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 32, 375-380 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
18. (223) Nachmansohn, D. Molecular forces controlling ion movements during nerve activity. In: Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry. Vol. III. Biochemistry of the Central Nervous System. Pergamon Press, pp. 26-35 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
19. (211) Wilson, I.B. and C. Quan. Acetylcholinesterase studies on molecular complementariness. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 73, 131-143 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
20. (219) Wilson, I.B., S. Ginsburg, and C. Quan. Molecular complementariness as basis for reactivation of alkylphosphate inhibited enzyme. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 77, 286-296 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
21. (217) Schoffeniels, E. A method for studying separately the properties of the innervated and non-innervated membrane of an isolated single electroplax of the Skate. Nature, 181, 287-288 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
22. (222) Nachmansohn, D. The neuromuscular junction. B. The role of the acetylcholine system. In: The Structure and Function of Muscle (G.H. Bourne, Ed.) Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, pp.199 -302 (1960)., 1960
Box 5
23. (220) Wilson, I.B. A specific antidote for nerve gas and insecticide (alkylphosphate) intoxication. Neurology, 8, Suppl. 1, 41-43 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
24. (213) Eisenberg, M.A. Intermediate metabolism of electric tissue in relation to function. I. Glycolytic enzymes and succinic oxidase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 74, 373-389 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
25. (225) Hoskin. F.C.G. Intermediate metabolism of electric tissue in relation to function. II. Comparison of glycolysis rates in organs of Electrophorus electricus. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 81, 330-339 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
26. (229) Nachmansohn, D. Acetylcholine, nerve gases and an antidote. Med. Circle Bulletin, 5, No. 7 (Loewi Festschrift), 6-8 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
27. Nachmansohn, D. Introductory remarks. Ann. of N.Y. Acad. Sci., 81, 219-220 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
28. (233) Schoffeniels, E. Ion movements studied with single isolated electroplax. Ann. of N.Y. Acad. Sci., 81, 285-306 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
29. (237) Wilson, I.B. Molecular complementarity in antidotes for nerve gases. Ann. of N.Y. Acad. Sci., 81, 307-316 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
30. (234) Dettbarn, W.D. Distinction between sodium and potassium in change in permeability effected by lipid-soluble analogues of acetylcholine. Nature, 183 (465-466 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
31. (238) Nachmansohn, D. Basic problems of drug action on the myoneural junction. Anesthesiology, 20, 421-438 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
32. (240) Wil son, I.B. Molecular complementarity and antidotes for alkylphosphate poisoning. Fed. Proc., 18, 752-758, No. 2, Park 1 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
33. (228) Wilson, I.B. and S. Ginsburg. Reactivation of alkylphosphate inhibited acetylcholinesterase by bis quaternary derivatives of 2-PAM and 4-PAM. J. Biochem. Pharmacol., 1, 200-206 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
34. (201) Ginsburg, S. and I.B. Wilson. Oximes of the pyridine series. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 79, 481-485 (1957)., 1957
Box 5
35. (216) Schoffeniels, E. Electrical activity of isolated single electroplax of electric eel as affected by temperature. Science, 127, 1117-1118 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
36. (224) Dettbarn, W.D., I.B. Wilson, and D. Nachmansohn. Action of lipid soluble quaternary ammonium ions on conducting membrane. Science, 128, 1275-1276 (1958)., 1958
Box 5
37. (232) Lawler, H.C. A simplified procedure for the partial purification of acetylcholinesterase from electric tissue. J. Biol. Chem., 234, 799-801 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
38. (235) Ehrenpreis, S. Interaction of curare and related substances with acetylcholine receptor-like protein. Science, 12 9, 1613-1614 (1959)., 1959
Box 5
39. United States Patent #2, 816, 113 of December 10, 1957, entitled: Alkyl Pyridinium Salt, 2-Carboxaldehyde Oximes and Process of Preparation. Irwin B. Wilson, Fair Lawn, N.J. , and Sara Ginsburg and David Nachmansohn, New York, N.Y. , assignors to the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army. Application July 10, 1956, Serial No. 597, 055., 1957
Volume 9: 1959-1961
Box 6
1. (231) Nachmansohn, D. Role of acetylcholine in axonal conduction and neuromuscular transmission. (Utrecht Symposium) Am. J. Phys. Med., 38, 190-206 (1959)., 1959
Box 6
2. (257) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical and molecular forces underlying nerve activity. (In memoriam Peter Rona). Drug Research (Arzneim.-Forsch) 10, 387-390 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
3. (255) Longo, V.G., D. Nachmansohn and D. Bovet. Aspects electroencephalographiques de l'antagonism entre le iodomethylate de 2-pyridine aldoxime (PAM) et le methylfluorophosphate disopropyle (Sarin). Arch. Int. pharmacodyn., 123, 282-290 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
