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Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947

6 linear feet (4 document boxes; 3 tall document boxes; 2 flat boxes; 7 oversize folders (mapcase))
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains an eclectic variety of materials collected by Jewish historian, archivist, and bibliographer Zosa Szajkowski (1911-1978). Materials include organizational records, documents, correspondence, periodicals, printed ephemera related mainly to Eastern European Jewish life in France in 1920s and 1930s and on the territories of modern Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century. There are also materials of the Russkii Obshchekolonial'nyi Komitet v Parizhe, Comité des Delegations Juives, Kharbinskoe Evreiskoe Dukhovnoe Obshchestvo, and papers of A. (Aleksei) Lozovskii.
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Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947 6 linear feet (4 document boxes; 3 tall document boxes; 2 flat boxes; 7 oversize folders (mapcase))

Zone Books records, 1985-2014

92 linear feet (83 boxes (61 record cartons; 10 document boxes; 12 flatboxes))
Abstract Or Scope

Uncorrected Proofs; Foul Matter; Books; Corrected Drafts; Catalogs + Promotional Material; Foreign Editions/Publicity and Correspondence.

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Zoltan Pfeiffer Papers, 1945-1980

11000 items (30 boxes; 7 reels of audio tape)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes photocopies of letters by Josef Cardinal Mindszenty and an undated photograph of Pope Paul VI. The arranged correspondence dates from 1947 to 1980. There are manuscripts by a number of Hungarian emigres as well as by Pfeiffer himself. The subject files contain information on the Assembly of Captive European Nations. Among the printed materials are 49 folders of newspaper articles by or about Pfeiffer. In addition, there are seven reels of 7 1/2" audio tape containing interviews with Pfeiffer.

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Zoltan Pfeiffer Papers, 1945-1980 11000 items (30 boxes; 7 reels of audio tape)

Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas) Memoirs, 1961-1970

7 items (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Handwritten and typescript memoirs (69 pages) of Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas), describing his military education at the Vil'no Military Academy and his service in 1913-1916. There is also one issue of the journal "Voennaia Byl'" (May 1963) with Baltushevskii's article "Tragediia XX armeiskogo korpusa v Avgustovskikh lesakh" describing military events in 1914-1915.

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Zinovii Ivanovich Baltushevskii (Baltusauskas) Memoirs, 1961-1970 7 items (1 folder)

Zinester Diaries Collection, Circa 1990s through 2000s

.42 Linear Feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of diaries written between the early 1990's through the 2000's by an anonymous donor zinester.
1 result in this collection

Zines of the Greek Crisis collection, 2011-2016

1.42 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

These materials--some published by zine veterans, others by graffiti crews or anti-capitalist collectives--convey a strong wish to destabilize mainstream crisis narratives and engage Greece's current predicament through poetry, surrealist stories, queer theory, and a return to the fundamentals of anarchism. Beautifully designed and presented in unconventional forms, these zines of the Greek crisis, are unique publications, strategically marginal, and are not being acquired by other U.S. research libraries. This unique resource is possible to collect because visiting professor Dimitrios Antoniou has established relationships with the distributors of these materials in Greece.

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Zines of the Greek Crisis collection, 2011-2016 1.42 linear feet (3 boxes)

Zinaida Andreevna Melik-Ogandzhanova Papers, 1935-1961

20 items (20 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of a memoir and printed materials. The memoir (22 p.) is by Melik-Ogandzhanova and covers her husband's life. Printed materials consist of uncirculated postcards from Manchuria under Japanese rule in 1935, copies of Harbin Russian newspapers from 1935, clippings, and a medical pamphlet by Melik-Ogandzhanova's daughter Tamara.

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Zinaida Andreevna Melik-Ogandzhanova Papers, 1935-1961 20 items (20 items)

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Rzhevskaia Manuscript, 1965

1 item (1 item)
Abstract Or Scope

The recollections are primarily about her husband and contain references to his arrest, exile in Siberia and execution.

