Box 5
Aoki, Bunkyo, 1952-1953, in Tibetan cursive
(Request for Tibetan books and language records.)
Box 5
Bacot, J.
Box 5
Bakula, Shri Kushak, 1955 April 7, 1955
(Includes note in cursive Tibetan asking Tharchin to mail books to him in Srinagar.)
Box 5
Bernard, Theos
Box 5
Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, Khri byang [Trijang Rinpoche], 1951 ?, 1951, in Tibetan cursive
Box 5
Candlin, G.H. The Commissioner General Office of Singapore, 1956 July 6, 1956
Box 5
Cargay, B.S, 1970
Box 5
Chhowang Lusar, 1953 June 6, 1953
(Telegram to Tharchin regarding the death of his wife's mother, Katok [Dka' zlog].)
Box 5
Craig, Albert
Box 5
Devichandr (from Kazi Poo), 1953 August, 1953, Tibetan handwriting
Box 5
Dilowa (Tilopa) Hutuktu
(Includes notes by Tharchin regarding the lama's background and escape.)
Box 5
F.C.F Mission, 1937 January 12, 1937
Box 5
Geshe Wangyal [Dge bshes Dbang rgyal], 1946
(Regarding imminent departure from Tibet.)
Box 5
Gould, Basil
Box 5
Graham, J.A., 1927-1929
(Letters sent by Tharchin from Lhasa; also includes tribute written by Tharchin.)
Box 5
Gyelsay Rinpoche [Rgyal-sras], letter from Tharchin,1955 April 14
(Cover letter for sending Tibetan primers?)
Box 5
Gygax, A.F, 1951 July 19, 1951
(Request for photos and information on Tharchin for publication.)
Box 5
Hoffman, Helmut, 1954-1956
Box 5
Hopkinson, A.J, 1945-1949
Box 5
Illion, Theodore [a.k.a. Theodore Burung], 1948
Box 5
Inaba, Shoju, 1962 September 12, 1962
(Tharchin writes about new typewriter and his health.)
Box 5
Kanchhi Munsahib, 1953 November 27, 1953
Box 5
Karma Tsering, 1949 March8, 1949
Box 5
Kashopa [Kapshopa], 1944 June 12, 1944
Box 5
Kazi, Sonam T. (Sonam Topgay), 1949-1953 1965, 1949-1953, 1965
Box 5
Kimura, Hisao [a.k.a. Dawa Zangpo], 1955-1967
Box 5
Knox, R. B. [missionary member of Scots Mission in Kalimpong]
Box 5
Liao, C.S. [editor of "The Chinese Journal of India" in Calcutta], in English
(Letter appears to be from Tharchin and gives news about Tibetan delegate headed by Dzasa Liushar and Dingja, the need to distribute his paper in Tibet, and the fleeing of thousands of monks and lamas from Kokonor to Lhasa.)
Box 5
Ludlow, Frank
Box 5
Macdonald, David, 1947 August 8, 1947
(Regarding the price of a banner.)
Box 5
Messman, Dorabji R. and son, 1948 January 23, 1948
(Regarding Tibetan Trade Delegation that might be in India.)
Box 5
Namchula, 1951 February22, 1951
(Tharchin asks about the legal status of his wife.)
Box 5
Needham, Wesley, 1953 August 24, 1953
(Regarding Tilopa [Tilowa] Rinpoche, who was staying with Needham, new temple, and photographs of the 1952 November 23 dedication of the Kalmuk Buddhist Temple in New Jersey.)
Box 5
Negi Jaan? Chand, [1966 ?] March1, in Hindi
(Letter sent from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.)
Box 5
Pallis, Marco, 1948-1956, (24 letters)
(Includes references to Dawa Zangpo, Rigzin Wangpo, Hopkinson, Taktser Rinpoche, H. Richardson, Tilopa [a.k.a. Dilowa] Rinpoche, Geshe Wangyal, etc., and long letter from Tharchin regarding events in Tibet, the likely departure of the Panchen Lama, Khampas capturing the arms of the Chinese communists, Alo Chhonzed, etc ; letters sent from Gyantse, England, and elsewhere.)
Box 5
Paul, K.S, 1933-1953
(Includes letter regarding appointment as Head Lama of the Darjeeling High School.)
Box 5
Pemba Tsewang Yishey, 1947-1952
Box 5
Polhill, 1933 January 15, 1933
Box 5
Prince of Greece,1954 October 1
(Regarding article on Ladakh.)
Box 5
Rahul, R., Indian School of International Studies, 1950-1967
Box 5
Ralla Ram, from United Church of Northern India, 1949
(Series of correspondence asking Tharchin if he could go to Tibet as a missionary.)
Box 5
Richardson, Hugh, 1943-1955, (3 letters)
(See also: Subscriptions and Distribution)
Box 5
Rigzin Wangpo, (several letters)
(Includes draft of telegram to Rigzin Wangpo from Tharchin, 1952 March24; also Ceylon's government's enquiry into Rigzin Wangpo's visa.)
Box 5
Roerich, George, (4 letters)
(According to H. Fader these are "just a few of many letters.")
Box 5
Ross, Walter, 1966 August 29, 1966
Box 5
Shelton, Dorris Still
(See: Box 3, Folder 7 Dictionary Projects]
Box 5
Shelton, Flora Beale (a.k.a Mrs. A.L. Shelton), 1945-1951
Box 5
Singh, Sundar (Sadhu), 1928
Box 5
Sinha, B.P., 1956 February 16, 1956
(Regarding his political ideology and asking if Tharchin requires his service as a Hindi translator.)
