This collection is a random group of papers of three generations of the Mott family. Papers of Jordan Lawrence Mott include 51 deeds, letters, and leases showing Mott's subdivision, improvement, and letting of this property. Correspondence of J.L. Mott II is mostly from well-known people in English society in the early 20th century. Mott's wife, Katherine Jerome Purdy Mott, was a cousin of the Jerome sisters (Lady Randolph Churchill, Lady Leslie, and Mrs. Moreton Frewen). Papers of J.L. Mott III include correspondence with publishers about his works, miscellaneous manuscripts, and financial documents. Correspondents include the Duchess of Abercorn, Prince Arthur (Duke of Connaught) and his family, L.B.R. Briggs, Ednah Dow Cheney, Joseph B. Gilder, H.A. Harvey, Lady Constance Leslie, Frank E. Schoonover, Christian Schussele, and Caspar Whitney.