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Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890

22 items 1 volumes
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Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.

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Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890 22 items 1 volumes

Telechronometer Company of Rochester New York records, 1909-1913

0.5 linear feet 1 fliptop box
Abstract Or Scope

A small collection of archival material comprising correspondence, blueprints, documents, printed paper, ephemera.

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Telechronometer Company of Rochester New York records, 1909-1913 0.5 linear feet 1 fliptop box

Two large illustrated advertising broadsides(measuring approximately 11 x 17 inches) circa, 1910

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957

200 items 1 box
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Manuscripts and printed material of Stakhovich. The manuscripts include Stakhovich's memoirs as well as miscellaneous notes and copies of military circulars; the printed material is comprised of clippings, broadsides and booklets. The bulk of the documentation pertains to White Army activities in Siberia and the Far East.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957 200 items 1 box

Spanish Refugee Relief Association Records, 1935-1957

168 linear feet 337 document boxes and 6 flat boxes
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Records of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy and Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, two New York City-based American organizations working to raise funds and provide medical and humanitarian aid for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and to refugees who fled Spain after the defeat of the Republican forces in April 1939. The organizations formally merged in January 1938 and became known as the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign. These files include the organization's official reports, correspondence, pamphlets, broadsides, photographs, and publicity material, as well as several scrapbooks of news clippings.

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Spanish Refugee Relief Association Records, 1935-1957 168 linear feet 337 document boxes and 6 flat boxes

Soviet Independent Press Collection, 1988-1992

63 linear feet 147 boxes
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More than 2000 titles of periodicals and newspapers (many of them complete runs), as well as thousands of leaflets, broadsides and posters. Titles includes: Antisovetskaia Pravda, Armianskii Vestnik, Atmoda, Azadlyg, Baltiiskoe Vremia, Belarusskaia Tribuna, Chernoe Znamia, Demokraticheskaia Gazeta, Demokraticheskaia Rossiia, Edalet, Ekspress-khronika, Evrei i Perestroika, Evreiskaia Gazeta, Golos Kurda, Romania Libera, Carpatische Rundschau, to name just a few.

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Soviet Independent Press Collection, 1988-1992 63 linear feet 147 boxes

Jason Rogers papers, 1825-1971

6 linear feet 12 archival document boxes, 1 slide box, 1 small box
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This collection contains records related to the career of Jason Rogers, a journalist and publicist who contributed to the field of newspaper advertising. It features correspondence between Rogers and many important figures in the industry during the early twentieth century, and will be useful for researchers interested in journalism and advertising from this period.
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Jason Rogers papers, 1825-1971 6 linear feet 12 archival document boxes, 1 slide box, 1 small box

Calvin Pollard architectural drawings and papers, 1830-1850

41 items
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Pollard's architectural drawings for churches, and residential and commercial buildings, located largely in New York and New Jersey, many undated, circa 1830s. Included are drawings for St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Petersburgh, Va., built, 1838, and destroyed in a fire, 1854; a prison, probably submitted by Pollard to the 1835 competition for the New York Hall of Justice. Also, a broadside, undated, describing the projected Washington Monument, New York City; a letter Pollard from Charles C. Taber, 1850, describing his plans for four houses on three adjacent lots on 25th Street, with sketched plans on verso; and two trade cards of C. Pollard's Ohio Fire Proof Mineral Paint attached.

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Calvin Pollard architectural drawings and papers, 1830-1850 41 items

Viktor Leonidovich and Boris Leonidovich Pokrovskii Papers, 1914-1926

950 items 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection -- composed of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials -- sheds light on the anti-Bolshevik campaign in the Kuban ́region, Siberia and the Far East. The correspondence is chiefly from the early 1920s and includes letters from Viktor Pokrovskiĭ to his brother Boris. Among the manuscripts are biographical sketches of Viktor Pokrovskiĭ, especially accounts of his assassination in Bulgaria in 1922; information circulars sent out by Ataman Grigoriĭ Semenov, "Commander in Chief of the Far Eastern Armies;" and reports written by Boris Pokrovskiĭ on events in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, and the Far East. The documents are comprised primarily of decrees (prigovory) from local Kuban ́Cossack groups and the photographs are chiefly portraits of Viktor Pokrovskiĭ. Included among the printed materials are clippings from the Russian and emigre press, a large number of Civil War broadsides and political pamphlets published in Siberia in 1919. Several of the latter are by and about Ataman Semenov.

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Viktor Leonidovich and Boris Leonidovich Pokrovskii Papers, 1914-1926 950 items 3 boxes

Overbrook Press Records, 1929-1978, bulk 1935-1961

6.3 linear feet 15 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the operation of Overbrook Press, a private American press once located in Stamford, Connecticut, from its founding by Frank Altschul in 1934 until it ceased operation in 1969.
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Overbrook Press Records, 1929-1978, bulk 1935-1961 6.3 linear feet 15 document boxes

Subseries I.2: Author-Title Files, 1933-1969

Nichols family papers, 1713-1874

11 boxes 11 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.

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Nichols family papers, 1713-1874 11 boxes 11 boxes

Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874

6 Reels 3 positive reels 2 copies 3 master negative reels master negative reels
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.

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Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874 6 Reels 3 positive reels 2 copies 3 master negative reels master negative reels

Barry Miles papers, 1958-1990, bulk 1965-1997

16 linear feet 38 boxes: 27 document boxes 10 cassette tape boxes 1 half document box
Abstract Or Scope
The Barry Miles Papers contains correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials concerned with Miles' literary activities in the London counterculture. Included are letters and manuscripts from William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, among numerous others. This collection also includes material used by Miles in the research and writing of his work Ginsberg: A Biography as well as from his editorship of the annotated edition of Ginsberg's Howl.
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Barry Miles papers, 1958-1990, bulk 1965-1997 16 linear feet 38 boxes: 27 document boxes 10 cassette tape boxes 1 half document box

