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A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943

3 items 3 items
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoir ""Otdelnaia turkestanskaia konnogornaia artilleriiskaia batareia"(with typescript copy) (98 p.) that describes the operations of Govorov's unit in Turkestan during the Pamir expeditions (1892-94) and especially during World War I. The memoir is accompanied by maps drawn by Govorov.

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A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-1943 3 items 3 items

Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957

110 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Adam Pavlovich Benningsen and his wife Feofanii︠a︡ Vladimirovna Benningsen. This collection contains a substantial number of letters which Adam Benningsen wrote to his wife while serving with the White armies in South Russia during 1919-1921. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Adam Benningsen: a lengthy memoir of his service in the Tsar's army in World War I and in the White armies in the Civil War; diaries and draft memoirs relating to the same period; memoirs of the fall of France in 1940 and of his own imprisonment, apparently by the Germans, during World War II; and two short manuscripts containing theological reflections. A short memoir of the Revolution by Feofanii︠a︡ Benningsen ("Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen," 1917)., a collection of White Army poems and songs, and a hand-produced satirical journal emanating from the White Army's camp at Gallipoli (1921) complete the collection. Correspondence: Series of letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1920) and other letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1921). Manuscripts: Diary of Adam P. Benningsen (22 July-4 September, 1914; "Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen" (1917); Prison diary of A. P. Benningsen (1943); "Razvei gore v golom pole", No. 15, (Gallipoli, 16 June, 1921); Religious reflections of Adam P. Benningsen. Notebooks: Memoirs of Adam P. Benningsen (1914-1921?), 4 notebooks, continuous pagination; Drafts of memoirs and diaries by Adam P. Benningsen; Memoirs of the fall of France by Adam P. Benningsen ("May 1940"); Theological reflections by Adam P. Benningsen. Songs and poems of the White army

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957 110 items 1 box

A.D. Golitsyn Memoirs, 1950

19 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs are in two series: Golit︠s︡yn's typescript "Vospominanii︠a︡" (453 p. in 17 notebooks), which cover his childhood and youth, his "period of social and political service (1900-1917)", in World War I, and the Revolution and Civil War; and a manuscript in two notebooks entitled "Vtoroĭ god Russkoĭ Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: Bolśhevizm na Ukraine; Getmanskiĭ perevot; Petli︠u︡rovshchina" (410 p.), which discusses the Civil War in the Ukraine.

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A.D. Golitsyn Memoirs, 1950 19 items 1 box

A. E. Ussakovskii Memoirs, 1962

8 pages 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Ussakovskiĭ. The collection consists of a typed memoir concerning the years 1916-1917, and a meeting in Samara in 1916 with V.N. Lv́ov, Procurator of the Holy Synod in the Provisional Government.

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A. E. Ussakovskii Memoirs, 1962 8 pages 1 folder

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963

44 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Manuscripts include notes taken on a speechby General Lavr Kornilov in August 1917; Kolchinskiĭ's writings on the history of the Pavlovsk Military Academy (including a published book by him); and his diaries from the early 1950s. Also included are Kolchinskiĭ's Russian army documents; items relating to his work in the Belgian Congo during World War II; and several photographs of army officers during World War I.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchinskii Papers, 1912-1963 44 items 1 box

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vetlits Papers, 1920-1971

53 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials and photographs of Vetlit︠s︡. The correspondence includes letter drafts by Vetlit︠s︡, and letters from R. Shubovich. The collection consists primarily of Vetlit︠s︡'s manuscripts pertaining to horse breeding and horse-racing in Russia, Yugoslavia, the First and Second World Wars, and the 1917 revolution in Russia. Some of the manuscripts describe Vetlit︠s︡'s childhood and family, and his memoirs are included in the form of a letter. The printed materials consist of clippings of articles by Vetlit︠s︡.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vetlits Papers, 1920-1971 53 items 1 box

Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979

500 items 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and printed materials of Volzhanin. The correspondence includes two letters from Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡. The manuscripts are all by Volzhanin himself, and include memoirs describing his World War I military service, his service in the White Army in Siberia, his arrest and imprisonment until about 1937, his service with the Germans during World War II, and his eventual emigration to the United States. Other manuscripts deal with noted figures in Russian history, the emigre press, and literature. There are a few photographs of Volzhanin and a number of clippings.

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Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979 500 items 5 boxes

Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970

17 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers that largely consist of Bol' to's memoirs, entitled "Puti i pereput'ia" (ca. 500 p.), which discuss his childhood on an estate near Vilnius, education, World War I, the Revolution and Civil War, and the emigration in Europe and Africa up to 1937. Also included are photocopies of a number of his personal documents, and a typescript of various reminiscences entitled "Takaia byla starina.".

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Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970 17 items 1 box

Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966

2 items 2 items
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The collection contains a manuscript (10 p.) entitled"Velikai︠a︡ kni︠a︡gini︠a︡ Anastasii︠a︡" and a memoir (54 p.) that deals with Makhonin's education at the Naval Engineering Academy in Kronstadt, Makhonin's service in the navy during World War I, his mission to England to inspect the production of war materials for Russia, his service in the Volunteer Army in the south of Russia during the Civil War, his work with the American Red Cross in Crimea, and information on General Krasnov's Cossack Army, which collaborated with the Germans during World War II.

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Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966 2 items 2 items

Aleksandr Leonidovich Nosovich Papers, 1910-1968

18 items 18 items
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of memoirs, notes and photographs. The memoirs mostly concern Nosovich's service in the Imperial Army during World War I and military education in Russia. Notes contain explanations to his memoirs. Photographs mostly are of Nosovich: included among them is a photograph of Grand Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich in a group picture.

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Aleksandr Leonidovich Nosovich Papers, 1910-1968 18 items 18 items

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967

10 linear feet 20 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, notes, subject files, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the material in the collection concerns Nikolaev's tenure as military attachʹe at the Russian embassy in Washington. Cataloged correspondents include Mikhail T. Florinsky and Geroid T. Robinson. There is a typescript by Vasiliĭ O. Kli︠u︡chevskiĭ, "Kratkoe posobie po russkoĭ istorii." Among the correspondence are cablegrams and official communications to the Russian embassy during World War I and the revolutionary period. Manuscripts, mostly by Nikolaev, concern contemporary and historical military topics. Diaries and memoirs deal with Nikolaev's travels to Europe during World War I and his activities as military attachʹe. Among orders granted to Nikolaev is the "Order of the Sacred Treasure," signed and sealed by the Japanese Emperor Meiji (1911). Printed materials include many articles by Nikolaev.

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Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolaev Papers, 1899-1967 10 linear feet 20 boxes

Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1957

1 item 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs by A. M. Brofel'dt, entitled "Moi vospominaniia o sluzhbe v stavke verkhovnogo glavnokomanduiushchego: s avgusta 1916 goda po mart 1917 goda" (24 p.).

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Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1957 1 item 1 folder

Aleksandr Nikolaevich Gasler Papers, 1917-1963

36 items 2 boxes
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The collection consists primarily of Gasler's 26-part manuscript memoirs (ca. 1,350 p.), which discuss his family, his military career, World War I, the emigration in France, and interwar Latvia. The collection also includes Gasler's service record and passport, several postcards, and several clippings.

