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Women's National Book Association records, 1917-2020
72 linear feet (150 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
The Women's National Book Association Papers document the history and work of the Women's National Book Association from their founding in 1917 until today. The organization is active in promoting women in the book industry through awards and programs to increase women's participation in the profession and the role of women in publishing and other book-related fields.
Broadside Press and Women's History, Gloria House, Albert Ward, and Rosemary Weatherson speakers
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- Broadside Press and Women's History, Gloria House, Albert Ward, and Rosemary Weatherson speakers
- Collection Context
C. L. R. James papers, 1933-2001, bulk 1948-1989
27.75 linear feet (50 boxes: 22 document boxes, 24 record storage cartons, 4 oversized flat boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
These papers contain correspondence; drafts, manuscripts and notes; transcripts of lectures and interviews; printed material; photographs; and audio and video tapes related to life and work of C. L. R. (Cyril Lionel Robert) James--a West Indian athlete, scholar, teacher, writer and political activist.
Lee, Don. From Plan to Planet. (Broadside Press), 1973
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- Lee, Don. From Plan to Planet. (Broadside Press), 1973
- Collection Context
George Economou papers, 1954-2017
12.5 linear feet (24 boxes, 1 map case drawer)- Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, video and tape recordings, and printed materials relating to Economou's poetry manuscripts, to publications and performances to which he contributed, and to his teaching career as a professor of medieval literature.
Broadside: ECONOMOU: An Evening in Kingfisher (3 copies), 13 November 2000
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- Broadside: ECONOMOU: An Evening in Kingfisher (3 copies), 13 November 2000
- Collection Context
Henry Cohen papers, 1964-1988
8 linear feet (15 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, photographs, slides, and printed materials relating to criminal justice and economic history documenting the work of Henry Cohen. The correspondence consists of two series, general correspondence and correspondence relating to "Criminal Justice History." There are manuscripts by Cohen for "Interpretive History of American Political Economy" (unpublished?) and other manuscripts including the introduction to the film script "Public Enemy." There are manuscripts by other authors submitted for publication in "Criminal Justice History" with related photographs. The subject files relate to "Business and Politics in America" with related photographs, the Spater artistic censorship case at the University of California, discussion material relating to the "National Right to Work Legislation" "Brutal Justice" with related slides, the Geese National Theater Company, the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the paper "Vicisitudes of an Absentee Landlord." The printed materials include copies of CJH articles, issues of "Historical Approaches to Studying Crime" and other offprints
Broadside ad. for a rock concert: "Concentracion Rock en Cordoba"
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- Broadside ad. for a rock concert: "Concentracion Rock en Cordoba"
- Collection Context
Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930
57 boxes (57 boxes 1 oversize folder)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, reports, and printed material of Hughes. The papers cover primarily the period following Hughes' defeat in the 1916 presidential election up to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1930; in most files there is a gap from March 1921 to March 1925, when Hughes was Secretary of State. Some materials relate to the law firm of Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and Dwight (later Hughes, Schurman and Dwight), but primarily concern Hughes' philanthropies and activities in professional organizations. Among these latter associations are the American Bar Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York State Bar Association. Records for a number of Hughes' cultural, educational, and international philanthropies, such as the Armenian National Union of America and the George Washington Memorial Association, are included as are materials on his participation in the 1918-1924 aircraft investigation, the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana, 1928), and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Hague.
Pan American Conference (Sixth). 3 broadside supplements to El Libertador (Mexico)
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- Pan American Conference (Sixth). 3 broadside supplements to El Libertador (Mexico)
- Collection Context
Pan American Conference (Sixth-Havana, January-February1928)
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- (See Also: Oversize Broadside)
- Abstract Or Scope
(See Also: Oversize Broadside)
- Collection Context
Jennifer B. Lee collection, 1926-2008
2 Linear Feet (1 Ms Box, 1 wide Ms Box, Mapcase 15-L-1)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes 21 posters relating to book arts, and a number of historical rare book dealer and auction catalogs and booklets related to rare book librarianship. It also includes several groups of printed materials, documents, art and memorabilia related to literature, performing arts, and the New York World's Fairs of 1939-40 and 1964-65.
Broadside for the wedding of Jennifer B. Lee and Paul Cyr, 1985
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- Broadside for the wedding of Jennifer B. Lee and Paul Cyr, 1985
- Abstract Or Scope
Printed by Terry Belanger
- Collection Context
Harrison E. Salisbury papers, 1927-1999
290 linear feet (677 boxes; 1 mapcase drawer; 4 flat boxes; 3 tube boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, notes, inteviews, articles, newspapers, clippings, and press releases of Harrison Evans Salisbury, a prominent journalist and editor.
