This box includes the following files: equal oppportunity and affirmative action documents, notes and memoranda including Barnard College Affirmative Action Program (1973) and Barnard College Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan (1988);Barnard employees against racism circular for events formerly known as Faculty and staff againist racism (1987-1992); Elayne Garrrett's notes and correspondence about an Asian-American panel held at Barnard college in (1987-09 and 1989-09); documents and correspondence including articles and circulars on diversity including the Columbia mediation training program (1988-1991); documents, correspondence, programs for spring conference on diversity, memoranda, calendars, clippings, and notes on Columbia mediation training program (1992-1995); LGBTQ+ documents, correspodnence, memoranda and clippings including CORRIE Lesbian/Bisexual discussion group questions and students' responses, president Futter's statement against sexual harassment campus (1990-1998); Asian/Pacific American awareness month documents, correspondence, program guide, calendars, and memoranda (1991-1993); COFHE pipeline project documents, correspondence, committee agenda, memorandum, and list of COFHE faculty (1992).