
Search Results

William T. R. and Annette Fox papers, 1932-2008

33.75 linear feet (27 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection documents the teaching, research, and writing of the international relations scholars William T. R. and Annette Fox. It contains research notes, manuscripts, correspondence, course syllabi and lecture notes, and published works by the Foxes and others scholars whose work informed their own.

442 results in this collection view all

William Underhill Moore papers, 1908-1920

14 boxes (14 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Personal and professional correspondence of Moore. Cataloged Correspondence (1 Box). Uncataloged correspondence, 1908-1920, alphabetically arranged (8 boxes). "Receipts" 1908-1920, chronologically arranged (5 boxes).

1 result in this collection

William Underhill Moore papers, 1908-1920 14 boxes (14 boxes)

William V. Harris's History Department files, 1988-1994

2 linear feet (2 record cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

The files relate to his six years as chair of the CU History Department (1988-1994), plus a couple that refer to wider professional activities of some significance outside the University.

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William Walker Rockwell Papers, 1895-1988, bulk 1915-1942

5 boxes (1.75 linear feet)
Abstract Or Scope

Includes letters, documents, pamphlets, clippings and ephemera collected by Rockwell and relating to his teaching, research, and library careers. Roll books, lecture materials, student papers related to his teaching on Congregational history and polity, and his work in the Union Theological Seminary library.

1 result in this collection

William Walker Rockwell Papers, 1895-1988, bulk 1915-1942 5 boxes (1.75 linear feet)

William Walker Rockwell Papers, 1906-1952, bulk 1946-1952

6 boxes (6 boxes 3.0 linear feet)
Abstract Or Scope

Includes letters, documents, pamphlets, and many manuscript notes by Rockwell.

1 result in this collection

William W. Bell papers, 1941 -- 1945

0.25 linear feet (0.25 linear feet; 1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains reports and newsletters created or compiled by Reverend William W. Bell, a Methodist missionary working in India and Burma, and relating to his work with British prisoner of war camps during WWII through the YMCA.
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William W. Bell papers, 1941 -- 1945 0.25 linear feet (0.25 linear feet; 1 box)

William Weston Patton papers, circa 1830 -- 1940

3.25 linear feet (3.25 linear feet; 6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
William Weston patton (1821-1889) was a UTS Alumnus (1842); Presbyterian minister; abolitionist; and the son of William Patton (a faculty member and director at Union Theological Seminary). The collection contains family photographs, books written or owned by members of the family, and newsletters, service programs, and other materials relating to the Congregational Church of Christ in Westfield, NJ.
43 results in this collection view all

William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858

1 Volumes (1 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope

Four letters to Story from Leigh Hunt, and one from Ralph Waldo Emerson; and one letter to Emelyn Story from Margaret Fuller. The Hunt letters are friendly notes touching on a variety of subjects including his health and Mrs. Hunt's, publication of selections of his work, etc. The Emmerson letter, 1851, is in connection with Browning's reminiscences of Margaret Fuller which had been sent to Story. He speaks also of Carlyle and Tennyson. Margaret Fuller's letter to Mrs. Story is a friendly one in which she writes chiefly of her love for Rome and her life there.

1 result in this collection

William Wetmore Story letters, 1848-1858 1 Volumes (1 volumes)

William Wilberforce Chapin papers, 1860 -- 1865

0.5 linear feet (0.5 linear feet; 1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
William Wilberforce Chapin was a Congregational American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionary to India. The collection contains journals, correspondence, and field notes.
7 results in this collection view all

William Wilberforce Lord papers, 1844-1899

1 box (1 box (60 items))
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts including correspondence with Mrs. Elizabeth Stedman Kinney, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Arthur Stedman, and William B. Kinney. Also, some manuscript poems of Lord, a number of which are unpublished.