The First Buffalo Family : Incl. text w/ and appendices, pp 211 -- " Guide to the Study of United States Imprints" -- Broadsides Printed at Canandaigua, NY, 1799-1850, 1956
- Highlight
- States Imprints" -- Broadsides Printed at Canandaigua, NY, 1799-1850, 1956
- Collection Context
Sir Winston Churchill papers, 1908-1954
3.5 linear feet (8 boxes and one mapcase drawer)- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of correspondence, typescripts, proofsheets, pamphlets, periodicals, and memorabilia by or relating to Sir Winston Churchill. Included are files of Daniel Longwell, editor of LIFE from 1946 to 1954, dealing with the serialization of A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES and TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY in LIFE. Accompanying the collection is a group of approximately 350 books by or about Churchill. Many are first editions or inscribed copies.
Commemorative broadside [Designed and printed by Leo Wyatt?]. Gift of John M. Crawford, Jr.
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- Commemorative broadside [Designed and printed by Leo Wyatt?]. Gift of John M. Crawford, Jr.
- Collection Context
Lawrence A. Cremin Papers, 1932-2007, bulk 1939-1990
53 linear feet (39 record cartons, 4 document boxes, 2 flat boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
The Lawrence A. Cremin Papers document the career and personal life of Lawrence Arthur Cremin, educational historian and seventh president of Teachers College, Columbia University (1974-1984). Cremin was an acclaimed historian of American education whose work framed the formal school as one of many institutions responsible for educating children. The collection includes records of his teaching and administrative work at Teachers College, manuscripts and published works by Cremin, and personal and professional correspondence.
The Education Policies Commission acknowledges its indebtedness to Lawrence A. Cremin (broadside), 10 January 1955
- Highlight
- The Education Policies Commission acknowledges its indebtedness to Lawrence A. Cremin (broadside
- Collection Context
Robert Bone papers, 1975-2009
11.25 linear feet (9 record cartons)- Abstract Or Scope
The collection is primarily made up of notes for lectures that he gave and classes that he taught, drafts of essays and books he was working on, some books and literary journals, and some correspondence.
Brooks, Gwendolyn. Family Pictures . Broadside, 1970. 1st ed./3rd ptg.
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- Brooks, Gwendolyn. Family Pictures . Broadside, 1970. 1st ed./3rd ptg.
- Abstract Or Scope
Softcover fiction & poetry, annotated
- Collection Context
Michael Reynard collection, 1769-1975
0.42 linear feet (1 document box containing 45 items)- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of letters, documents, manuscripts, and books collected by Dr. Michael Reynard and placed on deposit in The Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
John Jay. Appointment of Phillip J. Schuyler Inspector of the Dutchess County Militia, March 17, 1796. Printed broadside
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- , 1796. Printed broadside
- Collection Context
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection, 1981-1998
4.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box (box 1), 3 record storage cartons (boxes 2-4), one oversize flat box (box 5))- Abstract Or Scope
This collection belonged to an award-winning horror writer who worked for Mirage Studios (the TMNT studio) in the early 1990s, writing the TMNT newspaper strip. There is original art for never-reprinted newspaper strips (1993) complete with thumbnails, comic book manuscripts with editorial notation, story idea notebooks, minicomics produced by Mirage Studios, and manuscript materials for a host of secondary TMNT materials, including The Official TMNT Treasury. Many of the secondary materials are autographed by TMNT creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
"[Broadside]: "Journey into Fear": SR Bissette's History & Heritage of the Horror Comic!" Yellow folio sheet. Measuring 11" x 17".
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- "[Broadside]: "Journey into Fear": SR Bissette's History & Heritage of the Horror Comic!" Yellow
- Abstract Or Scope
Poster for a two-hour lecture on horror comics, likely attended Wiater.
- Collection Context
Columbia University Manuscripts Collection, 1655-1912
4.59 Linear Feet (11 document boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Autograph letters, official and private documents, and accounts, which were previously mounted in eleven volumes. Most of these relate to Columbia University or people associated with the University.
Ross, George; Reproduction of Broadside concerning Revolutionary War bandage-making activites, signed by George Ross; Lancaster, February 10, 1776
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- Ross, George; Reproduction of Broadside concerning Revolutionary War bandage-making activites
- Collection Context
Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822
3 linear feet (Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains about seventy broadsides regarding communal and governmental regulations imposed in various Jewish communities throughout Italy from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Cities mentioned include Florence, Venice, Ferrara, Padua, Ancona, and others. Topics addressed are synagogue behavior, market regulations, municipal workers such as firefighters, and more. Among the publishers are the Stamperia camerale, Ferrara; Francesco Suzzi, Ferrara; Lodovico, and Frencesco Nobili, Ferrara; Sebastiano Nistri, Pisa and Typis Mainardi, Ancona.
Italian Jewish Community Regulations collection, 1628(?)-1822 3 linear feet (Two manuscript boxes and two flat boxes)
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- Broadsides (notices)
This collection contains about seventy broadsides regarding communal and governmental regulations - Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains about seventy broadsides regarding communal and governmental regulations imposed in various Jewish communities throughout Italy from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Cities mentioned include Florence, Venice, Ferrara, Padua, Ancona, and others. Topics addressed are synagogue behavior, market regulations, municipal workers such as firefighters, and more. Among the publishers are the Stamperia camerale, Ferrara; Francesco Suzzi, Ferrara; Lodovico, and Frencesco Nobili, Ferrara; Sebastiano Nistri, Pisa and Typis Mainardi, Ancona.
