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Albert Speer letters, 1967-1972

0.02 linear feet
Abstract Or Scope

The letters are between convicted war criminal Albert Speer and one of Speer's former prison guards Richard N. Gookins. The correspondence concerns Speer's interest in continuing his architectural career after being released from prison. The guard, who was no longer part of the US Army, sent American architectural magazines to Speer in prison under his name so that Speer would avoid unwanted attention about these inquiries.

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Albert Speer letters, 1967-1972 0.02 linear feet

Albert Ulmann papers, 1888-1964

2 boxes (2 boxes 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, books, and a photograph of Ulmann. There are twenty books from his library, most of which are his copies of his own works. Among the correspondents are Donald Grant Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, and Francis Hopkinson Smith.

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Albert Ulmann papers, 1888-1964 2 boxes (2 boxes 1 oversize folder)

Albums of correspondence from Stanford White to his family, 1872-1905

4 Volumes
Abstract Or Scope

Letters are primarily to White's mother, Alexina Black Mease White, his father, Richard Grant White, and his wife, Bessie Springs Smith White. The volume of White's letters from Mexico documents an extended trip he took with his elder brother, Richard Mansfield White, to prospect. Also included in the last volume is a letter to White from H. H. Richardson, dated February 22 1878, acknowledging White's resignation from Richardson's firm. Each original manuscript letter is followed by a typed transcription by Lawrence White, unless otherwise noted.

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Albums pertaining to Lermontov, 1808-1841

18 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of three albums containing poetry and drawings, many by the Russian poet Mikhail Iur'evich Lermontov.

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Albums pertaining to Lermontov, 1808-1841 18 items (1 box)

Albums pertaining to Lermontov : [microform], 1808-1841

2 Reels (1 positive reel 2 copies) 1 master negative reel (master negative reel)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of three albums containing poetry and drawings, many by the Russian poet Mikhail I. Lermantov. Album 1, 1808-1822, belonged to Elizaveta Arkadievna Annenkova-Vereshchagina. It contains poems by Russian and French poets. Some of the verses by Russian poets are copies; others are autographs. Many poems have penciled annotations identifying the poets who wrote them. These notes were added at a later date and their accuracy can not be trusted. In addition to verses, this album contains numerous drawings, none of which have been attributed to or identified as works of Lermontov. Other poets whose works are identified include N. Vakhrameev, Ivan Dmitriev, Dawidoff, A. Guselnikov, Zhukosky, Popov, Vasily Kapnist, Princess Nadzhda Golitsnya, and S. Martinoff.

1 result in this collection

Albums pertaining to Lermontov : [microform], 1808-1841 2 Reels (1 positive reel 2 copies) 1 master negative reel (master negative reel)

Alec Waugh papers, 1957-1964

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts. The letters are addressed to Miss Rubinstein, an accountant for Waugh's literary agent, A. D. Peters, who also did private typing for him on the side. These letters are concerned with manuscripts he was sending her for that purpose. Also included are the manuscripts for two of Waugh's essays

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Alec Waugh papers, 1957-1964 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Alejandro Muñoz Miranda presentation book, 2004

1 item (presentation booklet)
Abstract Or Scope

1 presentation book

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Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ivanova-Soboleva Memoirs, 1958

20 pages (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoir "Ekskursiia 51-ogo vypuska Gelsingforskoi Aleksandrovskoi Gimnazii v Estoniiu, 1927 god" that concerns Russian education in Finland and Estonia in the interwar period.

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Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Ivanova-Soboleva Memoirs, 1958 20 pages (1 box)

Aleksandra A. Smugge Memoirs, 1959

250 pages (250 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Smugge, nʹee Gori︠a︡chkina, which cover the 1880-1955 period, begin with a vivid description of her early life in Irkut︠s︡k. She then chronicles the years she lived and studied in Geneva and Paris before returning to Siberia and thence moving to Harbin, Port Arthur and, in 1902, to Vladivostok. The next section of the manuscript deals with her marriage to Evgeniĭ M. Smugge, a railroad engineer, and their life and work in Turkestan (1907-1910) and Odessa (1910-1911 and 1916-1920). The memoirs then turn to the Civil War period and the Smugges' evacuation via Constantinople to Yugoslavia where they lived until 1925. Following a description of the 1926-1944 period, when the Smugges lived in Riga, the memoirs end with the evacuation to Germany and their life there. A few revised sections are appended to the very end of the manuscript. The memoirs are in 5 notebooks and total ca. 250 pages.