1 result in this collection

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Rzhevskaia Manuscript, 1965 1 item (1 item)

Zhaohao Wu letters, 1923-1929

0.25 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box (28 folders))
Abstract Or Scope
The Zhaohao Wu letters mainly consist of twenty-eight handwritten letters from Zhaohao Wu and others in Germany and in Moscow to his younger brother Zhaofa Wu in the U.S. between 1923 and 1929. Zhaohao Wu wrote extensively to his brother about his understanding and enthusiasm in the socialist movement, his opinions on Chinese politics, and his life abroad as an international student. One additional letter from Liang Qichao to his son-in-law, Chou Kuo Hsien about the establishment of the Songpo Library in 1918 was later added to the collection.
3 results in this collection

Zhaohao Wu letters, 1923-1929 0.25 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box (28 folders))

Liang, Qichao to Chou Kuo Hsien, 1918-12-16

Zhang, Fakui papers, 1912-1966, bulk 1935-1949

4 Linear Feet (10 manuscript boxes) 6 Reels (3 reels, 2 copies)
Abstract Or Scope
The Zhang Fakui papers emphasize General Zhang's military career as a Chinese Nationalist General during the important years of the Sino-Japanese War. The bulk of the papers consist of documents and maps relating to the history of the Fourth War Zone which he commanded during the Sino-Japanese War dating from 1940 to 1947. Also included are documents related to the governance and development of the Hainan dating from 1939 to 1949. Materials include correspondence, documents, maps, photographs, reports, manuscripts, and diaries.
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Zhang, Fakui papers, 1912-1966, bulk 1935-1949 4 Linear Feet (10 manuscript boxes) 6 Reels (3 reels, 2 copies)

Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976

3100 items (13 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.

1 result in this collection

Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976 3100 items (13 boxes)

Zbigniew Brzezinski course materials, 1980s

5 linear feet (5 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection contains course materials from graduate seminars in international relations taught by Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 1980s. It includes course syllabi, registration and attendance records, petitions for enrollment, student papers and presentation materials, and Brzezinksi's handwritten notes related to the seminars.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski course materials, 1980s 5 linear feet (5 record cartons)

Yurii Gudim-Levkovich Manuscripts, 1957

3 items (3 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of a carbon copy and a photocopy of essays entitled"O politicheskoĭ napravlennosti i soderzhanii antibolśhevistskoĭ propagandy v svi︠a︡zi s sovremennym polozheniem kresti︠́a︡n v SSSR", and "Rost khlebnogo proizvodstva v kolkhozakh stepnykh i lesostepnykh raĭonov evropeĭskoĭ chasti SSSR." There is also a brief summary, in English, of the latter essay by one Joseph A. Baclawski.

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Yurii Gudim-Levkovich Manuscripts, 1957 3 items (3 items)

Yuri and Bill Kochiyama Papers, 1936-2003, bulk 1968-1998

186.25 linear feet (120 linear feet (91 record cartons and 4 oversize items, Oakland accession) and 64.17 linear feet (51 record cartons, New York accession). Boxes 35, 45, 46, 48, 49, and 53 do not exist. Malcolm X scrapbook is Box 65)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters, diaries, albums, photographs, and printed material.

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Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-1996

1.67 Linear Feet (4 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Yu Feng Tse papers (于鳳至檔案) document her family life and that of her spouse, the Young Marshall Zhang Xueliang, who was under house arrest since 1937, first in mainland China and later in Taiwan until he was free in 1992. The materials primarily consist of correspondence, writings, printed materials, photographs, as well as memorabilia, dating from 1928 to 2011, with its bulk dating from 1943 to 1996. The materials show the relationship between Yu Feng Tse who was in the United States and Zhang Xueliang who was in Taiwan at the time.
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Young Women's Christian Association Records, 1908-1926

1 Linear Feet (one scrapbook.)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials relating to the Young Women's Christian Association.
1 result in this collection

Young Women's Christian Association Records, 1908-1926 1 Linear Feet (one scrapbook.)