4. (245) Rosenberg, P. In vivo reactivation by PAM of brain Biochem. cholinesterase inhibited by Paraoxon. Pharmacol., 3, 212-219 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
5. (256) Hinterbuchner, L.P. and D. Nachmansohn. Electrical activity evoked by a specific chemical reaction. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 44, 554-560 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
6. (247) Whittam, R. and M. Guinnebault. The efflux of pot assium from electroplaques of electric eels. J. Gen. Physiol., 43, 1171-1191 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
7. (248) Whittam, R. and M. Guinnebault. The effect of blocking electrical activity on the efflux of potassium from electroplax. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 45, 336-347 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
8. (251) Nachmansohn, D. The aims of the symposium. In: Molecular Biology. Elementary Processes of Nerve Conduction and Muscle Contraction. (D. Nachmansohn, ed.) Academic Press, New York, pp.xiii-xvi (1960), 1960
Box 6
9. (242) Wilson, I.B. Aspects of the molecular basis of nervous activity. In: Molecular Biology. Elementary Processes of Nerve Conduction and Muscle Contraction (D. Nachmansohn, ed.) Academic Press, New York, pp. 163-171, (1960)., 1960
Box 6
10. (243) Nachmansohn, D. Biochemical basis of nerve activity. In: Radioactive Isotopes in Physiology, Diagnostics and Therapy (H. Schiegk and F. Turba, eds.) Vol. II. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2nd Ed., pp. 229-251 (1961), 1961
Box 6
11. (253) Rosenberg, P., H. Higman, and D. Nachmansohn. An improved isolated single electroplax preparation. I. Effect of compounds acting primarily at the synapses. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 44, 151-160 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
12. (259) Rosenberg, P. and H. Higman. An improved isolated single electroplax preparation. II. Compounds acting on the conducting membrane. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 45, 348-354 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
13. (252) Ehrenpreis, S. Isolation and identification of the acetyl choline receptor protein of electric tissue. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 44, 561-577 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
14. (263) Ehrenpreis, S. and M. G. Kellock. Acetylcholine receptor protein and nerve activity. I. Specific reaction of local anesthetics with the protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 2, 311-315 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
15. (264) Bartels, E., W.D. Dettbarn, H. Higman, and P. Rosenberg. Acetylcholine receptor protein and nerve activity. II. Cationic group in local anesthetics and electrical response. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 2, 316-319 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
16. (244) Dettbarn, W.D. New evidence for the role of acetyl choline in conduction. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 41, 337-3 and 6 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
17. (267) Nachmansohn, D., S. Ochoa, and F.A. Lipman. Otto Meyerhof 1894-1951, A Biographical Memoir. Nat. Acad. Sci., 34, 153-182 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
18. (249) Dettbarn, W.D. The effect of curare on conduction in myelinated, isolated nerve fibers of the frog. Nature, 186, 891-892 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
19. (260) Dettbarn, W.D., H. Higman, P. Rosenberg, and D. Nachmansohn. Rapid and reversible block of electrical activity by powerful marine biotoxins. Science, 132, 300-301 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
20. (261) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical and molecular aspects of bioelectrogenesis. In: Bioelectrogenesis, Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative Bioelectrogenesis (C. Chagas and A. Paes de Carvalho, eds.) Elsevier Publ. Co., pp. 237-261 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
21. (262) Dettbarn, W.-D. New evidence for the role of acetyl choline in bioelectrogenesis. In: Bioelectrogenesis, Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative Bioelectrogenesis (C. Chagas and A. Paes de Carvalho, eds.) Elsevier Publ. Co., pp. 262-287 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
22. (265) Ehrenpreis, S. The isolation and identification of the acetylcholine receptor protein from electric tissue of Electrophorus electricus. In: Bioelectrogenesis, Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative Bioelectrogenesis (C. Chagas and A. Paes de Carvalho, eds.) Elsevier Publ. Co., pp. 379-396 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
23. (272) Whittam, R. Some effects of electrical activity and depolarizing agents on the efflux of potassium from electroplax of electric eels. In: Bioelectrogenesis, Proceedings of the Symposium on Comparative-Bioelectrogenesis (C. Chagas and A. Paes de Carvalho, eds.) Elsevier Publ. Co. , pp. 166-168 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
24. (266) Ehrenpreis, S. and M.G, Kellock. The interaction of quaternary ammonium compounds with hyaluronic acid. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 45, 525-528 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
