The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963

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Series 1, The Tibet Mirror (Yul phyogs so so'i gsar 'gyur me long)

97 print issues, various dates. For access, see CLIO: DS786.A1 Y85 (CLIO Link ). The reader may request onsite access during scheduled hours or by appointment in the Rare Book Room, C.V. Starr East Asian Library. Item Barcode: EA00062421.

Digital images for nearly the full run of this newspaper are also available.(CLIO Link )

Series 2, Archival Materials from the Tibet Mirror Press Editorial Offices (Kalimpong, India)

Subseries 1, Biographical and Personal Papers, 1923-1974

(See also: Box 2, Folder 1, for accounts which include biographical notes in the marginalia, and Box 8 for the Tharchin Family photo album)

Box 1 Folder 1 Diary of Tharchin, 1923 January -September 9,, 1923, English, handwriting

Box 1 Folder 1 Diary notes of Tharchin, 1931 January,, 1931, English, handwriting

Box 1 Folder 2 Personal notes by Tharchin, 1916-1948

Box 1 Folder 3 Biography of Late Rev. Gergan Tharchin, Part 1: Chapters 1-16, (176 pages); English, typeset; pages 1-2 are photocopies

Box 1 Folder 4 [Biography of Late Rev. Gergan Tharchin, Part 2: Chapters 17-28], photocopy

(Retyped version by H. Fader, with memo: "Because over the years these sheets became so marked up by the undersigned's numerous notes and editorial refining, [I] decided to create--on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets--a TRUE COPY of the original text of these concluding 12 chapters of the GT 'memoirs' manuscript.")

Box 1 Folder 5 Brief Biography of the Editor of the Tibetan Newspaper Yul-chhog-So-soi Sangyur [sic] Melong Printed and Published at Kalimpong, District Darjeeling, (5 pages); photocopy

Box 1 Folder 6 Will and testament of Rev. G. Gegen Tharchin, 1974 April 4, 1974, photocopy

Box 1 Folder 6 Prescription from Dr. Yen Singh, 1947 [October 11?], 1947

Box 1 Folder 7 Letters of condolence on the demise of Rev. G. Tharchin la, in envelope from the Political Officer in Sikkim, in English, handwriting and typed

Box 1 Folder 7 Programme: On the occasion of the 88th Birth Anniversary of the Late Rev. G. Tharchin, 1978 April 18, 1978

Box 1 Folder 8 Letters of condolence on the passing of Karma Dechhen [Tharchin's first wife], 1955

Box 1 Folder 9 "My Reminiscences of Bapu" by Indira Gandhi, 1957

Box 1 Folder 10 Correspondence to H.L. Fader regarding the life of Gegen Tharchin

Box 1 Folder 10 Bray, John

Box 1 Folder 10 Lambert, Eric T.D., 1991 December 16,, 1991

(Written in Dublin; Lambert, who worked for the Indian Police, states: "I was responsible for Tibetan Intelligence [from late 1942-1947 June ]" and "[Tharchin] was my most useful source of information in Tibet.")

Box 1 Folder 10 Patterson, George

Box 1 Folder 10 Snellgrove, David L., 1994 September 25, 1994, (2 pages)

(Account of Kalimpong in the 1940s with remarks about Tharchin and other acquaintances: David MacDonald, Rani Chuni, Lha Tsering, Rigzin Wangpo, etc.)

Box 1 Folder 10 Tharchin Family, (2 insert folders)

Box 1 Folder 10 Other

Subseries 2, Financial Accounts, 1918-1955

Box 2 Folder 1 Accounts, 1918-1924, 1944, 1955, 1918-1924, 1944, 1955

Box 2 Folder 1 Accounts, 1956 1963-1966, 1956, 1963-1966

(Housed in adjacent four-flap enclosure. The expenditures in 1956 seem press-related, but expenditures from 1963-1966 may be related to the family's running of the orphanage.)

Box 2 Folder 2 "Travel expense diary for GT's travels in Sikkim in January 1919"

(Title from description by H. Fader; includes note from 1915 about Sikkimese minister allowing traders to cross border, but they must register their prices, etc.)

Box 2 Folder 2 Daily Income-Daily Expenditures, 1923, photocopy

(Accounts from period when Tharchin was headmaster of school in Gyantse, Tibet, [1921-1924].)

Box 2 Folder 2 Account ledger for trip to Lhasa, Gyantse, Nyethang, etc., circa, 1937

(Mentions visit to the Regent's house and "Mr. Bernard")

Box 2 Folder 3 Statement of the account of the Tibetan Mirror Press, 1945-1947

Box 2 Folder 3 Loan, 1949-[1951?]

Box 2 Folder 3 Statement regarding benefit of Tibet Mirror for India, [1950/51?]

Box 2 Folder 3 Notes on newspaper financing, 1950 1954 [1961?], 1950, 1954

(See also: Box 6, Folder 1, Church of Scotland, for notes by George Sherriff, 1943 etc.)

Box 2 Folder 4 Vouchers [= Receipts], 1950-1954

Box 2 Folder 5 Register of letters sent by Tharchin, 1950-1953

(Includes H. Richardson, etc., and list in cursive Tibetan of the recipients in Tibet and their locations.)

Subseries 3, TIBET MIRROR PRESS Related

Box 3 Folder 1 Advertising

Box 3 Folder 2 Printing-Press Purchase and Tibetan Type

Correspondence regarding Printing Press, 1947-1954

Box 3 Folder 2 Draft letter from [Tharchin?] (194-)

(Includes this remark: "The warsup department arranged for my visit to Budgebridge to see the printing and lithographic materials and…")

Box 3 Folder 2 Letter from the Tibet Liaison Officer in Kalimpong to the Political Officer in Sikkim, Gangtok regarding purchase of new printing equipment, 1948 February11, 1948

Box 3 Folder 2 "Rapida di lusso -- Cylinder Printing Machines, made in Italy by Soieta Nebiolo, Torino."

Box 3 Folder 2 Other

Box 3 Folder 2 Correspondence with Joseph V. Nunes, 1949 June 14--1949 December 10

(Includes information on Albert Printing Works letterhead with details regarding possible purchase of machinery, 1949 August 31.)

Box 3 Folder 2 1958-1962 Printing Press and Typesetting Machine Purchase, 1958-1962

(Includes invoice from Otani University.)

