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Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Artists' Books Collection, 2007-2015
278 Volumes approximately 278 artists' books- Abstract Or Scope
Collection of artists' books created by artists participating in the Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition; donated by the founder of the coalition Beau Beausoleil between December 2019 and March 2020. Each participating book artist was asked to complete three books over the course of a year that reflected both the strength and fragility of books, but also showed the endurance of the ideas within them.
Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019
3 Linear Feet 7 boxes of various sizes- Abstract Or Scope
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here is an arts initiative and an archival collection conceived as a response to violence and directed at creating shared cultural spaces. The project and the collection were initiated by Beau Beausoleil in 2007 following the March 5 car bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street (the street of the booksellers) in Baghdad, Iraq. Beausoleil writes, "We are not a project of pity or healing; we are a project of Witness, Memory, and Solidarity," and "Free speech and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of what al-Mutanabbi Street represents to us. We do not attempt to speak for the Iraqi people, they have their own voice. Rather, we want them to know that we see them and hear them in their own struggle for a more just society, and that we will not let anyone in the West forget them." As of 2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 photographs, and a collection of bookmarks, made by over 600 poets, writers, and artists from twenty countries. The artists' books are cataloged individually in CLIO, and are described as a group in the record The project also produced an anthology, Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad's "Street of the Booksellers," published by PM Press in 2012. Edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema K. Shehabi, the anthology includes writing by Iraqis and an international group of poets and writers. Copies are cataloged in CLIO.
Al Mutanabbi Street Starts Here collection, 2007-2019 3 Linear Feet 7 boxes of various sizes
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- Broadsides (notices)
include poets, writers, and artists from many countries, and projects have included broadsides, artists
2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 - Creator
- Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition
- Abstract Or Scope
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here is an arts initiative and an archival collection conceived as a response to violence and directed at creating shared cultural spaces. The project and the collection were initiated by Beau Beausoleil in 2007 following the March 5 car bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street (the street of the booksellers) in Baghdad, Iraq. Beausoleil writes, "We are not a project of pity or healing; we are a project of Witness, Memory, and Solidarity," and "Free speech and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of what al-Mutanabbi Street represents to us. We do not attempt to speak for the Iraqi people, they have their own voice. Rather, we want them to know that we see them and hear them in their own struggle for a more just society, and that we will not let anyone in the West forget them." As of 2023, the archive holds approximately 260 artists' books, 200 prints, 100 letterpress broadsides, 57 photographs, and a collection of bookmarks, made by over 600 poets, writers, and artists from twenty countries. The artists' books are cataloged individually in CLIO, and are described as a group in the record The project also produced an anthology, Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad's "Street of the Booksellers," published by PM Press in 2012. Edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema K. Shehabi, the anthology includes writing by Iraqis and an international group of poets and writers. Copies are cataloged in CLIO.
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No. 145: Pinkle, Amy - see Broadsides
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- No. 145: Pinkle, Amy - see Broadsides
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Series I: Prints
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- and shelved with broadsides. Prints 69, 128, 142 and 161 are oversize and shelved in a flat box
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For the printmaking part of this project, Absence and Presence, Beau Beausoleil worked with coordinators from across the US, the UK and Australia. A widely diverse group of printmakers was been assembled from Europe and the US, with additional artists from the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Each print is on a sheet size of 11 x 15 inches. Series consists of 193 numbered prints. Print No. 145 is listed and shelved with broadsides. Prints 69, 128, 142 and 161 are oversize and shelved in a flat box. Artists' statements for these prints are available.
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Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956
1 linear feet 2 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson
Seymour Adelman collection, 1724-1956 1 linear feet 2 boxes
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- Broadsides (notices)
Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript - Creator
- Adelman, Seymour, 1906-1985
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Letters, documents, accounts, papers, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed and manuscript materials assembled by Seymour Adelman and presented to the Libraries in a series of gifts. The material ranges in date from 1724-1945 and is largely American, having to do with banking business, the arts and sciences, agriculture, the free press and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. Included are a number of autograph letters by Joseph J. Henry, William Henry, Jr., and Joel Roberts Poinsett. There are a number of letters addressed to Joseph Story and John B. Jervis. There is a group of letters from the immediate family of John Jay concerning references to him and another group of documents and letters by and concerning Matthew Clarkson
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Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project records, 1700-1981
160 linear feet 321 boxes including 282 microfilm reels, 32 card file drawers in a black filing cabinet on stack 14 near 53e.- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, typescripts, photocopies, microfilms, card files, and notes of the Alexander Hamilton Papers Publication Project, 1955-1981. The correspondence files of the editor, Harold C. Syrett, and his staff concerning the operations, activities, gathering of data, photocopies, and microfilm reproductions of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton and selected and edited for publication by Columbia University Press as THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON (New York, 1961-1970). Also, the corrected typescript copies of texts to be published, photocopies of letters, manuscripts, and documents by, to, and about Alexander Hamilton; microfilms of manuscript materials in a variety of repositories; and photocopies of newspaper articles relating to Hamilton.