25. (254) Ehrenpreis, S. and M.M. Fishman. The interaction, of quaternary ammonium compounds with chondroitin sulfate. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 44, 577-585 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
26. (273) Rosenberg, P. and S. Ehrenpreis. Reversible block of axonal conduction by curare after treatment with cobra venom and a detergent. Nature, 190, 728-729 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
27. (250) Hoskin, F.C.G. A source of error in the use of radioactive substrates for metabolic studies. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 87, 151-152 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
28. (239) Hoskiu, F.C.G. Intermediate metabolism of electric tissue in relation to function. III. Oxidation of. substrates by tissues of Electrophorus electricus as compared to other vertebrates. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 85, 141-148 (1959)., 1959
Box 6
29. (246) Hoskin, F.C.G. Effect of inhibitors on the metabolism of specifically labelled glucose by brain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 40, 309-313 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
30. (268) Hoskin, F.C.G. Chemical stimulation and modifications of glucose metabolism by brain. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 91, 43-46 (1960)., 1960
Box 6
31. (278) Dettbarn, W.D. and F.C.G. Hoskin. Changes of glucose metabolism during lobster nerve activity. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 50, 568-570 (1961)., 1961
Box 6
32. (280) Harrison, W.H. Enzymic reactions competing with noradrenaline N-methyl transferase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 50, 202-204 (1961)., 1961
Volume 10: 1961-1963
Box 6
1. (258) Nachmansohn, D. Chapter 21, 522-557. In: Neurochemistry, K.A.C. Elliot, I.H. Page and J.H. Quastel, Edits. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111, 1962., 1962
Box 6
2. (271) Nachmansohn, D. Chapter 15, pp. 701-740. In: Handbuch d. exp. Pharmakologie, Erg., Bd. 15, G. Koelle, Ed. , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1963., 1963
Box 6
3. (286) Nachmansohn, D. Chapter 2, pp. 40-45. In: Handbuch d. exp. Pharmakologie, Erg., Bd. 15, G. Koelle, Ed., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1963., 1963
Box 6
4. (274) Nachmansohn, D. In: Actualites Neurophysiologiques (Tome HI), A. M. Monnier, Ed., Masson, Paris, pp. 299-337, 1961., 1961
Box 6
5. (269) Nachmansohn, D. Koshtoyants Memorial Volume, 215-228. T.M. Turpajew, Ed., U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1961., 1961
Box 6
6. (283) Higman, H.B., and E. Bartels. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 54, 543-554, 1961., 1961
Box 6
7. (284) Dettbarn, W.D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 57, 7 3-76, 1962., 1962
Box 6
8. (285) Higman, H.B. and E. Bartels. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 57, 77-82, 1962., 1962
Box 6
9. (294) Hoskin, F.C.G. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 62, 11-16, 1962., 1962
Box 6
10. (295) Rosenberg, P. and T. R. Podleski. J. Pharmacol. and Exptl. Therap. , 137, 249-262, 1962., 1962
Box 6
11. (297) Dettbarn, W.-D., and F.C.G. Hoskin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 62, 566-573, 1962., 1962
Box 6
12. (298) Greenberg, H. and D. Nachmansohn. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 7, 186-189, 1962., 1962
Box 6
13. (299) Davis, F.A. and W.D. Dettbarn. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 63, 349-357, 1962., 1962
Box 6
14. (301) Dettbarn, W.D. and F. A. Davis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 60, 648-650, 1962., 1962
Box 6
15. (302) Podleski, T.R. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 63, 358-354, 1962., 1962
Box 6
16. (303) Bartels, E. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 63, 365-373, 1962., 1962
Box 6
17. (304) Dettbarn, W.D. and P. Rosenberg. Biochem. Pharmacol., 11, 1025-1030, 1962., 1962
Box 6
18. (305) Dettbarn, W.D. and P. Rosenberg. Biochim. Biophys. Act, 65, 362, 1962., 1962
Box 6
19. (306) Rosenberg, P. and W.D. Dettbarn. Biochim. Biophys. Act; 69, 103-114, 1963., 1963
Box 6
20. (276) Rosenberg, P. and Ehrenpreis. Biochem. Pharmacol., 8, 192-206, 1961., 1961
Box 6
21. (290) Dettbarn, W.D. Nature, 194, 1175-1176, 1962., 1962
Box 6
22. (281) Gold, A.M. J. Organic Chem., 26, 3991-3994, 1961., 1961
Box 6
23. (314) Gold, A.M., and D.E. Fahrney. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 10, 55-59, 1963., 1963
Box 6
24. (282) Nachmansohn, D. Science, 134, 1962-1968, 1961., 1961
Box 6
25. (289) Nachmansohn, D. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 352-356, 1962., 1962
Box 6
26. (293) Nachmansohn, D. J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 179, No. 8, 639-643, 1962., 1962
Box 6
27. (291) Dettbarn, W.D. and F.A. Davis. Science, 136, 716-717, 196., undated
Box 6
28. (296) Nachmansohn, D. Science, 136, 177-181, 1962., 1962
Box 6
29. (292) Nachmansohn, D. The Yale Scientific Magazine, 36, No. 5, 20-26, 1962., 1962
Box 6
30. (288) Lawler, H.C. J. Biol. Chem., 238, 132-137, 1963., 1963
Box 6
31. (300) Nachmansohn, D. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 45, 29-54, 1963., 1963
Box 6
32. (275) Lawler, H.C. J. Biol. Chem., 236, 2296-2301 (1961)., 1961
Volume 11: 1963-1965
Box 6