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Aleksandr Nikolaevich Gasler Papers, 1917-1963 36 items 2 boxes

Aleksandr Nikolaevich Shuberskii Manuscripts, 1948-1956

16 items 16 items
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The manuscripts include an outline, in 6 notebooks, of Shuberskiĭ's memoirs for 1875-1948; and, in 10 notebooks, notes on the reign of Nicholas II.

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Aleksandr Nikolaevich Shuberskii Manuscripts, 1948-1956 16 items 16 items

Aleksandr Pavlovich Bragin Manuscript, 1920-1950

300 items 3 boxes
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The collection consists primarily of manuscripts by Bragin, including his memoirs, which describe his military service during the Boxer Rebellion, the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. The documents and subject file relate to his service as head of the White military mission to Iran in 1920. Printed materials are largely clippings from and copies of emigre periodicals, with articles by Bragin.

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Aleksandr Pavlovich Bragin Manuscript, 1920-1950 300 items 3 boxes

Aleksandr Petrovich Lukin Papers, 1917-1975

1100 items 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, military reports and clippings. The majority of the collection consists of clippings from the emigre newspapers "Poslednie Novosti" and "Illi︠u︡strovannai︠a︡ Rossii︠a︡," and mostly contain Lukin's memoirs about his service in the Black Sea Fleet. The manuscripts are largely comprised of Lukin's memoirs and include a manuscript (20 p.) on the Krondstadt uprising, "Vo vlasti Kronshtadtskikh matrosov." There is also a manuscript (28 p.) by the widow of Admiral Viren entitled "O sobytii︠a︡kh v Kronshtadte."

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Aleksandr Petrovich Lukin Papers, 1917-1975 1100 items 3 boxes

Aleksandr Sergeevich Gershel'man Memoirs, 1956-1977

54 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs (315 p.) that discuss in particular Gershelḿan's service in World War I, in the White army during the Civil War, and his life in the emigration in Europe. Also included are excerpts from the memoirs and writings of numerous other Russians.

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Aleksandr Sergeevich Gershel'man Memoirs, 1956-1977 54 items 1 box

Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940

300 items 1 box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of General Aleksiei Alekseevich Brusilov and his wife Nadezhda Vladimirovna. The correspondence is largely copies of their letters from 1914-1918 and her correspondence after his death. The manuscripts include part of his memoirs and several of her minor manuscripts, including an incomplete memoir. There are family photographs as well as photographs of Brusilov in military dress. Printed materials relate to Brusilov's career in the Imperial and Red armies and his rehabilitation by the Soviets in the Khrushchev era.

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Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940 300 items 1 box

Aleksei Vladimirovich Shvarts Papers, 1914-1960

.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, a photograph (Trabzon, 1914-1915) and clippings. The correspondence dates from 1914-1915 and includes letters both to and from Shvart︠s︡, mostly dealing with World War I campaigns in the Trabzon region. There are military telegrams from 1914-1915 concerning events in Ivangorod, Kars and Stalʹt︠s︣ev. Shvart︠s︡' biography of Alexander III is the first volume of a planned two-volume work. It chronicles the 1845-1881 period and includes excerpts from a variety of contemporary sources, (approximently 200 pages of uncollated text) primarily describe World War I events on the Baltic, Belorussian and Caucasian fronts. "Na fronte i v tynu" is an excerpt from the memoirs of Antonina V. Shvart︠s︡, his wife. The clippings concern events in the Trabzon region during 1916.

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Aleksei Vladimirovich Shvarts Papers, 1914-1960 .5 linear feet 1 box

Anatolii Nikolaevich von Rozenshil'd-Paulin Memoirs, 1914-1915

116 pages 116 pages
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The memoirs deal with military campaigns near Riga and in Prussia during World War I. von Rozenshild́-Paulin discusses his division's travels through various cities and a number of small battles. While the manuscript provides a first-hand account of military life at the time, it contains relatively few specific dates. There are brief accounts of military maneuvers involving General Gandurin and, to a lesser extent, General Renenkampf.

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Anatolii Nikolaevich von Rozenshil'd-Paulin Memoirs, 1914-1915 116 pages 116 pages

Andrea-Aleksandra Stegman Memoirs, 1954-1968

4 items 1 box
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Her memoirs recount her childhood and education in Russia as a member of a Baltic-German family, her life in Finland after the February Revolution, her service as a nurse in St. Petersburg during World War I, and as a member of a Red Cross mission charged with caring for prisoners of war in Kiev and Moscow during the Civil War. She also describes her arrest and imprisonment in 1919 as well as her brother's experiences in Li︠u︡bi︠a︡nka prison during World War II. The memoirs (416p.) are in the form of a carbon copy typescript and are accompanied by original photographs. Also included in the collection are reprints of several articles published by her husband, Helmuth Stegman, in the 1960's.

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Andrea-Aleksandra Stegman Memoirs, 1954-1968 4 items 1 box

Andrei Gennadievich Nevzorov Manuscripts, 1968-1969

11 items 11 items
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The collection consists of memoirs, manuscripts and a few related photographs. The memoirs cover Nevzorov's reminiscences of the 1905 Revolution through the 1917 Revolution.

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Andrei Gennadievich Nevzorov Manuscripts, 1968-1969 11 items 11 items

Arkadii Nikolaevich Iakhontov Papers, 1914-1936

35 items 1 box
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The papers consist of correspondence and notes. The correspondence is made up of letters to I︠A︡khontov concerning his memoirs about the Council of Ministers from pre-revolutionary officials, including Vladimir Kokovt︠s︡ev, Pavel Ignatév, and Vsevolod Shakhovskoĭ. The notes are minutes taken at the meetings of the Council of Ministers; these exist as both the original handwritten notes and as typed copies. Finally, there is a brief memoir by I︠A︡khontov concerning World War I, and a printed copy of the announcement by Nicholas II that World War I had been declared.

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Arkadii Nikolaevich Iakhontov Papers, 1914-1936 35 items 1 box

Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970

1 item 1 folder
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Manuscript memoirs of Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder concerning his military education, the 1905 Revolution, World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Civil War.

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Artur Georgievich Bitenbinder Memoirs, 1970 1 item 1 folder

Bakhmeteff Archive General Manuscripts-Photographs, 1880-1960

230 items 230 items
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Photographs of various people and on various topics. There are a number of major groups: late 19th century Russian revolutionaries; the wreck of Alexander III's train in 1888; Russian families in the early 20th century; nurses in Petrograd in World War I (Kononova); Aleksandr Kerenskiĭ at the front, 1917; St. Tikhon's Monastery in Pennsylvania; and American cultural and political figures in the USSR in the 1950's (such as Van Cliburn, W.A. Harriman, Richard Nixon, Carl Sandburg, and Isaac Stern).