Young Alumnae Committee Newsletter, Fall 1998 - Spring 2000

0.01 Linear Feet (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the Young Alumnae Committee Newsletter.
1 result in this collection

Yosei Amemya photographs, 1926-1930

1 print box
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of 44 original photographs by Yosei Amemya, New York. The subjects include private gardens, office buildings and houses (interior and exterior views) and a few bridges. The majority are printed in a grainy, soft focuse technique and signed in pencil by the photographer. Also included are 3 halftone prints of bridges after photos by Amemya.

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Yosei Amemya photographs, 1926-1930 1 print box

Yosef Yerushalmi papers, 1957-2006, 1957-2006

40 linear feet (39 record storage cartons, one flat box)
Abstract Or Scope
Yosef Yerushalmi was a Jewish historian and a professor of Jewish history, primarily at Harvard University and Columbia University. This collection includes most of his academic records and many of his personal records as well. This includes research, correspondence, and notes.
626 results in this collection view all

York & Sawyer architectural drawings, 1921-1931

340 Sheets
Abstract Or Scope

Architectural drawings for 14 projects designed by the firm, dating from circa 1911 to 1960.

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Yong-jeung Kim papers, 1906-1994, bulk 1940-1975

6 linear feet (12 boxes, 1 mapcase folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, documents, news releases, printed materials, audio recordings, and motion picture film. Of interest in the correspondence are letters from John Foster Dulles, Lieut. Gen. John R. Hodge and Maj. Gen. Archer L. Lerch, the first two U.S. military governors of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Kim Il Sung. His correspondence deals mainly with the issue of reunification. The manuscript series includes articles and speeches by Kim as well as unpublished manuscripts by others assigned to him. The documents are mainly those related to the Korean Affairs Institute. The press clippings and printed materials cover Korean problems from 1945 to 1975 and include Korean language newspapers and periodicals. Thera are also some books and pamphlets from his library, including printed volumes of Korean government documents and other books on Korea from the first two decades of the twentieth century, six electrical transcriptions of radio programs in which Kim was interviewed, and one motion picture film "Liberation of Korea."

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Yong-jeung Kim papers, 1906-1994, bulk 1940-1975 6 linear feet (12 boxes, 1 mapcase folder)

YMCA France records, circa 1930s-1960s

4 linear feet (8 boxes (7 manuscript boxes, 1 tall manuscript box))
Abstract Or Scope

YMCA Press Institutional records, correspondence with prominent public figures.

1 result in this collection

YMCA France records, circa 1930s-1960s 4 linear feet (8 boxes (7 manuscript boxes, 1 tall manuscript box))

YMCA and YWCA records, 1925 -- 1949

4.25 linear feet (4.25 linear feet; 9 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Young Mens and Womens Christian Associations were founded as a response to unhealthy social and living conditions in cities at the end of the Industrial Revolution. The collection contains pamphlets, reports, and correspondence regarding the YMCA 19th World Conference in Helsinki, Finland; pamphlets, correspondences, minutes, and questionnaires related to the YMCA Constantinople Branch in Turkey between 1926-1928; reports regarding the history and progress of the YMCA and YWCA in different countries; and pamphlets, questionnaires, records, and history of the YMCA in different parts of the world including Japan, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China and Belgium.
50 results in this collection view all

YMCA and YWCA records, 1925 -- 1949 4.25 linear feet (4.25 linear feet; 9 boxes)

Yiddish Theatre Collection, 1899-1962, bulk 1925-1950

1 linear feet (1 document box, 1 tall document box)
Abstract Or Scope
The Yiddish Theater collection includes material on the Yiddish theater collective The Vilna Troupe (Di Vilner trupe) regarding their shows in Europe (press clippings and programs). The collection also includes a few ephemera (autographed pictures), some correspondence of M. Schneidow/Shnatman, Kalisch, and Jonas Jacobson, and a variety of typescripts/manuscripts (incl. film exposés by M. Schneidow). The collection also includes the Bergen Belsen photo albums and Yiddish sheet music of the twentieth century published in New York City (primarily by Hebrew Publishing Co. and Metro Music).
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Yehudah Joffe papers, 1893-1966, bulk 1920-1945

