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Calvin Sutliff Hathaway papers, 1941-1954

7 linear feet 14 boxes
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Correspondence, military documents, manuscripts, notes, and printed material of Hathaway, relating to the measures taken to protect and salvage artistic and historic monuments, documents, and art objects during World War II and its aftermath. The collection is concerned almost entirely with German art collections, especially those of Berlin. The papers contain the files of Juliana Force. The printed material consists of books, manuals, catalogs, pamphlets, and reports, along with scrapbooks of clippings. Major correspondents include J. William Fulbright, Hellmut Lehman-Haupt, and Wayne Morse. Also included are two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on Mormonism belonging to one of Hathaway's ancestors, Jean G. Hathaway.

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Calvin Sutliff Hathaway papers, 1941-1954 7 linear feet 14 boxes

Collection of World War II propaganda materials, 1939-1945

4 boxes 3 boxes, 1 scrapbook in a CMI box
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A miscellaneous collection of World War II propaganda and memorabilia. Among the European items are samples of propaganda dropped from Allied aircraft, clippings, cartoons, and other printed ephemera in English, French, German, and Russian. For the war in the Pacific there is a complete set of Japanese language leaflets issued by the United States Army Forces, Pacific Area, Psychological Warfare Branch. These leaflets, including English translations, were used by General Douglas MacArthur's forces to induce the Japanese to surrender. In addition there is a collection of forty-eight German books removed from a German military field library and warehouse in France by American Army personnel. These works were revised during the 1930s to reflect the Nazi viewpoint. Also, a scrapbook of photographs and newspaper clippings on the laying of the cornerstone for a home for expectant mothers in Römhild (Thuringia) Germany, 1939.

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Collection of World War II propaganda materials, 1939-1945 4 boxes 3 boxes, 1 scrapbook in a CMI box

German World War II Photographs, 1942-1944

359 items 1 box
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These German World War II photographs are from the archives of the Reichsbahnzentrale für den Deutschen Reiseverkehr, Berlin. Most of the photographs have German and/or French captions. There are photographs from the Soviet Union, France, and North Africa; some also show German and other Axis generals and high officials. They appear to be press and publicity photographs.

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German World War II Photographs, 1942-1944 359 items 1 box

Germany (Territory under Allied occupation 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Broadsides, 1945-1946

1.5 linear feet 3 flat boxes; 1 document box
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A collection of broadsides and posters for every variety of public event, published by the American military authorities in occupied Germany.

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Germany (Territory under Allied occupation 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) Broadsides, 1945-1946 1.5 linear feet 3 flat boxes; 1 document box

Hedwig von Heyking Memoirs, 1959

40 pages 40 pages
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Typescript memoirs "Aus politischer Haftzeit" discuss Heyking's experiences in Soviet-occupied Germany, and her arrest and internment as a spy.

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Hedwig von Heyking Memoirs, 1959 40 pages 40 pages

Igor' Konstantinovich Solomonovskii Papers, 1959-1973

14 items 14 items
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Papers of Solomonovskiĭ, consisting primarily of his manuscript memoirs (ca. 300 p.). The memoirs mostly concern his experiences during World War II, but also touch on the Civil War and emigration. Also included are clippings and correspondence from 1964-1971 which concern various controversies relating to the ROA and World War II.

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Igor' Konstantinovich Solomonovskii Papers, 1959-1973 14 items 14 items

Konstantin Nikolaevich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1963

1500 items 3 boxes
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Papers consist of diaries, documents, and photographs. Most of the diaries are from the post-war period; a few concern the 1917 Revolution and World War II. There are many photographs from the interwar Soviet Union, when Gavrilov lived in Stalingrad. Among the documents are Gavrilov's personal documents from the Soviet period, from the Second World War, and from the post-war years, when he was a displaced person in Germany.

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Konstantin Nikolaevich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1963 1500 items 3 boxes

Norbert George Barr papers, 1942-1953

12.5 linear feet 30 boxes
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This collection contains documents, manuscripts, printed material and photographs relating to Barr's service with U.S. Army Military Intelligence and the U.S. Displaced Persons Commission, in addition to personal correspondence.
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Norbert George Barr papers, 1942-1953 12.5 linear feet 30 boxes

Otto E. Pfeiffenberger papers, 1939-1950

5 boxes 5 boxes
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The collection includes seven volumes of scrapbooks containing clippings on current affairs roughly between 1939 and 1950 with particular reference to the trials of the German War Criminals at Nuremberg and the state of Germany after World War II. Also, general items on President Franklin Roosevelt and U.S. foreign policy. There are several complete copies of newspapers folded and inserted in the scrapbooks. The second and more important part of the collection consists of typescripts of Dr. Pfeiffenberger's writings. These occupy one and one-half manuscript boxes (Boxes 4 and 5). Included are about 45 pages of poetry in German, about 120 pages of selected stories of New York Life (in German), about 30 pages on The European State-System, 1848-1890 (in German), 127 pages of manuscript entitled "The Spirit of the Code of Hammurabi" (this is a preliminary draft in English of a short book or article by Pfeiffenberger), about 305 pages of typescript on "Compensation in the Western Zone of Germany" by Pfeiffenberger, Dr. H. Klein, and Dr. Klavehn-Berndt (there are many changes and notes in script, and this item is accompanied by another typescript of approximately the same size on the same subject), and several other items.

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Otto E. Pfeiffenberger papers, 1939-1950 5 boxes 5 boxes

Society for the Prevention of World War III records, 1945-1972

5 linear feet 12 boxes
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Correspondence, reports, and publications. Much of the material in the collection consists of second-hand reports on events in Germany and on prominent Germans throughout the world. The attitudes and activities of the Society are best illustrated in its publication"Prevent World War III" a complete run of which is located at the end of the collection

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Society for the Prevention of World War III records, 1945-1972 5 linear feet 12 boxes