1. (328) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of ion movements across conducting membranes. In: New Perspectives in Biology, M. Sela, Ed. B.B.A. Library Vol. 4, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 176-204, 1964., 1964
Box 6
2. (324) Nachmansohn, D. The chemical basis of Claude Bernard's observations on curare. Biochem. Zeitschr., 338, 454-473, 1963., 1963
Box 6
3. (338) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of bioelectric currents in membranes of conducting cells. Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital, 3, 549-583, 1964., 1964
Box 6
4. (334) Davis, Floyd A. and D. Nachmansohn. Acetylcholine formation in lobster sensory axons. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 88, 384-389, 1964., 1964
Box 6
5. (313) Rosenberg, P., H.B. Higman and E. Bartels. The active structure of local anesthetics. Effects on electrical and cholinesterase activity. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 66, 406-414, 1963., 1963
Box 6
6. (318) Higman, H.B., T.R. Podleski and E. Bartels. Apparent Dissociation constants between carbamylcholine, d-tubocurarine and the receptor. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 75, 187-193, 1963., 1963
Box 6
7. (319) Podleski, T.R. and E. Bartels. Difference between tetracaine and d-tubocurarine in the competition with carbamylcholine. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 75, 387-396, 1963., 1963
Box 6
8. (326) Higman, H.B., T.R. Podleski and E. Bartels. Correlation of membrane potential and potassium flux in the electroplax of Electrophorus. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 79, 138-150, 1964., 1964
Box 6
9. (331) Bartels, E. and T.R. Podleski. Action of nicotine on the electroplax and difference of potency between ionized and unionized forms. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 79, 511-520, 1964., 1964
Box 6
10. (312) Dettbarn, W.D. and F.A. Davis. Effects of acetylcholine on axonal conduction of lobster nerve. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 66, 397-405, 1963., 1963
Box 6
11. (320) Dettbarn, W.D. Hydrolysis of choline esters in invertebrate nerve fibers. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 77, 430-435, 1963., 1963
Box 6
12. (323) Rosenberg, P., E.A. Mackey, H.B. Higman, and W.D. Dettbarn. Choline acetylase and cholinesterase activity in dendervated electroplax. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 82, 266-275, 1964., 1964
Box 6
13. (330) Dettbarn, W.D. Action of acetylcholine and curare on lobster axons. Life Sciences, 12, 910-916, 1963., 1963
Box 6
14. (332) Dettbarn, W.D., P. Rosenberg and D. Nachmansohn. Restoration by a specific chemical reaction of "irreversibly" blocked axonal electrical activity. Life Sciences, 3, 55-60, 1964., 1964
Box 6
15. (333) Dettbarn, W.D. Distinction between action on acetylcholinesterase and on acetylcholine receptor in axons. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 79, 629-630, 1964., 1964
Box 6
16. (315) Rosenberg, P. and T.R. Podleski. Ability of venoms to render squid axons sensitive to curare and acetylcholine. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 75, 104-115, 1963., 1963
Box 6
17. (316) Rosenberg, P. and K.Y. Ng. Factors in venoms leading to block of axonal conduction by curare. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 75, 116-128, 1963., 1963
Box 6
18. (309) Rosenberg, P. and F.C.G. Hoskin. Demonstration of increased permeability as a factor in the effect of acetylcholine on the electrical activity of venom-treated axons. J. Gen. Physiol., 46, 1065-1073, 1963., 1963
Box 6
19. (329) Hoskin, F.C.G. and P. Rosenberg. Alteration of acetylcholine penetration into, and effects on, venom-treated squid axons by physostigmine and related compounds. J. Gen. Physiol., 47, 1117-1127, 1964., 1964
Box 6
20. (336) Rosenberg, P. and W.D. Dettbarn. Increased cholinesterase activity of intact cells caused by snake venoms. Biochem. Pharmacol., 13, 1157-1165, 1964., 1964
Box 6
21. (307) Hoskin, F.C.G. and C. Von Eschen. Action of arylsulfatase on vitamin K3 disulfate. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 67, 669-671, 1963., 1963
Box 6
22. (327) Lawler, H.C. The preparation of a soluble acetylcholinesterase from brain. Biohcim. Biophys. Acta, 81, 280-288, 1964., 1964
Box 6
23. (321) Hoskin, F.C.G. Stereospecificity in the reactions of acetylcholinesterase. (28354) Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Med., 113, 320-321, 1963., 1963
Box 6
24. (325) Hoskin, F.C.G. and C. Von Eschen. Stimulation by quinones of initial pentose phosphate pathway steps in soluble brain preparations. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 103, 111-116, 1963., 1963
Box 6
25. (340) Hoskin, F. C.G. Stimulation of respiration and inhibition of glycolysis in lobster axons by menadione and some related naphthoquinones. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 108, 506-509, 1964., 1964
Box 6
26. (310) Harrison, W.H. Detection of intermediate oxidation states of adrenaline and noradrenaline by fluorescence spectrometric analysis. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 101, 116-130, 1963., 1963
Box 6
27. (317) Harrison, W.H. Ascorbic acid-induced fluorescence of a noradrenaline oxidation product. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 70, 705-710, 1963., 1963
Box 6
28. (335) Markman, H.D., P. Rosenberg and W.D. Dettbarn. Eyedrops and diarrhea. New England Journal of Medicine, 2, 197-199, 1964., 1964