Box 3 Folder 2 Tibetan Type Purchase, 1948-1961

Box 3 Folder 3 Registrations

Box 3 Folder 3 Hindi Tibetan Self Taught, 1950 February 6, 1950

Box 3 Folder 3 Yul chog sosoi sargyur melong.

(Notes that circulation of the newspaper on 1953 February 27 is 300 to 400 copies; according to marginalia by Fader: Tharchin noted 300-500 copies in circulation.)

Box 3 Folder 3 Tibetan Primer Revised Edition, 1953

Box 3 Folder 3 "The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 (as modified up to 1956 April 1)", 1867, 1956

Box 3 Folder 3 Letter from Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Darjeeling, to Sub-Divisional Officer, Kalimpong, 1956 August 23, 1956

(Regarding supply of books printed or lithographed to the Parliament Library and National Library; marginalia includes: "Bod gyal Bandnyamde... republic of Tibet... Constiution of the republic of Tibet--by Chhogyel Lha.")

Box 3 Folder 4 Employees, 1949

Box 3 Folder 5 Subscriptions and Distribution

Box 3 Folder 5 Distribution lists and Mailing Labels, 1926-[1943?]

Box 3 Folder 5 List of Tibetan traders who subscribed the Tibetan newspaper, 1947

Box 3 Folder 5 Circulation, 1945-1949

Box 3 Folder 5 Statement of Monthly Despatch [form], 1950-

(Lists countries to which the newspaper was distributed.)

Box 3 Folder 5 Two unclaimed issues of Tibet Mirror, 1949

(Includes mailing wrapper and addresses in Yatung and Gyantse.)

Box 3 Folder 5 Assam, Political Officer, 1948

Box 3 Folder 5 Delhi, American Embassy, 1950

Box 3 Folder 5 Kalimpong, Tibetan Liaison Officer, 1947

Box 3 Folder 5 Lhasa, British Mission, 1942-1943

Box 3 Folder 5 Lhasa, Indian Mission, 1948-1950

Box 3 Folder 5 Sikkim, Political Officer, 1947-1963

Box 3 Folder 5 United States, International Broadcasting Service, 1952

Box 3 Folder 5 United States, New York Public Library

Box 3 Folder 5 United States, University of Washington, 1952-1957

Box 3 Folder 5 Other Documents and Correspondence

Box 3 Folder 6 Bible-Related Projects.

(See also: Box 5, Correspondence: Shelton, Flora Beale)

Box 3 Folder 6 Bible Society of India, Pakistan & Ceylon

(See also: Box 6, Folder 2)

Box 3 Folder 6 Tibetan Fellowship of India

Box 3 Folder 6 Other

Box 3 Folder 7 Dictionary Projects

(See also: Box 5, Correspondence: Kazi, Sonam T.)

Box 3 Folder 7 Wylie, Turrell V. and Univeristy of Washington, correspondence, 1964-1967

(For additional correspondence by Wylie, see: Box 5, Correspondence; for correspondence regarding the University of Washington's subscription to Tibet Mirror, see: Box 3, Folder 5, Subscriptions.)

Box 3 Folder 7 American Consulate General, correspondence regarding dictionary project[s], 1965

Box 3 Folder 7 Fader, Herbert, Notes regarding dictionary of "60,000 words"

Box 3 Folder 7 Fader, Herbert, Correspondence regarding Geshe Chodrak, Gedun Chopel, dictionary projects, etc., 2005-2006

Box 3 Folder 7 Correspondence with Dorris Shelton Still about English-Tibetan-Hindi dictionary

Box 3 Folder 7 Other correspondence about dictionary projects

Other Drafts, Translations, and News Sources

Box 3 Folder 8 Translation of folktales (e.g. Aladdin) into Tibetan (dbu can script), (pages 37-83)

(Cover: "Chapters 6-7, 10, 12-13"; with editorial marks.)

Box 3 Folder 9 "Tibet Tribesmen Defy Chinese," 1956 May 4, 1956, (2 pages)

(About Golok resistance to Communist troops; transcribed from The Times; includes Tibetan translation, handwriting.)

Box 3 Folder 10 "Shing gi bstan bcos bzhi = 4. The book of tree"

Box 3 Folder 11 Historical account of British and Tibetan army in early 20th century. (Handwritten by Tharchin)

Box 3 Folder 11 "Rough translation from the Tibetan newspaper, vol. 22, no. 2", 1954 June 1, 1954

(Concerning Simla Treaty; includes letters to the editor.)

Submissions from Organizations

Box 3 Folder 11 India Information Services

Box 3 Folder 11 Maha Bodhi Society (Calcutta)

Box 3 Folder 11 Publicity Office (Delhi)

Box 3 Folder 11 Submission to other News Organizations (e.g. The Statesman)

Box 3 Folder 11 "Buddhism in Bhutan" [1956?]

(Includes request from Tharchin to "Mr. Ray" that he translate this article into Hindi.)

Box 3 Folder 11 "2500th Buddha Jayanti Celebrations in India"

(The Dalai Lama was invited to this event and spoke there.)

Box 3 Folder 11 "Mahatma Gandhi on Indian's Mission"

Box 3 Folder 11 "Ideal of a Bodhisattva"

(Translation from Tibetan)

Box 3 Folder 11 "Problems in Agriculture [in China]"

Box 3 Folder 11 Steele, A.T. "Chicago Daily News" correspondent. "In the Kingdom of the Dalai Lama: Last days in Shangri-la," 1945 June, 1945

Box 3 Folder 11 English translation of Tibetan account about Inner and Outer Mongolia under Chinese Communist rule, (pages 6, 8, 9)

Box 3 Folder 11 "News of Tibet" and "News about Tibet", 1947

(Regarding rebellion by monks of Sera Monastery and arrest of Reting Regent, and other developments in Lhasa, etc.)

Box 3 Folder 11 The Mirror. "Editor's Note" and "News from Inside Tibet,", 1958

(Editor's note begins: "With the enclosed pamphlet as the first of its series I intend to publish a monthly circular mainly to inform you of the situation… in Tibet.". 4 pages.)