Angus and Hetty MacLise papers, 1950s-2010

15.5 linear feet 14 manuscript boxes; 1 half-size manuscript box; 5 record storage cartons (audio-visual material); 3 oversize boxes; 2 tube cases; 7 mapcase folders
Abstract Or Scope
Angus MacLise was a musician, poet, artist, and countercultural figure who was a mainstay of the downtown New York arts scene in the 1960s, which included Fluxus alongside other avant-garde communities and scenes. Hetty MacLise was an English-born artist, poet, and multi-instrumentalist likewise associated with various overlapping movements and milieus within the 1960s and 70s avant-garde. This collection contains papers, documents, publications, ephemera, sound and video recordings, photographs, and artwork primarily created by, given to, or related to Angus MacLise and Hetty MacLise.
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Angus and Hetty MacLise papers, 1950s-2010 15.5 linear feet 14 manuscript boxes; 1 half-size manuscript box; 5 record storage cartons (audio-visual material); 3 oversize boxes; 2 tube cases; 7 mapcase folders

Rockwell Kent papers, 1885-1970

59 linear feet 46 boxes 10 drawers 3 slip cases
Abstract Or Scope
A significant collection of Rockwell Kent's correspondence; drawings and sketches; watercolors; lithographs; proofs; manuscripts; and architectural drawings. There are also lithographs and woodblock prints by Kent's students and admirers.
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Rockwell Kent papers, 1885-1970 59 linear feet 46 boxes 10 drawers 3 slip cases

Industrial Workers of the World collection, 1916-1922

0.5 linear feet 1 box and 1 oversize poster
Abstract Or Scope

A small collection of poems, broadsides, fliers, publications, manuscripts, and letters.

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Industrial Workers of the World collection, 1916-1922 0.5 linear feet 1 box and 1 oversize poster

Paul R. Hays papers, 1910-1980

51 linear feet 107 boxes 9 oversized items
Abstract Or Scope

Personal, academic, and legal correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and memoranda. Among the legal files, there is particular emphasis on labor and welfare law. The files also contain materials about his judicial appointment, the American Law Institute, the Columbia University School of Law, and the Project on International Procedure. Among the major correspondents are: James A. Farley, Arthur J. Goldberg, Philip C. Jessup, Robert F. Kennedy, Harold R. Medina, James A. Pike, and Lionel Trilling

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Paul R. Hays papers, 1910-1980 51 linear feet 107 boxes 9 oversized items

Hubert H. Harrison papers, 1893-1927

23.5 linear feet 20 document boxes; 7 record storage cartons; 1 flat box
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The papers of Hubert Harrison, the brilliant and influential writer, orator, educator, critic, and political activist in Harlem during the early decades of the 20th century.
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Hubert H. Harrison papers, 1893-1927 23.5 linear feet 20 document boxes; 7 record storage cartons; 1 flat box

Stella Bloch Hanau Scrapbook, 1903-1913

3.15 Linear Feet 1 half document box, 2 oversize boxes
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This collection consists of the scrapbook and three diaries of Barnard alumna Stella Bloch Hanau. The scrapbook and diaries were created by Bloch preceding, during, and after her years as a Barnard College student. Most material is pertinent to Barnard College, but some is from her time at Wadleigh High School.
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Stella Bloch Hanau Scrapbook, 1903-1913 3.15 Linear Feet 1 half document box, 2 oversize boxes

Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000

1 linear feet 2 document boxes
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Correspondence, contracts, reviews, brochures, fliers, and photographs of various theatrical productions involving Ann Greyson.

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Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000 1 linear feet 2 document boxes

Germany (Territory under Allied occupation 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Broadsides, 1945-1946

1.5 linear feet 3 flat boxes; 1 document box
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A collection of broadsides and posters for every variety of public event, published by the American military authorities in occupied Germany.

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Germany (Territory under Allied occupation 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Broadsides, 1945-1946 1.5 linear feet 3 flat boxes; 1 document box

Judaica book trade correspondence & broadsides, 1740-1955

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Collection of letters and ephemera relating to the Judaica book trade, most from 1926-1955. The collection includes correspondence from all over the world, including Vienna, Lisbon, Italy, the United States, and Palestine/Israel. It is notable as a rare glimpse into the world of pre-Holocaust collecting, as well as the early history of Jewish settlement in Palestine. Notable bookdealers and collectors include Biegeleisen (New York), David Frankel (Vienna and New York), Yochanan and Abraham Rubenstein (Haifa), Efraim Keizer (Pressburg) Yehuda Idil Bialistotsky (Slonim), Rubin Mass (Jerusalem), etc. The majority of the collection is in Hebrew, but other languages include English, German, and French.

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Judaica book trade correspondence & broadsides, 1740-1955 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Durst Organization estate files, bulk 1949-1988

35 linear feet 35 linear feet
Abstract Or Scope

Arranged by location and address, the collection consists of appraisal reports, pamphlets, broadsides, financial communication, plans, diagrams and occasionally photographs for prospective or acquired Durst Organization properties. Two linear feet of files are for properties outside of New York City.

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Durst Organization estate files, bulk 1949-1988 35 linear feet 35 linear feet

Frederick Coykendall letters collection, 1778-1941

1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes; 1 oversize box
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Frederick Coykendall's collection of letters from well-known literary figures, chiefly English, of the late Victorian and modern periods.
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Frederick Coykendall letters collection, 1778-1941 1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes; 1 oversize box

Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923

6 linear feet 9 document boxes and 2 mapcases 150201; 15K05
Abstract Or Scope
A unique collection of literary and historical items collected by Christopher Coover.
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[Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638). Novae Tabulae, [Amsterdam: c.1640.] Engraved map with hand-colored decoration.

Peru Viceroyalty papers, 1815-1816

1 box 2 volumes in 1 box
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Letters, reports, orders, directives, proclamations, and other official papers of two of the last Spanish Viceroys in Peru, José Fernando de Abascal y Souza (1743-1821), and Joaquín de la Pezuela (1761-1830). Most of the letters and documents are in clerical hands, with viceregal signatures and stamps, and are of a routine administrative nature. Bound in the volumes are four broadsides printed in Peru at the direction of the King of Spain. All the items originate from either Lima or Cuzco, the seat of the Spanish government. Also, one folder of notes about the volumes, primarily by Ray Trautman.