Box 6
29. (311) Fahrney, D.E. and A.M. Gold. On the problem of the serine -histidine hydrogen bond in the active site of alpha-cnymotrypsin. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 349-350, 1963., 1963
Box 6
30. (308) Fahrney, D.E. and A.M. Gold. Sulfonyl fluorides as inhibitors of esterases. I. Rates of reaction with acetylcholinesterase, alpha-chymotrypsin, and trypsin. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 997-1000, 1963., 1963
Box 6
31. (347) Beychok, S. Effect of ligands on the optical rotatory dispersion of hemoglobin. I. Ferrihemoglobin cyanide, ferrihemoglobin azide, ferrihemoglobin hydroxide, and carbonmonoxyhemoglobm. Biopolymers, 2, 575-584, 1964., 1964
Box 6
32. (348) Beychok, S. and G.D. Fasman. Circular dichroism of poly-L-tyrosine. Biochemistry, 3, 1675-1678, 1964., 1964
Box 6
33. (349) Breslow, E., S. Beychok, K.D. Hardman, and F.R.N. Gurd. Relative conformations of sperm whale metmyoglobin and apomyoglobin in solution. J. Biol. Chem., 240,304-309, 1965., 1965
Volume 12: 1964-1966
Box 6
1. (377) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of the permeability cycle in excitable membranes during electrical activity. In: Biological Membranes: Recent Progress. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 137, 877-900, 1966., 1966
Box 6
2. (368) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of the permeability cycle in excitable membranes during activity. Israel J. Med. Sci., 1, 1201-1219, 1965., 1965
Box 6
3. (374) Nachmansohn, D. Properties of the acetylcholine receptor protein analyzed on the excitable membrane of the monocellular electroplax preparation. In: Current Aspects of Biochemical Energetics. Academic Press, New York, 1966 (pp. 145-171). Fritz Lipmann Dedicatory Volume., 1966
Box 6
4. (361) Nachmansohn, D. Role of acetylcholine in neuromuscular transmission. Symposium on Myasthenia Gravis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 135, 136-149, 1966., 1966
Box 6
5. (359) Nachmansohn, D. Chemische Kontrolle des Permeabilitaets-zyklus erregbarer Mernbranen waehrend elektrischer Aktivitaet. In: Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F., 30, 207-233, 1965. (Mothes Festschrift), 1965
Box 6
6. (357) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical forces controlling permeability changes of excitable membranes during electrical activity. In: Nerve as a Tissue, Ed. K. Rodahl. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966 (pp. 141-161)., 1966
Box 6
7. (337) Nachmansohn, D. Perspectives in research on the molecular basis of nerve activity. In: Molecular Biology: Problems and Perspectives Acad. Sci. of the U.S.S.R., 1964 (pp. 282-303). Anniversary Volume for V.A. Engelhard., 1964
Box 6
8. (373) Hoskin, F.C.G., Philip Rosenberg, and M. Brzin. Re-examination of the effect of DFP on electrical and cholinesterase activity of squid giant axon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 55, 1231-1235, 1966., 1966
Box 6
9. (379) Rosenberg, Philip, H. G. Mautner, and D. Nachmansohn. Similarity of effects of oxygen, sulfur, and selenium isologs on the acetylcholine receptor in excitable membranes of junctions and axons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 55, 835-838, 1966., 1966
Box 6
10. (388) Podleski, T.R., and D. Nachmansohn. Similarities between active sites of acetylcholine receptor and acetylcholinesterase tested with quinolinium ions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 56, 1034-1039, 1966. Dedicated to H. H. Weber., 1966
Box 6
11. (389) Brzin, M. The localization of acetylcholinesterase in axonal membranes of frog nerve fibers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 56, 1560-1563, 1966., 1966
Box 6
12. (339) Karlin, A. The association of acetylcholinesterase and membrane in subcellular fractions of the electric tissue of Electrophorus. J. Cell Biol., 25, 159-169, 1965., 1965
Box 6
13. (351) Brzin, M., W.D. Dettbarn, P. Rosenberg, and D. Nachmansohn. Cholinesterase activity per unit surface area of conducting membranes. J. Cell Biol., 26, 353-364, 1965., 1965
Box 6
14. (358) Hoskin, F.C.G. and P. Rosenberg. Penetration of sugars, steroids, amino acids, and other organic compounds into the interior of the squid giant axon. J. Gen. Physiol., 4-9, 47-56, 1965., 1965
Box 6
15. (381) Brzin, M., V.M. Tennyson, and P.E. Duffy. Acetylcholinesterase in frog sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. A study by electron microscope cytochemistry and microgasornei analysis with the magnetic diver. J. Cell Biol., 31, 215-242, 1966., 1966
Box 6
16. (378) Dettbarn, W.D. and P. Rosenberg. Effect of ions on the efflux of acetylcholine from peripheral nerve. J. Gen. Physiol., 50, 447-460, 1966., 1966
Box 6
17. (341) Dettbarn, W.D., H.B. Higman, E. Bartels, and T. Podleski. Effects of marine toxins on electrical activity and K+ -efflux of excitable membranes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 94, 472-478, 1965., 1965
Box 6
18. (343) Webb, G.D. Affinity of benzoquinonium and ambenonium derivatives for the acetylcholine receptor, tested on the electroplax, and for acetylcholinesterase in solution. Biochi. Biophys. Acta, 102, 172-184, 1965., 1965
Box 6
19. (356) Bartels, Eva. Relationship between acetylcholine and local anesthetics. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 109, 194-203, 1965., 1965
Box 6
