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Gertrude Lawrence Papers, 1925-1986, bulk 1925-1952

1.68 linear feet (4 document boxes and 5 oversized folders)
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This collection contains documents relating to Broadway actress Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), a British-born international star of musical theatre and film. The collection primarily consists of correspondences, and also includes manuscripts, photographs, diaries, and a notebook from her position teaching an acting course at Columbia University.
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Angus and Hetty MacLise papers, 1950s-2010

15.5 linear feet (14 manuscript boxes; 1 half-size manuscript box; 5 record storage cartons (audio-visual material); 3 oversize boxes; 2 tube cases; 7 mapcase folders)
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Angus MacLise was a musician, poet, artist, and countercultural figure who was a mainstay of the downtown New York arts scene in the 1960s, which included Fluxus alongside other avant-garde communities and scenes. Hetty MacLise was an English-born artist, poet, and multi-instrumentalist likewise associated with various overlapping movements and milieus within the 1960s and 70s avant-garde. This collection contains papers, documents, publications, ephemera, sound and video recordings, photographs, and artwork primarily created by, given to, or related to Angus MacLise and Hetty MacLise.
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Judaica book trade correspondence & broadsides, 1740-1955

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
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Collection of letters and ephemera relating to the Judaica book trade, most from 1926-1955. The collection includes correspondence from all over the world, including Vienna, Lisbon, Italy, the United States, and Palestine/Israel. It is notable as a rare glimpse into the world of pre-Holocaust collecting, as well as the early history of Jewish settlement in Palestine. Notable bookdealers and collectors include Biegeleisen (New York), David Frankel (Vienna and New York), Yochanan and Abraham Rubenstein (Haifa), Efraim Keizer (Pressburg) Yehuda Idil Bialistotsky (Slonim), Rubin Mass (Jerusalem), etc. The majority of the collection is in Hebrew, but other languages include English, German, and French.

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Granary Books records, 1985-2016

142.50 linear feet (106 boxes and 7 scroll boxes) 1 Terabytes (1 tb digital)
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Business and editorial records of Granary Books. The collection includes the production files for these limited edition and trade titles, as well as Steve Clay's extensive correspondence with writers and printers, and other artist book press proprietors. Electronic records include almost two decades of email, editorial and production files, and the "Archaic Smile Lecture Series".

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Series I: Editorial Files for Books Published by Granary

Soviet Independent Press Collection, 1988-1992

63 linear feet (147 boxes)
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More than 2000 titles of periodicals and newspapers (many of them complete runs), as well as thousands of leaflets, broadsides and posters. Titles includes: Antisovetskaia Pravda, Armianskii Vestnik, Atmoda, Azadlyg, Baltiiskoe Vremia, Belarusskaia Tribuna, Chernoe Znamia, Demokraticheskaia Gazeta, Demokraticheskaia Rossiia, Edalet, Ekspress-khronika, Evrei i Perestroika, Evreiskaia Gazeta, Golos Kurda, Romania Libera, Carpatische Rundschau, to name just a few.

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Soviet Independent Press Collection, 1988-1992 63 linear feet (147 boxes)

Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822

3 linear feet (Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes)
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This collection contains about seventy broadsides regarding communal and governmental regulations imposed in various Jewish communities throughout Italy from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Cities mentioned include Florence, Venice, Ferrara, Padua, Ancona, and others. Topics addressed are synagogue behavior, market regulations, municipal workers such as firefighters, and more. Among the publishers are the Stamperia camerale, Ferrara; Francesco Suzzi, Ferrara; Lodovico, and Frencesco Nobili, Ferrara; Sebastiano Nistri, Pisa and Typis Mainardi, Ancona.

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Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822 3 linear feet (Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes)

Bob Fass Recordings and Papers, 1935-2011, bulk 1963-1991

200 linear feet (150 record cartons, 45 document boxes, 1 half-document box, 82 audiocassette boxes, and 17 flat boxes)
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The Bob Fass Recordings and Papers contains materials created by Bob Fass, host of the late-night program Radio Unnameable on New York City's WBAI radio station. The collection primarily consists of audio recordings of Radio Unnameable and other radio programs hosted by Bob Fass between 1963 and 2011. A small number of video recordings, photographs, correspondence, printed ephemera, and motion picture films are also included in the collection.

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Unidentified Bob Fass radio show, undated 1 open reel audiotapes (1/4")

Lawrence A. Cremin Papers, 1932-2007, bulk 1939-1990

53 linear feet (39 record cartons, 4 document boxes, 2 flat boxes)
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The Lawrence A. Cremin Papers document the career and personal life of Lawrence Arthur Cremin, educational historian and seventh president of Teachers College, Columbia University (1974-1984). Cremin was an acclaimed historian of American education whose work framed the formal school as one of many institutions responsible for educating children. The collection includes records of his teaching and administrative work at Teachers College, manuscripts and published works by Cremin, and personal and professional correspondence.
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Edith Schloss Burckhardt Papers, 1962-2011

35 linear feet (26 record cartons, 1 document box; 1 flat box)
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The Edith Schloss Burckhardt Papers offer an extraordinary opportunity for research into multiple areas of scholarship, especially unique insight into the lives and experiences of women in the art world, an American artist's expat life in Rome from the 1960s-2010s, the New York School of painters and poets, and a particularly rich and far-reaching, vein of the avant-garde and experimental music world, to name a few.

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Eastern European Independent Press Collection, 1989-1992

33 linear feet (80 boxes)
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More than 2000 titles of periodicals and newspapers (many of them complete runs), as well as thousands of leaflets, broadsides and posters. Titles includes: Antisovetskaia Pravda, Armianskii Vestnik, Atmoda, Azadlyg, Baltiiskoe Vremia, Belarusskaia Tribuna, Chernoe Znamia, Demokraticheskaia Gazeta, Demokraticheskaia Rossiia, Edalet, Ekspress-khronika, Evrei i Perestroika, Evreiskaia Gazeta, Golos Kurda, Romania Libera, Carpatische Rundschau, to name just a few.