Box 3 Folder 11 "Imperialist Designs of China and India on Tibet"

Box 3 Folder 11 Indian news agency sources

Box 3 Folder 11 [Grub-mtha' text, excerpt] (folia 35-36), in Tibetan, handwriting

Box 3 Folder 11 Tibetan Translation Sentences

Box 3 Folder 11 Tibetan calligraphy practice and Tibetan primer draft

Box 3 Folder 12 Correspondence regarding translations

Subseries 4, Subject Files

Box 4 Folder 1 Education

Box 4 Folder 2 Ganden Tharpa Chholing [Dga' ldan Thar pa Chos gling]

Box 4 Folder 2 Letter noting presence of police guards, 1954 January 21, 1954

Box 4 Folder 2 Letter regarding conflict, Tharchin's offer to act as arbiter, etc.

Box 4 Folder 2 Reports on situation at monastery Ganden Tharpa Chöling, monks who had not been keeping vows and must sign agreement, etc.

Box 4 Folder 3 Himalayan Childrens Home

Box 4 Folder 3 Memorandum, Regulations and Bylaws of the Himalayan Children Home

Box 4 Folder 3 Letter from Rev. C. Arangaden, Bangalore, with reference to Dr. Sherwood Eddy, 1962 September 2, 1962

Box 4 Folder 3 Letter from W. Thielmann, Kindernothilfe, West Germany, to the Himalayan Children Home in Kalimpong, founded by Mrs. Tharchin, 1965 September 7, 1965

Box 4 Folder 4 Missionaries

(See also Series 6: Miscellaneous, Box 6, Folder 8 forPentecostal Evangelarticle about Victor Plymire.)

Box 4 Folder 4 "The Story of the Christian Mission to Tibet", compiled by Rev. G. Tharchin and Others

Box 4 Folder 4 "How I Became a Christian," by Rev. E.T. Phuntsog

Box 4 Folder 4 British and Foreign Bible Society, Translations and Library Subcommittee Minutes, Cambridge University Library, England, photocopy

Box 4 Folder 4 "Tibetan Congregation,", 1965

(Description, or general letter, by Tharchin describing Tibetan Christian population and activity in Kalimpong, etc.)

Politics, (2 folders)

(See also Series 6: Miscellaneous for two unique notebooks.)

Box 4 Folder 5 "Brief Account of Tibet and its Government,", (8 pages)

(Summary of governmental positions, military, trade, etc.; includes remarks such as: "the prime minister... has no power in affairs. The usual law is that he and the Regent have to work together. But the ex Regent redeng [Reting] was not good terms with him and...".)

Box 4 Folder 5 Appeal from student of Sera monastery who must sponsor 30,000 monks for debate and geshe examination, [1947 ?], large paper folded in quarters; in English and Tibetan

(Note on verso regarding purchase of 87 rifles.)

Box 4 Folder 5 Letterhead, "Bod rigs bstan srung dang len dmag sgar gzhung."

(From Andrug Gonpo Tashi's group in Lithang?)

Box 4 Folder 5 Seal imprint, accompanied by English text: "Future Democratic Tibet Government," 1956 September 18, 1956

Box 4 Folder 5 Letter from Amdo Tansung to Prime Minister of India, 1962 October 31, 1962, Typewritten in English

(Representative of Chhushi gang drug-Danglang Mag offering volunteer troops for the Sino-Indian War.)

Box 4 Folder 6 Reincarnate Lama and Kumbum Monastery, undated

(Handwritten note about the possible incarnation of a rinpoche [Panchen Lama?], Tashilhunpo, and the need to invite Kumbum child quickly; also mentions golden vase.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Notes on how Nepal can help with Tibetan and economy, [1946 ?], Tibetan handwriting, with some terms in English

Box 4 Folder 7 Letter from Nima Isaac [Isaacs?], 1948 February5, 1948

(Refers to "agents sent by President Ma of Qinghai Province" and their presence in Calcutta.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Notes by Tharchin, 1951 January 1, 1951, Tibetan handwriting, with some terms in English

(Notes from meeting with Lhalu Kalon, D.L. Matuchi, Indian Mission Leader, regarding events in Lhasa on 1950 October 1, etc.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Letter from American Consulate General, Calcutta,1952 August 26

(Asks Tharchin to provide information to Gerard Chaput, Director of The Instant File.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Dalai Lama XIV. Sems gso 'tshams 'dri'i phyag bris, 1954

(Public notice by the Dalai lama, with red seal and photo of the Dalai Lama.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Panchen Lama X. Sems gso 'tshams 'dri'i phyag bris, 1954 May 20, 1954

(Public notice by the Panchen lama, with red seal and photo of the Panchen Lama.)

Box 4 Folder 7 Other Politics

Box 4 Folder 8A Sherpa Community of Kalimpong

Box 4 Folder 8B Sundar Singh

(See also: Box 5, Correspondence: Singh, Sundar)

Box 4 Folder 8B Replies [by Tharchin] to remarks contained [in?] Rev. H. Hosten, etc., 1920s

Box 4 Folder 8B Appasamy, A.J. [Anglican Bishop and biographer of Sundar Singh], 1950, (2 letters)

Box 4 Folder 9 Tibetan Kirk Session

Box 4 Folder 10 Tibetan Mission

Box 4 Folder 11 Trade

Box 4 Folder 11 Tharchin, News on Cotton Sales, 1947

Box 4 Folder 11 Tibetan Traders Association, 1948

Box 4 Folder 11 List of applicants for cotton licenses, 1951

Box 4 Folder 11 Certificate for Traders, Muleteers and Porters

(Trilingual booklet, in Hindi, English and Tibetan; may be printed by the Tibet Mirror Press. For other publications, see Series 5: Tibet Mirror Press Publications.)

Box 4 Folder 11 Wool, 1943-1946

Box 4 Folder 11 Balkisandas Shyamrattan, 1948 May 24, 1948

(Letter regarding the commerce of yaktails.)

Subseries 5, Other Materials

Box 4 Folder 12 Journal of Dawa Zangpo [a.k.a. Hsiao Kimura] from Kpol and Kyikodo, 1947

(Note on cover: "this is the school notebook of Tsering Norbu in high school writing on 1947 January 24"; records trip to Lhasa and Kham; notes about Karto Rinpoche, being detained by Tibetan soldiers, etc.)

Box 4 Folder 13 Handlist of holdings at Derge Dpal spung Monastery, in Tibetan

Box 4 Folder 14 Handwritten reference to Dge 'dun chos 'phel, 1949 December 11, in Tibetan cursive

(Mentions that Gedun Chöpel is writing a history book and may need 500 sgor; also mentions a few kalon or cabinet ministers.)