20. (362) Bartels, Eva, and D. Nachmansohn, Molecular structure determining the action o£ local anesthetics on the acetylcholine receptor. Biochem. Zeitschr., 342, 359-374, 1965., 1965
Box 6
21. (342) Beychok, S. On the problem of isolation of the specific acetylcholine receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol., 14, 1249-1255, 1965., 1965
Box 6
22. (353) Brzin, M., W.D. Dettbarn, and P. Rosenberg. Penetration of neostigmine, physostigmine, and paraoxon into the squid giant axon. Biochem. Pharmacol., 14, 919-924, 1965., 1965
Box 6
23. (364) Rosenberg, P. Effects of venoms on the squid giant axon. Toxicon, 3, 125-131, 1965., 1965
Box 6
24. (367) Prince, A.K. Spectrophotometric study of the acetylcholinesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of 1-methyl-acetoxyquinoliniurn iodides. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 113, 195-204, 1966., 1966
Box 6
25. (369) Prince, A.X. A sensitive fluorometric procedure for the determination of small quantities of acetylcholinesterase. Biochem. Pharmacol., 15, 411-417, 1966., 1966
Box 6
26. (370) Koskin, F.C.G. Anaerobic glycolysis in parts of the giant axon of squid. Nature, 210, 856-857, 1966., 1966
Box 6
27. (372) Rosenberg, P., W.D. Dettbarn, and M. Brzin. Acetylcholine and choline acetylase in squid giant axon, ganglia and retina. Nature, 210, 858-859, 1966., 1966
Box 6
28. (382) Webb, G.D., W.D. Dettbarn and M. Brzin. Biochemical and pharmacological aspects of the synapses of the squid stellate ganglion. Biochem. Pharmacol., 15, 1813-1819, 1966., 1966
Box 6
29. (384) Karlin, A. and E. Bartels. Effects of blocking sulfhydryl groups and of reducing disulfide bonds on the acetylcholine-activated permeability system of the electroplax. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 126, 525-535, 1966., 1966
Box 6
30. (365) Mautner, H.G., E. Bartels, and G.D. Webb. Sulfur and selenium isologs related to acetylcholine and choline IV. Activity in the electroplax preparation. Biochem. Pharmacol., 15, 187-193, 1966., 1966
Box 6
31. (383) Webb, G.D., and H.G. Mautner. Sulfur and selenium compounds related to acetylcholine and choline - VI. Effects of homocholine derivatives on the electropiax preparation. Biochem. Pharmacol., 15, 2105-2111, 1966., 1966
Box 6
32. (350) Greenbergs Hanna and D. Nachmansohn. Studies of acid phosphomonoesterases and their inhibition by diisopropylphos-phorofluoridate. J. Biol. Chem., 240, 1639-164-6, 1965., 1965
Box 6
33. (344) Gold, A.M. and D. Fahrney. Sulfonyl fluorides as inhibitors of esterases. II. Formation and reactions of phenylmethane-sulfonyl a-chymotrypsin. Biochemistry, 3, 783-791, 1964., 1964
Volume 13: 1966-1968
Box 7
1. (424) Nachmansohn, D. Proteins in bioelectricity: control of ion movements across excitable membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 61, 1034-1041, 1968., 1968
Box 7
2. (405) Nachmansohn, D. La membrane excitable. Macromolecules liees a la bioelectrogenese. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., Paris, 49, 1177-1189, 1967., 1967
Box 7
3. (406) Nachmansohn, D. Properties and function of macromolecules in excitable membranes. In: Protides of the Biological Fluids, Proceedings of the 15th Colloquium, Bruges 1967, H. Peeters, edit., Elsevier, pp. 79-89, 1967., 1967
Box 7
4. (366) Nachmansohn, D. Chemical control of excitable membranes during electrical activity. In: Proc. Sympos. Biophys. and Physiol, of Biological Transport, Frascati, 1967, Protoplasma, 63, 295-298, 1967., 1967
Box 7
5. (386) Dettbarn, W.D. The acetylcholine system in peripheral nerve. In: Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanism. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 144, 483-503, 1967., 1967
Box 7
6. (390) Rosenberg, P. Use of venoms in studies on nerve excitation. Mem. Inst. Butantan, Simp. Internac., 33, 477-508, 1966., 1966
Box 7
7. (394) Leuzinger, W. and A.L. Baker. Acetylcholinesterase. I. Large scale purification, homogeneity, amino acid analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 57, 446-451, 1967., 1967
Box 7
8. (416) Leuzinger, W., A.L. Baker, and E. Cauvin. Acetylcholinesterase. II. Crystallization, absorption spectra, isoionic point. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 59, 620-623, 1968., 1968
Box 7
9. (389) Brzin, M. The localization of acetylcholinesterase in axonal membranes of frog nerve fibers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 56, 1560-1563, 1966., 1966
Box 7
10. (419) Karlin, A. and M. Winnik. Reduction and specific alkylation of the receptor for acetylcholine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 60, 668-674, 1968., 1968
Box 7
11. (403) Karlin, A. Permeability and internal concentration of ions during depolarization of the electroplax. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 58, 1162-1167, 1967., 1967
Box 7
12. (414) Silman, H.I., and A. Karlin. Effect of local pH changes caused by substrate hydrolysis on the activity of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 58, 1664-1668, 1967, 1967
Box 7
13. (402) Podleski, T.R. Distinction between the active sites of acetyl-choline-receptor and -esterase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 58, 268-273, 1967., 1967
Box 7
14. (411) Changeux, J.P., T.R. Podleski and L. Wofsy. Affinity labeling of the acetylcholine-receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 58, 2063-2070, 1967., 1967
Box 7