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Aleksandra A. Smugge Memoirs, 1959 250 pages (250 pages)

Aleksandr Abramovich Poliakov Correspondence, 1931-1969

459 items (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

There are letters from Mark Aldanov, Konstantin Balḿont, Aleksandr Benois, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Alekseĭ Remizov, Marina T︠S︡vetaeva, and many others. Also included are two poems by Aminad Shpoli︠a︡nskiĭ (Dom-Aminado; one of the poems is incomplete), and poems by Konstantin Balḿont and Georgiĭ Adamovich; the latter two both concern "Poslednie Novosti.".

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Aleksandra Gol'shtein Papers, 1876-1937

4500 items (12 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the collection consists of letters to Golśteĭn; there are some as well to her second husband, Vladimir A. Gol'shtein. The materials reflect Gol'shtein ties to Russian liberalism and populism and also to both French and Russian art and literature. There are groups of cataloged letters from Renʹe Arcos (15), Mykhailo Drahomaniv (52), Andrʹe Fontainas (31), Renʹe Ghil (32), Viacheslav Ivanov (17), Petr Lavrov (49), Vladimir Vernadskii (20), and Maksimilian Voloshin (29). There are also items by Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Henri Martin Barzun, Henri Bergson, Ivan Bunin, Sergei Diagilev, Paul Fort, Vladislav Khodasevich, Aristide Maillol, and Odilon Redon. Manuscripts are chiefly by Golśhteĭn, and include her memoirs on Drahomaniv. There are also poems by Voloshin and by Konstantin Bal'mont. Subject files deal with such topics as the Russian famine of 1891-92 and the Russian Liberation Committee at the time of the Civil War. There is a copy of Gol'shtein's book, "Serf Life in Russia."

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Aleksandra Iakovlevna Efimenko Letter, 1903

20 pages (20 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Autobiographical letter written from Kharḱov in 1903 addressed to an unidentified woman requesting biographical information. The letter discusses her childhood, father, and limited formal education; her years teaching school and studying on her own; her husband, and the beginnings of her historical-ethnographical research; and her later life and studies. Appended to the text of the letter is a list of her publications which is apparently in another hand.

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Aleksandra Iakovlevna Efimenko Letter, 1903 20 pages (20 pages)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich and Mariia Nikolaevna Bashmakov Papers, 1830; 1910-1958

5000 items (5000 items)
Abstract Or Scope

These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the collection concerns Bashmakov's ethnographical work in France in the 1920s and 1930s, including correspondence, many manuscripts, lectures, notes, and copies of his publications. Subject files concern emigre monarchism in France, and the death of Father Georgiĭ Spasskiĭ. There are copies of the Russian version of Bashmakova's memoirs, "Perezhitoe." Cataloged correspondence in the collection consists of letters from Petr Krasnov and one or two items each from Henry Field, Evgeniĭ Miller, Petr Wrangel, and Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev. There are also photographic slides representing ethnographical types from the Caucasus.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich and Mariia Nikolaevna Bashmakov Papers, 1830; 1910-1958 5000 items (5000 items)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev Poem, 1828

1 item (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Autograph signed manuscript of A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinskii) poem "V den' imenin", Ikautiia, May 18, 182[?].

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev Poem, 1828 1 item (1 folder)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963

44 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963 44 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Obruchev Papers, 1914-1971

150 items (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The papers contain manuscripts by Obruchev about his family, and photographs of Russian generals Rennenkampf and Samsonov. Printed materials consist of issues of the periodical "Voennyĭ Sbornik."

