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Dmitrii Iosifovich Daragan Papers, 1762-1973

2000 items (5 boxes)
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Collection includes correspondence of family and personal letters from 1902-1973, including typed excerpts of letters written by Daragan to his wife from the Murmansk-Arkhangelśk region during 1919-20. The remainder of the correspondence deals with Daragan's business and naval and religious topics. Manuscripts consist primarily of Daragan's memoirs of his youth, family and naval experiences in northern Russia. There are family documents, the earliest of which dates from 1762, and family financial records. Other printed materials include two pre-World War I theater programs from St. Petersburg and Moscow. There are also photographs of the Daragan family, dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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Dmitrii Iosifovich Daragan Papers, 1762-1973 2000 items (5 boxes)

Izmailovskii Leib Gvardii Polk Records, 1830-1950

5000 items (15 boxes; 1 oversized folder)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, and printed materials concerning the Leĭb-Gvardiĭ Izmaĭlovskiĭ Polk (the Izmaĭlov Regiment of the Imperial Guard), and of its emigre veterans' association, the Soi︠u︡z Izmaĭlovt︠s︡ev (Union of "Izmaĭlovt︠s︡y"). There are materials concerning the War of 1812, the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, World War I, the Civil War, and the emigration. Most memoirs by veterans of the regiment cover World War I and the Civil War. There are biographical notes on members of the regiment from its formation in the 1700s into the 20th century, and also photographs and engravings. Printed materials include histories of the regiment, the oldest dating from 1830, and 14 bound volumes of the "Izmaĭlovskai︠a︡ Starina" (1930-40).

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Izmailovskii Leib Gvardii Polk Records, 1830-1950 5000 items (15 boxes; 1 oversized folder)

Sergei Dmitrievich Botkin Papers, 1830-1970

3500 items (9 boxes; 2 oversized folders)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. The bulk of the correspondence consists of copies of reports and dispatches sent by Botkin to the Council of Ambassadors (in Paris) in 1919-1935. Also included are many letters to Botkin by Baron V. Osten-Saken, and Botkin's letterbooks for 1930-1934. Manuscripts include Botkin's memoirs. Extensive subject files concern Russian prisoners of war in World War I, the Civil War in the Baltic region, and the emigration in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. Also included are miscellaneous materials relating to the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including consular correspondence, departmental circulars, passports, and texts of treaties. There is a letter signed by the painter Orest Kiprenskii, and letters and documents signed by such officials as Aleksandr Izvol'skii, V. N. Lamzdorf, Ivan Paskevich, Sergei Sazonov, and Sergei Uvarov. These items were collected by Botkin.

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Sergei Dmitrievich Botkin Papers, 1830-1970 3500 items (9 boxes; 2 oversized folders)

Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961

500 items (10 boxes)
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Papers of Petr S. Makhrov, consisting primarily of extensive manuscript memoirs. Emigrating to France, he became a leading figure in the "Soviet patriotic" movement during and after World War II. His memoirs, in thousands of pages, discuss all aspects of his career. The papers also include correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed materials. There are orders (prikazy) from World War I and the Civil War, and reports and telegrams from his time in Poland. There is a copy of "Russkie v Gallipoli" autographed by Wrangel, and a photograph album entitled "Russkai︠a︡ armii︠a︡ na Balkanakh." Also included is the 1841 report of the director of the Imperial Military Academy in St. Petersburg, General Sukhozanet.

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Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961 500 items (10 boxes)

Dmitrii Nikolaevich Tikhobrazov Papers, 1859-1974

1000 items (5 manuscript boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials of Tikhobrazov. The correspondence dates from 1963-1974 and includes letters from Vera Mikhailovna Borel', daughter of General Mikhail Vasil'evich Alekseev. There is one manuscript by Anna Nikolaevna Alekseeva, the General's widow, while the rest are by Tikhobrazov. These include two lengthy versions of his autobiography and a number of shorter essays. The topics Tikhobrazov treats include his own military education, the history of the Imperial family, Rasputin, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. With regard to the Civil War, Tikhobrazov describes his experiences under General Briggs. The documents include Civil War military orders, an 1859 diploma awarded to B. I. Ianushevich and Arkadii Pavlovich Levitskii's service record, dated 1915. The printed materials include clippings, illustrations and two copies of "Miroir de l'Histoire" (1964 and 1967) in which articles by Tikhobrazov appeared. There is a photograph album entitled "Russkaia armiia na Balkanakh" with many photos of White units in exile in the 1920's.