1 result in this collection

William Wilberforce Lord papers, 1844-1899 1 box (1 box (60 items))

William Worthen Appleton papers, 1773-1853

0.5 linear feet (1 box (44 letters))
Abstract Or Scope

The 44 letters related to British theater in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, dating from 1773 to 1853. The collection is divided into five series: I. Letters to William Kenneth (8); II. Letters to or about Richard Brinsley Sheridan (3); III. Letters to James Winston (5); IV. Theatrical letters arranged alphabetically by sender (26); and V. Non-theatrica l letters (2). The two letters in the 5th series are a letter from a solicitor to Lady Emma Hamilton dated 1806 and a letter from Irish poet Thomas Moore dated 1832. Most of the theatrical letters deal with the engagement of players and theater personnel.

50 results in this collection view all

William Wymark Jacobs letters, 1900-1943

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from Jacobs to Cyril Clemens. The letters contain comments on the Mark Twain Society, his work and writings, and other writers, notably A.E. Housman, G.K. Chesterton, Clarence Day, and George Ade. Also, a holograph manuscript of Jacobs"The Castaway;" and three letters from Jacobs to Clarence Winchester, 1929-1933, and two manuscripts.

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William York Tindall papers, 1927-1970

8.5 linear feet (17 boxes (Box 1a cataloged correspondence, boxes 1-16))
Abstract Or Scope

The collection is centered around the writings of Tindall, including notes, correspondence, manuscripts, and typescripts of his studies of Samuel Beckett, Wallace Stevens, Dylan Thomas, James Joyce, and D.H. Lawrence.

80 results in this collection view all

William Yukon Chang papers, 1920-2010

46 Linear Feet (27 record cartons, 5 flat boxes, and 2 small gray boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
William Yukon Chang was the founder and editor of "Chinese-American Times", a Chinese American paper that published completely in English from 1955 to 1972. While running the newspaper, Chang also served in local social and civic groups to address issues facing the New York Chinatown community, including poverty, juvenile delinquency, mental illness and lack of access to adult language programs. The William Yukon Chang papers document Chang's life and career, Chinese American life, and social service and activism scene in the Lower East Side from the 1950s to the 1970s.
474 results in this collection view all

Wills and Agreements records, 1902-1994

3.75 linear feet (9 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection consists of the wills and agreements between Columbia University and donors, groups and other organizations.

2357 results in this collection view all

Wilma Solomon papers, 9999

8 linear feet (7 record storage cartons and 1 flat box)
Abstract Or Scope

"Work - Personal": Books, files "Work and Printed Work": books, magazines, reviews, files "Wilma's Desk #1": files "Work": files "Wilma's Desk #2": files "Work and Printed Work": files "Wilma's Desk #3": files "Scrapbooks and Published".

1 result in this collection

Wilma Solomon papers, 9999 8 linear feet (7 record storage cartons and 1 flat box)

Wilson Eyre architectural drawings and papers, 1877-1945

159 drawings 1 manuscript box 3 print boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Wilson Eyre, Jr. (1858-1944) was an American architect, teacher and writer who practiced in Philadelphia. He is known for his country houses and for being an innovator in the Shingle Style.
129 results in this collection view all

Wiltwyck School for Boys records, 1942-1981, bulk 1964-1982

20.58 linear feet (49 document boxes 1 oversize archival box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the administrative records of the Wiltwyck School for Boys, a residential treatment center for troubled boys and adolescents from the New York City area.
655 results in this collection view all

Winifred Armstrong collection of National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship records, 1950-1956, 1959

0.25 linear feet (1 half-manuscript box)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, minutes, notes, memos, and pamphlets documenting the National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship's pro-immigration efforts in the early 1950s.

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Winifred B. Linderman papers, 1949-1966

0.42 linear feet (1 document box)
Abstract Or Scope

This small collection of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials is a part of her professional papers and includes draft chapters and notes for her doctoral thesis (History of the Columbia University Library, 1876-1926. New York, c1959) as well as a few items about teaching.

3 results in this collection

Witmark Collection of Autographed Books and Musical Scores, 1872-1942

416 Volumes (290 bib records in Voyager)
Abstract Or Scope

In 1941, Isidore Witmark, noted musical publisher, bequeathed to the Libraries his collection of about 400 books and musical scores, each autographed by the author, a musical artist or a friend, who presented the item to Mr. Witmark. They are classified in a special call number scheme with WITMARK prefix.