Box 4 Folder 15 Church of Scotland Medical Mission to Kalimpong, Report, 1955

Box 4 Folder 15 Pradhan, K.D., Prof., Farewell ceremony announcement, with handwritten comments [to be made in speech by Tharchin?]

Box 4 Folder 15 Yoseb Gergan, "Translating the bible into Tibetan," 1929 January, 1929, (1 pamphlet)

Box 4 Folder 15 King of Bhutan, wedding announcement, 1951 September 21, 1951

Box 4 Folder 15 Handwritten Tibetan-Mongolian chart; i.e. copy book of Tibetan terms translated into Mongolian.

Box 4 Folder 15 Section of hymnal in English and Tibetan, (pages 67-96 only)

Box 4 Folder 15 Poem in praise of Lama, in Tibetan, author not identified, manuscript

Box 4 Folder 15 Miscellaneous Other Papers, 1947

Box 6 Folder 9 Woodblock for one page of Nyi-ma'i rnam thar

Series 3, Correspondence

The correspondence listed below was addressed to Gegen Tharchin and in English, unless otherwise noted. About half of the documents were received as photocopies. Selected letters from Series 3. Correspondence have been digitized and are available in our Digital Library Collections:

Subseries 1, Individuals

Box 5 Aoki, Bunkyo, 1952-1953, in Tibetan cursive

(Request for Tibetan books and language records.)

Box 5 Bacot, J.

Box 5 Bakula, Shri Kushak, 1955 April 7, 1955

(Includes note in cursive Tibetan asking Tharchin to mail books to him in Srinagar.)

Box 5 Bernard, Theos

Box 5 Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, Khri byang [Trijang Rinpoche], 1951 ?, 1951, in Tibetan cursive

Box 5 Candlin, G.H. The Commissioner General Office of Singapore, 1956 July 6, 1956

Box 5 Cargay, B.S, 1970

Box 5 Chhowang Lusar, 1953 June 6, 1953

(Telegram to Tharchin regarding the death of his wife's mother, Katok [Dka' zlog].)

Box 5 Craig, Albert

Box 5 Devichandr (from Kazi Poo), 1953 August, 1953, Tibetan handwriting

Box 5 Dilowa (Tilopa) Hutuktu

(Includes notes by Tharchin regarding the lama's background and escape.)

Box 5 F.C.F Mission, 1937 January 12, 1937

Box 5 Geshe Wangyal [Dge bshes Dbang rgyal], 1946

(Regarding imminent departure from Tibet.)

Box 5 Gould, Basil

Box 5 Graham, J.A., 1927-1929

(Letters sent by Tharchin from Lhasa; also includes tribute written by Tharchin.)

Box 5 Gyelsay Rinpoche [Rgyal-sras], letter from Tharchin,1955 April 14

(Cover letter for sending Tibetan primers?)

Box 5 Gygax, A.F, 1951 July 19, 1951

(Request for photos and information on Tharchin for publication.)

Box 5 Hoffman, Helmut, 1954-1956

Box 5 Hopkinson, A.J, 1945-1949

Box 5 Illion, Theodore [a.k.a. Theodore Burung], 1948

Box 5 Inaba, Shoju, 1962 September 12, 1962

(Tharchin writes about new typewriter and his health.)

Box 5 Kanchhi Munsahib, 1953 November 27, 1953

Box 5 Karma Tsering, 1949 March8, 1949

Box 5 Kashopa [Kapshopa], 1944 June 12, 1944

Box 5 Kazi, Sonam T. (Sonam Topgay), 1949-1953 1965, 1949-1953, 1965

Box 5 Kimura, Hisao [a.k.a. Dawa Zangpo], 1955-1967

Box 5 Knox, R. B. [missionary member of Scots Mission in Kalimpong]

Box 5 Liao, C.S. [editor of "The Chinese Journal of India" in Calcutta], in English

(Letter appears to be from Tharchin and gives news about Tibetan delegate headed by Dzasa Liushar and Dingja, the need to distribute his paper in Tibet, and the fleeing of thousands of monks and lamas from Kokonor to Lhasa.)

Box 5 Ludlow, Frank

Box 5 Macdonald, David, 1947 August 8, 1947

(Regarding the price of a banner.)

Box 5 Messman, Dorabji R. and son, 1948 January 23, 1948

(Regarding Tibetan Trade Delegation that might be in India.)

Box 5 Namchula, 1951 February22, 1951

(Tharchin asks about the legal status of his wife.)

Box 5 Needham, Wesley, 1953 August 24, 1953

(Regarding Tilopa [Tilowa] Rinpoche, who was staying with Needham, new temple, and photographs of the 1952 November 23 dedication of the Kalmuk Buddhist Temple in New Jersey.)

Box 5 Negi Jaan? Chand, [1966 ?] March1, in Hindi

(Letter sent from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.)

Box 5 Pallis, Marco, 1948-1956, (24 letters)

(Includes references to Dawa Zangpo, Rigzin Wangpo, Hopkinson, Taktser Rinpoche, H. Richardson, Tilopa [a.k.a. Dilowa] Rinpoche, Geshe Wangyal, etc., and long letter from Tharchin regarding events in Tibet, the likely departure of the Panchen Lama, Khampas capturing the arms of the Chinese communists, Alo Chhonzed, etc ; letters sent from Gyantse, England, and elsewhere.)

Box 5 Paul, K.S, 1933-1953

(Includes letter regarding appointment as Head Lama of the Darjeeling High School.)

Box 5 Pemba Tsewang Yishey, 1947-1952

Box 5 Polhill, 1933 January 15, 1933

Box 5 Prince of Greece,1954 October 1

(Regarding article on Ladakh.)

Box 5 Rahul, R., Indian School of International Studies, 1950-1967

Box 5 Ralla Ram, from United Church of Northern India, 1949

(Series of correspondence asking Tharchin if he could go to Tibet as a missionary.)

Box 5 Richardson, Hugh, 1943-1955, (3 letters)

(See also: Subscriptions and Distribution)

Box 5 Rigzin Wangpo, (several letters)

(Includes draft of telegram to Rigzin Wangpo from Tharchin, 1952 March24; also Ceylon's government's enquiry into Rigzin Wangpo's visa.)