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Bakhmeteff Archive General Manuscripts-Photographs, 1880-1960 230 items 230 items

Borel' Mikhail K. and Vera M. Papers, 1905-1977

100 items 1 box
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The collection includes correspondence and manuscripts, as well as copies of documents. The correspondence of General Alekseev is represented by extracts from letters of the periord of the Russo-Japanese War, and by copies of both official and personal correspondence from 1917-1918. Also included are a few letters to K. V. Denikina answering requests for information about General Alekseev; these include 2 from his daughter V. M. Borel'. The largest part of the collection comprises manuscripts by M. K. Borel'; a lengthy memoir of the Civil War entitled "Za veru i vernost'". Other Civil War memoirs, a number of brief historical anecdotes and stories of an account of the battle of Mukden by a British journalist named Atteridge, and a memoir of 1917 Soviet Russia by Sergeĭ Novikov called "Konets rodnogo polka" complete the collection.

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Borel' Mikhail K. and Vera M. Papers, 1905-1977 100 items 1 box

Boris Georgievich Berg Manuscripts and Photographs, 1880-1953

14 items 3 boxes
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Manuscripts and photographs of Boris Georgievich Berg. There is an unpublished biography by B. G. Berg of Fedor Fedorovich Berg, "Feld́marshal Graf F. F. Berg i ego sovreminniki." The memoirs of B. G. Berg cover his youth, theatre career, World War I and its aftermath, and the emigration in France and the United States. There are also photographs of members of the Berg family.

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Boris Georgievich Berg Manuscripts and Photographs, 1880-1953 14 items 3 boxes

Boris Ivanovich Buchinskii Papers, 1961, undated

8 items 2 folders
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Collection consists of two letters, five essays, and one photograph. The essays are reminiscences of such topics as a World War I battle, the Corps of Cadets, Imperial hunts, and World War II. Photograph of Kiev Corps of Cadets (Kievskii kadetskii korpus).

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Boris Ivanovich Buchinskii Papers, 1961, undated 8 items 2 folders

Boris Markovich Sarach Correspondence, 1940 1954

15 items 15 items
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The collection consists of two sets of correspondence: letters from the writer Mikhail Osorgin to Sarach, and copies of letters written by Sarach to Nikolaĭ P. Vakar during the German occupation of Paris. Sarach remained in Paris during this period, and his letters to Vakar recount -- in a rather cryptic fashion -- the activities of "Poslednie Novosti" associates and such events as apartment searches and censorship. There is an explanatory letter by V.P. Velḿin on the letters by Sarach.

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Boris Markovich Sarach Correspondence, 1940 1954 15 items 15 items

Boris Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1938

1 item 1 folder
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Typescript memoirs entitled "Vospominaniia i vpechatleniia" (159 p.) of B. M. Brofel'dt that touch on his service in World War I and with the White Army in Ukraine. Also covered is emigration in Berlin, England and France.

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Boris Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1938 1 item 1 folder

Boris N. and E.N. Levenets Papers, 1916-1960

63 items 63 items
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Papers of Boris N. Levenet︠s︡, and of his wife E.N. Levenet︠s︡. Included is a typescript copy of Boris' diary of military action in Romania in the fall of 1916; a folder of copies of military telegrams and documents concerning the surrender of the Tallinn (Reval or Revel)́ fortress to the Germans in February 1918 (one of the telegrams, dated 20 February, is signed by Lenin and Trotsky); and E. N. Levenet︠s︡ memoirs, which are mostly typed and in French. The memoirs deal with her youth, World War I, the Civil War, and emigration in Egypt.

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Boris N. and E.N. Levenets Papers, 1916-1960 63 items 63 items

Boris Sergeevich Korvin Memoirs, 1960-1970

8 items 8 items
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Korvin's memoirs, largely in typescript and in English, discuss his participation in World War I and the Civil War.

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Boris Sergeevich Korvin Memoirs, 1960-1970 8 items 8 items

Boris Vasil'evich Sergievskii Papers, 1916-1975

500 items 1 box
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The collection consists primarily of biographical materials, including a draft of an autobiography and of a biography. There are also a small number of subject files, some personal documents and correspondence for the years 1935-1975.

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Boris Vasil'evich Sergievskii Papers, 1916-1975 500 items 1 box

Boris Viktorovich Gontarev Memoirs, 1959-1960

11 pages 11 pages
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Manuscript memoirs, entitled "Perezhitoe" (11 p.). One manuscript gives general autobiographical facts and the author's political views. The other manuscript describes life on his family's estate during the early 20th century.

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Boris Viktorovich Gontarev Memoirs, 1959-1960 11 pages 11 pages

Dmitrii Iosifovich Daragan Papers, 1762-1973

2000 items 5 boxes
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Collection includes correspondence of family and personal letters from 1902-1973, including typed excerpts of letters written by Daragan to his wife from the Murmansk-Arkhangelśk region during 1919-20. The remainder of the correspondence deals with Daragan's business and naval and religious topics. Manuscripts consist primarily of Daragan's memoirs of his youth, family and naval experiences in northern Russia. There are family documents, the earliest of which dates from 1762, and family financial records. Other printed materials include two pre-World War I theater programs from St. Petersburg and Moscow. There are also photographs of the Daragan family, dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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Dmitrii Iosifovich Daragan Papers, 1762-1973 2000 items 5 boxes

Dmitrii Nikolaevich Tikhobrazov Papers, 1859-1974

1000 items 5 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials of Tikhobrazov. The correspondence dates from 1963-1974 and includes letters from Vera Mikhailovna Borel', daughter of General Mikhail Vasil'evich Alekseev. There is one manuscript by Anna Nikolaevna Alekseeva, the General's widow, while the rest are by Tikhobrazov. These include two lengthy versions of his autobiography and a number of shorter essays. The topics Tikhobrazov treats include his own military education, the history of the Imperial family, Rasputin, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. With regard to the Civil War, Tikhobrazov describes his experiences under General Briggs. The documents include Civil War military orders, an 1859 diploma awarded to B. I. Ianushevich and Arkadii Pavlovich Levitskii's service record, dated 1915. The printed materials include clippings, illustrations and two copies of "Miroir de l'Histoire" (1964 and 1967) in which articles by Tikhobrazov appeared. There is a photograph album entitled "Russkaia armiia na Balkanakh" with many photos of White units in exile in the 1920's.

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Dmitrii Nikolaevich Tikhobrazov Papers, 1859-1974 1000 items 5 manuscript boxes

E. Dune Memoirs, 1952-1953

1 item 1 item
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Typescript memoirs entitled "Zapiski krasnogvardeĭt︠s︡a" (124 p.). They concern his experiences as a Commissar in the Red Army during the Civil War. The memoirs are incomplete.

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E. Dune Memoirs, 1952-1953 1 item 1 item

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ixhull Memoirs, 1910-1957

196 pages 196 pages
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The memoirs, "Princesse en uniforme," discuss Ixküll's Red Cross service during World War I, when she was attached to the so-called "Wild Division" (Dikai︠a︡ Divizii︠a︡) of soldiers from the Caucasus region.

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Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ixhull Memoirs, 1910-1957 196 pages 196 pages

Elena Nikolaevna Sidorova Papers, 1965-1978

28 items 28 items
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts by Sidorova and a photograph, presumably of Sidorova (1970). The manuscripts (signed Evgenii︠a︡ Mor, her pseudonym) include short stories, poems and essays about the second world war. Particularly noteworthy are long essays on the painter Kuzḿa Petrov-Vodkin (including lists of his works in private collections) and the playwright Evgeniĭ Shvart︠s︡, both of whom Sidorova knew personally. There are also brief essays about the writers Alekseĭ Pli︠u︡shkin (Ugri︠u︡mov) and Ivanov-Razumnik.

