Box 148
A--General, 1945-1980
Box 148
Abelson, Dr. Paul., 1953-1954
Box 148
Abrams, Frank W., 1945-1955
Box 148
Acheson, Dean, 1949-1957
Box 148
Adams, Arlin, 1958-1980
Box 148
Akzin, Benjamin, 1954-1959
Box 148
American Arbitration Association, 1962-1963
Box 148
Anderson, Sigourd, 1957-1964
Box 148
Antitrust Bulletin, 1967-1970
Box 148
Arnold, Thurman, 1940-1969
Box 148
Austern, Thomas, 1948-1971
Box 148
Austin, Cyrus, 1957-1960
Box 149
B--General, 1942-1984, (3 folders)
Box 149
Barnard, Robert C., 1951-1952
Box 149
Barnes, Stanley N., 1953-1956
Box 149
Batshaw, Harry, 1960-1973
Box 149
Becker, William, 1962-1973
Box 149
Bell, Griffin, 1966-1980
Box 149
Bicks, Alexander, 1954-1960
Box 149
Birn, S. J., 1955-1969
Box 149
Black, Hugo, 1940-1971
Box 149
Blackmun, Harry A., 1981
Box 149
Bok, Derek C., 1966-1971
Box 149
Bondy, William, 1942-1959
Box 149
Bok, Dr. Betty, 1962-1978
Box 149
Bork, Robert H., 1968-1979
Box 149
Botein, Bernard, 1944-1974
Box 150
Boyd, Howard, 1969-1971
Box 150
Brandeis, Louis D., 1928-1933, (2 folders)
Box 150
Breitel, Charles D., 1942-1978
Box 150
Brewster, Kingman, 1963-1964
Box 150
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1971
Box 150
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1975
Box 150
Burger, Warren E., 1969-1978
Box 150
Burns, Arthur M., 1931
Box 150
Burns, Robert E., 1952-1983
Box 150
Burt, William R., 1952-1955
Box 150
Burton, Harold Hitz, 1951-1957
Box 150
C--General, 1942-1984, (4 folders)
Box 151
Celler, Emanuel, 1952-1955
Box 151
Chaffetz, Hammond E., 1951-1976
Box 151
Clark, Tom C., 1945-1973
Box 151
Coburn, Frank M., 1960-1965
Box 151
Committee for Jewish Army, 1942
Box 151
Connolly, John B., 1969
Box 151
Cooper, Irving Ben, 1952-1961
Box 151
Cox, Archibald, 1970-1979
Box 151
Crawford, Joan, 1959-1973
Box 151
D--General, 1955-1983, (2 folders)
Box 152
Davis, William H., 1941-1944
Box 152
Dawson, Archie O., 1954-1964
Box 152
Deak, Francis, 1942-1972
Box 152
Delacorte, George T., Jr., 1944-1971
Box 152
Dewey, Thomas E., 1949-1955
Box 152
Derenberg, Walter T., 1952-1975
Box 152
Dickerson, Reed, 1965
Box 152
Dickerson, Reed, 1963-1966
Box 152
Dole, Robert
Box 152
Donovan, William J., 1932-1933, (2 folders)
Box 152
Douglas, William O., 1940-1975
Box 152
Dorwin, Oscar John, 1951-1964
Box 152
Dunn, Charles Wesley, 1958-1959
Box 152
E--General, 1942-1984
Box 152
Eban, Abba, 1953-1974
Box 152
Edwards, Corwin D., 1953-1980
Box 152
Elman, Philip, 1961-1975
Box 152
Emmerglick, Leonard J., 1952-1971
Box 152
Ervin, Sam J., 1968-1969
Box 152
Ernst, Morris, 1955-1974
Box 152
Estes, Joe E., 1968-1974
Box 153
F--General, 1945-1984
Box 153
Fahey, Charles, 1941-1969
Box 153
Feinberg, Wilfred
Box 153