Box 5 Roerich, George, (4 letters)

(According to H. Fader these are "just a few of many letters.")

Box 5 Ross, Walter, 1966 August 29, 1966

Box 5 Shelton, Dorris Still

(See: Box 3, Folder 7 Dictionary Projects]

Box 5 Shelton, Flora Beale (a.k.a Mrs. A.L. Shelton), 1945-1951

Box 5 Singh, Sundar (Sadhu), 1928

Box 5 Sinha, B.P., 1956 February 16, 1956

(Regarding his political ideology and asking if Tharchin requires his service as a Hindi translator.)

Box 5 Snellgrove, David, 1955

Box 5 Tada, Tōkan [a.ka. Tokwan Tada], 1959-1961

Box 5 Thompson, Loren, 1950 September 30, 1950

Box 5 Thsetan Phunthsog [Tshe tan phun tshog] 1953 June 13, 1953

Box 5 Thubten Jigme Norbu (Taktser Rinpoche), in Tibetan cursive; (2 letters)

(One letter on letterhead of the Hotel George Washington (NYC), perhaps dated February 3, [1950 ?], requesting a copy of the Tibet Mirror. [See related correspondence by Tharchin to the Political Officer in Sikkim, 1950 June 19, Series 2, Sub-series 3, Folder 4]. Second letter, written from Tokyo, Japan and reached Kalimpong in 1953.)

Box 5 Traiback, Redla, 1953 November 18, 1953

Box 5 Tsedung Thupten Chokdup

(Includes seal.)

Box 5 Vitants, Margaret [Tharchin's second wife], bulk, 1956

(Includes biodata and draft of wedding announcement.)

Box 5 Vittoz, Pierre, 1954 October 8, 1954

(Request for several Tibetan books.)

Box 5 Wangdi, T., 1952-1953

(Regarding Tibetan textbooks written by Tharchin.)

Box 5 Ward, Brother, 1920s

Box 5 Wylie, Turrell V., 1956 November 8,, 1956

(See also: Box 3, Folder 7, Dictionary Projects)

Box 5 Yang, Twan, 1946

Box 5 Yuthok, T.D., undated, in Tibetan cursive

Subseries 2, Organizations

Box 6 Folder 1 Church of Scotland Guild Mission

Box 6 Folder 2 Other Organizations

Box 6 Folder 2 Bible Society of India and Ceylon, 1950 July -August ", 1950, (2 letters)

(See also: Box 3, Folder 6)

Box 6 Folder 2 Central Relief Committee for Tibetans, 1961 June 29, 1961

(Letter to Mr. Pradhan, with cc: to Tharchin)

Box 6 Folder 2 Diocese of Darjeeling [a.k.a. Diocesan House]

Box 6 Folder 2 Dalai Lama, Council of Religious Affairs of His Holiness, Office of, 1971 March2, 1971

Box 6 Folder 2 Dalai Lama, Private Office of, 1965 June 10, 1965

(Signed by Tenzin Chonyi, on letterhead of Ganden Phodrang exile government)

Box 6 Folder 2 Government of Tibet, Foreign Affairs, 1933 March18, 1933, in Tibetan

Box 6 Folder 2 Hemis Monastery, 1954 February 28, 1954

(Signed by Stag tshang Ras pa; thanks Tharchin for sending newspaper and requests new books)

Box 6 Folder 2 Indian Mission (Lhasa), 1950 May 10., 1950

Box 6 Folder 2 Indian Trade Agency, 1952 November 4, 1952

(Signed by Khenzong Kazi Tempo Namgyal, chief protocol officer at the last Indian mission in Lhasa)

Box 6 Folder 2 Jacques Marchais, Inc., October 1941

Box 6 Folder 2 Maha Bodhi Society, [in Tibetan], in Tibetan

Box 6 Folder 2 Ockenden Center, 1965

Box 6 Folder 2 Solu Khumbu Sherpa Association, 1954

Box 6 Folder 2 Young Mens' Buddhist Association, 1952

Subseries 3, Miscellaneous Correspondence in Tibetan

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter from So nam las khungs [Office of Agriculture?, Lhasa], 1952

(About not receiving the newspaper; requests Tharchin to please send "by English or Tibetan post" and payment will be forthcoming.)

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to the Director and staff of Department of Religious Affairs from Tharchin, 1969 April. About the printing of English Tibetan journals., 1969

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Tharchin from Dbang mo, 1962 December 26., 1962

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to the Director of Department of Religious Affairs from Tharchin

Box 6 Folder 3 Note on the decrease in price of Tibet's wool and the search for new markets by Ri pon tshang, March 12

Box 6 Folder 3 Private note by Tharchin on English publication of his newspaper

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter by Ka sbug Bod rigs dang blang mi mang [Kalimpong Tibetan Volunteers] requesting the Indian officials to use the term "Tibetan" instead of "Chinese-Tibetans." 1967 August, 1967

Box 6 Folder 3 Losar greeting to Tharchin

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Tharchin from Blo bzang bsam [?], 1959 December 22 about publishing a dpe cha.

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Legs bshed from a nun Ye shes sgrol ma about reprinting as the ink was unclear on earlier publications.

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Bka chin rig 'dzin [?] 1957 May, 1957

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Khuno Yu rgyal Sprul sku on how to behave in Kalimpong

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter about a business transaction

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Chhorjie Lama, 1963

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter to Chos rgyal chan po of Sikkim from Tharchin. 1949 December 2. Thanking him for subscription., 1949

Box 6 Folder 3 Letter from an aristocrat regarding business transaction.

Box 6 Folder 3 A note on political conditions in Tibet

Subseries 4, Miscellaneous Correspondence in English and Other Languages

Box 6 Folder 4 Christmas cards

(Includes photocopy of 1944 telegram from Rdo-ring taiji)

Box 6 Folder 4 Letter to daughter Bde chen by mother Dka' zlog

Box 6 Folder 4 Letter to American Consulate General by David L. Tenzin, 1964 August 10, 1964

Box 6 Folder 4 English translation(?) of letter from Thubten Kunphel [Thub bstan kun phel], 1938?

