Zhang, Fakui papers, 1912-1966, bulk 1935-1949

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Zhang Fakui papers, 張發奎檔案, 1914-1966, bulk 1935-1949

Box 1 Folder 1 Inventory of papers, 檔案目錄, 1965, 1968

Prepared by the Chinese oral history project.

Photographs, 照片, 1914-1960

Box 1 Folder 2 1914-1960

Correspondence, 信函, 1929-1966

Box 1 Folder 3 Original correspondence, 原件信函, 1929-1954

Original letters from a number of American commanders in China and others associated with him, such as General Claire L. Chennault, General Harwood C. Bowman, his principal American adviser, and Admiral Willard A. Kitts. There are also several manifestos by the "Third Force" political organization in 1952 and 1954.

Microfilm Reel COHP Chang Fa-K'uei #1 Microfilmed correspondence (reel 1), 縮微信函, 1935-1966

General correspondence, letters, telegrams and other correspondence and documents related to the establishment of Hainan as a special area (1945-1947), Third session of the National Assembly (1960). 有關於海南特別區 (1945-1947), 第三國民會議 (1960)等信函.

See inventory in Box 1 Folder 1 for more details.

Box 7 Folder 2 Photocopies of microfilmed correspondence (reel 1), 縮微(第1卷), 信函影印版, 1935-1966

Diaries, 日記, 1939-1947

Microfilm Reel COHP Chang Fa-K'uei #3 Microfilm version (reel 3), 縮微版(第3卷)

Photocopies, 影印版

Box 7 Folder 3 January-July 1939

Box 7 Folder 4 August-December 1939

Box 8 Folder 1 January-June 1940

Box 8 Folder 2 July-December 1940

Box 8 Folder 3 January-June 1941

Box 8 Folder 4 July-December 1941

Box 8 Folder 5 January-June 1942

Box 9 Folder 1 July-December 1942

Box 9 Folder 2 January-June 1943

Box 9 Folder 3 July-December 1943

Box 9 Folder 4 January-June 1944

Box 9 Folder 5 July-December 1944

Box 10 Folder 1 April-October 1945, August 1946

Check microfilm for missing dates.

Box 10 Folder 2 January-December 1947

Check microfilm for missing dates.

Fourth War Zone files, 第四戰區文件, 1940-1947

Box 1 Folder 4 Conference to examine the operations of the Fourth War Zone, 第四戰區作戰檢討會文件, 原件, 1945

Documents from the "Conference to Examine the Operations of the Fourth War Zone" which Zhang commanded, from January 1945, after Zhang's defeat during the Battle of Guilin–Liuzhou 桂柳會戰 after the launch of the Japanese Operation Ichi-Go (一号作戦) in November 1944. Materials include operation reports and maps presented by three army groups and five corps under general Zhang, as well as Zhang's speech evaluating the defeat.

Draft manuscript on the history of the Fourth War Zone's operations during the Sino-Japanese War, prepared by the Plans and Operations Division of Canton Headquarters, 抗戰時期第四戰區戰役史, 原件, 1945-1947

Box 1 Folder 5 1 of 3 folders

Box 2 Folder 1-2 2-3 of 3 folders

Fourth War Zone Battle of Guinan's Chronology of Investigation, 第四戰區桂南戰史旅行暨戰調查紀事, 1940

Prepared by the Plans and Operations Division of Canton Headquarters after the Sino-Japanese War.

Microfilm Reel COHP Chang Fa-K'uei #2 Microfilm version (reel 2), 縮微版(第2卷)

Photocopies, 影印版

Box 5 Folder 2-4 1-3 of 7 folders

Box 6 Folder 1-4 4-7 of 7 folders

Hainan files, 海南文件, 1939-1949

Documents regarding the administration and regional development of Hainan in Chinese and Japanese, dating from 1939 to 1949, which General Zhang adopted after he was appointed to administer in 1949.

In Chinese, 中文

Box 2 Folder 3 Documents on Hainan, 1 of 2, 1946-1947

崖琼綏靖建設計劃大綱; 南海群島兵要地誌初稿, 1947年3月

葉佩高: 建設琼崖之愚見



海南島通信建設計劃綱要, 1947年7月24日

Box 2 Folder 4 Documents on Hainan, 2 of 2, 1946-1948



併存海南資料, 1947年8-9月


陳啟育:海南建設計劃大綱, 1947年7月21日



報告, 1946年9月5日


Box 2 Folder 5 Documents on Hainan, 1949, undated

陸軍總司令部組織規程及編制, 1949年5月




Box 3 Folder 1 Three-year Development plan for Hainan, 海南島開發3年計劃書, 1940-1944

Box 3 Folder 2 Development plans for Hainan, 海南島事業計劃, 1941

Box 3 Folder 3 Current condition of Hainan Island, prepared by Yoichi Hatta, 八田與一: 海南島之現況, 1941

Box 3 Folder 4 Maps of Hainan, 海南地圖, undated

In Japanese, 日文

Box 3 Folder 5 Agricultural investigation committee report, 殖產局調查團報告書, 1941

Box 3 Folder 6 Maps of Hainan, 海南地圖, 1939

Box 3 Folder 7 Construction plan, 海南島建築事業, 1939

Box 4 Folder 1 Construction plan, 海南島建築事業, 1940

Box 4 Folder 2 Political information, 琼崖參政資料, 1942-1945

Box 4 Folder 3 Industrial distribution documents, 海南島產業分布圖, 1939

Box 4 Folder 4 3-Year Development plan, 海南島開發3年計劃書, 1941-1943

Box 4 Folder 5 Development plan, 海南島事業計劃書, 1941

Box 5 Folder 1 Internal Affairs Regulations, 海南島事務分掌規程, 1940-1942