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13th Article, 1996-1998

0.04 Linear Feet (1 folder)
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13th Article was a short-lived literary magazine featuring various poetry and fiction written by students and alumnae.
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13th Article, 1996-1998 0.04 Linear Feet (1 folder)

16th Century Italian drawings of portals, arches, and other apertures, after 1512

8 Sheets
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8 sheets with 16 drawings (drawn recto and verso) of portals, arches, arcades, fireplaces, wall niches and other apertures. Drawings in ink with wash on paper, with some annotations in Italian. The sheets are from a dismembered sketchbook and are housed in a red leather-bound case titled "Architectural Drawings -- Beccafumi" on the spine.

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16th Century Italian drawings of portals, arches, and other apertures, after 1512 8 Sheets

1791 New York City Legal Deposition by Free African American Woman Nelley Mumpherd, 1791

1 item (1 document box)
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Document signed. Approximately 12 x 8 inches. Laid paper with deckled edges. Watermarked "M C". Contemporary docketing. Folds with a short tear at the center.

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2 Park Avenue (Loft building : New York, N.Y.), 1927

1 drawing
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Blue-line print of bronze Subway sidewalk sign post design.

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516 Broadway (New York, NY) records and drawings, bulk 1870-1900

2 manuscript boxes
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The archive consists of 250 + letters, drawings, invoices, leases, mortgages, bonds, and deeds related to the 516 Broadway, New York, NY, which was owned then by Edward Livingston and his partner. The bulk of the material consists of correspondence from the architects, Hugh Lamb and Charles Rich, who were hired to convert a portion of the building into stores. They worked with Cornell Iron Works, Otis Elevator etc. and approved all work and payment of bills.

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516 Broadway (New York, NY) records and drawings, bulk 1870-1900 2 manuscript boxes

71 Park Avenue (Apartment building : New York, N.Y.), 1932-1939

3 drawings
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Floor plans of the 4th, 5th, and 6th floor on negative photostat; and one pencil and trace floor plan of an unidentified apartment.

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A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943

3 items (3 items)
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Manuscript memoir ""Otdelnaia turkestanskaia konnogornaia artilleriiskaia batareia"(with typescript copy) (98 p.) that describes the operations of Govorov's unit in Turkestan during the Pamir expeditions (1892-94) and especially during World War I. The memoir is accompanied by maps drawn by Govorov.

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A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943 3 items (3 items)

A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958

155 pages (155 pages)
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Manuscript memoirs that discuss Levitskiĭ's experiences during the Russo-Japanese War and as a staff officer in St. Petersburg before the First World War.

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A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958 155 pages (155 pages)

Aaron Burr papers, 1779-1817

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
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A miscellaneous collection of Aaron Burr letters and documents including twelve letters to Timothy Green; one letter each to Peter Colt, Colonel Sargent, and Mr. Terhune; photostatic copies of one letter to William Van Ness and David Hosack; a bill for New York court fees issued by Robert Benson; and a check issued by the Bank of the United States endorsed on the verso by Burr.

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Aaron Burr papers, 1779-1817 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Aaron Frankel papers, 1948-1977

3 linear feet (8 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials documenting the career of Aaron Frankel. The correspondence is by Lynn Fontanne, Greer Garson, Lorne Greene, Alfred Lunt, Frederick Marshall, Robert Penn Warren and others. The manuscripts include l4 drafts of Frankel's "Writing the Broadway Musical" as well as manuscripts by Robert Penn Warren and Myron Galewski for two plays"Willie Stark: His Rise and Fall" and "Brother to Dragons". One of the documents is a collaboration agreement signed by Warren and Frankel. The printed materials include galleys of "Writing the Broadway Musical" and items relating to Frankel's productions of Warren's plays.

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Aaron Frankel papers, 1948-1977 3 linear feet (8 boxes)

Aaron I. Raisman student drawings, 1894-1898

54 drawings
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Drawings made by Raisman while a student at Columbia University's School of Mines, Engineering and Chemistry from 1894 to 1898. The majority of the drawings are ink on paper or vellum and are studies of various shapes, valves, arches, and bridges.

