Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials of Tikhobrazov. The correspondence dates from 1963-1974 and includes letters from Vera Mikhailovna Borel', daughter of General Mikhail Vasil'evich Alekseev. There is one manuscript by Anna Nikolaevna Alekseeva, the General's widow, while the rest are by Tikhobrazov. These include two lengthy versions of his autobiography and a number of shorter essays. The topics Tikhobrazov treats include his own military education, the history of the Imperial family, Rasputin, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. With regard to the Civil War, Tikhobrazov describes his experiences under General Briggs. The documents include Civil War military orders, an 1859 diploma awarded to B. I. Ianushevich and Arkadii Pavlovich Levitskii's service record, dated 1915. The printed materials include clippings, illustrations and two copies of "Miroir de l'Histoire" (1964 and 1967) in which articles by Tikhobrazov appeared. There is a photograph album entitled "Russkaia armiia na Balkanakh" with many photos of White units in exile in the 1920's.