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Georgii Goshtovt Papers, circa 1830-1952

2500 items 14 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Part of the collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, military diaries, maps and printed materials that pertain to World War I. Some materials deal with the Civil War, Polish history, medieval Russia and Lithuania, and the history of Russian education. Several folders contain military orders, "prikazy", dating from the early 1900s to about 1925. There are also genealogical materials concerning Russian nobility and Goshtovt's family. The maps primarily concern World War I and the Civil War; also included are a postal map of Russia in 1860, and a map of transportation routes in 1887. The printed materials include clippings, and bulletins published by various emigre military organizations. Most of the books in the collection pertain to the German army during World War I.

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Georgii Goshtovt Papers, circa 1830-1952 2500 items 14 boxes

Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978

271 pages 271 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Bound memoirs "S polkom pradedov i dedov v velikuiu voinu 1914-1917 gg." by Zubov.

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Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978 271 pages 271 pages

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Protopopova Memoirs, 1977

170 pages 170 pages
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs cover 1912-1922, but concentrate on 1918-1920.

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Tatiana Aleksandrovna Protopopova Memoirs, 1977 170 pages 170 pages

Eugene Petit Manuscripts, 1976

2 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Photocopies of typescripts of reports and letters. These reports and letters, some of them in extract form, cover from September 1916 to April 1918, and total 623 pages. Also included is an offprint of an article by Ioanis Sinanoglou that was partly based on this material.

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Eugene Petit Manuscripts, 1976 2 items 1 box

Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976

11 items 11 items
Abstract Or Scope

Popov's typed manuscripts include his memoirs of his family through the Revolution, his work in Soviet factories from 1928 to the outbreak of World War II, and his analysis of the Vlasov movement.

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Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976 11 items 11 items

Sergei Vasil'evich Vakar Memoirs, 1971-1981

35 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts and memoirs of Vakar. The topics with which Vakar chiefly deals include: his military education and service; the role of the cavalry in the Imperial Army; emigre military groups in Europe; the Russian Defense Corps (Russkiĭ Okhrannyĭ Korpus) in Yugoslavia during World War II; and Russian emigre life in Argentina after the war. In addition to the manuscripts and memoirs, there are several posters and maps drawn by Vakar on military topics.

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Sergei Vasil'evich Vakar Memoirs, 1971-1981 35 items 1 box

Petr Vasil'evich Petrashin Memoirs, 1970-1978

48 items 48 items
Abstract Or Scope

Petrashin's memoirs are mostly brief fragments, and touch upon such topics as World War I, the Civil War, the USSR between the World Wars, anti-Semitism, and World War II. Many of the events discussed take place in the Ukraine and Belorussia.

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Petr Vasil'evich Petrashin Memoirs, 1970-1978 48 items 48 items

Pavel Il'ich Baranovskii Memoirs, 1970-1976

300 pages 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Baranovskii's memoirs describe his youth in Chernigov province; the events of the revolution of 1905 there; his education at the Vil'no Military Academy; his peacetime military service and wartime service in East Prussia; the 1917 revolution and his service in the Volunteer Army during the Civil War; and emigration in Cyprus, Egypt, and Bulgaria.

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Pavel Il'ich Baranovskii Memoirs, 1970-1976 300 pages 1 folder

Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970

1 item 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoirs of Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder concerning his military education, the 1905 Revolution, World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Civil War.

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Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970 1 item 1 folder

Andrei Gennadievich Nevzorov Manuscripts, 1968-1969

11 items 11 items
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of memoirs, manuscripts and a few related photographs. The memoirs cover Nevzorov's reminiscences of the 1905 Revolution through the 1917 Revolution.

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Andrei Gennadievich Nevzorov Manuscripts, 1968-1969 11 items 11 items