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of Joffe's correspondence, manuscripts/notes, and newspaper clippings. Joffe's correspondence in Yiddish in English is both personal and professional, covering communication with institutions he was working at or hoping to work at. Joffe's manuscripts contain drafts for lectures and notes on university seminars and lectures he attended under Prof. Roman Jakobson and others. Joffe's newspaper clippings contain a selection of clippings relating to Prof. Peck, his undergraduate advisor, and miscellaneous clippings.
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Yehudah Joffe papers, 1893-1966, bulk 1920-1945 1 box (1 box)

Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1893-1910

Yeats family letters, 1896-1968

2 boxes (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters from members of the Yeats family, including twelve letters from William Butler Yeats to Ellen Douglas Duncan, director of the Dublin Gallery of Modern Art, relating to public lectures and containing comments on the unrest in Ireland in 1918. There are also thirty letters from Elizabeth C. Yeats to Mary L. Sutliff dealing with publications of the Cuala Press. Family photographs with the annotations of Elizabeth Yeats, newspaper clippings, book reviews, and other printed ephemera are also contained in the collection. In addition, TALKING ABOUT YEATS, a 1967 television script by Micheál Mac Liammóir, and a related letter from Mac Liammóir; and a typescript catalog of Col. Russell K. Alspach's Yeats collection (not on microfilm).

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Yeats family letters, 1896-1968 2 boxes (2 boxes)

"X" - MANUSCRIPTS, bulk 1500-1900

2350 Volumes
Abstract Or Scope

The first manuscripts collected at Columbia, these 2,350 volumes of manuscript books and bound volumes of letters were classified in the regular classification scheme (Dewey) with the call number preceded by the letter "X". They were cataloged by printed book rules into the main catalog. Cards are found in RBML in the correspondence and manuscript card files, as well as the "X" shelflist. No firther additions to this collection are made since the 1960s.

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"X" - MANUSCRIPTS, bulk 1500-1900 2350 Volumes

Wyles family papers, 1795-1903

1 box (125 items)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of manuscripts pertaining to the social and business history of the John Wyles family. The more important earlier letters in the collection, 1795-1805, indicate the commercial and speculative interest, largely in real estate, John Wyles had in the newly settled territory of the Western Reserve. The subsequent letters and manuscripts including deeds, receipts, and miscellaneous papers, are concerned with the financial and business history of the Wyles family throughout the several generations from 1800 through 1903.

1 result in this collection

Wyles family papers, 1795-1903 1 box (125 items)

W.W. Norton & Company records, 1923-1967

209.5 linear feet (457 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records of publisher W.W. Norton & Co, as well as the records of Boni and Liveright, Inc. and Horace Liveright, Inc.

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Writers on Writing, 1992

0.01 Linear Feet (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Writers on Writing workshops.
1 result in this collection

Writers on Writing, 1992 0.01 Linear Feet (1 folder)

W.R. Grace & Co. records, 1828-1986, bulk 1861-1960

90 linear feet (167 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The records of W.R. Grace & Co. cover the rise of the Grace shipping business from 1864 until World War II. The early correspondence concerns all aspects of the shipping business in New York and South America, mining interests in Peru and Chile, the railroad in Costa Rica, the inter-ocean canal planned for Nicaragua, and political interests throughout Central and South America. There are letter books, correspondence, and scrapbooks of clippings for all aspects of W.R. Grace's career. There are minute books and other documents for more than 50 subsidiary companies owned by W.R. Grace & Co. or by family members. The papers of Joseph Peter Grace (1872-1950) continue the business, family, and philanthropic activities until 1942. There are also 20 reels of motion picture film about the Grace Co. South American interests in the 1950s.

