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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet (24 boxes and 1 folder)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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Annie Stein papers, 1954-1993, bulk 1954-1981

23 linear feet (31 document boxes; 8 record storage cartons)
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These papers contain reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and statistical analyses related to Annie Stein's career as an activist for integration in the New York City public schools.
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Erica Jong papers, 1955-2018, bulk 1965-2004

94 linear feet (102 boxes: 84 record storage cartons 16 document boxes 2 oversize boxes)
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Erica Jong (b. 1942) is an American writer and teacher whose works are often associated with sexuality and feminism. The Erica Jong Papers consist of drafts of Jong's works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. The collection also includes project and research files, correspondence, personal memorabilia, photographs, audio-visual materials and printed matter.
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Meyer Schapiro papers, 1919-2006

400 linear feet (339 document boxes; 53 record storage cartons; 23 small flat boxes (15 inch depth); 16 medium flat boxes (21 inch depth); 3 card file boxes)
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This collection encompasses the professional, personal, and artistic life of art historian Meyer Schapiro.
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Bella Abzug papers, 1937-1996, bulk 1970-1986

605 linear feet (185 volumes, 1117 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 2 tube boxes)
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Congressional papers consisting of correspondence memoranda, speeches, reports, photographs and printed materials relating to her terms in Congress. The collection contains general correspondence and administrative files, as well as extensive subject files on a wide variety of topics with which Abzug was involved while in Congress. Also included are Legislative files, being the chronological files of background material for legislation considered on the House floor, and printed versions of legislation by Abzug and others. The Casework Files, relating to Abzug's advocacy on behalf of constituents involved in civil rights, housing, military, employment and related cases, are closed. Among the major correspondents are Carl Albert, Abraham D. Beame, Hugh L. Carey, Gerald R. Ford, Edward I. Koch, John V. Lindsay, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and Gloria Steinem. Materials added in 1981 include: draft transcripts of an oral history, appointment books, speeches and subject files (particularly on privacy and freedom of information) all interfiled in the collection and campaign materials press releases and newspaper clippings.

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Robert P. York Collection of P. G. T. Beauregard Papers, 1860-1865

1 linear feet (2 manuscript boxes)
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A group of documents belonging to Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard, which were captured by Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. York of the 75th New York Volunteers in the spring of 1865. The collection also contains letters and documents by and about York.
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Albert Goldman papers, 1953-1994

225 linear feet (153 boxes; 77 cassette boxes; 2 mapcase drawers)
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The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, journals, interviews, manuscripts, transcripts, and printed material.

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John Eugene Unterecker papers, 1961-1987

53 linear feet (125 manuscript cartons, 3 file card boxes)
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The collection documents the scholarship and writing of John Eugene Unterecker, a poet, biographer of the poet Hart Crane, and professor of English. The majority of the collection is composed of correspondence and manuscripts. Materials date from 1961 to 1987.

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John Mitchell Mason papers, 1798-1814

0.42 linear feet (1 document box)
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This small collection consists of letters and reports, chiefly drafts, relating to the Reverend John Mitchell Mason's involvement with Columbia College as a Trustee, 1795-1821 and Provost 1811-1816.
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Alan H. Kempner papers, 1809-1981

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
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A collection of letters and manuscripts of English and American authors, including one item from each of the following: Pearl S. Buck, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Frognall Dibden, Charles Dickens, William Ewart Gladstone, Edmund Gosse, Hester Thackeray Ritchie Fuller, Rockwell Kent, Charles Kingsley, Edward George Bulwer Lytton, John Masefield, Clinton Scollard, William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman. In addition, there are 8 letters from Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Twiss (Annie Sterky Greenwood Twiss), photographs of Alan and Margaret Kempner and miscellaneous Kempner items.

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Industrial Workers of the World collection, 1916-1922

0.5 linear feet (1 box and 1 oversize poster)
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A small collection of poems, broadsides, fliers, publications, manuscripts, and letters.

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C.L.R. James Institute records, 1932-2003, bulk 1983-1999

20 linear feet (45 boxes)
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The C.L.R. James Institute was founded by Jim Murray to document the writing and influence of James and his circle
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Goodie Publications records, 1999-2009

17.5 Linear Feet (14 boxes)
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38 issues published from 1999-2009; designed, printed, collated, folded and staple-bound at the Goodie office in Brooklyn, NY; most issues were printed for subscribers, with extras being printed for special events of a given subject, and later by online orders; average between 200-500 copies per issue; readers were notified of new issues by postcard in the mail at first and later by email

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RBML Publications, 1928-2016

2 linear feet (2 record cartons)
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This collection consists of the publications of the special collection libraries at Columbia University.
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Telechronometer Company of Rochester New York records, 1909-1913

0.5 linear feet (1 fliptop box)
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A small collection of archival material comprising correspondence, blueprints, documents, printed paper, ephemera.

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Two large illustrated advertising broadsides(measuring approximately 11 x 17 inches) circa, 1910

Telechronometer Company of Rochester New York records, 1909-1913 0.5 linear feet (1 fliptop box)

Andrew Alpern Collection of Edward Gorey Materials, 1954-2019

21.5 linear feet (15 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton, 4 flat boxes, 5 artifact boxes, 1 poster tube, and 2 map case folders)
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A collection of original artwork, published books, printed ephemera, and branded merchandise by the writer and artist Edward Gorey (1925-2000), assembled by Andrew Alpern.
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Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1883-1947, bulk 1885-1912

26 Linear Feet (62 document boxes (boxes 1-60, 63-64), 1 small box (box 65))
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Correspondence and business documents of Joseph Pulitzer, the Pulitzer family, and the operation of the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. Also, drafts of Thomas E. Eichhorst's dissertation, Representative and Reporter: Joseph Pulitzer as a Missouri State Representative.

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William Goldman papers, 1949-1997

115 linear feet (264 document boxes; 4 flat boxes (flat boxes 318, 528, and 529); 1 mapcase)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, drafts, photographs, tapes, clippings, printed material, and memorabilia covering the career of William Goldman.

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Thomas Merton papers, 1923-2014

21 linear feet (43 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art work, audio cassette, printed materials by and about Thomas Merton. The correspondence covers the years from his study at Columbia to his death in Bangkok. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Daniel Berrigan, Mark Van Doren, Luis Somoza, Jacque Maritain, Aldous Huxley, James Laughlin, Robert Lax, Grover Cleveland Smith, John Howard Griffin, William Henry Shannon and Victoria Ocampo. The extensive manuscript collection was assembled primarily by Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr, Mark Van Doren, and Robert Shepherd. Among the more significant manuscripts are: corrected typescript of THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN; fragments of his NOVITIATE JOURNAL; notebooks and journals used in THE SIGN OF JONAS; numerous draft of poems; most of his lecture and conference notes which he used while serving as master of scholastics and, later, master of novices. There is an extensive collection of mimeographed articles, many inscribed to Sister Thérèse Lentfoehr; four watercolors by his father, Owen Merton, and many humorous and devotional drawings by Merton; many photographs of Merton, as well as photographs taken by Merton. There is an audio cassette of the radio play by Bruce Stewart entitled ME AND MY SHADOW, produced by the BBC in 1989. The printed material consists of numerous clippings and some offprints, pamphlets, and books

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Association of American University Presses records, 1927-1975, 2013-2018

5.5 linear feet (13 boxes)
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Included are correspondence, minutes of Board of Directors and committees, proceedings of annual business meetings, surveys, statistical reports, financial records, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence files dating from 1927, contain letters from university press directors regarding meetings arrangements, cooperative programs, and other matters of mutual concern. There are no correspondence files for the years 1936 to 1943.

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