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Peru Viceroyalty papers, 1815-1816 1 box 2 volumes in 1 box

Columbia Theater Associates records, 1893-1958

8.59 linear feet 5500 items in 11 document boxes and 2 oversize flat boxes
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Correspondence, scripts, scores, set designs, prompt books, scrapbooks, costume designs, programs, playbills, broadsides, clippings, fliers, photographs, announcements of forthcoming productions, clippings, and related materials. Columbia University theatrical groups include The Columbia Laboratory Players, The Columbia College Dramatic Group, The Wigs and Cues, The Summer Session Classes in Play Production, The Morningside Players, and the Columbia Theatre Associates which superseded all the preceding groups. There is an extensive file on the Columbia Laboratory Players; including production files that document the various stages involved in putting together a dramatic production. In addition there are typewritten scripts representing the spectrum of plays that were produced over the Lab's active years. There are photographs of only a few specific plays. Non Lab materials relate to Rehersal Course productions, a Columbia English Department course that was closely affiliated with the Lab players

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Columbia Theater Associates records, 1893-1958 8.59 linear feet 5500 items in 11 document boxes and 2 oversize flat boxes

Charles Frederick Chandler architectural records and papers collection, 1876-1896

167 drawings 1 manuscript box 1 print box
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The Charles Frederick Chandler collection is composed of several parts. It contains a miscellaneous collection of approximately 167 drawings, notebooks, letters, pamphlets, clippings, etc. formed by Chandler on the subject of tenement housing and documents work on Chandler's house at 51 E. 54th Street in New York City. The Chandler collection also contains 13 photographs, collected by Chandler, related to the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Additional materials include a collection of photo processes and two E.T. Potter broadsides dated 1887-1888.

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Charles Frederick Chandler architectural records and papers collection, 1876-1896 167 drawings 1 manuscript box 1 print box

French Resistance collection, 1940-1944

1 Linear Feet 1 half-manuscript box, 1 oversize box
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Printed materials (newsletters, broadsides, newspapers, pamphlets, handbills), ephemera, and letters documenting activities of the French Resistance and the Communist Party of France. Includes broadside newspapers from August 1944, when Paris was liberated from the German army.

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French Resistance collection, 1940-1944 1 Linear Feet 1 half-manuscript box, 1 oversize box

Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Ephemera, 1750-1970

7 units 7 series
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A collection of prints, photographs, pamphlets, clippings, playbills, and programs dealing with the theater, chiefly American and English, in all its aspects including drama, opera, dance, movies, puppets, and spectacles. The majority of the material documents the 19th century.

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Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Ephemera, 1750-1970 7 units 7 series

Hunt-Berol Sheet Music Collection, 1700s-1900s

244 linear feet 227 boxes; 25000 items; oversize
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Printed music from the 18th-20th centuries, primarily 19th century American. Almost half the items are popular editions of European composers' instrumental music. The collection contains a large quantity of patriotic music such as the 1798 "Adams and Liberty" and the first and third editions (both 1798) of "Hail Columbia" and a comprehensive collection of music from the Civil War. There are also early printings of "The Star Spangled Banner," first and later editions of Stephen Foster's music, and a large collection of Benjamin Carr materials. Collection of 16th-20th century rare music books was cataloged individually. Primarily collected by Arthur Billings Hunt, 1890-1971, baritone, musical director and broadcaster. Most of the items are of American origin, and reflect Hunt's wide-ranging interests in sacred and secular music.

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Hunt-Berol Sheet Music Collection, 1700s-1900s 244 linear feet 227 boxes; 25000 items; oversize

Series III: Song Sheets 3 manuscript boxes

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Artists' Books Collection, 2007-2015

278 Volumes approximately 278 artists' books
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Collection of artists' books created by artists participating in the Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition; donated by the founder of the coalition Beau Beausoleil between December 2019 and March 2020. Each participating book artist was asked to complete three books over the course of a year that reflected both the strength and fragility of books, but also showed the endurance of the ideas within them.

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Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Artists' Books Collection, 2007-2015 278 Volumes approximately 278 artists' books

Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019

3 Linear Feet 7 boxes of various sizes
Abstract Or Scope

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here is an arts initiative and an archival collection conceived as a response to violence and directed at creating shared cultural spaces. The project and the collection were initiated by Beau Beausoleil in 2007 following the March 5 car bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street (the street of the booksellers) in Baghdad, Iraq. Beausoleil writes, "We are not a project of pity or healing; we are a project of Witness, Memory, and Solidarity," and "Free speech and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of what al-Mutanabbi Street represents to us. We do not attempt to speak for the Iraqi people, they have their own voice. Rather, we want them to know that we see them and hear them in their own struggle for a more just society, and that we will not let anyone in the West forget them." As of 2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 photographs, and a collection of bookmarks, made by over 600 poets, writers, and artists from twenty countries. The artists' books are cataloged individually in CLIO, and are described as a group in the record The project also produced an anthology, Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad's "Street of the Booksellers," published by PM Press in 2012. Edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema K. Shehabi, the anthology includes writing by Iraqis and an international group of poets and writers. Copies are cataloged in CLIO.

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Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019 3 Linear Feet 7 boxes of various sizes

Series I: Prints

Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson

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Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project records, 1700-1981

160 linear feet 321 boxes including 282 microfilm reels, 32 card file drawers in a black filing cabinet on stack 14 near 53e.
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Correspondence, typescripts, photocopies, microfilms, card files, and notes of the Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project, 1955-1981. The correspondence files of the editor, Harold C. Syrett, and his staff concerning the operations, activities, gathering of data, photocopies, and microfilm reproductions of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton and selected and edited for publication by Columbia University Press as THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON (New York, 1961-1970). Also, the corrected typescript copies of texts to be published, photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton; microfilms of manuscript materials in a variety of repositories; and photocopies of newspaper articles relating to Hamilton.

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Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930

57 boxes 57 boxes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, reports, and printed material of Hughes. The papers cover primarily the period following Hughes' defeat in the 1916 presidential election up to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1930; in most files there is a gap from March 1921 to March 1925, when Hughes was Secretary of State. Some materials relate to the law firm of Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and Dwight (later Hughes, Schurman and Dwight), but primarily concern Hughes' philanthropies and activities in professional organizations. Among these latter associations are the American Bar Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York State Bar Association. Records for a number of Hughes' cultural, educational, and international philanthropies, such as the Armenian National Union of America and the George Washington Memorial Association, are included as are materials on his participation in the 1918-1924 aircraft investigation, the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana, 1928), and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Hague.

