Pollard's architectural drawings for churches, and residential and commercial buildings, located largely in New York and New Jersey, many undated, circa 1830s. Included are drawings for St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Petersburgh, Va., built, 1838, and destroyed in a fire, 1854; a prison, probably submitted by Pollard to the 1835 competition for the New York Hall of Justice. Also, a broadside, undated, describing the projected Washington Monument, New York City; a letter Pollard from Charles C. Taber, 1850, describing his plans for four houses on three adjacent lots on 25th Street, with sketched plans on verso; and two trade cards of C. Pollard's Ohio Fire Proof Mineral Paint attached.
Pollard's architectural drawings for churches, and residential and commercial buildings, located largely in New York and New Jersey, many undated, circa 1830s. Included are drawings for St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Petersburgh, Va., built, 1838, and destroyed in a fire, 1854; a prison, probably submitted by Pollard to the 1835 competition for the New York Hall of Justice. Also, a broadside, undated, describing the projected Washington Monument, New York City; a letter Pollard from Charles C. Taber, 1850, describing his plans for four houses on three adjacent lots on 25th Street, with sketched plans on verso; and two trade cards of C. Pollard's Ohio Fire Proof Mineral Paint attached.
The General Manuscript Collection is an artificial collection of correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, class work, essays, administrative documents, minutes, and other documents collected by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Single items or very small collections are generally classified as part of the general manuscript collection rather than assigned an individual manuscript number. Additionally, small additions to existing RBML manuscript collections may be classified as part of the General Manuscript Collection.
(a.l.s., 2p., attached is a broadside of the Chrokee alphabet 51358F)
(Printed broadside; signed by Porter)
The Charles Frederick Chandler collection is composed of several parts. It contains a miscellaneous collection of approximately 167 drawings, notebooks, letters, pamphlets, clippings, etc. formed by Chandler on the subject of tenement housing and documents work on Chandler's house at 51 E. 54th Street in New York City. The Chandler collection also contains 13 photographs, collected by Chandler, related to the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Additional materials include a collection of photo processes and two E.T. Potter broadsides dated 1887-1888.
The Charles Frederick Chandler collection is composed of several parts. It contains a miscellaneous collection of approximately 167 drawings, notebooks, letters, pamphlets, clippings, etc. formed by Chandler on the subject of tenement housing and documents work on Chandler's house at 51 E. 54th Street in New York City. The Chandler collection also contains 13 photographs, collected by Chandler, related to the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. Additional materials include a collection of photo processes and two E.T. Potter broadsides dated 1887-1888.
Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.
Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.
Two copies with realted notes and broadsides
Correspondence, scripts, scores, set designs, prompt books, scrapbooks, costume designs, programs, playbills, broadsides, clippings, fliers, photographs, announcements of forthcoming productions, clippings, and related materials. Columbia University theatrical groups include The Columbia Laboratory Players, The Columbia College Dramatic Group, The Wigs and Cues, The Summer Session Classes in Play Production, The Morningside Players, and the Columbia Theatre Associates which superseded all the preceding groups. There is an extensive file on the Columbia Laboratory Players; including production files that document the various stages involved in putting together a dramatic production. In addition there are typewritten scripts representing the spectrum of plays that were produced over the Lab's active years. There are photographs of only a few specific plays. Non Lab materials relate to Rehersal Course productions, a Columbia English Department course that was closely affiliated with the Lab players
Correspondence, scripts, scores, set designs, prompt books, scrapbooks, costume designs, programs, playbills, broadsides, clippings, fliers, photographs, announcements of forthcoming productions, clippings, and related materials. Columbia University theatrical groups include The Columbia Laboratory Players, The Columbia College Dramatic Group, The Wigs and Cues, The Summer Session Classes in Play Production, The Morningside Players, and the Columbia Theatre Associates which superseded all the preceding groups. There is an extensive file on the Columbia Laboratory Players; including production files that document the various stages involved in putting together a dramatic production. In addition there are typewritten scripts representing the spectrum of plays that were produced over the Lab's active years. There are photographs of only a few specific plays. Non Lab materials relate to Rehersal Course productions, a Columbia English Department course that was closely affiliated with the Lab players
Pizmon. Manuscript in Hebrew and Spanish. The Song "Elo-him Yisadenu" written in both languages and with dedication to "His Excellency Jacob Rodrigues Pereira."
An anti-Dreyfusard broadside expressing strong sentiment against Dreyfus as well as against Germans and Protestants. An excellent example of an inflamatory work, the five bands of caricature illustration ridicule the various players involved in securing Dreyfus' reinstatement. Depictions include Emile Zola playing his famous cantata J'accuse! with music by Alfred Bruneau; Dreyfus's chariot driven by Grand Rabbi Kabbosch-d'Ane followed by English, Austrian, Italian and German "Friends of the Traitor"; the anti-Semitic publicists Henri Rochefort, Edouard Drumont and Jules Guérin follow the chariot "Moulin à la Galette." Dreyfusards including Scheurer-Kestner, the Vice-President of the Senate whose efforts won Dreyfus a retrial, George Picquart, Georges Clemenceau, Jean Jaurès and Yves Guyot are also depicted. "Dirge of the Martyr of Devil's Island" sung to the tune of "The Wandering Jew" is printed at the bottom. See: F. Helzel & E. Battat, Witnesses to History: The Jewish Poster 1770-1985 (1989), no. 7 p.30.
A small collection of archival material comprising correspondence, blueprints, documents, printed paper, ephemera.
A small collection of archival material comprising correspondence, blueprints, documents, printed paper, ephemera.
Advertising the Telechronometer, the firm now had offices in Chicago, one targeted to subscribers asking them to contact their provider to install the meter on their premises, the other highlighting the franchise requirements related to the metering system.
Current results range from 1500 to 2021