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Elena Nikolaevna Sidorova Papers, 1965-1978 28 items 28 items

Elisaveta Evgen'evna Mitrofanova Manuscripts, 1952-1955

4 items 4 items
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Mitrofanova's manuscripts consist of four bound typescripts: memoirs about her son, Oleg P. Mitrofanov, and the Preobrazhenskiĭ Regiment in World War I; and two essays on the White Cross, entitled "Beloe dvizhenie i Belyĭ Krest"́ and "Belyĭ Krest ́v izgnanii." Also included is Oleg Mitrofanov's diary, which covers his service in the Preobrazhenskiĭ guard in January-July 1917.

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Elisaveta Evgen'evna Mitrofanova Manuscripts, 1952-1955 4 items 4 items

Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina Diary, 1953

180 pages 180 pages
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The diary contains information on the tsaritsa and the court. Additions to the typescript include photographs of the diary and a facsimile of a note from the tsaritsa.

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Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina Diary, 1953 180 pages 180 pages

Elizaveta Vladimirovna Isaakova Memoirs, 1962

623 pages 1 box
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Typescript memoirs that discuss such topics as her childhood on her parents' estate; World War I; 1917 in Petrograd; 1918 in the Ukraine; the Civil War and the emigration in Constantinople, Germany, and Poland; and World War II in Poland.

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Elizaveta Vladimirovna Isaakova Memoirs, 1962 623 pages 1 box

Eugene Petit Manuscripts, 1976

2 items 1 box
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Photocopies of typescripts of reports and letters. These reports and letters, some of them in extract form, cover from September 1916 to April 1918, and total 623 pages. Also included is an offprint of an article by Ioanis Sinanoglou that was partly based on this material.

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Eugene Petit Manuscripts, 1976 2 items 1 box

Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964

33 items 7 folders
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Papers of Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia, consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, personal documents, and photographs.

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Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964 33 items 7 folders

Evgenii Eduardovich Messner Papers, 1917-1974

700 items 8 boxes
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts by Messner and others, memoirs by Messner, photographs and printed materials. Manuscripts by Messner include a typescript (275 p.) entitled "Nekotorye prichiny porazhenii︠a︡ Germanii v voĭnu 1939-1945 g.g." Messner's memoirs (3293 p. and 350 p.) cover the years 1914-1973. Included among them are clippings, photographs, mimeographed materials and pamphlets. The majority of his memoirs concern World War I and the Civil War. Photographs are mostly copies. Printed materials consist mostly of clippings of articles by Messner in South American monarchist periodicals.

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Evgenii Eduardovich Messner Papers, 1917-1974 700 items 8 boxes

Evgenii Fedorovich Novitskii Papers, 1922-1935

52 items 52 items
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Novitskiĭ's papers consist of correspondence and a manuscript. The correspondence concerns veterans of the Semenov Regiment. The manuscript, apparently by A.I. Zaĭt︠s︡ov, is about the Battle of Lublin in 1914.

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Evgenii Fedorovich Novitskii Papers, 1922-1935 52 items 52 items

Evgenii Kristianovich Tal' Memoirs, 1964

2 items 2 items
Abstract Or Scope

The typescript memoirs (10 p.) of Tal ́concern the activity of the Grand Duchess Tati︠́a︡na Nikolaevna's Committee for the Administration of Temporary Aid to Victims of War Deprivations (Komitet Velikoĭ Kni︠a︡zhny Tati︠́a︡ny Nikolaevny dli︠a︡ okazanii︠a︡ vremennoĭ pomoshchi postradavshim ot voennykh bedstviĭ) during World War I.

1 result in this collection

Evgenii Kristianovich Tal' Memoirs, 1964 2 items 2 items

Evgenii Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoir, 1952-1959

20 items 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript memoirs (ca. 200 p.) in the form of 20 brief essays. The memoirs cover the period 1900-1920.

1 result in this collection

Evgenii Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoir, 1952-1959 20 items 1 folder

Evgenii Vasil'evich Maslovskii Papers, 1914-1964

2000 items 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers of Maslovskiĭ consist of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and subject files. Among the correspondents are Mark Aldanov, General Nikolaĭ I︠U︡denich, and many former Russian officers. Manuscripts consist largely of Maslovskiĭ's bound typescript memoirs"Nekotorye stranit︠s︡y moeĭ zhizni" (ca. 2,200 p.); the manuscript version of the first six volumes of the memoirs is also included, as is a memoir about his service in Persia in 1909-1914. Subject files include correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials about his research on World War I, his book, General I︠U︡denich, and other topics.

1 result in this collection

Evgenii Vasil'evich Maslovskii Papers, 1914-1964 2000 items 9 boxes

Fedor F. and Vera V. Kirkhgof Memoirs, 1959-1976

7 items 7 items
Abstract Or Scope

Memoirs of Fedor F. Kirkhgof and of his wife, Vera V. Fedor's typescript memoirs (in all 220 p.) are in six parts, entitled: "Vospominanii︠a︡ adʺi︠u︡tanta komendanta glavnoĭ kvartiry shtaba verkhovnogo glavnokomandui︠u︡shchego"; "Pokhod Leĭb-Gvardiĭ Izmaĭlovskogo Polka 1914-1918"; "Posledniĭ period Leĭb-Gvardiĭ Izmaĭlovskogo Polka"; "Moe vozvrashchenie s voĭny"; "Moi︠a︡ zhizn ́v Petrograde v 1918 i 1919 godakh i komandirovka osobogo naznachenii︠a︡ v Berlin v 1918 godu"; and "Moi︠a︡ zhizn ́na Ukraine v 1919 godu." The typescript memoirs of Vera Kirkhgof, entitled "Moi︠a︡ shkola" (16.), mostly discuss her education at the Shaffe girls' gymnasium in St. Petersburg.

1 result in this collection

Fedor F. and Vera V. Kirkhgof Memoirs, 1959-1976 7 items 7 items

Fedor Konstantinovich Iur'ev Papers, 1880-1967

3 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers include I︠U︡rév's memoirs"Polkovnik", accompanied by photographs and songs and poems which he wrote; Russian, German and Latvian personal documents; and a two-page memoir by his wife.

1 result in this collection

Fedor Konstantinovich Iur'ev Papers, 1880-1967 3 items 1 box

Finansovoe Agentstvo v S.Sh.A. Typescript, 1925

1 item 1 item
Abstract Or Scope

Mimeographed typescript "Sbornik zapisok otnosiashchikhsia k russkomu snabzheniiu v velikuiu voinu", by the Russian Finance Agency in the U.S. (Finansovoe Agenstvo v S.Sh.A.), published in 1925.