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Barrell family papers, 1751-1929, bulk 1791-1889

1.25 linear feet 3 document boxes
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The collection consists primarily of personal correspondence between members of the Barrell family in London, the United States, Barbados, and Demerara which was then a part of British Guiana. The collection also contains several family chronicles, a diary and cashbook belonging to Theodore Barrell, autograph albums belonging to Walter Newberry Barrell and Theodora Barrell, and photographs and silhouettes.
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Henry Cohen papers, 1964-1988

8 linear feet 15 boxes
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Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, photographs, slides, and printed materials relating to criminal justice and economic history documenting the work of Henry Cohen. The correspondence consists of two series, general correspondence and correspondence relating to "Criminal Justice History." There are manuscripts by Cohen for "Interpretive History of American Political Economy" (unpublished?) and other manuscripts including the introduction to the film script "Public Enemy." There are manuscripts by other authors submitted for publication in "Criminal Justice History" with related photographs. The subject files relate to "Business and Politics in America" with related photographs, the Spater artistic censorship case at the University of California, discussion material relating to the "National Right to Work Legislation" "Brutal Justice" with related slides, the Geese National Theater Company, the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the paper "Vicisitudes of an Absentee Landlord." The printed materials include copies of CJH articles, issues of "Historical Approaches to Studying Crime" and other offprints

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Goliard Press records, 1961-1970

3 linear feet 5 manuscript boxes, 3 flat boxes
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Correspondence and production files of The Goliard Press, relating to the publication of contemporary English and American poetry. Most of the letters are addressed to Barry Hall or Tom Raworth. Among the poets represented are Basil Bunting, Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, Anselm Hollo, Ted Hughes, Christopher Logue, Michael McClure, Charles Olson, and Louis Zukofsky.

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Andrew Alpern Collection of Edward Gorey Materials, 1954-2019

21.5 linear feet 15 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton, 4 flat boxes, 5 artifact boxes, 1 poster tube, and 2 map case folders
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A collection of original artwork, published books, printed ephemera, and branded merchandise by the writer and artist Edward Gorey (1925-2000), assembled by Andrew Alpern.
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William F. Claire Collection on Mark Van Doren, 1940-1987

2 linear feet 4 document boxes
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Much of this material came from submissions to the literary magazine "Voyages" and includes correspondence between Claire and Mark and Dorothy Van Doren. There are also works by Robert Lax, Allen Tate, John Taglibue relating to Mark Van Doren.

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Charles W. Poletti papers, 1920-1991, bulk 1923-1970

32 linear feet 59 document boxes; 3 file card boxes; 16 oversize boxes
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This collection documents the personal and political life of Charles Poletti, lawyer, politician, and the 46th governor of the State of New York. Poletti also served as an allied military governor in Italy during and after World War II.
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Sir Winston Churchill papers, 1908-1954

3.5 linear feet 8 boxes and one mapcase drawer
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A collection of correspondence, typescripts, proofsheets, pamphlets, periodicals, and memorabilia by or relating to Sir Winston Churchill. Included are files of Daniel Longwell, editor of LIFE from 1946 to 1954, dealing with the serialization of A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES and TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY in LIFE. Accompanying the collection is a group of approximately 350 books by or about Churchill. Many are first editions or inscribed copies.

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Alan H. Kempner papers, 1809-1981

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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A collection of letters and manuscripts of English and American authors, including one item from each of the following: Pearl S. Buck, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Frognall Dibden, Charles Dickens, William Ewart Gladstone, Edmund Gosse, Hester Thackeray Ritchie Fuller, Rockwell Kent, Charles Kingsley, Edward George Bulwer Lytton, John Masefield, Clinton Scollard, William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman. In addition, there are 8 letters from Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Twiss (Annie Sterky Greenwood Twiss), photographs of Alan and Margaret Kempner and miscellaneous Kempner items.

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Kulchur Foundation records, 1936-1994, bulk 1969-1989

29.74 linear feet 50 half size document box 1 record storage cartons 2 oversized flat boxes
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Kulchur-- a little magazine focused on cultural criticism and later a small press, was an important publisher of avant-garde poets, particularly poets associated with what became known as the New York School. The Kulchur Foundation Records include administrative, financial and editorial records related to Kulchur Magazine, Kulchur Press, and the Kulchur Foundation. Additionally, it includes photographs, correspondence, artwork and manuscripts related to the Foundation or to its president-- writer, publisher, and art collector, Lita Hornick.
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Series VI: Publications, 1961-1993

Max Abramovitz architectural records and papers, 1925-1990

14,000 drawings approximate 302 document boxes 24.5 manuscript boxes 27 albums
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Max Abramovitz (1908-2004) was an American architect, whose firm Harrison & Abramovitz was one of the leading architectural practices in post-war America. Major commissions include Lincoln Center's Philharmonic Hall and the United Nations complex. The collection contains over 14,500 drawings, over 5,000 photographs, 24 boxes of manuscript material, 7 boxes of oversize material, 23 boxes of financial records, 5 boxes of reprint tear sheets, 36.75 linear feet of specification notebooks, photo albums, sketchbooks, art and artifacts.
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Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964).

56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes
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Douglas Putnam Haskellan (1899-1979) was an American writer, architecture critic and magazine editor. This collection contains correspondence, memos, articles, speeches, lectures, transcripts, clippings, notes, printed matter, photographs, audiotapes, and memorabilia mainly relating to Douglas Haskell's editorship at Architectural Forum and his professional activities. The collection includes items dating from 1866 to 1979, with the majority of materials dating from the period of 1949 to 1964.
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Michael Reynard collection, 1769-1975

0.42 linear feet 1 document box containing 45 items
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A collection of letters, documents, manuscripts, and books collected by Dr. Michael Reynard and placed on deposit in The Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

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Edith Elmer Wood papers, 1900-1943

72 manuscript boxes
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Edith Elmer Wood (1871-1945) was a US housing reformer. As lobbyist, writer, and government consultant, she helped define New Deal housing policy. After graduating from Smith College in 1890, she wrote fiction and undertook settlement house work before launching her influential, life-long career in housing reforms. The bulk of the collection is letters but other kinds of material is included, such as drawings, blueprints, manuscripts, maps, photographs, pamphlets, news clippings and hotel receipts.
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Jennifer B. Lee collection, 1926-2008

2 Linear Feet 1 Ms Box, 1 wide Ms Box, Mapcase 15-L-1
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The collection includes 21 posters relating to book arts, and a number of historical rare book dealer and auction catalogs and booklets related to rare book librarianship. It also includes several groups of printed materials, documents, art and memorabilia related to literature, performing arts, and the New York World's Fairs of 1939-40 and 1964-65.