(An appeal to British Government to help so that "we all may go back to Lhasa without any troubles and safely in future")

Box 6 Folder 4 Other, (2 insert folders)

Subseries 5, Unidentified

Box 6 Folder 5 [Unknown] Letter in Tibetan from Yatung, 1954 May 17. On India postal paper with postmark from Yatung (1954 May 17) and Kalimpong (1954 May 19), 1954

Box 6 Folder 5 [Unknown] Handwritten letter in Tibetan cursive

Box 6 Folder 5 [Unknown] Handwritten letter in Tibetan cursive

(Letterhead contains insignia with indecipherable Tibetan letters and the initials "D.W.C.T.L.")

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Pharijong, 1949 May 4, 1949

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter to Tharchin from certain Trulku

Box 6 Folder 5 [Unknown] Handwritten letter in Urdu?, 1957

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter regarding Rev. Evan Mackenzie's memorial, 1935 February 6, 1935

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Rhenock House, Sikkim, 1947 April 21, 1947

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Tripati Building, 1947 July 29, 1947

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from [Hebbing?] about children at R.K. Vedanta Ashram, 1950 June 19, 1950

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Tharchin, 1944

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Tharchin [to Political Officer in Sikkim?] requesting a favor on his travel to Tibet, 1946 September 26, 1946

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Tharchin, 1948 September 20, 1948

(Recipient is writing a history of Tibet; includes reference to Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Bacot, and [Theos] Bernard; backside of photocopy contains distribution statement.)

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter from Tharchin, discussions missionaries, gramophone records, American officials, Theos Bernard, etc., 1950

Box 6 Folder 5 Note from Tharchin about translation of Guru Rinpoche

Box 6 Folder 5 Envelope from Rimshey Dodey, Pharijong, 1949

Box 6 Folder 5 Envelope with Kalimpong postmark, 1953 November 20, 1953

Box 6 Folder 5 Envelope to Ms. Geeta Gazmere

Box 6 Folder 5 Receipt for letter to Mr. Zigtuk Bhutia with "Rhenock" postmark, 1956 April 26, 1956

Box 6 Folder 5 Letter to Ra Mo Sa Heb. Handwritten in Tibetan

Subseries 6, Letters transcribed by H.L. Fader [biographer]

Hand-transcribed excerpts of letters to and from various correspondents, originally viewed by Fader among the Tharchin papers in Kalimpong, India.

Box 6 Folder 6 Geshe Wangyal, references to, 1948-1953, (1 page)

Box 6 Folder 6 Inaba, Shoju, 1959, (2 pages)

(Regarding study at Otani University, work on the Hu lan Deb ther, and Tibetan Grammar)

Box 6 Folder 6 Lha Tshering

Box 6 Folder 7 Miscellaneous, 1930-1953

(Below are just a few of the names mentioned in these transcribed letters.)

Box 6 Folder 7 David Tenzin

Box 6 Folder 7 Dorje,Y.S. [Migmar?]

(Regarding death of Pandatsang)

Box 6 Folder 7 Gould, Basil

Box 6 Folder 7 Illion, Theodore

Box 6 Folder 7 Kazi S.T.

Box 6 Folder 7 Knox, R.

Box 6 Folder 7 MacDonald, David

Box 6 Folder 7 Mukhi, D. H.

Box 6 Folder 7 Nima Isaacs

Box 6 Folder 7 Pemba Tsewang

Box 6 Folder 7 Roerich, George

Series 4, Audiovisual Materials

Subseries 1, Photographs

Sub-subseries 1, Tharchin Family Photo Album

These photographs, originally stored in a 1970s-style photo album with an orange and gold cover, have been rehoused in archival albums. Preservation photo of original presentation is available.

Box 8 Tharchin Family Photo Album

Sub-subseries 2, Other Photographs

Box 8 Other Photographs

Subseries 2, Black-and-white negatives

Originals range in size from 3.5 x 2.5 inches to 3.5 x 5.5 inches, but most are deteriorated. All are located offsite in refrigerated storage; digital versions available.

Box 9 neg-01 4 people setting up picnic

Box 9 neg-02 Religious procession with banners

Box 9 neg-03 Aristocrat in satin chuba and hat

Box 9 neg-04 Indecipherable

Box 9 neg-05 Kalimpong Merchant's Association

Box 9 neg-06 Man in glasses with wife(?) in white shawl and dress

Box 9 neg-07 Hillside with yaks and prayer flags

Box 9 neg-08 Kalimpong Merchant's Association (more people visible)

Box 9 neg-09 Young ngakpa (Tib. ngags-pa) with trident

Box 9 neg-10 Procession with western diplomats/visitors? (men and women)

Box 9 neg-11 Procession with western diplomats/visitors? (men and women)

Box 9 neg-12 Officials in front of building window (barely visible)

Box 9 neg-13 Oil cans? -- probably from inside of hut

Box 9 neg-14 Indecipherable

Box 9 neg-15 Back view of British (royalty?) and superimposed fragment of Tibetan aristocrat women

Box 9 neg-16 Pile of stones (mani stones or wall?)

Box 9 neg-17 Valley view

Box 9 neg-18 Crowd with Indian flags flying

Box 9 neg-19 Tibetan aristocrat women seated, poor condition

Box 9 neg-20 Procession of Indian visitors

Box 9 neg-21 Public Gathering with dais (Tibetan aristocrats in foreground)

Box 9 neg-22 Livestock grazing on arid soil, on Perutz film

Box 9 neg-23 Indecipherable

Box 9 neg-24 Photograph fragments (indecipherable) -- includes a landscape

Box 9 neg-25 Scene of small town in Tibet (probably Gyantse)

Box 9 neg-26 Indecipherable

Box 9 neg-27 Bridge (barely decipherable)

Box 9 neg-28 Bridge (barely decipherable)

Box 9 neg-29 Indecipherable

Box 9 neg-30 Indecipherable

Box 9 2 black-and-white negatives of Twan Yang

(In fair condition.)

Box 9 Other negatives

(In good condition.)

Subseries 3, Other Images

Box 10 Blockprints: Tibetan scenes and one image of Chinese soldier suppressing Tibetan

Box 10 Gong sa rgyal dbang thams cad mkhyen cing gzigs pa chen po mchog gi sku par dge'o

(Lithograph of HH Dalai Lama as a young adult)

Box 10 (Lithograph of HH Dalai Lama as a young child), (3 copies)

(Container includes note by H. Fader: "world famous photo of child Dalai Lama 14 sitting on chair at Kumbum Gompa holding Gospel of John text card on his lap. Taken by [Wn mary?] just prior to child being taken 1939 to Lhasa to be installed as DL 14.")

