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Charles W. Poletti papers, 1920-1991, bulk 1923-1970

32 linear feet (59 document boxes; 3 file card boxes; 16 oversize boxes)
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This collection documents the personal and political life of Charles Poletti, lawyer, politician, and the 46th governor of the State of New York. Poletti also served as an allied military governor in Italy during and after World War II.
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Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum records, 1910-1971

7.5 linear feet (15 boxes, 4 card file boxes, 3 mapcase drawers, and 5 mapcase folders)
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Office files consisting of correspondence, reports, memoranda, and other documents relating to the operation of the Museum. Included are numerous biographical and topical folders on the theatrical subjects such as David Belasco, Costumes, French stage models, Helen Hayes, etc. Masks and Puppets account for 29 folders.

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Sir Winston Churchill papers, 1908-1954

3.5 linear feet (8 boxes and one mapcase drawer)
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A collection of correspondence, typescripts, proofsheets, pamphlets, periodicals, and memorabilia by or relating to Sir Winston Churchill. Included are files of Daniel Longwell, editor of LIFE from 1946 to 1954, dealing with the serialization of A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES and TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY in LIFE. Accompanying the collection is a group of approximately 350 books by or about Churchill. Many are first editions or inscribed copies.

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Thomas Merton papers, 1923-2014

21 linear feet (43 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art work, audio cassette, printed materials by and about Thomas Merton. The correspondence covers the years from his study at Columbia to his death in Bangkok. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Daniel Berrigan, Mark Van Doren, Luis Somoza, Jacque Maritain, Aldous Huxley, James Laughlin, Robert Lax, Grover Cleveland Smith, John Howard Griffin, William Henry Shannon and Victoria Ocampo. The extensive manuscript collection was assembled primarily by Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr, Mark Van Doren, and Robert Shepherd. Among the more significant manuscripts are: corrected typescript of THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN; fragments of his NOVITIATE JOURNAL; notebooks and journals used in THE SIGN OF JONAS; numerous draft of poems; most of his lecture and conference notes which he used while serving as master of scholastics and, later, master of novices. There is an extensive collection of mimeographed articles, many inscribed to Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr; four watercolors by his father, Owen Merton, and many humorous and devotional drawings by Merton; many photographs of Merton, as well as photographs taken by Merton. There is an audio cassette of the radio play by Bruce Stewart entitled ME AND MY SHADOW, produced by the BBC in 1989. The printed material consists of numerous clippings and some offprints, pamphlets, and books

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League of Women Voters of the City of New York records, 1919-2019

80 Linear Feet (161 boxes; 6 volumes; 1 oversize; Mapacse 15-L-1)
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Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, scrapbooks, printed material, and photographs. The files contain much material of the League of Women Voters of New York State as well, and some material pertaining to the national organization. The files document the League's activities in the areas of voter registration, election reform, New York City government, foreign policy, ecology, and numerous other concerns, and contain the records of city, state, and national conventions, annual reports, and Board and Council minutes. Major correspondents include Emanuel Teller, Stanley M. Isaacs, Jacob K. Javits, Robert F. Kennedy, Edward I. Koch, John Vliet Lindsay, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Anna Lord Strauss, and Percy E. Sutton.

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John Howard Payne papers, 1780-1952

26 boxes (26 boxes 1 portfolio)
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Manuscripts by Payne, including plays, poems, journals, essays, account books, correspondence, letter books (to and from) including a large group of letters from Washington Irving. Also, pictorial material, scrapbooks, biographies, portraits, passports, and other documents; and materials on the Cherokee incident, 1835-1838, and Payne's arrest in Georgia. Other material include letters of various members of the Payne family and of related families. Of greatest interest is a group of fine letters and manuscripts of Eloise Richards Payne (1787-1819), a sister of the playwright. These present a sensitive and revealing portrait of the social, cultural, and political life of the time. Among the manuscripts and documents are many items of genealogical interest on the Paine, Shippen, Lynch, Luquer, and Lea families. Two boxes of the papers of Col. Thatcher Taylor Payne Luquer contain correspondence on various aspects of John Howard Payne's career, and on "An Unconscious Autobiography" the letters and diaries of William Osborn Payne (1783-1804), a brother of the playwright, edited by Col. Luquer.

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Overbrook Press Records, 1929-1978, bulk 1935-1961

6.3 linear feet (15 document boxes)
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This collection documents the operation of Overbrook Press, a private American press once located in Stamford, Connecticut, from its founding by Frank Altschul in 1934 until it ceased operation in 1969.
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Subseries I.2: Author-Title Files, 1933-1969

Overbrook Press Records, 1929-1978, bulk 1935-1961 6.3 linear feet (15 document boxes)

George Economou papers, 1954-2017

12.5 linear feet (24 boxes, 1 map case drawer)
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This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, video and tape recordings, and printed materials relating to Economou's poetry manuscripts, to publications and performances to which he contributed, and to his teaching career as a professor of medieval literature.
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Goliard Press records, 1961-1970

3 linear feet (5 manuscript boxes, 3 flat boxes)
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Correspondence and production files of The Goliard Press, relating to the publication of contemporary English and American poetry. Most of the letters are addressed to Barry Hall or Tom Raworth. Among the poets represented are Basil Bunting, Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, Anselm Hollo, Ted Hughes, Christopher Logue, Michael McClure, Charles Olson, and Louis Zukofsky.

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Henry Cohen papers, 1964-1988

8 linear feet (15 boxes)
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Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, photographs, slides, and printed materials relating to criminal justice and economic history documenting the work of Henry Cohen. The correspondence consists of two series, general correspondence and correspondence relating to "Criminal Justice History." There are manuscripts by Cohen for "Interpretive History of American Political Economy" (unpublished?) and other manuscripts including the introduction to the film script "Public Enemy." There are manuscripts by other authors submitted for publication in "Criminal Justice History" with related photographs. The subject files relate to "Business and Politics in America" with related photographs, the Spater artistic censorship case at the University of California, discussion material relating to the "National Right to Work Legislation" "Brutal Justice" with related slides, the Geese National Theater Company, the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the paper "Vicisitudes of an Absentee Landlord." The printed materials include copies of CJH articles, issues of "Historical Approaches to Studying Crime" and other offprints

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