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Aaron I. Raisman student drawings, 1894-1898 54 drawings

Aaron J. Vanderpoel papers, 1837-1885

1 box (1 box)
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The incoming correspondence of Vanderpoel, containing letters from friends, clients, and colleagues and dealing with personal and legal matters. Correspondents include Henry M. Alexander, William Allen Butler, John P. and William V. S. Beekman, G. W. Bulkey, Joseph H. Choate, Frederic R. Coudert, Lewis L. Delafield, Jay Gould, William D. F. Maurice, Edward Pierpont, J. Bryce Smith, John Van Alen, John and Thomas Van Buren, and Henry Vanorden. Letters of a personal and business nature from various family members include several from Aaron and John Vanderpoel and Lewis Oakley, his uncles, and from Henry C. Van Schaack, his father-in-law. There are approximately twelve manuscripts of essays and speeches by A. J. Vanderpoel while he attended Kinderhook Academy and New York University, as well as a few by other family members. Various documents including mortgages, deeds, indentures, agreements, and court records relate to Vanderpoel's law practice and to family property.

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Aaron Louis Fessler papers, 1959-1978

1 box (1 box)
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Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, manuscript notes, typescripts, and printed materials. Most of the papers concern the bibliographical control of scientific literature with particular emphasis on the development of an information storage and retrieval system for the Olin Mathiessen Chemical Corporation Library. There are letters from librarians and scientists, Olin Mathiessen inter-office memoranda, Fessler's manuscripts, manuscript notes and typescripts, and supporting printed materials published by IBM. There are also mimeograph copies of papers by several other information scientists. Also, Fessler's file of approximately 200 typescripts of his book, record, and cassette reviews on a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles chiefly for LIBRARY JOURNAL. In addition there are some course-related materials for the library science classes Fessler taught at Southern Connecticut State College, 1961-1965, including one of his syllabi and some correspondence relating to education for special librarianship. The printed materials include several articles by Fessler and two items inscribed by colleagues to him.

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Aaron Louis Fessler papers, 1959-1978 1 box (1 box)

Aaron Resnick architectural drawings, 1947-1986

5,000 drawings
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Aaron Resnick (1914-1986) was an American engineer and architect. Resnick designed for Usonia, a planned community near Pleasantville, New York, which was conceptualized by Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City. The collection documents over 100 projects designed by Aaron Resnick starting from 1947 until his death in 1986. The majority of the projects are residential buildings for the planned community of Usonia, New York. Other creators in the collection include, among others, Frank Lloyd Wright, Franzen Ulrich, Paul Schweikher, and David Henken.
176 results in this collection view all

Aaron Resnick architectural drawings, 1947-1986 5,000 drawings

Aaron W. Berg papers, 1848-1977

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials concerning Berg's lifelong interest in and work for his alma mater. Berg served the University in many capacities such as vice-president and president of the Alumni Association of Columbia College, 1954-1958, and member of the board of directors of the Alumni Federation of Columbia University, 1946-1958. The correspondence deals chiefly with alumni affairs; some of the major correspondents include Harry J. Carman, Lawrence Chamberlain, Frank S. Hogan, Mr & Mrs Richard Rodgers, and Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Among the photographs are two signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also included is a typescript memoir of Berg's three years as a student in the Columbia School of Law (1927). Berg collaborated with three other students on this memoir. Aaron Berg's correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower is at the Eisenhower Library. Also included are literary autographs and manuscripts purchased on the Aaron Berg Fund.

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Aaron W. Berg papers, 1848-1977 2 linear feet (4 boxes)

Aaron W. Warner Papers, 1936-2004

22 linear feet (52 document boxes)
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The collected papers of Aaron W. Warner, former Director of the University Seminars, include his writings on domestic and foreign labor, course notes, and documents from his time at the University Seminars.

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A. Arthur Schiller papers, 1897-1977

64 boxes (64 boxes 21 card file boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, notebooks, photographs, printed materials, computer print-outs and tapes, key-punched cards, and card files of Schiller. The collection includes correspondence with his professional colleagues, foundations, and learned societies, and some personal correspondence. There are manuscripts and drafts of his books, articles, book reviews, lectures, and abstracts, his papers as a student, notebooks of readings and drafts, appointment books, mimeographed course materials, photostats, photographs, and materials relating to his computer studies of Roman law texts. Correspondents include Sir Harold Idris Bell, W.W. Buckland, W.E. Crum, Gilbert Highet, H.F. Jolowicz, Owen Lattimore, and Harold Medina.

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A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-1926

196 pages (196 pages)
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Memoirs of Sollogub-Dovoĭno. The memoirs are entitled "Russkai︠a︡ emigrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i russkoe menśhestvo v Polśhe, 1920-1926" and describe his life in Chelm Province in the early twenties.

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A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-1926 196 pages (196 pages)