1 result in this collection

Finansovoe Agentstvo v S.Sh.A. Typescript, 1925 1 item 1 item

Georgii Aleksandrovich Liubarskii Memoir, 1955

247 pages 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

The handwritten manuscript covers Li︠u︡barskiĭ's service in the Lithuanian E.I.V. Regiment of the T︠S︡esarevich-Heir (Litovskiĭ E.I.V. Naslednika T︠S︡esarevicha polk), the Southern Army of General N.I. Ivanov, and the Volunteer Army of Southern Russia.

1 result in this collection

Georgii Aleksandrovich Liubarskii Memoir, 1955 247 pages 1 folder

Georgii Aleksandrovich Teslavskii Papers, 1860-1968

55 items 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Georgiĭ A. Teslavskiĭ. Teslavskiĭ's manuscripts include a three-volume autobiographical novel entitled "Burelom" that chiefly deals with the 1917 Revolution and the Northwestern front during the Civil War. "Vospominanii︠a︡" discusses Teslavskiĭ's education, military service during World War I and the Civil War and emigration to Argentina. Among the documents is a certificate issued to Teslavskiĭ's grandfather during the reign of Aleksandr II. There are four photographs of Teslavskiĭ, a few caricatures of Russian army officers and members of the Semenov chorus in Warsaw, 1943, and copies of "Sei︠a︡tel"́ and "Smena" periodicals published by the emigre community in Buenos Aires.

1 result in this collection

Georgii Aleksandrovich Teslavskii Papers, 1860-1968 55 items 3 boxes

Georgii Eduardovich Berkhman Papers, 1898-1934

200 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of General Georgiĭ E. Berkhman that consist of correspondence, subject files, maps and printed materials. Most of the collection concerns the Sarykamysh campaign against Turkey in late 1914, including telegrams, orders, reports, maps and books. There is also Berkhman's official service record, a brief memoir by his wife Elena Vasilévna, clippings, and copies of Tbilisi newspapers from January 1919.

1 result in this collection

Georgii Eduardovich Berkhman Papers, 1898-1934 200 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder

Georgii Ferdinandovich and Iadviga Iosipovna Tanutrov Memoirs, 1955-1968

4 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Memoirs of Tanutrov and his wife, I︠A︡dviga Iosipovna Tanutrova. Tanutrova's memoirs"Na polśkoĭ zemle" (63 p. handwritten) describe her early life in Poland. Tanutrov's memoirs"Ot Tiflisa do Parizha" (348 p. typed) discuss his growing up in the Dagestan Region, his military training in Tbilisi and his career during World War I and the Civil War. The manuscript includes historical material relating to nineteenth-century military events in the Caucasus. The related materials consist of an essay by V.N. Speranskiĭ about Tanutrova's literary work and a clipping of an article she wrote for "Russkai︠a︡ mysl"́ in 1956"V osazhdennii Varshave.".

1 result in this collection

Georgii Ferdinandovich and Iadviga Iosipovna Tanutrov Memoirs, 1955-1968 4 items 1 box

Georgii Goshtovt Papers, circa 1830-1952

2500 items 14 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Part of the collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, military diaries, maps and printed materials that pertain to World War I. Some materials deal with the Civil War, Polish history, medieval Russia and Lithuania, and the history of Russian education. Several folders contain military orders, "prikazy", dating from the early 1900s to about 1925. There are also genealogical materials concerning Russian nobility and Goshtovt's family. The maps primarily concern World War I and the Civil War; also included are a postal map of Russia in 1860, and a map of transportation routes in 1887. The printed materials include clippings, and bulletins published by various emigre military organizations. Most of the books in the collection pertain to the German army during World War I.

1 result in this collection

Georgii Goshtovt Papers, circa 1830-1952 2500 items 14 boxes

Iakov Iosifovich Kefeli Memoirs, 1944-1955

12 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs that cover Kefeli's student years in Paris around the turn of the century, World War I in the Caucasus region, the 1917 revolution in Petrograd, and the revolution and Civil War in Odessa. Also included is a collective memoir of the siege of Port Arthur, compiled by Kefeli and other veterans of that seige.

1 result in this collection

Iakov Iosifovich Kefeli Memoirs, 1944-1955 12 items 1 box

Igor' Mikhailovich Cherkasskii Papers, 1918-1973

100 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of Cherkasskii's memoirs of World War I and the Civil War; brief memoirs by his father, Mikhail Alekseevich Cherkasskii, who served in the Imperial central government and as governor of Simbirsk before the 1917 Revolution; and manuscripts by other people, particularly G. N. Odintsov. There are also documents of I. M. Cherkasskii and photographs.

1 result in this collection

Igor' Mikhailovich Cherkasskii Papers, 1918-1973 100 items 1 box

Illarion Sergeevich Vasil'chikov Papers, 1909-1969

24 items 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, a photograph and printed materials of Illarion Sergeevich Vasil'chikov. The catalogued materials consist of a copy of a letter to Vasil'chikov from B. E. Nold́e, and a copy of a poem dedicated to Vasil'chikov by A. A. Otsup, i.e., Sergei Gornyi. The manuscripts, all of which are by Vasil'chikov, are autobiographical in nature. They concern his service in the Imperial Senate (including a 1908 senatorial inspection tour of Turkestan), his participation in the Duma, his work with the Red Cross in 1917, and his membership in the All-Russian Orthodox Church Council of 1917. There are also essays about his family genealogy. The collection includes excerpts and clippings from various sources describing the Vasil'chikov family.

1 result in this collection

Illarion Sergeevich Vasil'chikov Papers, 1909-1969 24 items 1 manuscript box

Innokentii Semenovich Smolin Manuscripts, 1950

15 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The manuscripts, all of which are by Smolin, include his memoirs"Davnominuvshee--Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo ofit︠s︡era." These memoirs describe Smolin's childhood in I︠A︡kut︠s︡k, his military training, and his service in the Finli︠a︡ndskiĭ Polk, the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution and World War I. The other, more minor manuscripts primarily deal with military themes. The printed materials consist of two articles by Smolin that appeared in the emigre press.

1 result in this collection

Innokentii Semenovich Smolin Manuscripts, 1950 15 items 1 box

Iuliia Anatol'evna von Gersdorf Memoirs, 1950

2 items 2 items
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs that primarily concern the First World War and the Revolution and Civil War. Also included is a series of autobiographical letters from Gersdorf to one Vladimir Vladimirovich, which apparently formed the basis for the memoirs.

1 result in this collection

Iuliia Anatol'evna von Gersdorf Memoirs, 1950 2 items 2 items

Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958

300 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Nikolaĭ Arsenév, Anton Kartashev, William K. Matthews, and Aleksandr Meyendorff. There are manuscripts by Kolemin on religious topics. Also included are papers of Kolemin's stepfather, Vasiliĭ Bakherakht, last Imperial ambassador to Switzerland. These consist of correspondence, drafts, and notes by Bakherakht, and the reports of a Russian commission investigating alleged German atrocities in World War I.

1 result in this collection

Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958 300 items 1 box

Iurii A. Nikol'skii Papers, 1920-1922

27 items 27 items
Abstract Or Scope

The papers include manuscripts on Turgenev, Fet, Blok, Bolshevism, WWI, and enlightened absolutism, copies of correspondence between Turgenev and Fet, and of letters from I︠A︡.N. Polonskiĭ, Nicholas II, P. Annenkov, and others. Also included are a printed article about a lecture on Polonskiĭ and Fet given by Nikolśkiĭ to the Pushkin Circle of Petrograd University, and a brochure of L'Institute d'Etudes Slaves (Paris).