15. (417) Changeux, J.P. and T.R. Podleski. On the excitability and cooperativity of the electroplax membrane. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 59, 944-950, 1968., 1968
Box 7
16. (401) Karlin, A. On the application of a plausible model of allosteric proteins to the receptor for acetylcholine. J. Theoretical Biol., 16, 306-320, 1967., 1967
Box 7
17. (395) Karlin, A. Chemical distinctions between acetylcholinesterase and the acetylcholine-receptor. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 139, 358-362, 1967., 1967
Box 7
18. (404) Podleski, T.R., and J.P. Changeux. Electrical phenomena associated with the activity of the membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase. Science, 157, 1579-1581, 1967., 1967
Box 7
19. (407) Bartels, E. Reactions of ACh-receptor and -esterase studied on the electroplax. J. Biol. Pharmacol. , 17, 945-966, 1968., 1968
Box 7
20. (393) Rosenberg, P. and H.G. Mautner. Acetylcholine receptor: similarity in axons and junctions. Science, 155, 1569-1571, 1967., 1967
Box 7
21. (387) Brzin, M. and W.D. Dettbarn. Cholinesterase activity of nodal and internodal regions of myelinated nerve fibers of frog. J. Cell Biol., 32, 577-583, 1967., 1967
Box 7
22. (396) Brzin, M., V.M. Tennyson, and P.E. Duffy. Ultrastructural, cytochemical, and microgasometric studies of acetylcholinesterase in isolated neurons of the frog. Int. J. Neuropharmacol., 6, 265-272, 1967., 1967
Box 7
23. (409) Dettbarn, W.D. and E. Bartels. The action of acetylcholine and cholinesterase inhibitors on single axons of the lobster. Biochem. Pharmacol., 17, 1833-1844, 1968., 1968
Box 7
24. (397) Condrea, E., P. Rosenberg and W.D. Dettbarn. Demonstration of phospholipid splitting as the factor responsible for increased permeability and block of axonal conduction induced by snake venom. I. Study on lobster axons. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 135, 669-681, 1967., 1967
Box 7
25. (410) Condrea, E. and P. Rosenberg. Demonstration of phospholipid splitting as the factor responsible for increased permeability and block of axonal conduction induced by snake venom. II. Study on squid axons. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 150, 271-281, 1968, 1968
Box 7
26. (421) Rosenberg, P. and E. Condrea. Maintenance of axonal conduction and membrane permeability in presence of extensive phospholipid splitting. Biochem. Pharmacol., 17, 2033-2044, 1968, 1968
Box 7
27. (412) Martin, R. and P. Rosenberg. Fine structural alterations associated with venom action on squid giant nerve fibers. J. Cell Biol., 36, 341-353, 1968., 1968
Box 7
28. (385) Rosenberg, P. and E. Bartels. Drug effects on the spontaneous electrical activity of the squid axon. J. Pharmacol, and Exptl. Therap., 155, 532-544, 1967., 1967
Box 7
29. (420) Giuditta, A., W.D. Dettbarn and M. Brzin. Protein synthesis in the isolated giant axon of the squid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 59, 1284-1287, 1968., 1968
Box 7
30. (408) Hoskin, F.C.G. and C.D. Allerand. Metabolism of specifically labeled glucose by explants of newborn mouse cerebellum. J. Neurochem., 15, 427-432, 1968., 1968
Box 7
31. (398) Hoskin, F.C.G. and P. Rosenberg. Penetration of an organo-phosphorus compound into squid axon and its effect on metabolism and function. Science, 156, 966-967, 1967., 1967
Box 7
32. (399) Duvoisin, R.C. and W.D. Dettbarn. Cerebrospinal fluid acetyl choline in man. Neurology, 17, 1077-1081, 1967., 1967
Volume 14: 1968-1971
Box 7
1. (442) Nachmansohn, D. Proteins in excitable membranes. Science, 168, 1059-1066 (1970)., 1970
Box 7
2. (400) Nachmansohn, D. Proteins in bioelectricity. Acetylcholine -Esterase and -Receptor. In: Handbook of Sensory Physiology. Vol. I. Principles of Receptor Physiology. W.R. Loewenstein, Ed. Springer-Verlag, pp. 18-102 (1971)., 1971
Box 7
3. (425) Silman, H.I. and A. Karlin. Action of antibiotics affecting membrane permeability on the electroplax. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 61, 674-679 (1968)., 1968
Box 7
4. (429) Changeux, J.P., A. Ryter, W. Leuzinger, P. Barrand and T. Podleski. On the association of tyrocidine with acetylcholinesterase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 62, 986-993 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
5. (440) Deal, W.J., B.F. Erlanger and D. Nachmansohn. Photoregulation of biological activity by photochromic reagents. III. Photoregulation of bioelectricity by acetylcholine receptor inhibitors. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 64, 1230-1234 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
6. (444) Mautner, H.G., and E. Bartels. Interactions of p-nitrobenzene diazonium fluoroborate and analogs with the active sites of acetylcholine-receptor and -esterase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 67, 74-78 (1970)., 1970
Box 7
7. (391) Podleski, T.R. Molecular forces acting between ammonium ions and acetylcholine receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol., 18, 211-225 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
8. (427) Hoskin, F.C.G., L.T. Kremzner and P. Rosenberg. Effects of some cholinesterase inhibitors on the squid giant axon - their permeability, detoxication and effects on conduction and acetylcholinesterase activity. Biochem. Pharmacol., 18, 1727-1737 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