Fine, Sidney, 1960-1979
Box 153
Fisher, Mitchell Salem, 1951-1958
Box 153
Forster, Hans, 1967-1976
Box 153
Fortas, Abe, 1960-1968
Box 153
Frankel, Marvin E., 1960-1968
Box 153
Frankfurter, Estelle, 1945-1964
Frankfurter, Felix
Box 153
Calendar & Photocopies, 1928-1958
Box 153
Correspondence, 1928-1965
Box 153
Freund, Patricia, 1961-1967
Box 154
Freund, Paul A., 1968
Box 154
Friedman, Milton, 1970
Box 154
Friendly, Henry J., 1928-1984
Box 154
Fuld, Stanley, 1944-1983, (2 folders)
Box 154
G--General, 1950-1984
Box 155
G--General, 1950-1984
Box 155
Gampell, Sydney, 1954-1960
Box 155
Gardner, Richard N., 1961-1980
Box 155
Ginzberg, Eli., 1967
Box 155
Glenn, John, 1982
Box 155
Goldstein, Dr. Israel, 1949-1984
Box 155
Gossett, William T., 1959-1973
Box 155
Greenberg, Henry Clay, 1950-1961
Box 155
Greenberg, Jack., 1949-1969
Box 155
Griswold, Irwin N., 1956-1983
Box 155
H--General, 1941-1984
Box 156
H--General, 1941-1984
Box 156
Hand, Learned, 1944-1958
Box 156
Harlan, John Marshall, 1954-1971
Box 156
Harriman, Averell, 1954-1960
Box 156
Hays, James, 1948-1982
Box 156
Herlands, Herbert S., 1944-1969
Box 156
Herlands, William, 1955-1964
Box 156
Hill, John and Paul, 1965-1968
Box 156
Hook, Sidney, 1968-1976
Box 156
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1932
Box 156
Hughes, J.R.T., 1975-1976
Box 156
I--Geeneral, 1963-1984
Box 156
Israels, Carlos L., 1944-1968
Box 156
J--General, 1942-1984
Box 156
Jackson, Robert H., 1941-1954
Box 156
Javits, Jacob K., 1954-1976
Box 157
Javits, Jacob K., 1978-1980
Box 157
Jessup, Philip C, 1944-1976
Box 157
K--General, 1944-1984, (5 folders)
Box 157
Kaplan, Benjamin, 1942-1983
Box 157
Kaplan, Jacob M., 1955-1980
Box 157
Kaufman, Irving R., 1957-1984
Box 157
Kaye, Benjamin, 1945-1969
Box 158
Box 158
Kaye, Scholer, Fierman and Hays, 1951
Box 158
Keefe, Arthur John, 1957-1978
Box 158
Kefauver, Estes, 1946-1963
Box 158
Kennedy, John, 1961
Box 158
Keyserling, Leon H., 1973-1984
Box 158
Knox, James, 1934-1961
Box 158
Krout, John A., 1944
Box 158
Kupferman, Theodore R., 1966-1978
Box 158
L--General, 1930-1984
Box 159
L--General, 1930-1984
Box 159
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 1941
Box 159
Landau, Moshe, 1964-1984
Box 159
Lehman, Herbert, 1949-1969
Box 159
Lenhoff, Arthur, 1945-1952
Box 159
Levin, Theodore, 1959-1965
Box 159
Lilienthal, David Eli, 1929
Box 159
Lindsay, John V., 1965
Box 159
Lloyd, Geran, 1960-1982
Box 159
M--General, 1941-1984
Box 160
M--General, 1941-1984
Box 160
McIntire, Gordon, 1954-1957
Box 160
McGruder, Calvert, 1946-1966
Box 160
Mansfield, Walter R., 1971-1982
Box 160
Medina, Harold, 1950-1973
Box 160
Menken, H.L., 1929-1930
Box 160
Mentschikoff, Soia, 1962-1971
Box 160