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Eastern European Independent Press Collection, 1989-1992 33 linear feet (80 boxes)

General manuscripts, 1789-2013

41 linear feet (82 document boxes)
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The General Manuscript Collection is an artificial collection of correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, class work, essays, administrative documents, minutes, and other documents collected by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Single items or very small collections are generally classified as part of the general manuscript collection rather than assigned an individual manuscript number. Additionally, small additions to existing RBML manuscript collections may be classified as part of the General Manuscript Collection.

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Michael Reynard collection, 1769-1975

0.42 linear feet (1 document box containing 45 items)
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A collection of letters, documents, manuscripts, and books collected by Dr. Michael Reynard and placed on deposit in The Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection, 1981-1998

4.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box (box 1), 3 record storage cartons (boxes 2-4), one oversize flat box (box 5))
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This collection belonged to an award-winning horror writer who worked for Mirage Studios (the TMNT studio) in the early 1990s, writing the TMNT newspaper strip. There is original art for never-reprinted newspaper strips (1993) complete with thumbnails, comic book manuscripts with editorial notation, story idea notebooks, minicomics produced by Mirage Studios, and manuscript materials for a host of secondary TMNT materials, including The Official TMNT Treasury. Many of the secondary materials are autographed by TMNT creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

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Goodie Publications records, 1999-2009

17.5 Linear Feet (14 boxes)
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38 issues published from 1999-2009; designed, printed, collated, folded and staple-bound at the Goodie office in Brooklyn, NY; most issues were printed for subscribers, with extras being printed for special events of a given subject, and later by online orders; average between 200-500 copies per issue; readers were notified of new issues by postcard in the mail at first and later by email

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Bella Abzug papers, 1937-1996, bulk 1970-1986

605 linear feet (185 volumes, 1117 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 2 tube boxes)
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Congressional papers consisting of correspondence memoranda, speeches, reports, photographs and printed materials relating to her terms in Congress. The collection contains general correspondence and administrative files, as well as extensive subject files on a wide variety of topics with which Abzug was involved while in Congress. Also included are Legislative files, being the chronological files of background material for legislation considered on the House floor, and printed versions of legislation by Abzug and others. The Casework Files, relating to Abzug's advocacy on behalf of constituents involved in civil rights, housing, military, employment and related cases, are closed. Among the major correspondents are Carl Albert, Abraham D. Beame, Hugh L. Carey, Gerald R. Ford, Edward I. Koch, John V. Lindsay, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and Gloria Steinem. Materials added in 1981 include: draft transcripts of an oral history, appointment books, speeches and subject files (particularly on privacy and freedom of information) all interfiled in the collection and campaign materials press releases and newspaper clippings.

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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961

14 Linear Feet (33 manuscript boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material of Russian émigré writer, journalist, and Kadet Party leader Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams. The collection also contains material by her husband, Harold Williams, and her son, Arkadiĭ Borman.
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Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019

3 Linear Feet (7 boxes of various sizes)
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Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here is an arts initiative and an archival collection conceived as a response to violence and directed at creating shared cultural spaces. The project and the collection were initiated by Beau Beausoleil in 2007 following the March 5 car bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street (the street of the booksellers) in Baghdad, Iraq. Beausoleil writes, "We are not a project of pity or healing; we are a project of Witness, Memory, and Solidarity," and "Free speech and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of what al-Mutanabbi Street represents to us. We do not attempt to speak for the Iraqi people, they have their own voice. Rather, we want them to know that we see them and hear them in their own struggle for a more just society, and that we will not let anyone in the West forget them." As of 2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 photographs, and a collection of bookmarks, made by over 600 poets, writers, and artists from twenty countries. The artists' books are cataloged individually in CLIO, and are described as a group in the record The project also produced an anthology, Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad's "Street of the Booksellers," published by PM Press in 2012. Edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema K. Shehabi, the anthology includes writing by Iraqis and an international group of poets and writers. Copies are cataloged in CLIO.

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Series I: Prints

Max Abramovitz architectural records and papers, 1925-1990

14,000 drawings (approximate) 302 document boxes 24.5 manuscript boxes 27 albums
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Max Abramovitz (1908-2004) was an American architect, whose firm Harrison & Abramovitz was one of the leading architectural practices in post-war America. Major commissions include Lincoln Center's Philharmonic Hall and the United Nations complex. The collection contains over 14,500 drawings, over 5,000 photographs, 24 boxes of manuscript material, 7 boxes of oversize material, 23 boxes of financial records, 5 boxes of reprint tear sheets, 36.75 linear feet of specification notebooks, photo albums, sketchbooks, art and artifacts.
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Edith Elmer Wood papers, 1900-1943

72 manuscript boxes
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Edith Elmer Wood (1871-1945) was a US housing reformer. As lobbyist, writer, and government consultant, she helped define New Deal housing policy. After graduating from Smith College in 1890, she wrote fiction and undertook settlement house work before launching her influential, life-long career in housing reforms. The bulk of the collection is letters but other kinds of material is included, such as drawings, blueprints, manuscripts, maps, photographs, pamphlets, news clippings and hotel receipts.
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William F. Claire Collection on Mark Van Doren, 1940-1987

2 linear feet (4 document boxes)
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Much of this material came from submissions to the literary magazine "Voyages" and includes correspondence between Claire and Mark and Dorothy Van Doren. There are also works by Robert Lax, Allen Tate, John Taglibue relating to Mark Van Doren.

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