1 result in this collection

Iurii A. Nikol'skii Papers, 1920-1922 27 items 27 items

Iurii Konstantinovich Sakhno-Ustimovich Papers, 1930-1945

18 items 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, a photograph and printed materials. Several of the manuscripts deal with World War I, noting campaigns in Austria and Poland, the Lubenskiĕ Gusary unit, and such individuals as General Rennenkampf and the ballerina Kshesinska, to whom Sakhno-Ustimovich was related. Other manuscripts concern the Civil War. There is one copy of "Rossiĭskoe edinstvo" (New Jersey, 1966) which contains Sakhno-Ustimovich's article"Vozvrashchenie s fronta.".

1 result in this collection

Iurii Konstantinovich Sakhno-Ustimovich Papers, 1930-1945 18 items 3 boxes

Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978

271 pages 271 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Bound memoirs "S polkom pradedov i dedov v velikuiu voinu 1914-1917 gg." by Zubov.

1 result in this collection

Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978 271 pages 271 pages

Ivan Alekseevich Khol'msen Memoirs, 1953

82 pages 82 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Mimeographed memoirs "Na voennoi sluzhbe v Rossii".

1 result in this collection

Ivan Alekseevich Khol'msen Memoirs, 1953 82 pages 82 pages

Ivan Fomich Polianin Memoirs, 1903-1963

8 items 8 items
Abstract Or Scope

Poli︠a︡nin's typescript and manuscript memoirs concern his military experiences in World War I, and the emigration in Bulgaria between the wars. In Bulgaria Poli︠a︡nin worked with the Russkai︠a︡ Akademicheskai︠a︡ Gruppa (Russian Academic Group) and the Obʺedinennye Komitety Soi︠u︡z Gorodov i Zemstv (United Committees of the Union of Cities and Zemstva). Also included are newspaper clippings and a theatre program on silk (Feodosii︠a︡, 1903).

1 result in this collection

Ivan Fomich Polianin Memoirs, 1903-1963 8 items 8 items

Ivan Grigorovich Memoirs, 1925-1929

6 items 2 folders
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscript of Grigorovich's memoirs (ca. 250 pages) which begin with his childhood in St. Petersburg and conclude with his emigration to France in 1923. He primarily discusses his military experiences in the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, and the 1917 Revolution. He also describes his travels to the United States, England, and the Far East on various naval vessels and his service as naval attache in London from 1896-1898. The related materials include an essay about Grigorovich by A. de Loukine, two letters discussing the Grigorovich and Loukine manuscripts and an unsigned essay entitled "LʹOubli" which concerns Grigorovich.

1 result in this collection

Ivan Grigorovich Memoirs, 1925-1929 6 items 2 folders

Ivan Mikhailovich Kheraskov Diaries, 1939-1946

22 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Pasted into Kheraskov's diaries are many contemporary clippings about the war, mostly from French newspapers.

1 result in this collection

Ivan Mikhailovich Kheraskov Diaries, 1939-1946 22 items 2 boxes

Ivan Mikhailovich Shadrin Memoirs, 1936-1955

5 items 5 items
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs of Ivan Mikhailovich Shadrin. Manuscripts — Miscellaneous; "Odisseia Russkoi Eskadry s Russ. Bezhentsami ot Kryma do Bizerta"; "Prazdnovanie 300 letlia Imp. Doma Romanovykh"; "Pridvornaia Pevcheskaia Kapella i Imperatorskii Dvor"; "Velikaia Voina, 191U-191T"

1 result in this collection

Ivan Mikhailovich Shadrin Memoirs, 1936-1955 5 items 5 items

Ivan Vasil'evich Rozhnovskii Papers, 1956-1965

4 items 4 items
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of two letters to Ksenii︠a︡ V. Denikina and two manuscript memoirs. One memoir is entitled "Velikoe pereselenie i sudb́y kresti︠́a︡nstva" (9 p.), and concerns the peasant migration to Siberia at the end of the 19th century and its fate in the Soviet period: the other is entitled "Puti︠a︡mi gibeli i strakha" (7 p.), and deals with Rozhnovskiĭ's experiences at the end of World War II.

1 result in this collection

Ivan Vasil'evich Rozhnovskii Papers, 1956-1965 4 items 4 items

Izmailovskii Leib Gvardii Polk Records, 1830-1950

5000 items 15 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, and printed materials concerning the Leĭb-Gvardiĭ Izmaĭlovskiĭ Polk (the Izmaĭlov Regiment of the Imperial Guard), and of its emigre veterans' association, the Soi︠u︡z Izmaĭlovt︠s︡ev (Union of "Izmaĭlovt︠s︡y"). There are materials concerning the War of 1812, the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, World War I, the Civil War, and the emigration. Most memoirs by veterans of the regiment cover World War I and the Civil War. There are biographical notes on members of the regiment from its formation in the 1700s into the 20th century, and also photographs and engravings. Printed materials include histories of the regiment, the oldest dating from 1830, and 14 bound volumes of the "Izmaĭlovskai︠a︡ Starina" (1930-40).

1 result in this collection

Izmailovskii Leib Gvardii Polk Records, 1830-1950 5000 items 15 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Khristofor Aleksandrovich Owie (Aue) Papers, 1904-1964

400 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, minutes of meetings, documents, maps, photographs, and printed materials, mostly relating to World War I. Correspondence, mostly to Owie, includes a letter from Grand Duke Gavriĭl Konstantinovich. Memoirs are by Sergeĭ Konoplev concerning World War I, and manuscripts appear to be by Owie on the war and anti-Communist topics. Minutes are from the Society of Officers of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Life Guard (Leĭb-Gvardiĭ 3-iĭ strelkovyĭ polk). Maps, documents, and photographs deal mostly with Owie's service during World War I. Among the photographs is one of Nicholas II from 1913.

1 result in this collection

Khristofor Aleksandrovich Owie (Aue) Papers, 1904-1964 400 items 1 box

Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976

11 items 11 items
Abstract Or Scope

Popov's typed manuscripts include his memoirs of his family through the Revolution, his work in Soviet factories from 1928 to the outbreak of World War II, and his analysis of the Vlasov movement.