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Goodie Publications records, 1999-2009

17.5 Linear Feet 14 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

38 issues published from 1999-2009; designed, printed, collated, folded and staple-bound at the Goodie office in Brooklyn, NY; most issues were printed for subscribers, with extras being printed for special events of a given subject, and later by online orders; average between 200-500 copies per issue; readers were notified of new issues by postcard in the mail at first and later by email

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Book Arts Ephemera collection, 1890-2019

158.5 Linear Feet 1 mapcase drawer item, 59 flat boxes, 295 Ms Boxes = 28 (Series I: Book Clubs)+1(Series II: Designers)+10 (Series III: Illustrators)+49 (Series IV: Portraits and Biographical)+75 (Series V: Press) +2 (Series VI: Publishers)+ 130 (Series VII: Subjects)
Abstract Or Scope

These files have been compiled by the Rare Book and Manuscript Library from its origin in 1930 through the present day. The material derives largely from gifts, and the occasional purchase; much of the subject file in particular is made of ephemera included in the American Type Founders, Co. Library, purchased in 1942. Prospectuses and information sent by fine presses and book artists are added to the relevant files in an ongoing fashion. The files cover subjects from the beginning of printing to the current day.

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Miscellaneous Judaica archive, 1762-1892

0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box
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Pizmon. Manuscript in Hebrew and Spanish. The Song "Elo-him Yisadenu" written in both languages and with dedication to "His Excellency Jacob Rodrigues Pereira."

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(Graville). Le Retour de L'ile du Diable [The Return to Devil's Island]. "Entrée Triomphale a Paris." Hand-colored photochemical print illustrations. Text in French., 1898

Association of American University Presses records, 1927-1975, 2013-2018

5.5 linear feet 13 boxes
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Included are correspondence, minutes of Board of Directors and committees, proceedings of annual business meetings, surveys, statistical reports, financial records, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence files dating from 1927, contain letters from university press directors regarding meetings arrangements, cooperative programs, and other matters of mutual concern. There are no correspondence files for the years 1936 to 1943.

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George Economou papers, 1954-2017

12.5 linear feet 24 boxes, 1 map case drawer
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This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, video and tape recordings, and printed materials relating to Economou's poetry manuscripts, to publications and performances to which he contributed, and to his teaching career as a professor of medieval literature.
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Columbia University Manuscripts Collection, 1655-1912

4.59 Linear Feet 11 document boxes
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Autograph letters, official and private documents, and accounts, which were previously mounted in eleven volumes. Most of these relate to Columbia University or people associated with the University.

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Gertrude Lawrence Papers, 1925-1986, bulk 1925-1952

1.68 linear feet 4 document boxes and 5 oversized folders
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This collection contains documents relating to Broadway actress Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), a British-born international star of musical theatre and film. The collection primarily consists of correspondences, and also includes manuscripts, photographs, diaries, and a notebook from her position teaching an acting course at Columbia University.
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General manuscripts, 1789-2013

41 linear feet 82 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The General Manuscript Collection is an artificial collection of correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, class work, essays, administrative documents, minutes, and other documents collected by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Single items or very small collections are generally classified as part of the general manuscript collection rather than assigned an individual manuscript number. Additionally, small additions to existing RBML manuscript collections may be classified as part of the General Manuscript Collection.

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Granary Books records, 1985-2016

142.50 linear feet 106 boxes and 7 scroll boxes 1 Terabytes 1 tb digital
Abstract Or Scope

Business and editorial records of Granary Books. The collection includes the production files for these limited edition and trade titles, as well as Steve Clay's extensive correspondence with writers and printers, and other artist book press proprietors. Electronic records include almost two decades of email, editorial and production files, and the "Archaic Smile Lecture Series".

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Series I: Editorial Files for Books Published by Granary

Edith Schloss Burckhardt Papers, 1962-2011

35 linear feet 26 record cartons, 1 document box; 1 flat box
Abstract Or Scope

The Edith Schloss Burckhardt Papers offer an extraordinary opportunity for research into multiple areas of scholarship, especially unique insight into the lives and experiences of women in the art world, an American artist's expat life in Rome from the 1960s-2010s, the New York School of painters and poets, and a particularly rich and far-reaching, vein of the avant-garde and experimental music world, to name a few.

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Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822

3 linear feet Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes
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This collection contains about seventy broadsides regarding communal and governmental regulations imposed in various Jewish communities throughout Italy from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Cities mentioned include Florence, Venice, Ferrara, Padua, Ancona, and others. Topics addressed are synagogue behavior, market regulations, municipal workers such as firefighters, and more. Among the publishers are the Stamperia camerale, Ferrara; Francesco Suzzi, Ferrara; Lodovico, and Frencesco Nobili, Ferrara; Sebastiano Nistri, Pisa and Typis Mainardi, Ancona.

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Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822 3 linear feet Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes

Eastern European Independent Press Collection, 1989-1992

33 linear feet 80 boxes
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More than 2000 titles of periodicals and newspapers (many of them complete runs), as well as thousands of leaflets, broadsides and posters. Titles includes: Antisovetskaia Pravda, Armianskii Vestnik, Atmoda, Azadlyg, Baltiiskoe Vremia, Belarusskaia Tribuna, Chernoe Znamia, Demokraticheskaia Gazeta, Demokraticheskaia Rossiia, Edalet, Ekspress-khronika, Evrei i Perestroika, Evreiskaia Gazeta, Golos Kurda, Romania Libera, Carpatische Rundschau, to name just a few.