Minicus, James L., 1955
Box 161
Morganthau, Henry and Robert, 1945-1967
Box 161
Mulligan, William
Box 161
Murphy, Thomas F., 1951-1958
Box 161
N--General, 1944-1980
Box 161
Nathan, Edgar, 1945-1949
Box 161
National Labor Relations Board, 1945-1948
Box 161
Nitschke, Robert, 1948-1977
Box 161
Nizer, Louis, 1954-1960
Box 161
O--General, 1945-1980
Box 161
Oliphant, Herman, 1929
Box 161
Oppenheim, S. Chesterfield, 1946-1976
Box 161
P--General, 1940-1984
Box 162
P--General, 1940-1984
Box 162
Paulsen, Monrad, 1967-1981
Box 162
Pearson, Drew, 1944
Box 162
Pepper, Benjamin, 1944-1955
Box 162
Pepper, Claude, 1944-1945
Box 162
Phillips, M.C., 1976
Box 162
Platt, Eleanor, 1971-1974
Box 162
Prettyman, E. Barret, 1951-1962
Box 162
Proskauer, Joseph, 1946-1950
Box 162
R--General, 1944-1984
Box 163
R--General, 1944-1984
Box 163
Raskin, Abraham H., 1964-1980
Box 163
Renfrew, Charles B., 1977-1979
Box 163
Rifkind, Simon H., 1944-1984
Box 163
Rogers, Edward S., 1933-1946
Box 163
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1944
Box 163
Rostow, Eugene V., 1944-1981
Box 163
Rutlege, Wiley, 1947
Box 163
S--General, 1942-1984
Box 164
S--General, 1942-1984
Box 165
S--General, 1942-1984
Box 165
Sarnoff, Irving & David, 1946-1974
Box 165
Saxl, Sherman, 1954-1967
Box 165
Saypol, Irving, 1950-1964
Box 165
Schumer, Charles E., 1982-1985
Box 165
Schwartz, Arthur, 1942-1975
Box 165
Searles, Sidney, 1942-1948
Box 166
Shientag, Bernard, 1946-1951
Box 166
Shotwell, James T., 1944
Box 166
Singer, Herbert, 1945-1982
Box 166
Sobeloff, Simon E., 1954-1973
Box 166
Sofaer, Abraham D., 1981-1984
Box 166
Spanel, A.M., 1952-1958
Box 166
Sporn, Philip, 1969-1976
Box 166
Standard Oil Co, 1945-1950
Box 166
Stern, Max and Leonard, 1964-1979
Box 166
Stettinius, Edward, Jr., 1943-1949
Box 166
Stevens, John P., 1975-1977
Box 166
Stewart, Potter, 1968-1984
Box 166
T--General, 1944-1981
Box 167
Thurmond, Strom, 1978
Box 167
Tonachel, Gerard, 1947-1971
Box 167
Touro College of Law, 1983
Box 167
Tuchman, Lester and Barbara, 1942-1984
Box 167
Tulin, Anna and Abe, 1947-1981
Box 167
Turner, Donald F., 1965-1975
Box 167
U--General, 1941-1984
Box 167
Uttal, Joseph, 1946
Box 167
V--General, 1945-1984
Box 167
Vance, Cyrus, 1961-1978
Box 167
Vandenberg, Arthur H., 1944
Box 167
Vanderbilt, Arthur T., 1945-1974
Box 168
W--General, 1945-1984
Box 168
Wagner, Robert F., Sr., 1932-1946
Box 168
Wagner, Robert F., 1941-1975
Box 169
Wallach, Ira D., 1942-1966
Box 169
Webster, Bethuel, 1945-1969
Box 169
Wessel, Milton R., 1978-1980
Box 169
Wright, Quincy, 1944
Box 169
Y--General, 1977-1983
Box 169
Yankwich, Leon R., 1954-1961
Box 169
Young, Don J., 1966
Box 169
Z--General, 1945-1982
Box 169
Zimmerman, Edwin, 1949-1975