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Obruchev Papers, 1914-1971 150 items (3 boxes)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Popov Papers, 1920-1939

0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers consist of correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed materials. The materials relate to Popov's business, especially in the 1930s.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Popov Papers, 1920-1939 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957

200 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts and printed material of Stakhovich. The manuscripts include Stakhovich's memoirs as well as miscellaneous notes and copies of military circulars; the printed material is comprised of clippings, broadsides and booklets. The bulk of the documentation pertains to White Army activities in Siberia and the Far East.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Stakhovich Manuscripts, 1918-1957 200 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vetlits Papers, 1920-1971

53 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials and photographs of Vetlit︠s︡. The correspondence includes letter drafts by Vetlit︠s︡, and letters from R. Shubovich. The collection consists primarily of Vetlit︠s︡'s manuscripts pertaining to horse breeding and horse-racing in Russia, Yugoslavia, the First and Second World Wars, and the 1917 revolution in Russia. Some of the manuscripts describe Vetlit︠s︡'s childhood and family, and his memoirs are included in the form of a letter. The printed materials consist of clippings of articles by Vetlit︠s︡.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vetlits Papers, 1920-1971 53 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Alekseevich Pleshcheev Papers, 1908-1944

100 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence from such ballet and theater personalities as Sergeĭ Khudi︠a︡kov, Sergeĭ Lifar,́ Nadezhda Nikolaeva-Legat, Alekander Sanin and Vera Trefilova. There is also one letter each from Zinaida Gippi︠u︡s, Nadezhda Teffi, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev and Vladimir Zeeler. In addition, there are several typed manuscripts by Pleshcheev, including his book-length biography of E.N. Roschina-Insarova, and clippings of newspaper articles by Pleshcheev.

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Aleksandr Alekseevich Pleshcheev Papers, 1908-1944 100 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Alekseevich Vannovskii Manuscripts, 1941-1954

4 items (4 items)
Abstract Or Scope

One manuscript entitled "Burnye gody" deals with the events of 1905 (especially in Kiev), and the attitudes of various leaders after the failure of the 1905 revolution. The other manuscripts are about Japanese mythology and English literature.

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Aleksandr Alekseevich Vannovskii Manuscripts, 1941-1954 4 items (4 items)

Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979

500 items (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and printed materials of Volzhanin. The correspondence includes two letters from Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡. The manuscripts are all by Volzhanin himself, and include memoirs describing his World War I military service, his service in the White Army in Siberia, his arrest and imprisonment until about 1937, his service with the Germans during World War II, and his eventual emigration to the United States. Other manuscripts deal with noted figures in Russian history, the emigre press, and literature. There are a few photographs of Volzhanin and a number of clippings.

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Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979 500 items (5 boxes)

Aleksandra Mikhailovna Petrunkevich Papers, 1930-1960

250 items (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Collection includes correspondence and manuscripts. There is one letter each from Anton Kartashev and Bernard Pares. The manuscripts consist of articles, lectures, and notes by Petrunkevich on a variety of topics, and a brief memoir on the period of the Revolution and the Civil War.

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Aleksandra Mikhailovna Petrunkevich Papers, 1930-1960 250 items (3 boxes)

Aleksandr Andreevich Titov Papers, 1921-1958

2500 items (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, several photographs, documents, financial records, subject files and printed material. The correspondence is chiefly from the period 1925-1958 and includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Anton Denikin, Ivan Shmelev and one or two items each from Ivan Bunin, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Alekseĭ Remizov etc. The documents and financial records are primarily personal and the subject files include materials on a number of commemorative celebrations and on various exile organizations in France.

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Aleksandr Andreevich Titov Papers, 1921-1958 2500 items (6 boxes)

Aleksandra Nikolaevna Belli Memoirs, 1957-1960

6 items (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoirs (125 p.). They largely concern the world of rural landlords in Chernigov province in the late 19th and early 20th century. There is also reminiscences about von Meck's family and people Belli saw in their home, including artist B. M. Kustodiev; actors L. V. Sobinov, A. V. Nezhdanova, I. A. Alchevskii; Ippolit Il'ich Tchaikovsky, brother of the composer, first leader of the boy scouts in Russia, and many others.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandra Nikolaevna Belli Memoirs, 1957-1960 6 items (1 folder)

Aleksandra Vil'gel'movna Linden Memoirs, 1961

56 pages (56 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Linden's typescript memoirs "Vospominaniia o davno proshedshem" discuss life in the Crimea during the Civil War and the early years of Soviet rule, up to 1924.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandra Vil'gel'movna Linden Memoirs, 1961 56 pages (56 pages)

Aleksandr Bakhrakh papers, 1922-1983

2500 items (8 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters received by A. V. Bakhrakh which discuss 20th century Russian literature, contemporary Slavic studies, and Russian emigre publishing activities. Correspondents include Andrei Belyi (Boris Bugaev), Ivan Bunin, Kornei Chukovskii, Andre Gide and Boris Pilniak. There are over 300 letters by Gleb Struve wtitten from 1964 to 1983, which cover the above topics as well as Struve's personal and professional life. There are both letters and manuscripts by Vladislav Khodasevich, Aleksei Remizov and Marina Tsvetaeva.