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Dmitrii Nikolaevich Tikhobrazov Papers, 1859-1974 1000 items (5 manuscript boxes)

Georgii Aleksandrovich Teslavskii Papers, 1860-1968

55 items (3 boxes)
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Manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Georgiĭ A. Teslavskiĭ. Teslavskiĭ's manuscripts include a three-volume autobiographical novel entitled "Burelom" that chiefly deals with the 1917 Revolution and the Northwestern front during the Civil War. "Vospominanii︠a︡" discusses Teslavskiĭ's education, military service during World War I and the Civil War and emigration to Argentina. Among the documents is a certificate issued to Teslavskiĭ's grandfather during the reign of Aleksandr II. There are four photographs of Teslavskiĭ, a few caricatures of Russian army officers and members of the Semenov chorus in Warsaw, 1943, and copies of "Sei︠a︡tel"́ and "Smena" periodicals published by the emigre community in Buenos Aires.

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Georgii Aleksandrovich Teslavskii Papers, 1860-1968 55 items (3 boxes)

Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958

300 items (1 box)
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The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Nikolaĭ Arsenév, Anton Kartashev, William K. Matthews, and Aleksandr Meyendorff. There are manuscripts by Kolemin on religious topics. Also included are papers of Kolemin's stepfather, Vasiliĭ Bakherakht, last Imperial ambassador to Switzerland. These consist of correspondence, drafts, and notes by Bakherakht, and the reports of a Russian commission investigating alleged German atrocities in World War I.

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Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958 300 items (1 box)

Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940

300 items (1 box)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of General Aleksiei Alekseevich Brusilov and his wife Nadezhda Vladimirovna. The correspondence is largely copies of their letters from 1914-1918 and her correspondence after his death. The manuscripts include part of his memoirs and several of her minor manuscripts, including an incomplete memoir. There are family photographs as well as photographs of Brusilov in military dress. Printed materials relate to Brusilov's career in the Imperial and Red armies and his rehabilitation by the Soviets in the Khrushchev era.

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Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940 300 items (1 box)

Boris Georgievich Berg Manuscripts and Photographs, 1880-1953

14 items (3 boxes)
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Manuscripts and photographs of Boris Georgievich Berg. There is an unpublished biography by B. G. Berg of Fedor Fedorovich Berg, "Feld́marshal Graf F. F. Berg i ego sovreminniki." The memoirs of B. G. Berg cover his youth, theatre career, World War I and its aftermath, and the emigration in France and the United States. There are also photographs of members of the Berg family.

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Boris Georgievich Berg Manuscripts and Photographs, 1880-1953 14 items (3 boxes)

Vladimir Nikolaevich Timchenko-Ruban Manuscripts, 1880-1956

16 items (1 box)
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Manuscripts and subject files of Vladimir N. Timchenko-Ruban. Timchenko-Ruban's memoirs"Stranit︠s︡y proshlago" discusses his childhood, his service in the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and his life in France from 1922 and through the period of German occupation during World War II. Timchenko-Ruban's essay "1683-1958" concerns the history of the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment. There are two subject files containing documents inherited by Timchenko-Ruban. One file relates to Sofi︠́a︡ Danilova and contains school and Red Cross documents while the other relates to Semen Lazarev and his wife Olǵa (nʹee Mikhaĭlova) and contains school, travel and military documents. The documents in both files primarily date from the 1880-1920 period.

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Vladimir Nikolaevich Timchenko-Ruban Manuscripts, 1880-1956 16 items (1 box)