Box 10 Tsarong family, photographic prints (2 prints)

Box 10 Yul phyogs so so'i gsar 'gyur me long zhes bya ba dge 'o

(Handcrafted folder for storing Volume 15 of the Tibet Mirror newspaper; includes one page of photographic prints; very poor condition.)

Subseries 4, Audio Materials

Box 10 Phonograph record: "Lhasa Wedding Songs", damaged

Box 10 Tibetan Language Record

(Photocopy of printed book together with digital recordings of 14 sound discs; for access, search CLIO )

Series 5, Printed Materials

Subseries 1, Publications and Imprints of the Tibet Mirror Press

Only titles housed in archival boxes are listed here. For additional titles held by Columbia University, including a 5-volume Tibetan-Tibetan dictionaryCLIO Link drafted by Tharchin, and many more titles, search CLIO by keyword for "Forms part of the Tharchin Collection." For a working list of all Tibet Mirror Press publications, see theExcel spreadsheet accompanying this finding aid.

Sub-subseries 1, Printed Materials Housed in the Archival Collection

Box 11 Astrological/Calendrical Text. (Incomplete)

Box 11 Bible verse bookmarks on traditional paper., in Tibetan

Box 11 Bod skad bslab bya dang po [Tibetan language primer] Publ. by Negi Sanggye Tenzin of Rarang; Himalchal Pradesh (Simla); printed by Tharchin at the Tibet Mirror Press, Kalimpong, 1949. 16 pages

Box 11 Bod yig gi ka dpe dang po bzhugs so (undated ); printed by Tharchin, at the Tibet Mirror Press, Kalimpong.

(Three uncut quarto sheets for 39-page book)

Box 11 Bya chos rin chen 'phreng ba = The religion of birds . Kalimpong: Tibet Mirror Press, 1960. 2nd ed. (1st edition publ. in 1903.) 40 pages

Box 11 Bya sprel gyi gtam rgyud bzhugs so = The Story of Birds and Monkeys (1960) 44 pages, 17 cm.

Box 11 Chos kyi 'khor lo rab tu bskor ba'i mdo (1957) [10] pages, 23 cm.

Box 11 ʼDzam gling Ge-sar ʼphrul gyi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las : Phyi gling ʼJar gling rgyal khaṃs btul baʼi gʹyul ʼgyed Dpaʼ bo snying gi dgaʼ ston ngo mtshar gtam gyi leʼu dang ʼbrel baʼi dril rdzong dang go rdzong gtsor gyur paʼi gʹyang gter gyi sgo mo phyes paʼi gtam ngo mtshar dgos ʼbyung bsam ʼphel nor buʼi mdzod khang. (Ka-sbug [Kalimpong]: Me-long par khang, 1961.) 87 (i.e., 173) pages ; 9 x 37 cm

(This is an unbound duplicate of a text already held at Columbia. See CLIO for access ( CLIO Link ).

Box 11 [First Five Year Plan of India] Gangtok, Sikkim: [Government of India Information Office]; printed by Tibet Mirror Press, /010/1957. 38 pages., in Tibetan and Hindi

Box 11 Gong sa lnga pa chen po mchog gis mdzad pa'i lugs zung dang 'brel ba'i bslab bya mu thi li'i phreng ba = Precepts On Religion And Politics Entitled 'Pearl Necklace' by His Holiness The Fifth Dalai Lama / Tharchin (1960), 24 pages ; 18cm

(Scanned image available in Sub-subseries 2.)

Box 11 Gong sa rgyal dbang sku 'phreng 13 pa chen po mchog dang Bod gzhung bka' shag nas gnang ba'i bka' yig ... Dpal ldan mi rje Bka' drung Nor rgyan nang pa mchog nas brtsams par mdzad pa'i yig bskur rnam (ka-nya, 266 pages)

Box 11 Kalimpong and the Sikkim Hills : A guide and handbook on touring / by Annie Perry. Kalimpong: Tibet Mirror Press, [1949 ?]

(Includes list of travellers' bungalows in Darjeeling District. Sikkim and Tibet, with elevation.)

Box 11 Lha chos dang mthun pa'i gtam padma tshal gyi zlos gar bzhugs so / by Dpal sprul O rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po. Publisher not identified, but it appears to be printed by the Tibet Mirror Press. Original was 56 leaves. Library copy is incomplete, with 40 leaves.

Box 11 Lugs kyi bslab bya Legs par bshad pa'i gter : Sunīti śāstram; a moral lessons [sic] in simple poetry / by Shakya Pandit [1182-1251], and Dudjom Rinpochhe. Edited and published by G. Tharchin. (Kalimpong: Tharchin, 1960), 16 pages

Box 11 Mahat ma Gan-dhi'i [Memorial to Gandhi]. In Tibetan and Hindi. Gangtok, Sikkim: [Government of India Information Office] ; printed by Tibet Mirror Press, February1958. 12 pages

Box 11 Mthun pa spun bzhiʾi lo rgyus bzhugs so = The story of the four harmonious brethern . Kalimpong: G. Tharchin, 1960. 14 pages

Box 11 Rgya gar 'phags pa'i yul du nang pa'i mchod rten dang gnas mchog byin can rnams kyi bshad pa mthong thos kun grol = [Cover for brochure on Buddhist stupas and holy places in India?], 1956 23 cm., 1956

Box 11 Rgyal blon gyi bstan bcos zhes bya ba bzhugs so = The story of King Hashang Deo and his young minister / trans. From Tibetan into Hindi by G. Tharchin.

Box 11 Rje btsun Thub bstan 'jam dpal ye shes rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i yang srid mchog spul rin po che 'khrul bral myur byon gsol 'debs bzhugs so / [= Prayers for the speedy birth of the reincarnation of Jetsun Jam dpal ye shes rgyal mtshan [aka Rwa sgreng regent]. Kalimpong: Tibet Mirror Press, nd. 4 folia (i.e. 8 pages); 26" x 10" (small pecha style).