- Collection Context
Peru Viceroyalty papers, 1815-1816
1 box (2 volumes in 1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, reports, orders, directives, proclamations, and other official papers of two of the last Spanish Viceroys in Peru, José Fernando de Abascal y Souza (1743-1821), and Joaquín de la Pezuela (1761-1830). Most of the letters and documents are in clerical hands, with viceregal signatures and stamps, and are of a routine administrative nature. Bound in the volumes are four broadsides printed in Peru at the direction of the King of Spain. All the items originate from either Lima or Cuzco, the seat of the Spanish government. Also, one folder of notes about the volumes, primarily by Ray Trautman.
Peru Viceroyalty papers, 1815-1816 1 box (2 volumes in 1 box)
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- Broadsides (notices)
, and are of a routine administrative nature. Bound in the volumes are four broadsides printed in Peru - Creator
- Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, reports, orders, directives, proclamations, and other official papers of two of the last Spanish Viceroys in Peru, José Fernando de Abascal y Souza (1743-1821), and Joaquín de la Pezuela (1761-1830). Most of the letters and documents are in clerical hands, with viceregal signatures and stamps, and are of a routine administrative nature. Bound in the volumes are four broadsides printed in Peru at the direction of the King of Spain. All the items originate from either Lima or Cuzco, the seat of the Spanish government. Also, one folder of notes about the volumes, primarily by Ray Trautman.
- Collection Context
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957
200 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and printed material of Stakhovich. The manuscripts include Stakhovich's memoirs as well as miscellaneous notes and copies of military circulars; the printed material is comprised of clippings, broadsides and booklets. The bulk of the documentation pertains to White Army activities in Siberia and the Far East.
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957 200 items (1 box)
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- Broadsides (notices)
clippings, broadsides and booklets. The bulk of the documentation pertains to White Army activities in - Creator
- Stakhovich, A.A (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich)
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and printed material of Stakhovich. The manuscripts include Stakhovich's memoirs as well as miscellaneous notes and copies of military circulars; the printed material is comprised of clippings, broadsides and booklets. The bulk of the documentation pertains to White Army activities in Siberia and the Far East.
- Collection Context
Spanish Refugee Relief Association Records, 1935-1957
168 linear feet (337 document boxes and 6 flat boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Records of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy and Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, two New York City-based American organizations working to raise funds and provide medical and humanitarian aid for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and to refugees who fled Spain after the defeat of the Republican forces in April 1939. The organizations formally merged in January 1938 and became known as the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign. These files include the organization's official reports, correspondence, pamphlets, broadsides, photographs, and publicity material, as well as several scrapbooks of news clippings.
Spanish Refugee Relief Association Records, 1935-1957 168 linear feet (337 document boxes and 6 flat boxes)
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- Broadsides (notices)
official reports, correspondence, pamphlets, broadsides, photographs, and publicity material, as well as - Creator
- Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign
- Abstract Or Scope
Records of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy and Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, two New York City-based American organizations working to raise funds and provide medical and humanitarian aid for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and to refugees who fled Spain after the defeat of the Republican forces in April 1939. The organizations formally merged in January 1938 and became known as the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign. These files include the organization's official reports, correspondence, pamphlets, broadsides, photographs, and publicity material, as well as several scrapbooks of news clippings.
- Collection Context
Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956
1 linear feet (2 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson
Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956 1 linear feet (2 boxes)
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- Broadsides (notices)
Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript - Creator
- Adelman, Seymour, 1906-1985
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson
- Collection Context
Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874
6 Reels (3 positive reels 2 copies) 3 master negative reels (master negative reels)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.
Nichols family papers : [microform], 1713-1874 6 Reels (3 positive reels 2 copies) 3 master negative reels (master negative reels)
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- Broadsides (notices)
, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits. - Creator
- Nichols Family
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.
- Collection Context
Nichols family papers, 1713-1874
11 boxes (11 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.
Nichols family papers, 1713-1874 11 boxes (11 boxes)
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- Broadsides (notices)
, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits. - Creator
- Nichols Family
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents relating to the printing firm of John Nichols and Son, covering a period from 1713, when the original firm of William Bowyer, the Elder (1663-1737), was burned, until the death of John Gough Nichols in 1873. The correspondence concerns primarily the social and domestic affairs of John Nichols (1745-1826) and of his family from 1766 to 1812. Scattered letters from business associates and minor authors are included, among them a group of letters from John Pridden (1758-1825), author and antiquary. The correspondence of John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863) concerns the Nichols firm from 1799 to 1855. There are also several letters of, and relating to, William Bowyer (1699-1777), the senior partner of John Nichols. The collection also contains a volume of letters of condolence written at the time of John Nichols' death. The manuscripts in the collection consist primarily of the poetry of John Nichols, much of which was published in newspapers of the late 18th century. The manuscripts of John Bowyer Nichols concern his father and family. There are also contracts, bills, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, broadsides, engravings, and a group of 277 portraits.
- Collection Context