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Aleksandr Chesnokov Papers, 1926, undated

3 items (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Typed list of Aleksandr Chesnokov works; two photographs of a Russian student choir named after Arkhangel'skii.

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Aleksandr Chesnokov Papers, 1926, undated 3 items (1 folder)

Aleksandr Dmitrievich Belozerov Memoirs, 1964

1 item (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoirs that discuss such topics as the Civil War in the Smolensk region and Siberia; the NEP period in Moscow; the terror of the 1930s; and World War II. Belozerov began the war as a technician in the Soviet army; was captured by the Germans in 1941. He later served in Russian auxiliary units on the German side, and in 1943-1944 was sent to France where he joined the French Catholic partisans.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Dmitrievich Belozerov Memoirs, 1964 1 item (1 folder)

Aleksandr Efimovich Kotomkin Papers, 1917-1974

1500 items (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the collection consists of scraps of songs and poems by Kotomkin. Printed materials include copies of Kotomkin's books"I︠A︡n Gus" and "Aus dem alten heligen Russland.".

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Aleksandr Efimovich Kotomkin Papers, 1917-1974 1500 items (2 boxes)

Aleksandr Emil'evich Nol'de Biography of M. M. Speranskii, 1915-1920

239 pages (239 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript of untitled and unpublished biography of Russian statesman Mikhail M. Speranskiĭ. The biography was apparently begun before 1917 and finished in 1920. The manuscript has numerous handwritten corrections and additions.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Emil'evich Nol'de Biography of M. M. Speranskii, 1915-1920 239 pages (239 pages)

Aleksandr Feliksovich Meyendorff Papers on P. A. Stolypin, 1910-1950

100 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Meyendorff's papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and printed materials. The papers concern Russian statesman Petr Stolypin. The manuscripts (which are in English) are grouped under the title "A Brief Appreciation of P. Stolypin's Tenure of Office," and touch upon many different aspects of his career. Notes and correspondence are also on this topic. Among the correspondents is Vladimir Kokovt︠s︡ov.

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Aleksandr Feliksovich Meyendorff Papers on P. A. Stolypin, 1910-1950 100 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Grigor'evich Fomin Letters about G.V. Iudin, 1898-1937

8 items (8 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Three letters by Fomin concerning merchant and bibliophile Gennadiĭ V. I︠U︡din. The three letters, written by Fomin in Leningrad in Sept.-Oct. 1932, were apparently addresed to Ekaterina Nikanorovna Rozen. Included with the letters are photocopies of items on I︠U︡din: two letters by him to Semen Vengerov (1903 and 1912), a brief autobiography, a receipt, and a pamphlet entitled"Stoimost ́domashneĭ biblioteki G.V. I︠U︡dina.. Svedenie, sostavlennoe Vl.A. T︠S︡aplinym.".

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Grigor'evich Fomin Letters about G.V. Iudin, 1898-1937 8 items (8 items)

Aleksandr Gubarev Manuscripts, 1923-1976

29 items (29 items)
Abstract Or Scope

There are three typescript memoirs relating experiences from Gubarev's youth and from the Civil War. There are also typescript copies of three fictional sketches and of 21 poems on various themes, one of which was published in "Novoe Russkoe Slovo" in 1974.

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Aleksandr Gubarev Manuscripts, 1923-1976 29 items (29 items)

Aleksandr Guchkov Manuscript, 1933

4 items (4 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The manuscripts are essays by Guchkov, including one on a visit to the Soviet Union in 1933 by the American journalist Harry Lang.

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Aleksandr Guchkov Manuscript, 1933 4 items (4 items)

Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970

17 items (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers that largely consist of Bol' to's memoirs, entitled "Puti i pereput'ia" (ca. 500 p.), which discuss his childhood on an estate near Vilnius, education, World War I, the Revolution and Civil War, and the emigration in Europe and Africa up to 1937. Also included are photocopies of a number of his personal documents, and a typescript of various reminiscences entitled "Takaia byla starina.".