Box 5
Snellgrove, David, 1955
Box 5
Tada, Tōkan [a.ka. Tokwan Tada], 1959-1961
Box 5
Thompson, Loren, 1950 September 30, 1950
Box 5
Thsetan Phunthsog [Tshe tan phun tshog] 1953 June 13, 1953
Box 5
Thubten Jigme Norbu (Taktser Rinpoche), in Tibetan cursive; (2 letters)
(One letter on letterhead of the Hotel George Washington (NYC), perhaps dated February 3, [1950 ?], requesting a copy of the Tibet Mirror. [See related correspondence by Tharchin to the Political Officer in Sikkim, 1950 June 19, Series 2, Sub-series 3, Folder 4]. Second letter, written from Tokyo, Japan and reached Kalimpong in 1953.)
Box 5
Traiback, Redla, 1953 November 18, 1953
Box 5
Tsedung Thupten Chokdup
Box 5
Vitants, Margaret [Tharchin's second wife], bulk, 1956
(Includes biodata and draft of wedding announcement.)
Box 5
Vittoz, Pierre, 1954 October 8, 1954
(Request for several Tibetan books.)
Box 5
Wangdi, T., 1952-1953
(Regarding Tibetan textbooks written by Tharchin.)
Box 5
Ward, Brother, 1920s
Box 5
Wylie, Turrell V., 1956 November 8,, 1956
(See also: Box 3, Folder 7, Dictionary Projects)
Box 5
Yang, Twan, 1946
Box 5
Yuthok, T.D., undated, in Tibetan cursive
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter from So nam las khungs [Office of Agriculture?, Lhasa], 1952
(About not receiving the newspaper; requests Tharchin to please send "by English or Tibetan post" and payment will be forthcoming.)
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to the Director and staff of Department of Religious Affairs from Tharchin, 1969 April. About the printing of English Tibetan journals., 1969
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Tharchin from Dbang mo, 1962 December 26., 1962
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to the Director of Department of Religious Affairs from Tharchin
Box 6 Folder 3
Note on the decrease in price of Tibet's wool and the search for new markets by Ri pon tshang, March 12
Box 6 Folder 3
Private note by Tharchin on English publication of his newspaper
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter by Ka sbug Bod rigs dang blang mi mang [Kalimpong Tibetan Volunteers] requesting the Indian officials to use the term "Tibetan" instead of "Chinese-Tibetans." 1967 August, 1967
Box 6 Folder 3
Losar greeting to Tharchin
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Tharchin from Blo bzang bsam [?], 1959 December 22 about publishing a dpe cha.
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Legs bshed from a nun Ye shes sgrol ma about reprinting as the ink was unclear on earlier publications.
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Bka chin rig 'dzin [?] 1957 May, 1957
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Khuno Yu rgyal Sprul sku on how to behave in Kalimpong
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter about a business transaction
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Chhorjie Lama, 1963
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter to Chos rgyal chan po of Sikkim from Tharchin. 1949 December 2. Thanking him for subscription., 1949
Box 6 Folder 3
Letter from an aristocrat regarding business transaction.
Box 6 Folder 3
A note on political conditions in Tibet
Box 6 Folder 5
[Unknown] Letter in Tibetan from Yatung, 1954 May 17. On India postal paper with postmark from Yatung (1954 May 17) and Kalimpong (1954 May 19), 1954
Box 6 Folder 5
[Unknown] Handwritten letter in Tibetan cursive
Box 6 Folder 5
[Unknown] Handwritten letter in Tibetan cursive
(Letterhead contains insignia with indecipherable Tibetan letters and the initials "D.W.C.T.L.")
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Pharijong, 1949 May 4, 1949
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter to Tharchin from certain Trulku
Box 6 Folder 5
[Unknown] Handwritten letter in Urdu?, 1957
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter regarding Rev. Evan Mackenzie's memorial, 1935 February 6, 1935
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Rhenock House, Sikkim, 1947 April 21, 1947
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Tripati Building, 1947 July 29, 1947
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from [Hebbing?] about children at R.K. Vedanta Ashram, 1950 June 19, 1950
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Tharchin, 1944
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Tharchin [to Political Officer in Sikkim?] requesting a favor on his travel to Tibet, 1946 September 26, 1946
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Tharchin, 1948 September 20, 1948
(Recipient is writing a history of Tibet; includes reference to Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Bacot, and [Theos] Bernard; backside of photocopy contains distribution statement.)
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter from Tharchin, discussions missionaries, gramophone records, American officials, Theos Bernard, etc., 1950
Box 6 Folder 5
Note from Tharchin about translation of Guru Rinpoche
Box 6 Folder 5
Envelope from Rimshey Dodey, Pharijong, 1949
Box 6 Folder 5
Envelope with Kalimpong postmark, 1953 November 20, 1953
Box 6 Folder 5
Envelope to Ms. Geeta Gazmere
Box 6 Folder 5
Receipt for letter to Mr. Zigtuk Bhutia with "Rhenock" postmark, 1956 April 26, 1956
Box 6 Folder 5
Letter to Ra Mo Sa Heb. Handwritten in Tibetan