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Eastern European Independent Press Collection, 1989-1992 33 linear feet 80 boxes

Lawrence A. Cremin Papers, 1932-2007, bulk 1939-1990

53 linear feet 39 record cartons, 4 document boxes, 2 flat boxes
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The Lawrence A. Cremin Papers document the career and personal life of Lawrence Arthur Cremin, educational historian and seventh president of Teachers College, Columbia University (1974-1984). Cremin was an acclaimed historian of American education whose work framed the formal school as one of many institutions responsible for educating children. The collection includes records of his teaching and administrative work at Teachers College, manuscripts and published works by Cremin, and personal and professional correspondence.
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Erica Jong papers, 1955-2018, bulk 1965-2004

94 linear feet 102 boxes: 84 record storage cartons 16 document boxes 2 oversize boxes
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Erica Jong (b. 1942) is an American writer and teacher whose works are often associated with sexuality and feminism. The Erica Jong Papers consist of drafts of Jong's works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. The collection also includes project and research files, correspondence, personal memorabilia, photographs, audio-visual materials and printed matter.
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Robert P. York Collection of P. G. T. Beauregard Papers, 1860-1865

1 linear feet 2 manuscript boxes
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A group of documents belonging to Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard, which were captured by Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. York of the 75th New York Volunteers in the spring of 1865. The collection also contains letters and documents by and about York.
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George A. Plimpton Papers, 1634-1956

24 linear feet 58 boxes: 52 document boxes, 2 half document boxes, 1 custom-made box, 2 flat boxes, 1 shoe box; and 2 map drawers
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The George A. Plimpton Papers consist largely of personal and professional correspondence, financial and real estate records, personal diaries and albums, writings, and lectures produced by or for George Arthur Plimpton. But the Papers also contains not only the correspondence and records of Plimpton's colleagues at Ginn and Company, the publishing house that Plimpton led for decades, but also correspondence and records relating to the dozens of other institutions and organizations that Plimpton helped lead. In addition to extensive correspondence relating to Plimpton's collecting of rare books, manuscripts, and historical artifacts, the Papers also contain such diverse items as autographs of presidents, handwriting specimens, studies of medieval manuscripts, and documents relating to the American slave trade.
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Series VI: Collecting, 1693-1956

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection, 1981-1998

4.5 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (box 1), 3 record storage cartons (boxes 2-4), one oversize flat box (box 5)
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This collection belonged to an award-winning horror writer who worked for Mirage Studios (the TMNT studio) in the early 1990s, writing the TMNT newspaper strip. There is original art for never-reprinted newspaper strips (1993) complete with thumbnails, comic book manuscripts with editorial notation, story idea notebooks, minicomics produced by Mirage Studios, and manuscript materials for a host of secondary TMNT materials, including The Official TMNT Treasury. Many of the secondary materials are autographed by TMNT creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961

14 Linear Feet 33 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material of Russian émigré writer, journalist, and Kadet Party leader Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams. The collection also contains material by her husband, Harold Williams, and her son, Arkadiĭ Borman.
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John Eugene Unterecker papers, 1961-1987

53 linear feet 125 manuscript cartons, 3 file card boxes
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The collection documents the scholarship and writing of John Eugene Unterecker, a poet, biographer of the poet Hart Crane, and professor of English. The majority of the collection is composed of correspondence and manuscripts. Materials date from 1961 to 1987.

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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet 24 boxes and 1 folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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John Mitchell Mason papers, 1798-1814

0.42 linear feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope
This small collection consists of letters and reports, chiefly drafts, relating to the Reverend John Mitchell Mason's involvement with Columbia College as a Trustee, 1795-1821 and Provost 1811-1816.
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Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

534 linear feet 1069 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, publications, notes, subject files, awards, speeches, reports and audiovisual materials document work by the Church Peace Union, its successors Council on Religion in International Affairs and Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and related organizations such as the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches. The first installment of the CCEIA archival materials came to the RBML in 1974, with numerous additions over the years. A major addition in 1982 contained primarily the records of the Board of Directors and their semi-annual meetings, as well as the various programs and institutes of the Council, for the years 1972-1982, along with selected 1930s materials. 1986 addition contains presidential correspondence files, minutes of the Board of Trustees and committees, special projects, programs and conferences files, and the business and editorial files of "Worldview". Correspondents include John Foster Dulles, Jane Addams, Fiorello La Guardia, and Paul Tillich. 1990 and 2000 additions includes files of CCEIA presidents and vice presidents, paper and audiovisual materials on Merrill House Conversation Programs; Educational programs; International Monetary Fund/Lecture series; The Annals Of The Academy Of Political & Social Science; Washington Consultations; Colloquia for the Clergy; Church State Project; Asian Development & The Carribean Initiative; Korea: Year 2000 Project; fundraising files, printed materials and files of the Department of Publications.

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Thomas Merton papers, 1923-2014

21 linear feet 43 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art work, audio cassette, printed materials by and about Thomas Merton. The correspondence covers the years from his study at Columbia to his death in Bangkok. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Daniel Berrigan, Mark Van Doren, Luis Somoza, Jacque Maritain, Aldous Huxley, James Laughlin, Robert Lax, Grover Cleveland Smith, John Howard Griffin, William Henry Shannon and Victoria Ocampo. The extensive manuscript collection was assembled primarily by Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr, Mark Van Doren, and Robert Shepherd. Among the more significant manuscripts are: corrected typescript of THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN; fragments of his NOVITIATE JOURNAL; notebooks and journals used in THE SIGN OF JONAS; numerous draft of poems; most of his lecture and conference notes which he used while serving as master of scholastics and, later, master of novices. There is an extensive collection of mimeographed articles, many inscribed to Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr; four watercolors by his father, Owen Merton, and many humorous and devotional drawings by Merton; many photographs of Merton, as well as photographs taken by Merton. There is an audio cassette of the radio play by Bruce Stewart entitled ME AND MY SHADOW, produced by the BBC in 1989. The printed material consists of numerous clippings and some offprints, pamphlets, and books

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Collection of American Civil War documents, 1850-1917

4 linear feet 9 boxes; 1 oversize box 1 bound volume
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Materials relating to the American Civil War and the men who fought in it, chiefly of the Union Army.

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Women's National Book Association records, 1917-2020

72 linear feet 150 boxes
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The Women's National Book Association Papers document the history and work of the Women's National Book Association from their founding in 1917 until today. The organization is active in promoting women in the book industry through awards and programs to increase women's participation in the profession and the role of women in publishing and other book-related fields.
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Peter G. Stafford papers, 1960-1971

49 boxes 49 boxes
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Papers of Stafford, reflecting a wide interest in psychedelic drugs, other drugs, and all aspects of the youth culture of the 1960s. Among the manuscript materials are drafts for chapters in his books, case histories, some correspondence, and materials showing the workings of the underground press. There are clippings, pamphlets, and books of both technical and popular interest.