1 result in this collection

Witmark Collection of Autographed Books and Musical Scores, 1872-1942 416 Volumes (290 bib records in Voyager)

W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Strachan's correspondence with his primary publisher, Peter Owen of London relates chiefly to the nuts and bolts of translation and publication. The translations that are the subject matter of the letters are of Hermann Hesse, Caesar Pavese, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, and Julien Gracq. The majority of the letters are accompanied by retained copies of the replies of Peter Owen. Included is Owen's correspondence with the American publisher George Wittenborn.

1 result in this collection

W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Wladimir S. Woytinsky manuscripts, 1906-1907

1 box (1 box 11 records storage cartons of books)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescripts in Russian and English of PETERBURGESKII SOVET BEZRABOTNYKH, 1906-1907 (THE SOVIET OF THE UNEMPLOYED IN PETERSBURG..). Both copies have handwritten corrections, probably in the hand of Woytinsky's wife, Emma S. Woytinsky. In addition there is one folder of photocopies of miscellaneous printed materials, mostly in Russian.

1 result in this collection

Wladimir S. Woytinsky manuscripts, 1906-1907 1 box (1 box 11 records storage cartons of books)

W. L. Hildburgh papers, 1892-1900

3 boxes (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection, representing Hildburgh's student days at Columbia University, contains student records, class memorabilia, notebooks of electrical engineering experiments, projects, and research for his bachelor's and master's theses.

17 results in this collection view all

Wm. Theodore de Bary papers, 1934-2017, bulk 1960-2005

81 Linear Feet (189 document boxes, 3 audio visual boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection of records document the professional and personal life of Wm. Theodore de Bary (1919-2017), the renowned scholar, educator, and university administrator who studied and served over decades at Columbia University. Types of files in this collection range from administrative files, correspondences, manuscripts, references, photographs, and audio-visual materials. The available materials showcase the different roles that de Bary had held in researching and scholarship-building, teaching, and administering.
1792 results in this collection view all

Wolf Franck collection, 1816-1971

.5 linear feet (1 half sized document box)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes both Wolf Franck's autograph collection, as well as some correspondence between Franck and his wife and notable figures.

21 results in this collection view all

Wolfgang Friedmann papers, 1950s-1980

1.5 Linear Feet (1 ms box, 1 record carton)
Abstract Or Scope

The Wolfgang Friedmann papers include correspondence, articles, reports, books and manuscripts, teaching materials, photographs, and clippings.

21 results in this collection view all

Woman's Board of Missions records, 1862 -- 1927

2.75 linear feet (2.75 linear feet; 6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Woman's Board of Missions was a Congregationalist organization from Boston associated with American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), focusing on the benefit of women and children throughout the world, disseminating missionary intelligence, and supporting single women missionaries. The collection contains correspondence from members of the New Haven Branch of the Woman's Board of Missions; detailed minutes from the New Haven Branch and the New York State Branch of the Woman's Board of Missions Executive, Public, and Annual meetings; programs from the Norwich and New London Society and the Brookfield Association of the Auxiliary Foreign Missionary Society; as well as records of the branch officers' conference papers, programs and reports from individual branch meetings, and historical sketches of some branches.
36 results in this collection view all

Woman's Press Club of New York City records, 1889-1980

22 boxes (22 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Minutes, reports, press books, scrapbooks, correspondence, lists, financial records, and printed materials of the Woman's Press Club of New York City.

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Woman Suffrage Association of New York State and Woman Suffrage Party of New York City records, 1869-1919

3 linear feet (5 boxes, 14 volumes in 6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

The records comprise the archives of the Woman Suffrage Association of New York State, 1869-1917, and the Woman Suffrage Party of New york City, 1910-1919. Included are minute volumes of the two organizations as well as other related materials such as constitutions, membership lists, pamphlets, clippings, photographs and other printed materials. There are a few letters, but the collection is chiefly documents of the organizations.