1 result in this collection

Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976 11 items 11 items

Konstantin Arsen'evich Katin Memoir, 1950

84 pages 84 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Katin's memoirs are in a series of letters to Ksenii︠a︡ Denikina. The memoir covers Katin's experiences in World War I and in the Civil War in the Ukraine, and his emigration to Yugoslavia.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Arsen'evich Katin Memoir, 1950 84 pages 84 pages

Konstantin Ivanovich Globachev Papers, 1880-1958

0.5 Linear Feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection comprises Globachev's correspondence, K. I. Globachev's and S. N. Globacheva's typescript memoirs, personal documents, copies of photographs and biographical materials. Globachev's memoirs give a detailed account of events in Petrograd in the period 1914-1920, and memoirs of Sofiia Nikolaevna Globacheva focused on her personal experience as wife of a goverment official. There is also V. Marinich's correspondence including with A. F. Kerenskii and A. A. von Lampe.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Ivanovich Globachev Papers, 1880-1958 0.5 Linear Feet 1 document box

Konstantin Mikhailovich Geishtor Memoirs, 1958-1971

34 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs that cover a broad range of topics, including St. Petersburg before the Revolution, World War I, the railroads in the Russian Far East and China, the Civil War, and the emigration.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Mikhailovich Geishtor Memoirs, 1958-1971 34 items 1 box

Konstantin Nikolaevich Khagondokov Memoirs, 1951-1952

69 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs are both in manuscript (68 notebooks, over 3,800 pages), and in a typescript copy (944 p.). They cover Khagondokov's youth and military education; service in the Far East and in Central Asia; service in World War I, mostly on the Caucasian front; his experiences during 1917 in the Far East and Petrograd (where he met with A.I. Guchkov and other members of the Provisional Government); and the Civil War in the Caucasus region, Georgia, and Azerbaidzhan.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Nikolaevich Khagondokov Memoirs, 1951-1952 69 items 2 boxes

Konstantin Nikolaevich Mandrazhi Memoirs, 1950-1951

217 pages 217 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Mandrazhi's typescript memoirs "Begin at the Beginning" discuss such topics as his military education, the Corps of Pages, the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, the 1917 Revolution, and the Civil War in the South.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Nikolaevich Mandrazhi Memoirs, 1950-1951 217 pages 217 pages

Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolaev Papers, 1928-1960

45 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Nikolaev's memoirs discuss his service in the White Army, the Russian Defense Corps, and the camp in Kellerberg, Austria after World War II. Another manuscript is entitled"Deĭstvii︠a︡ Russkago Okrannago Korpusa v Serbii, 1941-45 gg." Manuscripts and memoirs by others largely concern General Lavr Kornilov. There is a subject file on the "Sodruzhestvo Lient︠s︡" (Lienz agreement). Printed materials include a mimeographed pamphlet"Kratkiĭ obzor zhizni i dei︠a︡telńosti russkoĭ gruppy v lagere Kellerberg.".

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolaev Papers, 1928-1960 45 items 1 box

Konstantin Nikolaevich Rozen Papers, 1890-1939

350 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized map case
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts and memoirs, documents, minutes of meetings, financial records, photographs, maps, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents include Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich and General Petr Wrangel. Manuscripts include memoirs by Konstantin Rozen on his military service from 1902-1917, and a memoir by F. N. Bui︠a︡k entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo kavalergarda 1885-1902." Subject files are on Kadry Voĭsk Ofit︠s︡erov (Cadres of Military Officers) in Belgrade and Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov (Union of Russian Officers), emigre Russian military organizations. Documents concern Rozen's family and estate in Vitebsk province. Minutes of meetings concern the Kavalergardskai︠a︡ Semi︠́a︡ (Cavalry Guard Family). Financial records cover the fundraising activities of Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov and the estate. Photographs are of the estate, and maps are of the Vitebsk region and the estate grounds. Printed materials concern the estate and the above mentioned military organizations, and include copies of the news bulletin"Vestnik Kavalergardskoĭ Semí.".

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Nikolaevich Rozen Papers, 1890-1939 350 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized map case

Konstantin Vasil'evich Semchevskii Papers, 1912-1977

30 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes cataloged photographs (Nicholas II, Grigoriĭ Semenov) and arranged correspondence to both Semchevskiĭ and his wife. The main item in the collection is Semchevskiĭ's eight-part memoir which describes his childhood in Tbilisi, his service as kamer-pazh (page of the bedchamber) to Nicholas II and his military career in World War I and the Civil War. It also describes Semchevskiĭ's life as an emigre in Berlin, where he ran a bookstore, in England, where he manufactured motorcycles, in Austria, where he worked at an oil refinery, and eventually in the United States. There are also documents (such as military records and passports) and a photograph of Semchevskiĭ and his wife taken in 1921.

1 result in this collection

Konstantin Vasil'evich Semchevskii Papers, 1912-1977 30 items 1 box

Koshko Family Memoirs, 1920-1970

15 items 15 items
Abstract Or Scope

Memoirs of the Koshko family, specifically Ivan Frantsevich, his brother Arkadiĭ, his son Boris, and his daughter Olǵa. Almost all of the memoirs are in the hand of Olǵa Koshko. Ivan's memoirs (partially published) touch on his government service in Samara, Novgorod, Penza, and Perḿ and his experiences during the 1917 Revolution and Civil War. The excerpt from Arkadiĭ's memoirs concern the Beilis ritual murder case. Boris Koshko's memoirs concern his experiences as an Imperial and Provisional government official during World War I. Olǵa Koshko's memoirs deal with her father and with life in the emigration in Europe.

1 result in this collection

Koshko Family Memoirs, 1920-1970 15 items 15 items

Leib Gvardii Pervyi Strelkovyi Polk Records, 1914-1976

800 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, and printed materials relating to the history of the Leĭb Gvardiĭ Pervyĭ Strelkovoĭ Polk (First Rifle Regiment of the Imperial Guard) and its emigre veterans' group, Obe̋dinenie Ofit︠s︡erov Pervogo Strelkovogo Polka (Union of Officers of the First Rifle Regiment of the Imperial Guard). Correspondence includes letters from members of the Union, and letters to the union on the occasion of the Regiment's 75th and 100th jubilees (1931, 1956). Among the manuscripts are autobiographies and memoirs of members of the Union, touching on such topics as the history of the Regiment and its service in World War I. There are a few items from the period of World I and the Civil War, but almost the entire collection dates from the 1920s to the 1950s.

1 result in this collection

Leib Gvardii Pervyi Strelkovyi Polk Records, 1914-1976 800 items 2 boxes

Leonid Vladimirovich Seifullin Papers, 1929-1962

23 items 23 items
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of manuscripts by Seĭfullin and printed materials. Among the manuscripts are essays on such topics as the Aleksandrovskoe Voennoe Uchilische, early Slavic tribes, Seĭfullin's military career during World War I and the Civil War, the Russian emigre colony in Shanghai and religious themes. The printed materials include a leaflet and two clippings dealing with Russian military history.

1 result in this collection

Leonid Vladimirovich Seifullin Papers, 1929-1962 23 items 23 items

Louis Guy Michael Memoirs, 1960

214 pages 214 pages
Abstract Or Scope

The bound memoirs "Russian Experience 1910-1917" discuss Michael's adventures in Russia in 1910-1917. In 1910 he was hired by the Bessarabian provincial zemstvo to help landlords and peasants in that province improve their corn yields; he stayed there until 1916, when he returned to the United States. The first half of the memoirs covers these years, including extensive commentary on Bessarabian peasants, gentry, zemstvo politics, and some information on World War I. In 1917 he returned on a mission to study the Russian grain trade. He sailed across the Pacific with the American Red Cross Mission, spent August in Petrograd, and then travelled around Russia's Black Sea ports in September-November. In early November, he returned to Petrograd, and finally left Russia by the Trans-Siberian railroad in December. While the first half of these memoirs includes much first-hand information, the second half, on 1917, is more derivative in nature.

