The collection includes mostly drawings for Tudor's furniture designs and are arranged by drawing number. Notable projects include the design of the Interchemical Corporation offices, in collaboration with Robert Meyer, as well as the Vanadium Corporation of America offices. The collection also includes 9 sketchbooks. Sketchbooks #1-7 and #9 consist of drawings made by Tudor while likely an apprentice. Sketchbook #8 contains drawings made while working for White, Allom & Co. Notable clients include "Dr. A", "R.G.L." The scrapbook contains clippings and photographs presumably from his professional practice as some of the photographs are labeled "E.J. Tudor." Notable projects include the Rolling Rock Club (Pennsylvania), Dixon House (unknown location), Hampton Court (England), Whitemarsh Hall (England), Mellon Institute (Pittsburgh) and Henry C. Frick (New York). Other papers include correspondence related to the design of the Interchemical Corporation offices, collected print material, 21 photo negatives depicting various travel sites and 13 color charts arranged by manufacturer. The collection also contains lantern slides, which were used by Tudor to teach interior design at New York University. The slides show architectural views and details particularly English, French and American designs as well as interior views, details and furniture.