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Women and Work, 1978-12-2019-09, bulk 1978-1992

.21 Linear Feet (1 half document box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, photographs, and additional documentation related to the Women and Work research group. The group, which was active starting in 1979 and met regularly in various formations through the 1990s, completed research and writing projects related to women's work experience, culminating in the publication of the book Hidden Aspects of Women's Work in 1987.
1 result in this collection

Women and Work, 1978-12-2019-09, bulk 1978-1992 .21 Linear Feet (1 half document box)

Women in Scholarly Publishing records, 1979-1997

5 linear feet (10 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, minutes, reports, documents, financial records, surveys, publicity files, and printed materials. The correspondence consists of general files, information, and correspondence about surveys on career patterns of women in publishing. The documents include incorporation papers and related information, membership lists, data on local chapters, reports of the board, minutes of annual meetings, and the elections of officers. The printed materials are chiefly issues of the NEWSLETTER

102 results in this collection view all

Women's Collective, 1996-1997

2 file (2 file folders)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence and fliers from the Women's Collective, a student group.
1 result in this collection

Women's Collective, 1996-1997 2 file (2 file folders)

Women's Environment and Development Organization records, 1980-2006, bulk 1994-1998

17.75 linear feet (39 document boxes; 1 record carton; 1 oversized folder)
Abstract Or Scope
The records of the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) document its political advocacy for women's equality in formulating global policy, and highlights founders New York State Representative, Bella Abzug (1920-1988) and feminist activist, Miriam "Mim" Kelber (1922-2004).
376 results in this collection view all

Women's Graduate Club of Columbia University records, 1898-1956

1.5 linear feet (1 record carton and 2 card file boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, meeting minutes, succeeding versions of the constitution, a history of the club, membership lists and cards, and various membership, financial, and annual reports relating to the Women's Graduate Club of Columbia University.
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Women's Graduate Club Portrait collection, 1920s-1930s

0.5 linear feet (60 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of 60 photographs and drawings of notable individuals of The Women's Graduate Club which grew out of the 1895 Barnard Graduate Club
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Women's National Book Association records, 1917-2020

72 linear feet (150 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The Women's National Book Association Papers document the history and work of the Women's National Book Association from their founding in 1917 until today. The organization is active in promoting women in the book industry through awards and programs to increase women's participation in the profession and the role of women in publishing and other book-related fields.
2253 results in this collection view all

Women's Studies Department, 1985-1991

0.4 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Women's Studies department.
1 result in this collection

Women's Studies Department, 1985-1991 0.4 Linear Feet

Woodlawn Cemetery records, 1863-1999

300 linear feet (approximately)
Abstract Or Scope
The Woodlawn Cemetery archive documents the history of the grounds, mausolea, monuments, and operations of Woodlawn Cemetery, founded in 1863 in The Bronx, New York, and one of the largest in the United States. The collection includes architectural designs records, maps, photographs, correspondence, construction and maintenance records, and other historical documents, spanning 140 years of the cemetery's operations.
5622 results in this collection view all

Woodrow Wilson papers, 1908-1936

2 boxes (2 manuscript boxes, 4 volumes, 2 oversized folders)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of about 250 uncatalogued items consisting of correspondence with various Governors of the State of New Jersey, 1908-1936. Governors represented in the collection are Woodrow Wilson, John Franklin Fort, and Morgan F. Larson. The subject of the correspondence is extremely varied and is typical of the material crossing the desk of the average governor. Typical items are a letter from a local Woman's Christian Temperance Union chapter complaining about conditions at a local militia camp; a diplomat outraged at the treatment afforded a countryman at a local amusement park; a memorial erected to a Mexican aviator killed in the state; official transmittal of the Supreme Court decision in the Delaware River Basin Case involving New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; campaign contributions; and intra-party correspondence during the Wilson Gubernatorial administration. There is also a collection of three scrapbooks consisting of correspondence from contributors to the Wilson campaign chest, arranged by state and town of the correspondent. The collection offers insight into the grass roots appeal that Woodrow Wilson had for the poor and lower middle class American of the early 20th century. Also, a binder of newspaper clippings concerning Woodrow Wilson and his career, 1910-1912, that was compiled and presented to Wilson by Joseph Hayter of New Brunswick, N.J. on June 3, 1912.