Clemente Library-Hamilton Broadsides, 1789
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- Clemente Library-Hamilton Broadsides, 1789
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Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1914-1930
57 boxes 57 boxes 1 oversize folder- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, reports, and printed material of Hughes. The papers cover primarily the period following Hughes' defeat in the 1916 presidential election up to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1930; in most files there is a gap from March 1921 to March 1925, when Hughes was Secretary of State. Some materials relate to the law firm of Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and Dwight (later Hughes, Schurman and Dwight), but primarily concern Hughes' philanthropies and activities in professional organizations. Among these latter associations are the American Bar Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York State Bar Association. Records for a number of Hughes' cultural, educational, and international philanthropies, such as the Armenian National Union of America and the George Washington Memorial Association, are included as are materials on his participation in the 1918-1924 aircraft investigation, the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana, 1928), and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Hague.
Pan American Conference (Sixth-Havana, January-February1928)
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- (See Also: Oversize Broadside)
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(See Also: Oversize Broadside)
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Pan American Conference (Sixth). 3 broadside supplements to El Libertador (Mexico)
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- Pan American Conference (Sixth). 3 broadside supplements to El Libertador (Mexico)
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Barrell family papers, 1751-1929, bulk 1791-1889
1.25 linear feet 3 document boxes- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists primarily of personal correspondence between members of the Barrell family in London, the United States, Barbados, and Demerara which was then a part of British Guiana. The collection also contains several family chronicles, a diary and cashbook belonging to Theodore Barrell, autograph albums belonging to Walter Newberry Barrell and Theodora Barrell, and photographs and silhouettes.
Notice of Lottery or Sale of Theodore Barrell's Property in Demerara, 1804
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- (printed broadside)
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(printed broadside)
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Henry Cohen papers, 1964-1988
8 linear feet 15 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, photographs, slides, and printed materials relating to criminal justice and economic history documenting the work of Henry Cohen. The correspondence consists of two series, general correspondence and correspondence relating to "Criminal Justice History." There are manuscripts by Cohen for "Interpretive History of American Political Economy" (unpublished?) and other manuscripts including the introduction to the film script "Public Enemy." There are manuscripts by other authors submitted for publication in "Criminal Justice History" with related photographs. The subject files relate to "Business and Politics in America" with related photographs, the Spater artistic censorship case at the University of California, discussion material relating to the "National Right to Work Legislation" "Brutal Justice" with related slides, the Geese National Theater Company, the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the paper "Vicisitudes of an Absentee Landlord." The printed materials include copies of CJH articles, issues of "Historical Approaches to Studying Crime" and other offprints
Broadside ad. for a rock concert: "Concentracion Rock en Cordoba"
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- Broadside ad. for a rock concert: "Concentracion Rock en Cordoba"
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Goliard Press records, 1961-1970
3 linear feet 5 manuscript boxes, 3 flat boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and production files of The Goliard Press, relating to the publication of contemporary English and American poetry. Most of the letters are addressed to Barry Hall or Tom Raworth. Among the poets represented are Basil Bunting, Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, Anselm Hollo, Ted Hughes, Christopher Logue, Michael McClure, Charles Olson, and Louis Zukofsky.
Twenty-four names of God
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- Printed broadside
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Printed broadside
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Andrew Alpern Collection of Edward Gorey Materials, 1954-2019
21.5 linear feet 15 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton, 4 flat boxes, 5 artifact boxes, 1 poster tube, and 2 map case folders- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of original artwork, published books, printed ephemera, and branded merchandise by the writer and artist Edward Gorey (1925-2000), assembled by Andrew Alpern.
Thoughtful Alphabet VIII / The morning after Christmas, 4 am, 2001
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- One-page broadside with announcement card and announcement sheet.
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Keepsake for The Unknown Edward Gorey Exhibition, Gotham Book Mart.
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Eglevsky Ballet Company program, undated
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- Presented by The Nantucket Stage Company, with sets and costumes by Gorey. The broadside includes a
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Presented by The Nantucket Stage Company, with sets and costumes by Gorey. The broadside includes a Gorey set design for Swan Lake.
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Edward St. John Gorey memorial broadside, 2000
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- Edward St. John Gorey memorial broadside, 2000
Two-sided broadside. Recto: name and dates and six photos of Gorey from age 2 to age 53; verso: The - Abstract Or Scope
Produced shortly after Gorey's death.
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William F. Claire Collection on Mark Van Doren, 1940-1987
2 linear feet 4 document boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Much of this material came from submissions to the literary magazine "Voyages" and includes correspondence between Claire and Mark and Dorothy Van Doren. There are also works by Robert Lax, Allen Tate, John Taglibue relating to Mark Van Doren.
An Evening of Voyages in Memory of Mark Van Doren . [Washington, DC: Folger Library, 19 March, 1973. Broadside, 8-1/2 x 11 in.
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- . Broadside, 8-1/2 x 11 in.
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(Printed in black on light grey still paper. This reprints the poem "O World" by Van Doren and "from A Letter to Mark Van Doren" by poet and editor of Voyages William Claire.) (Accompanied by an annotated folder)
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Van Doren, Mark. "Morning Worship" and "Song" by Peter Lewis; PAX number 3. NY, 1957
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- (First Edition. Broadside, (11-1/2 x 16-3/4 in) printed in red on thin paper, folded into quarters
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(First Edition. Broadside, (11-1/2 x 16-3/4 in) printed in red on thin paper, folded into quarters, paper browned, tears to the folds) Two copies_
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