9. (428) Bartels, E., M. Brzin and W.D. Dettbarn. Action of acetyl choline in the presence of organophosphates on single axons of the lobster. Biochem. Pharmacol., 18, 2590-2595 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
10. (438) Bartels, E. and D. Nachmansohn. Organophosphate inhibitors of acetylcholine - receptor and -esterase tested on the electroplax. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 133, 1-10 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
11. (426) Leuzinger, W., M. Goldberg and E. Cauvin. Molecular properties of acetylcholinesterase. J. Mol. Biol., 40, 217-225 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
12. (434) Silman, I. and A. Karli: Acetylcholine receptor: covalent attachment of depolarizing groups at the active site. Science, 164, 1420-1421 (1969)., 1969
Box 7
13. (430) Nachmansohn, D. Proteins of excitable membranes. J. Gen. Physiol., 54, 187s-224s (1969)., 1969
Box 7
14. (437) Nachmansohn, D. Proteins in bioelectricity. In: Protein Metabolism of the Nervous System. A. Lajtha, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 313-333 (1970)., 1970
Box 7
15. (436) Leuzinger, W. Structure and function of acetylcholinesterase. In: Progress in Brain Research – Vol. 21 – Mechanism of Synaptic Transmission. K. Akert and P.G. Waser, Eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 241-245 (1969)., 1969
Volume 15: 1971-1976
Box 7
1. (467) Nachmansohn, D. (1976) The transduction of chemical into electrical energy. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 82-85., 1976
Box 7
2. (450) Nachmansohn, D. (1972) Biochemistry as Part of my Life. In: Annual Review of Biochemistry, Prefatory Chapter, pp. 1-28., 1972
Box 7
3. (457) Neumann, E., Nachmansohn, D. and Katchalsky, A. (1973) An attempt at an integral interpretation of nerve excitability. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. , USA 70, 727-731., 1973
Box 7
4. (459) Nachmansohn., D. and Neumann, E. (1974) Properties and function of proteins in excitable membranes. An integral model of nerve excitability. Ann. N.Y. Acad, Sci. , 227, 275-284., 1974
Box 7
5. (466) Nachmansohn, D. Biochemical Foundation of an integral model of nerve excitability. 25. Mosbacher Colloquium der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie, 25.-27. April 1974. In: Biochemistry of Sensory Function (L. Jaenicke, ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp. 431-464., 1974
Box 7
6. (462) Chang, H.W. (1974) Purification and characterization of acetylcholine-receptor-I from Electrophorus electricus. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 71, 2113-2117., 1974
Box 7
7. (460) Nachmansohn, D. (1973) Proprietes et fonction des proteines dans les membranes excitables; un modele integral de l'excitabilite nerveuse. C.R. de la Soc. Chim. Biol., 55, 365-376., 1973
Box 7
8. (451) Nachmansohn, D. (1971) Chemical events in conducting and synaptic membranes during electrical activity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 68, 3170-3174., 1971
Box 7
9. (447) Nachmansohn, D. (1973) The neuromuscular junction. The role of acetylcholine in excitable membranes. In: The Structure and Function of Muscle, Vol. Ill, Physiology and Biochemistry (Geoffrey H. Bourne, ed.) Academic Press, New York, pp. 32-117., 1973
Box 7
10. (456) Nachmansohn, D. (1973) Importance of structure and organization for the chemical reactions in excitable membranes. In: Central Nervous System - Studies on Metabolic Regulation and Function (E. Genazzani and H. Herken, eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp. 121-137., 1973
Box 7
11. (448) Bartels, E., Wassermann, N.H. and Erlanger, B.F. (1971) Photochromic activators of the acetylcholine receptor. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 68, 1820-1823., 1971
Box 7
12. (452) Rosenberry, T.L., Chang, H.W. and Chen, Y.T. (1972) Purifi cation of acetylcholinesterase by affinity chromatography and determination of active site stoichiometry. J. Biol. Chem., 247, 1555-1565, 1972
Box 7
13. (461) Chen, Y.T., Rosenberry, T.L., and Chang, H.W. (1974) Subunit heterogeneity of acetylcholinesterase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 161, 479-487., 1974
Box 7
14. (463) Rosenberry, T.L., Chen, Y.T., and Bock, E. (1974) Structure of II S acetylcholinesterase. Subunit composition. Biochemistry, 13, 3068-3079., 1974
Box 7
15. (445) Bartels, E. (1971) Depolarization of electroplax membrane in calcium-free Ringer's solution. J. Membrane Biol., 5, 121-132., 1971
Box 7
16. (449) Bartels, E. and Rosenberry, T.L. (1971) Snake neurotoxins: effect of disulfide reduction on interaction with electroplax. Science, 174, 1236-1237., 1971
Box 7
17. (453) Bartels, E. and Rosenberg, P. (1972) Correlation between electrical activity and splitting of phospholipids by snake venom in the single electroplax. J. Neurochem., 19, 1251-1265., 1972
Box 7
18. (455) Bartels, E. and Rosenberry, T.L. (1973) Modification of electroplax excitability by veratridine. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 298, 973-985., 1973
Box 7
19. (458) Nachmansohn, D. (1973) Organophosphate insecticides: an alternative to DDT. Rehovot, 7, 4-6., 1973
Box 7
20. (454) Del Castillo, J., Bartels, E., and Sobrino, J.A. (1972) Microelectrophoretic application of cholinergic compounds, protein oxidizing agents and mercurials to the chemically excitable membrane of the electroplax. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 69, 2081-2085., 1972