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Centennial Office, 1963-1989
5.88 Linear Feet 13 boxes, 1 half document box- Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Centinnial Office.
Circular of Information, Announcements, and Course Catalogs, 1886-2012
11.11 Linear Feet- Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the course catalogs released by Barnard College and Columbia University each year for Barnard students. Material within the course catalogs includes class listings, faculty listings, history of the relationship between Barnard and Columbia, degree requirements, entrance exam guidelines, and school calendars.
Circular of Information, Announcements, and Course Catalogs, 1886-2012 11.11 Linear Feet
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- Universities and colleges -- Curricula -- Catalogs
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This collection consists of the course catalogs released by Barnard College and Columbia University each year for Barnard students. Material within the course catalogs includes class listings, faculty listings, history of the relationship between Barnard and Columbia, degree requirements, entrance exam guidelines, and school calendars.
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James Melvin Washington papers, circa 1970 -- 1997
93 linear feet 93 linear feet; 93 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the personal and professional papers of James Melvin Washington, professor of Church History at Union and Columbia University. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, course files, and writings.
Box 3, circa 1970 -- 1997
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- Articles and writings; course materials and curricula; primary source documents
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Articles and writings; course materials and curricula; primary source documents
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Box 6, circa 1970 -- 1997
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- Articles; primary source documents; correspondence; curricula
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Articles; primary source documents; correspondence; curricula
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Box 30, circa 1970 -- 1997
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- ; curricula and syllabi; biographical statements
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Articles and primary source documents for African American Religious Documentary History project; curricula and syllabi; biographical statements
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Clifford Green and Victoria Barnett collection of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works in English records, 1984 -- 2013
6 linear feet 6 linear feet; 12 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains administrative records pertaining to the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Translation Project, helmed by members of the International Bonhoeffer Society under the leadership of Clifford Green, Victoria Barnett, and others. Materials relate to the writing, publication, and reception of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works and include correspondence, editorial and working draft files, grantwriting and fundraising documentation, and DBWE research files organized according to their final volume number.
Curricula Vitae of Editors and Translators, circa 2004 -- 2010
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- Curricula Vitae of Editors and Translators, circa 2004 -- 2010
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Sidney Kramer papers and library, 1940s-1980s
176 linear feet 141 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Papers and 50 boxes of paperback books.
Revolution in Teaching: New Theory, Technology, and Curricula
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- Revolution in Teaching: New Theory, Technology, and Curricula
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Author: Alfred de Grazia & David A. Sohn, Imprint: Bantam, Number: NM1006.
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Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964).
56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Douglas Putnam Haskellan (1899-1979) was an American writer, architecture critic and magazine editor. This collection contains correspondence, memos, articles, speeches, lectures, transcripts, clippings, notes, printed matter, photographs, audiotapes, and memorabilia mainly relating to Douglas Haskell's editorship at Architectural Forum and his professional activities. The collection includes items dating from 1866 to 1979, with the majority of materials dating from the period of 1949 to 1964.
Taconic Foundation
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- interest in introducing urban studies into the school and college curricula.
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DH to Jane Lee Eddy. The Taconic Foundation. 1967; Mrs. Beatrice Saunders would like to make an appointment to see someone at the Taconic Foundation regarding publishing a modern version of Survey Graphic magazine.
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Serge Chermayeff architectural records and papers, 1909-1980
17 linear feet of papers 1508 photographs 1508 photographs 915 drawings- Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials related to Chermayeff's personal, professional, and academic lives, the bulk originating during his residency in the United States, beginning in the late 1930s. Project records document the full range of his work, including many records from his British period. The collection also contains extensive correspondence with personal friends, clients, and professional and academic colleagues.
India., 1963-1969
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- 11 items. Publications, reports, curricula, relating to research for the JDR 3rd Fund.
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11 items. Publications, reports, curricula, relating to research for the JDR 3rd Fund.
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Memorandum to Dean Sert from Serge Chermayeff, draft version., 1953 Nov 03
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- 4 pages. Typescript carbon, with annotations; Proposal for curricula development.
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4 pages. Typescript carbon, with annotations; Proposal for curricula development.