13 results in this collection view all

Works by Women: A Film and Video Festival, 1977-1992

0.42 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists ofmaterials from the Works by Women Film Festival that took place annually from 1977 to 1990. This collection includes programs from each festival year, as well as press releases, clipping, and correspondence with artists and administrators.
1 result in this collection

Works by Women: A Film and Video Festival, 1977-1992 0.42 Linear Feet

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999

1.25 linear feet (1 record carton)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, photographs and printed material.

1 result in this collection

World Community of Social Workers records, 9999 1.25 linear feet (1 record carton)

World Council of Churches Records, 1893-1997

117 boxes (117 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records and documents relating to commissions, committees, conferences, and General Assemblies of the World Council of Churches including pre-Amsterdam, 1948 World Council of Churches in process. Includes various committees and commissions, including Life and Work, Faith and Order, Evangelism, World Council of Churches and International Missionary Council merger, Churches and International Affairs, Laity, Women in the Church, World Christian Youth, Church and Society, Churches Participation in Development, Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, and History of the Ecumenical Movement.

1 result in this collection

World Council of Churches Records, 1893-1997 117 boxes (117 boxes)

World Missionary Conference Records, 1883-2010, bulk 1908-1918

20.50 linear feet (20.50 linear feet 43 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Records from a worldwide ecumenical conference of Protestant missionaries taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-23 June, 1910, including those from the Continuation Committees established to continue work beyond the 1910 meeting: Questionnaires, missionary responses from the field, originals, transcripts; administrative correspondence, area reports and reports to Commissions, minutes; published findings and administrative records of the Area Conferences of the Continuation Committees. Also includes anniversary records.

1 result in this collection

World Missionary Conference Records, 1883-2010, bulk 1908-1918 20.50 linear feet (20.50 linear feet 43 boxes)

World Telegram and Sun Essay Contest papers, 1965

2.5 Linear Feet (6 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of 1,200 essays on "New York's Future as I View It" written by high school students from the New York metropolitan area.

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World Trade Center collection, 9999

32 linear feet (34 record storage cartons)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers from individual students, staff, or faculty members are welcome. Secondly, the Libraries will also accept collections of materials in any language or format from any part of the world that document the crisis and the continuing its continuing effects. Photographs, e-mails, letters, pamphlets, flyers, audio-tapes and other items are all welcome. These will eventually form a World Trade Center Archive, available for research or study.

1 result in this collection

World Trade Center collection, 9999 32 linear feet (34 record storage cartons)

World War II literature and music records, 1935-1947

2 linear feet (5 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of literature and music produced for the use of U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. Included are paperbound reprints of popular fiction, popular classics, poetry, and other books of general interest, specially manufactured for distribution to American soldiers and sailors overseas and to soldiers in the army hospitals in the United States. The music includes song books, army field manuals for bands, camp show books and a set of ARMY HIT KIT OF POPULAR SONGS, June 1943-April 1944. Also includes a selection of sheet music of popular songs with a war or patriotic theme. 1985 addition: a few samples of war poetry, humor, battle accounts and memorabilia

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World War II Magazine Covers, 1942-1944

0.5 linear feet (1 box (185 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of magazine covers from World War Two, relating primarily to women (series I) and the American Flag (series II).

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Series II: American Flags, 1942-1944 113 items

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944

0.5 linear feet (1 box (113 items))
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of magazine covers displaying the American Flag and often the motto "United We Stand.". Most of the covers are dated 1942; some are undated, and at least one is dated 1944. Included in the collection are two items from the Victory Display Committee for June, 1942.

1 result in this collection

World War II magazine covers: American Flag, 1942 & 1944 0.5 linear feet (1 box (113 items))

World War II Materials - Barnard College War Service, 1940-1995, bulk 1940-1945

.63 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of newspaper clippings, flyers, booklets, publications, record books, meeting minutes, reports, brochures, articles, petitions, correspondence, posters, ephemera, and photographs.
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Barnard Honor Rolls