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970 17 items (1 box)

Aleksandr Il'ich Terskii Manuscript, 1971

18 pages (18 pages)
Abstract Or Scope

The 18 page typescript by Terskii, "Bat'ko Makhno, provides a brief history of Nestor Makhno's forces in the Civil War. It is chiefly based on secondary sources, but occasional autobiographical notes are interspersed through the manuscript. Terskiĭ fought in Wrangel's White Army in the Crimea in 1920, and, in the late 1920's, was a transport engineer in the southeastern Ukraine, the area in which Makhno's forces were strongest. Appended to the manuscript is a copy of an appeal from General Shatilov to Makhno dated 18 June 1920.

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Aleksandr Il'ich Terskii Manuscript, 1971 18 pages (18 pages)

Aleksandr Ivanovich Chekan Papers, 1926-1938

2500 items (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection comprises the archives of OROVUZ, and contains much correspondence, some manuscripts (chiefly constitutions of emigre organizations affiliated with OROVUZ; minutes of meetings of the governing bodies of OROVUZ itself); and some documents (membership lists and applications for membership). Included is correspondence exchanged by the officers of OROVUZ with the heads of the local branches of OROVUZ and of kindred organizations; with the League of Nations' refugee office; with potential employers of educated Russian refugees; and with unemployed and indigent members seeking assistance. Almost all the materials date from 1926-1932.

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Aleksandr Ivanovich Chekan Papers, 1926-1938 2500 items (6 boxes)

Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966

2 items (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains a manuscript (10 p.) entitled"Velikai︠a︡ kni︠a︡gini︠a︡ Anastasii︠a︡" and a memoir (54 p.) that deals with Makhonin's education at the Naval Engineering Academy in Kronstadt, Makhonin's service in the navy during World War I, his mission to England to inspect the production of war materials for Russia, his service in the Volunteer Army in the south of Russia during the Civil War, his work with the American Red Cross in Crimea, and information on General Krasnov's Cossack Army, which collaborated with the Germans during World War II.

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Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966 2 items (2 items)

Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959

600 items (3 boxes; 1 oversized folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Svitich's papers, which consist of manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials, chiefly concern the Orthodox church in interwar Poland. The papers also include Svitich's diaries, written in Poland between 1939 and 1940. Also included is an essay, in an unidentified hand, which Svitich attributes to V.V. Rozanov. There are photographs of Mikhail Artsybashev and Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Subject files concern: the Orthodox church in the Vilnius region in the late 19th century; meetings of various Russian organizations in 1917; many aspects of Orthodoxy in Poland in the 1920's and 1930's, including government persecution and in World War II. Among printed materials are issues of "Russkiĭ Golos"(Lwʹow) confiscated by the Polish government in 1939, and issues of Russian newspapers from World War II, including "Vestnik Russkago Komiteta v General-Gubernatorstve" (Warsaw).

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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959 600 items (3 boxes; 1 oversized folder)

Aleksandr Kazem-Bek Papers, 1898-2014

39.98 linear feet (19 document boxes, 16 flat boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Aleksandr Kazem-Bek Papers consist of correspondence, family and personal documents, writings, lectures, notes, manuscripts, photographs, printed materials, and research materials related to the life and professional and political activities of Aleksandr Kazem-Bek – Russian émigré social and political activist, founder and leader of the "Union of Young Russia" ("Mladorossy"), professor of Russian language and literature, and journalist. The collection contains significant documents of the "Mladorossy" movement.
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Aleksandr Konstantinovich Shervashidze Papers, 1918-1933

2.5 linear feet (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, art works, printed materials, and a photograph, and relate chiefly to Russian artists and ballet personalities active in France in the 1920s and 1930s. Records of the Parisian World of Art (Mir Iskusstva) group, of which Shervashidze was the president, includes correspondence, documents, an exhibit program, clippings and a photograph of the artists involved. There is correspondence from Lev Bakst, Ivan Bilibin, Sergei Diagilev, Mikhail Larionov, Georgii Lukomskii, and Joan Mirʹo, and one letter each from Nikolai Roerich, and Nataliia Goncharova. There are also many letters from Shervashidze's family in the Soviet Union from the 1920s and 1930s. Illustrative materials by Shervashidze include programs, prints and water colors.