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League of Women Voters of the City of New York records, 1919-2019

80 Linear Feet 161 boxes; 6 volumes; 1 oversize; Mapacse 15-L-1
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Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, scrapbooks, printed material, and photographs. The files contain much material of the League of Women Voters of New York State as well, and some material pertaining to the national organization. The files document the League's activities in the areas of voter registration, election reform, New York City government, foreign policy, ecology, and numerous other concerns, and contain the records of city, state, and national conventions, annual reports, and Board and Council minutes. Major correspondents include Emanuel Teller, Stanley M. Isaacs, Jacob K. Javits, Robert F. Kennedy, Edward I. Koch, John Vliet Lindsay, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Anna Lord Strauss, and Percy E. Sutton.

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Ella Winter papers, 1913-1978

41 boxes 41 boxes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, notes, photographs, and printed material of Winter. The papers cover primarily the years after 1952 when she and Stewart settled in England to avoid involvement in the House Un-American Activities Committee investigations. Winter traveled widely in Russia, visited China in 1958, and spent nine months in Ghana in 1965. Her journeys are well documented in this collection. Among the manuscripts are drafts for many of her periodical articles, typescripts of her autobiography AND NOT TO YIELD, and articles written about her travels. Also, files on art, the labor movement in California, Robinson Jeffers, the McCarthy era, Lincoln Steffens, and Vietnam. There are numerous photographs taken on her trips abroad, including her work with the Friends of Austria, 1920, of many theatrical productions, and of her family and home. Because of her eclectic interests she was acquainted with many prominent individuals in politics, literature, theatre, and the arts. Among the major correspondents are Edward Albee, Charles and Oona Chaplin, W.E.B. Du Bois, Katharine Hepburn, Carey McWilliams, Kwame Nkrumah, Sean O'Casey, and Muriel Rukeyser.

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Meyer Schapiro papers, 1919-2006

400 linear feet 339 document boxes; 53 record storage cartons; 23 small flat boxes (15 inch depth); 16 medium flat boxes (21 inch depth); 3 card file boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection encompasses the professional, personal, and artistic life of art historian Meyer Schapiro.
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Philosophy and worldview in painting -- Lecture I and Lecture II-- Wolfson College (University of Oxford) -- Annotated typescript and broadside, 1968 May 27, 1968 May

J. Max and Ruth Clement Bond papers, 1912-2004, bulk 1930-1990

32 linear feet 42 Boxes: 17 document boxes, 23 record cartons, 1 oversized box
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This collection contains the papers of J. Max Bond, Sr. (1902-1991), educator, State Department and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) official and president of the University of Liberia, and Ruth Clement Bond (1904-2005), chair of the English Department at Kentucky State College and at the University of Liberia, and president of the African-American Women's Association. The collection includes extensive family and professional correspondence, writings, and documents relating to educational, political, community and civil rights organizations in which the Bonds participated. The collection also contains photographs and ephemera.
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Subseries II.1: Country and Regional, 1939-1990

Hettie Jones papers, 1895-2009, bulk 1958-2009

26.5 linear feet 63 boxes: 55 document boxes, 3 note card boxes, 3 record cartons, 1 videotape box, 1 oversize box. Video box (box 60) and audio boxes (boxes 55, 57, and 58) are all found in record storage carton box 63.
Abstract Or Scope
The Hettie Jones Papers contains correspondence, writings, and teaching materials related to Hettie Jones' career as a writer, editor, and teacher in the New York City Beat and Downtown literary scene, from the 1960s through the 2000s. Included are manuscripts from Jones' numerous books of poetry and children's and young adult novels, as well as her 1990 autobiography, How I Became Hettie Jones. The collection also features materials from her time as co-editor of Totem Press and Yugen literary journal. A small amount of material pertaining to Jones' former husband, the poet LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka, including unpublished early manuscripts and photographs is also here.
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William Goldman papers, 1949-1997

115 linear feet 264 document boxes; 4 flat boxes (flat boxes 318, 528, and 529); 1 mapcase
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, drafts, photographs, tapes, clippings, printed material, and memorabilia covering the career of William Goldman.

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RBML Publications, 1928-2016

2 linear feet 2 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the publications of the special collection libraries at Columbia University.
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David Dinkins papers, 1941-2017, bulk 1985-1993

225 linear feet 102 document boxes 166 record storage cartons 8 flat boxes 12 index card boxes 5 poster boxes
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These papers comprise correspondence, organizational records and documents, speeches, public schedules, photographs and memorabilia relating to the public life of David N. Dinkins, civil servant to the City of New York for over thirty years and professor in the Practice of Public Affairs at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.
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Robert Lavigne papers, 1954-1969

3 linear feet 2 document boxes 1 map case drawer
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The papers of artist and Beat Generation figure Robert LaVigne. The collection contains correspondence, artwork, and event invitations.
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Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1883-1947, bulk 1885-1912

26 Linear Feet 62 document boxes (boxes 1-60, 63-64), 1 small box (box 65)
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Correspondence and business documents of Joseph Pulitzer, the Pulitzer family, and the operation of the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. Also, drafts of Thomas E. Eichhorst's dissertation, Representative and Reporter: Joseph Pulitzer as a Missouri State Representative.

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John Howard Payne papers, 1780-1952

26 boxes 26 boxes 1 portfolio
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Manuscripts by Payne, including plays, poems, journals, essays, account books, correspondence, letter books (to and from) including a large group of letters from Washington Irving. Also, pictorial material, scrapbooks, biographies, portraits, passports, and other documents; and materials on the Cherokee incident, 1835-1838, and Payne's arrest in Georgia. Other material include letters of various members of the Payne family and of related families. Of greatest interest is a group of fine letters and manuscripts of Eloise Richards Payne (1787-1819), a sister of the playwright. These present a sensitive and revealing portrait of the social, cultural, and political life of the time. Among the manuscripts and documents are many items of genealogical interest on the Paine, Shippen, Lynch, Luquer, and Lea families. Two boxes of the papers of Col. Thatcher Taylor Payne Luquer contain correspondence on various aspects of John Howard Payne's career, and on "An Unconscious Autobiography" the letters and diaries of William Osborn Payne (1783-1804), a brother of the playwright, edited by Col. Luquer.