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Worship Office Audio tape collection, 1953-1997

204 audiocassettes (204 audio cassettes)
1 result in this collection

World War I War Service, 1917-1921

1.04 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of materials related to the war relief work done by undergraduate students, alumnae, and faculty at Barnard College. Materials include reports, inventory lists, resupply lists, receipts, informational bulletins, correspondence, solicitation letters for donations and volunteers, booklets, pamphlets, speeches and notes for speeches, newspaper clippings, financial statements and reports, invoices, meeting minutes, certificates, photographs, and other ephemera.
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YMCA France Canteen Unit

World War I War Service, 1917-1921 1.04 Linear Feet

Women's Agricultural Camp/Farmerettes

World War I records : Ephemera, 1914-1918

0.5 linear feet (1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of selected German, Dutch and English periodicals, newspapers and pamphlets published during and relating to World War I. Also included are approximately 150 picture postcards depicting the life of German soldiers during the War and the life of prisoners of war captured by the Germans. The majority of these cards were issued by the International Red Cross. Handwritten captions for the postcards and for other materials were written by Jeannette Unger, the donor. Also includes a selection of American, Canadian and English popular songs of the period with war or patriotic themes

1 result in this collection

World War I records : Ephemera, 1914-1918 0.5 linear feet (1 flat box)

World War I posters, 1914-1918

10 oversize folders (10 oversize folders 30 rolls)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection consisting primarily of World War I posters issued in the United States and Russia.

1 result in this collection

World War I posters, 1914-1918 10 oversize folders (10 oversize folders 30 rolls)

World War II underground publications, 1939-1945

1 linear feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of underground publications, in many cases illegal, representative of presses operating in German-occupied Europe during World War II. Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, French, and Portugese items are included. There are 8 pieces of sheet music, publications of the United States based organization, France Forever, and an unusual German-English dictionary, without a title-page, that was printed by a German POW

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World War II underground publications, 1939-1945 1 linear feet (3 boxes)

World War II Russian posters, 1939-1945

6 portfolios (6 portfolios 2 trunks)
Abstract Or Scope

A series of numbered Russian war posters issued by the Soviet news service, TASS. An English translation of the poster's titles, texts, authors, and artists are listed by the Tass number in a separate loose leaf binder

1 result in this collection

World War II Russian posters, 1939-1945 6 portfolios (6 portfolios 2 trunks)

World War II posters, 1939-1949

42 rolls (42 rolls (Approximately 700 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A collection consisting primarily of World War II posters issued in the United States, Great Britain, Russia and in Germany during the Allied occupation. In addition, there are United Nations posters and a few issued in Canada, France, Holland and Poland

1 result in this collection

World War II posters, 1939-1949 42 rolls (42 rolls (Approximately 700 items))

World War II periodicals, 1939-1946

3 linear feet (8 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Primarily a collection of overseas editions (small formats, light-weight paper, no advertisements) of popular magazines for the Armed Forces distrubuted by the Special Services Division, U.S. Army, and by the Bureau of Navy personnel. Among the titles represented are: Esquire; New Yorker; Newsweek; Time; Pic; Readers Digest; Down Beat; and an array of comic books. In addition, there are guides to foreign countries, War Department education manuals in the G. I. Roundtable Series, books on the organization and administration of an army library, training manuals for army hospital librarians, and a copy of the R.B. [Reference and Recreational Book] LIBRARY CATALOG: AN INDEX TO THE BOOKS INCLUDED IN THE 1945 RECREATIONAL LIBRARIES FOR AMERICAN SOLDIERS OVERSEAS (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1944). Also included are two small containers of U.S. Office of Price Administration ration tokens, one red the other blue

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World War II periodicals, 1939-1946 3 linear feet (8 boxes)

World War II Materials - Barnard College War Service, 1940-1995, bulk 1940-1945

.63 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of newspaper clippings, flyers, booklets, publications, record books, meeting minutes, reports, brochures, articles, petitions, correspondence, posters, ephemera, and photographs.
9 results in this collection view all


Peace Altar at St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University, 1995

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944

0.5 linear feet (1 box (113 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of magazine covers displaying the American Flag and often the motto "United We Stand.". Most of the covers are dated 1942; some are undated, and at least one is dated 1944. Included in the collection are two items from the Victory Display Committee for June, 1942.