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Aleksandr Leonidovich Nosovich Papers, 1910-1968

18 items (18 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of memoirs, notes and photographs. The memoirs mostly concern Nosovich's service in the Imperial Army during World War I and military education in Russia. Notes contain explanations to his memoirs. Photographs mostly are of Nosovich: included among them is a photograph of Grand Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich in a group picture.

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Aleksandr Leonidovich Nosovich Papers, 1910-1968 18 items (18 items)

Aleksandr L'vovich Bert'e-Delagard Papers, 1902-1918

23 items (5 folders)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection includes a short typed biography of Bert'e-Delagard (titled "Autobiographical note") with holograph edits; photographs of Bert'e-Delagard, his sister Sofiia L'vovna and Aleksandra Karlovna Barantsova; lists and photographs of ancient jewelry items found in the Greek cities on the shores of the Black and Azov seas from Bert'e-Delagard collection; architectural plans of Bert'e-Delagard house; 1918 issue of Izvestiia︡ Tavricheskoĭ Uchenoĭ Arkhivnoĭ Kommissiĭ dedicated to Bert'e-Delagard; publication of Bert'e-Delagard article "Proshloe Koreiza."

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Aleksandr L'vovich Bert'e-Delagard Papers, 1902-1918 23 items (5 folders)

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967

10 linear feet (20 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, notes, subject files, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the material in the collection concerns Nikolaev's tenure as military attachʹe at the Russian embassy in Washington. Cataloged correspondents include Mikhail T. Florinsky and Geroid T. Robinson. There is a typescript by Vasiliĭ O. Kli︠u︡chevskiĭ, "Kratkoe posobie po russkoĭ istorii." Among the correspondence are cablegrams and official communications to the Russian embassy during World War I and the revolutionary period. Manuscripts, mostly by Nikolaev, concern contemporary and historical military topics. Diaries and memoirs deal with Nikolaev's travels to Europe during World War I and his activities as military attachʹe. Among orders granted to Nikolaev is the "Order of the Sacred Treasure," signed and sealed by the Japanese Emperor Meiji (1911). Printed materials include many articles by Nikolaev.

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Aleksandr Mitrofanovich Volzhenskii Papers, 1920-1930

17 items (17 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and manuscripts of Volzhenskii. The correspondence dates from the 1920's and primarily concerns Red Cross affairs in Harbin and Japan. There is an untitled manuscript by an anonymous author concerning collectivization in the Saratov area, and there are reports discussing Red Cross activities during the Civil War in the Far East and the Crimea. Also included is a photograph and an engraving.

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Aleksandr Mitrofanovich Volzhenskii Papers, 1920-1930 17 items (17 items)

Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1957

1 item (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs by A. M. Brofel'dt, entitled "Moi vospominaniia o sluzhbe v stavke verkhovnogo glavnokomanduiushchego: s avgusta 1916 goda po mart 1917 goda" (24 p.).

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1957 1 item (1 folder)

Aleksandr M. Volkonskii Manuscript, 1930-1935

4 items (4 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript and printed materials of Volkonskiĭ. The 22-page handwritten manuscript (unfinished) concerns the history of the Russian Orthodox Chruch. The printed materials consist of three volumes of Volkonskiĭ's book"Katolichestvo i svi︠a︡shchennoe predanie Vostoka" (Paris, 1933-1934). All three volumes are extensively annotated in Volkonskiĭ's hand.

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Aleksandr M. Volkonskii Manuscript, 1930-1935 4 items (4 items)

Aleksandr Naumovich Zak Papers, 1917-1952

1 Linear Feet (ca.1500 items, 7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, a document, subject files and printed materials of Sack. The collection chiefly concerns American claims against Soviet Russia, and the currency of Estonia and other successor states. The collection contains a 1928 document signed by George F. Kennan. The manuscripts include essays and memoranda concerning currency exchange, tax laws and a number of American court cases involving financial affairs immediately after the 1917 revolution. There are subject files relating to diplomatic claims concerning debts, and the Soviet-Estonian peace conference of 1920. Among the printed materials are clippings and various American statutes and laws.

1 result in this collection

Aleksandr Naumovich Zak Papers, 1917-1952 1 Linear Feet (ca.1500 items, 7 boxes)