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Publishers Weekly records, 1909-2007

35.28 linear feet 84 manuscript boxes
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This collection contains of Publishers Weekly's reference files on publishing houses. Most of the records consist of clippings from Publishers Weekly, but the files also include clippings from other sources, as well as advertisements, annual reports, brochures, catalogs, commemoratives, correspondence, histories, legal records, obituaries, programs, prospectuses, and survey responses.
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C. L. R. James papers, 1933-2001, bulk 1948-1989

27.75 linear feet 50 boxes: 22 document boxes, 24 record storage cartons, 4 oversized flat boxes
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These papers contain correspondence; drafts, manuscripts and notes; transcripts of lectures and interviews; printed material; photographs; and audio and video tapes related to life and work of C. L. R. (Cyril Lionel Robert) James--a West Indian athlete, scholar, teacher, writer and political activist.
1 result in this collection

Albert and David Maysles papers, 1948-2018

185 linear feet 148 Boxes
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Correspondence, memoranada, agreements, notes, contracts, posters, clippings, financial files covering the entire career of the Maysles brothers.

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Robert Bone papers, 1975-2009

11.25 linear feet 9 record cartons
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The collection is primarily made up of notes for lectures that he gave and classes that he taught, drafts of essays and books he was working on, some books and literary journals, and some correspondence.

1 result in this collection

Albert Goldman papers, 1953-1994

225 linear feet 153 boxes; 77 cassette boxes; 2 mapcase drawers
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The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, journals, interviews, manuscripts, transcripts, and printed material.

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Edwin Patrick Kilroe papers, 1776-1959

15000 items 41 boxes; 3 cmi boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, original political cartoons, printed and photostatic materials relating to the political and social activities of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian order. Most of the correspondence is concerned with the formation of the Kilroe Tammaniana Collection, Kilroe's collection of books, documents, manuscripts, posters, cartoons, etc. relating to Tammany Hall. Also, letters from various members of the Tammany organization. The manuscripts include typescripts of Kilroe's works such as A COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SAINT TAMMANY and TAMMANY HALL AND THE TAMMANY SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. In addition there are manuscript and typescript records of various Tammany Societies with particular emphasis on the New York City Society and the New York County Democratic Party organization. Among the cartoons are 22 by John Tinney McCutcheon (1870-1949), over half of which deals with Tammany and New York politics while the remainder concerns national politics with an emphasis on presidential campaigns.

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John Brown manuscripts, 1839-1943

11 linear feet 22 boxes numbered 1, 1A, and 2-21
Abstract Or Scope

Material gathered by Oswald Garrison Villard in the researches for his biography JOHN BROWN, 1800-1859: A BIOGRAPHY FIFTY YEARS AFTER. A large part of the materials is copies of correspondence both contemporary and of a later period, concerning John Brown and his associates, especially in the Kansas Territory and at the Harper's Ferry raid. Of the original letters in the collection, many are from descendants and family of John Brown and the men who accompanied him on his raid. There are clippings, pamphlets, proof sheets, and other printed matter. Photographs number 181 items.

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Amiri Baraka papers, 1945-2015, bulk 1970s-2000s

219.5 linear feet 219.5 linear feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Amiri Baraka Papers contains correspondence, writings, and the personal, political activism and teaching materials related to Amiri Baraka's career as a poet, writer, editor, activist, and teacher in the New York City Beat, Downtown, and Black Arts literary scenes from the 1960s through the 2000s. Included are manuscripts from Baraka's numerous books of poetry, non-fiction, fiction, plays, editorial work, and screenplays. The collection also features organizational and documentary materials relating to Baraka's university teaching and Newark, NJ-based Black radical activism, as well as audio/visual material, photographs, and printed material collected and created by Baraka.
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Van Schaack family papers, 1659-1887

3 Linear Feet 6 manuscript boxes (687 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and legal and business papers of Peter Van Schaack and his family. The collection includes letters to and from Egbert Benson, Henry Cruger, James Duane, William Laight, Theodore Sedgwick, Peter Silvester, John Vardill, and many others. The letters deal with such subjects as taxation, the siege of Boston, George Washington, Tories, the Jay Treaty, Shays' Rebellion, and the many prominent people with whom Van Schaack was acquainted, including the Jay family and Gouverneur Morris. There is a large number of letters to and from his brother, Henry Van Schaack (1733-1823). The correspondence contains many political and social opinions regarding America and England before, during, and after the Revolutionary War. Many of the legal documents concern the disputed claims to the Van Rensselaer properties in Claverack and Westenhook, N.Y., as well as land claims around Kinderhoek, N.Y. Henry Cruger Van Schaack added to the collection more letters from well-known people as well as legal and family papers. These are mostly dated in the mid-19th century, and deal in part with the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, the Berkshire Iron Works, and similar business ventures. Many documents are Colonial-era deeds or concern early land disputes such as the New York-Massachusetts boundary dispute.

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Annie Stein papers, 1954-1993, bulk 1954-1981

23 linear feet 31 document boxes; 8 record storage cartons
Abstract Or Scope
These papers contain reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and statistical analyses related to Annie Stein's career as an activist for integration in the New York City public schools.
1 result in this collection

C.L.R. James Institute records, 1932-2003, bulk 1983-1999

20 linear feet 45 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
The C.L.R. James Institute was founded by Jim Murray to document the writing and influence of James and his circle
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Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs records, 1939-2006, bulk 1956-2003

337.27 Linear Feet 545 document boxes and 88 record storage boxes
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The records consist mainly of correspondence and material on issues related to academics, appointments, budgets, departments, faculty, planning, programs, schools, and students. The records also include reports, statistical information, and committee and meeting materials.
1 result in this collection

Walter Curt Behrendt papers, 1910-1945

3 manuscript boxes
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Walter Curt Behrendt (1884-1945) was a German-American architect and an active advocate of German modernism. The collection is composed primarily of lectures and writings.
1 result in this collection

City Planning, Medieval Town, 1941

Tennessee Williams papers, 1920-1983

160 linear feet 84 manuscript boxes, 2 custom boxes (69A and 72A), 1 mapcase (13-4G-13), 119 record storage cartons (library)
Abstract Or Scope
A large and important collection of the correspondence, memoirs, and plays of Tennessee Williams. The collection is especially strong in the later works.
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