1 result in this collection

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944 0.5 linear feet (1 box (113 items))

World War II Magazine Covers, 1942-1944

0.5 linear feet (1 box (185 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of magazine covers from World War Two, relating primarily to women (series I) and the American Flag (series II).

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World War II Magazine Covers, 1942-1944 0.5 linear feet (1 box (185 items))

Series I: Women, 1943 72 items

Series II: American Flags, 1942-1944 113 items

World War II literature and music records, 1935-1947

2 linear feet (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of literature and music produced for the use of U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. Included are paperbound reprints of popular fiction, popular classics, poetry, and other books of general interest, specially manufactured for distribution to American soldiers and sailors overseas and to soldiers in the army hospitals in the United States. The music includes song books, army field manuals for bands, camp show books and a set of ARMY HIT KIT OF POPULAR SONGS, June 1943-April 1944. Also includes a selection of sheet music of popular songs with a war or patriotic theme. 1985 addition: a few samples of war poetry, humor, battle accounts and memorabilia

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World War II literature and music records, 1935-1947 2 linear feet (5 boxes)

World Trade Center collection, 9999

32 linear feet (34 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers from individual students, staff, or faculty members are welcome. Secondly, the Libraries will also accept collections of materials in any language or format from any part of the world that document the crisis and the continuing its continuing effects. Photographs, e-mails, letters, pamphlets, flyers, audio-tapes and other items are all welcome. These will eventually form a World Trade Center Archive, available for research or study.

1 result in this collection

World Trade Center collection, 9999 32 linear feet (34 record storage cartons)

World Telegram and Sun Essay Contest papers, 1965

2.5 Linear Feet (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of 1,200 essays on "New York's Future as I View It" written by high school students from the New York metropolitan area.

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World Telegram and Sun Essay Contest papers, 1965 2.5 Linear Feet (6 boxes)

World Missionary Conference Records, 1883-2010, bulk 1908-1918

20.50 linear feet (20.50 linear feet 43 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records from a worldwide ecumenical conference of Protestant missionaries taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-23 June, 1910, including those from the Continuation Committees established to continue work beyond the 1910 meeting: Questionnaires, missionary responses from the field, originals, transcripts; administrative correspondence, area reports and reports to Commissions, minutes; published findings and administrative records of the Area Conferences of the Continuation Committees. Also includes anniversary records.

1 result in this collection

World Missionary Conference Records, 1883-2010, bulk 1908-1918 20.50 linear feet (20.50 linear feet 43 boxes)

World Council of Churches Records, 1893-1997

117 boxes (117 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records and documents relating to commissions, committees, conferences, and General Assemblies of the World Council of Churches including pre-Amsterdam, 1948 World Council of Churches in process. Includes various committees and commissions, including Life and Work, Faith and Order, Evangelism, World Council of Churches and International Missionary Council merger, Churches and International Affairs, Laity, Women in the Church, World Christian Youth, Church and Society, Churches Participation in Development, Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, and History of the Ecumenical Movement.

1 result in this collection

World Council of Churches Records, 1893-1997 117 boxes (117 boxes)

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999

1.25 linear feet (1 record carton)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs and printed material.

1 result in this collection

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999 1.25 linear feet (1 record carton)

Works by Women: A Film and Video Festival, 1977-1992

0.42 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists ofmaterials from the Works by Women Film Festival that took place annually from 1977 to 1990. This collection includes programs from each festival year, as well as press releases, clipping, and correspondence with artists and administrators.
1 result in this collection

Works by Women: A Film and Video Festival, 1977-1992 0.42 Linear Feet