Box 11 Rmi lam lha mo'i bstan bcos dge slong gzhon nu rab gsal gyi dris lan / Slu yon a na (1930), 16 pages

Box 11 Sdig can rnams la dkon mchog gi thugs rje'i gnang sbyin mngon par gyur nga'i skor mdor tsam bshad pa bzhugs so = Brief Description of Gods Grace to Sinners / World Mission Prayer League (1959), 8 pages

Box 11 Young Lepcha, 1931

Box 11 Photocopies of miscellaneous book covers, with notes by Herbert L. Fader

Box 11 Tibetan translations of Bible stories, with illustrations, (4 large folders)

Sub-subseries 2, Digital Images of publications in the archival collections of the museum established in 2014 at Tharpa Choling Monastery., 2014

(High resolution images of the full work of several Tibet Mirror press publications; photographs taken by Markus Viehbeck from original publications in Kalimpong; DVD-R is housed in the front of the box 11. For original copies of several of the titles held by the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, search CLIO.)

Box 11 Dbyin Bod Hin gsum shan sbyar gyi tsig mdzod rin chen do shal zhes bya ba bzhugs so = The English Tibetan Hindi Pocket-Dictionary / Tharchin (1965), 382 pages

Box 11 Dmyal khams nas mtho ris su = From Hell to Paradise, A True Statement Related by Ashang Lobsang Jampa, a Ladakhi Refugee Lama / Tharchin (1962), 50 pages

Box 11 Gong sa lnga pa chen po mchog gis mdzad pa'i lugs zung dang 'brel ba'i bslab bya mu thi li'i phreng ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so = Precepts On Religion And Politics Entitled 'Pearl Necklace' by His Holiness The Fifth Dalai Lama / Tharchin (1960), 24 pages

Box 11 Gong sa rgyal dbang sku 'phreng 13 pa chen po mchog sngon spyi lo 1911 lor rdor gling du sku bzhugs gnang skabs mi dbang shel gling mchog nas btsams mdzad lha sa dren glu dang ka ashad bcas bzhugs so = A Song of Lhasa Memories & A Poem in Alphabetical Order / Sherkarlingpa (1965), 16 pages

Box 11 Gtsang sbyar spyod pa'i lam lnga zhes bya ba bzhugs so = The Five Hygiene Paths of Morality and Spirituality / Wangpo (1965), 100 pages

Box 11 Gtso bo Yi shu'i chos dang sangs rgyas kyi chos gnyis kyi byed brag 'byed pa'i bshad pa bzhugs so = The difference between Christian and Buddhist teaching concerning God, Creation, Man, Sin and Salvation / Sorenson (1962), 17 pages

Box 11 Rgya Bod skad gnyis shan sbyar sgyas pa kun phan me long zhes bya ba bzhugs so = The Hindi Tibetan Self Taught / Tharchin (1938 Fourth Edition 1960 1963 Printing), 93 pages, 1960, 1963

Box 11 [Tibetan-Tibetan Dictionary], volume 2 / Tharchin, 411 pages

Sub-subseries 3, Materials housed in other locations

Please also search the phrase "Forms part of the Tharchin Collection" in the Columbia Online Catalog (CLIO).

Subseries 2, Publications by other India-based publishers

Box 12 Himalayan Times, Vol. 5, No. 37, 1952 April 27, 1952

Box 12 Maha-Bodhi : Journal of the Maha Bodhi Society, vol. 59, no. 12, 1951 December, 1951

Box 12 Tshe dbang rnam rgyal, Khu nu bla ma (1896-1973). 'Byung rtsis man ngag zla ba'i snying po bzhug so. Delhi?, 196-?

Box 12 Um Tibet

Box 12 Yindu Ri bao (various issues, unopened), 1950

Box 12 "Rang dbang gsar shog = Freedom" newspaper, 1961 November 4 (vol.2, no.35), 1961

Box 12 Miscellaneous

Subseries 3, Publications published outside of India

Box 12 Adullam Mission (Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China): News No. 30

Box 12 Hu lan deb gter [Hulan deb gter; Hu lan deb ther], (Japanese offprint)

Series 6, Miscellaneous

Box 6 Folder 8 Photocopies of forms from US Copyright Office, Tribhuvan University, etc. regarding H. Fader's application for "Rev. Gergan Tharchin's Autobiography," 2002.

Box 6 Folder 8 Pentecostal Evangel, 2010 October, 2010

(Journal issue provided by Herbert Fader, includes article about Victor and David Plymire, missionaries in Tibetan areas of northwest China.)

Box 13 Chronology of Tibetan History : Handwritten manuscript in dbu can Tibetan. 33 cm.

(Unpublished table of historical events in Tibet, arranged by calendar cycle, starting with the year 1027 ACE through 1950.)

Box 13 Copybook with transcriptions of historical documents : Handwritten manuscript in dbu can Tibetan.

(Includes three texts: 1. [Shing stag Rgya gar 'phags pa'i yul du Dbyin Bod Rgya gsum chings mol mdzad lugs kun gsal me long], a record of the Simla conference (1913-1914), pages 1-229; 2. "Shing stag Dbyin Bod gnyis kyi sa mtshams dang tshong don skor bka' mol ching 'jog mdzad lugs dge" [An account of English-Tibetan discussions about border and trade in 1914 probably regarding the McMahon Line?], pages 1-22 ; and 3. a text regarding Songtsen Gampo and Thonmi Sambhota, pages 1-21.)

Box 13 Copybook with five essays on how to apply democratic principles in Tibet under self-government : Handwritten manuscript in cursive Tibetan., 1955-1956?

Contents: 'Bangs rgyal gsar pa'i ring lugs lam gsar 'thabs phyogs [1955]--'Bangs rgyal ring lugs kyi gsar pa'i bstan bcos dri len snang ba'i sno[?] 'byed / Chos rgyal lhas -- Bod rgyal mi rigs chog sgril chen po'i zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos -- Bod rgyal 'khrug thig gi gtam -- Yang dag rnying sar des sa phun tshogs phan bde 'byung ba'i legs bshad / Chos rgyal lha [1956].

These essays cover various sectors of society [political administration, economy, military, etc.], as well as the broader Tibetan geographic area, including Khams and Amdo. More research is needed, but it seems possible that these texts were originally written by Pandatsang Rapga (Spom mda' tshang Rab dga') or a close associate, and transcribed here. The author of the last essay remarks that s/he is from "Khams lho brgyud." The notebook also contains a few brief and unidentified writings, including one verse in romanized Tibetan.