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Memorandum to Dean Sert from Serge Chermayeff, final version., 1953 Nov 03
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- 3 pages. Mimeograph, with annotations; Proposal for curricula development.; One copy, gift 2005.002
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3 pages. Mimeograph, with annotations; Proposal for curricula development.; One copy, gift 2005.002
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André Schiffrin papers, 1944-2014
10.5 linear feet 19 document boxes and 2 flat boxes- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of a wide range of material from early Pantheon papers (1944-1963) pertaining to the presence of Jacques Schiffrin and Helen and Kurt Wolff, including correspondence, business files, manuscripts and proofs, book covers, and media clippings. Later papers include correspondence and business files from Andre Schiffrin's time at Pantheon, followed by press clippings and correspondence regarding his forced removal, his launch of New Press, books he published, and finally personal papers that include notebooks, travel diaries and journals, along with his articles in various publications and miscellaneous press that he'd collected for personal interest.
Subseries II.1. Business files, 1946-2003 undated, 1946-2003, undated
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- after, which include curricula vitae, employment agreements for his teaching positions at Yale and the
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Pantheon proposals, inventories, pension plans, assets, payments, personnel files, employment agreements, sale to Random House papers, sales reports and accounts from 1944 to 1961, before André joined the publishing house, followed by the 1962-1991 files including Pantheon salary reports, business plans, contact sheets, contracts, inventories, sales reports, expense reports, cash flow analyses, and guest lists for events. There are also some personal business files, both from his time at Pantheon and after, which include curricula vitae, employment agreements for his teaching positions at Yale and the University of California, itineraries of his trips and schedules of conferences he was attending or speaking at.
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Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality Oral History Collection, 2014-2015
35 Volumes transcripts: 2554 pp. 285 Gigabytes 1,462 digital files- Abstract Or Scope
The Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (IRWGS) at Columbia University is an interdisciplinary institute for feminist scholarship and education. It was established as the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWAG) in 1987. Anticipating its 25th anniversary, the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (IRWGS) approached the Columbia Center for Oral History Research (CCOHR) in 2012, about an oral history project to document the history of the department and the growth and development of feminism at Columbia. The IRWGS Oral History Project was conducted with funding from the President's Office and was the first project undertaken by CCOHR in its new home at the Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE). Interviews with current and past directors of IRWGS, affiliated and allied faculty, administrators, and students were conducted between 2014 and 2015. The Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality Oral History Project is comprised of interviews with 36 individuals involved in the founding and development of the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (IRWGS) at Columbia University. Interviewers conducted these interviews over 68 sessions, creating over 90 hours of recordings. Nine of these sessions were recorded on video, and interviews have been transcribed. Interviewers were guided by a set of research questions, which emphasized the role of IRWGS as a political actor within the broader context of Columbia University, agitating for the inclusion of feminist analysis and practice. As the project progressed, questions expanded to explore issues of generation, activism, the developments within feminism(s), evidence of increasing support of IRWGS by the university, and the challenge of addressing diversity, sexuality and other forms of social difference theoretically and as professional practice.
Eric Foner, 2015 March 23
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- scholarship and curricula. He was involved in the early development of IRWAG, serving on the search committee
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In this interview, Eric Foner describes his experience at Columbia University, first as a student and later as a faculty member. He begins with a description of Columbia at the time of his undergraduate and graduate years, from 1959 to 1969. Foner discusses the state of the history department during this period. After his return to Columbia in 1982, Foner describes the arrival of Professor Elizabeth Blackmar, the first female history professor at Columbia. Foner recalls early conversations with Blackmar regarding the integration of women's studies into the history curriculum and names Blackmar as the crucial connection between history and IRWGS. Foner locates these goals within a larger shift at Columbia, citing the inclusion of female undergraduates in 1983. Foner continues to see institutes such as IRWGS, the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, and the Institute for Research in African-American Studies as crucial agents in diversifying Columbia's intellectual community.
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Audio Collections, 1936-2007
32.17 Linear Feet 10 boxes, 28 cartons- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of original and duplicate audio recordings of speeches and lectures, forums, conferences, interviews, anniversary celebrations, reunions, inaugurations, degree candidate presentations, and concerts.
X, Extra-Curricula at Barnard – Bill Weyse, Shakespeare, Dubbed Jan 1962 [7in], 1962
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- X, Extra-Curricula at Barnard – Bill Weyse, Shakespeare, Dubbed Jan 1962 [7in], 1962
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Tape number BC52c: Extra Curricula: Gardner speech "Self Renewal", Jan 1963 [7 ½, 7in] (transferred to cassette – 5/12/93 MC], 1963
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- Tape number BC52c: Extra Curricula: Gardner speech "Self Renewal", Jan 1963 [7 ½, 7in] (transferred
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