1 result in this collection

Louis Guy Michael Memoirs, 1960 214 pages 214 pages

Mariia Aleksandrovna Bocharnikova Papers, 1917-1969

8 items 3 folders
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists largely of Bocharnikova's memoirs (typescript with holograph notes), which deal with World War I, the Revolution and Civil War, and her participation in the "Women's Death Battalion." There are also printed materials on female soldiers and sailors in World War I ("Voennaia byl'" - publication of the Obshche-Kadetskoe Ob'edinenie, No. 95, Jan. 1969; clippings from "Niva", 1917), personal photographs (1932, 1933), and picture postcards with 1917 scenes.

1 result in this collection

Mariia Aleksandrovna Bocharnikova Papers, 1917-1969 8 items 3 folders

Mariia D. Andrusova Manuscripts, 1914-1919

5 items 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Мemoirs that cover period before the revolution of 1905, peasant unrest and revolutionary activitiy in Riga in 1905, World War I, 1917 Revolution, and foreign intervention. There is also a memoir by one of Andrusova's uncle in German.

1 result in this collection

Mariia D. Andrusova Manuscripts, 1914-1919 5 items 1 folder

Mariia Nikolaevna Chernysheva-Bezobrazova Papers, 1914-1957

1500 items 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

There is one letter by the artist Dmitriĭ Stellet︠s︡kiĭ, and considerable correspondence of Chernysheva-Bezobrazova and of her relatives, including her parents and members of the Shcherbatov and Uvarov families. Most of the correspondence is from the periods of World War I, the Civil War, and the emigration (ca. 1914-1935). Chernysheva-Bezobrazova's manuscript memoirs deal with such topics as her family, cultural life in pre-revolutionary Moscow, the Civil War in the south, and the emigration in France. Printed materials include fliers from the Don region during the Civil War, and the program of V. M. Purishkevich's Narodno-Gosudarstvennai︠a︡ Partii︠a︡ (National State Party, 1919).

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Mariia Nikolaevna Chernysheva-Bezobrazova Papers, 1914-1957 1500 items 5 boxes

Mariia Vasil'evna Fedchenko Papers, 1911-1960

6 items 6 items
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Collection includes two postcards written by the Grand Duchess Tati︠́a︡na; part of a letter by an unidentified person; and three manuscript memoirs by Fedchenko. The memoirs discuss the Archbishop Feofan of Poltava; Fedchenko's aunt, Marii︠a︡ F. Geringer, lady-in-waiting to Empress Alexandra; and General Dmitriĭ D. Fedchenko.

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Mariia Vasil'evna Fedchenko Papers, 1911-1960 6 items 6 items

Mikhail Andreevich Svechin Memoirs, 1924-1958

16 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Svechin's memoirs (3 volumes, dated Nice, 1956-1958) deal with his childhood and military education as well as with his military career from 1905 to 1920. He discusses his training at the Nikolaevskoe kavaleriĭskoe uchilishche and his service in the Russo-Japanese War, World War I and the 1917 Revolution. With regard to the Civil War, Svechin recounts White Army campaigns in the Don region and his association with Generals Krasnov, Wrangel and Hetman Skoropadskiĭ. Svechin also makes brief mention of his emigration to Europe. A number of photographs appear throughout the text. The collection also includes books on military science by Svechin's brother Aleksandr Andreevich who remained in the Soviet Union and actively participated in the formation of the Soviet Army. Also included is a subject file on the fate of A.A. Svechin in the purges of the 1930's.

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Mikhail Andreevich Svechin Memoirs, 1924-1958 16 items 1 box

Mikhail Georgievich Mavrodi Memoirs, 1966-1968

3 items 3 items
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs discuss World War I and also the Revolution and Civil War in the same area.

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Mikhail Georgievich Mavrodi Memoirs, 1966-1968 3 items 3 items

Mikhail Nikolaevich Arkhipov Manuscript, 1914-1917

42 pages 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript of memoirs of Mikhail Nikolaevich Arkhipov. The memoirs deal with World War I, specifically with the Russian campaigns in western Poland and the Carpathians in 1914-1915, and with the effect of the 1917 revolution on the army.

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Mikhail Nikolaevich Arkhipov Manuscript, 1914-1917 42 pages 1 folder

Mikhail Vasil'evich Karkhanin Papers, 1915-1959

750 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers include materials relating to the Russian forces in France (correspondence, reports, orders) in 1915-1918, and documents relating to Dutov's army in 1919-1920. Also included are three manuscripts by Karkhanin. Two are memoirs, on Dutov's army in 1919-1920 and its retreat to China in 1920; the third is about the Russian corps in France in World War I. There are also issues of "Russkai︠a︡ Mysl"́ with Karkharin's articles about the Russian forces in Macedonia and France in World War I, and a brief biography of Karkhanin by his wife.

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Mikhail Vasil'evich Karkhanin Papers, 1915-1959 750 items 2 boxes

Mikhail Vladimirovich Bernatskii Papers, 1901-1932

500 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondence consists of letters by Petr Struve. There are Bernatskii's memoirs of 1917, and copies of several publications by him. Subject files concern: the finances of the Provisional Government and of the Whites in the South and in Siberia and the Far East; and the settlement of White Army veterans in European countries in the 1920s.

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Mikhail Vladimirovich Bernatskii Papers, 1901-1932 500 items 2 boxes

Mitrofan Ivanovich Boiarintsev Papers, 1914-1967

800 items 4 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the correspondence dates from the 1950s and early 1960s, when Boi︠a︡rint︠s︡ev was head of the Ob'edinenie chinov Kornilovskago udarnago polka, an emigre veterans' organization, and relates to the affairs of this and similar groups. The manuscripts include campaign memoirs and a memoir called, "Epokha 1937-1965 gg." dealingwith events in the world of the White veteran's groups written by Boi︠a︡rint︠s︡ev; and a memoir of the First World War by a Captain I︠A︡. G. Shinin. Official documents relating to the military service of both Boi︠a︡rint︠s︡ev and Shinin are found in the collection, as well as some regimental and army orders of the Revolution-Civil War period. There is a photograph of Genral L.G. Kornilov; a large number of photographs of the White Army encampment at Gallipoli, of the Imperial family, White officers' reunions, funerals, dedication ceremonies etc. Printed materials include: a folder of printed engravings of varied content (portraits of the Imperial family, White officers, members of the White Russian community in Shanghai; and illustrations of various incidents in the Civil War; a complete set through 1965 of the emigre newsletter "Kornilovt︠s︡y" (Nos. 1-6; 1952_65); 7 issues of the "Vestnik pervopokhodnika" (Nos. 82-91; Aug. '68-May '70); and books, pamphlets, and jubilee volumes concerning Tsar Nicholas II, the White movement, General Kornilov, and the Mladorossy.

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Mitrofan Ivanovich Boiarintsev Papers, 1914-1967 800 items 4 boxes

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Mel'nikov Manuscripts, 1933-1949

12 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Mel'nikov's manuscripts include his memoirs, "19 let na zemskoi sluzhbe: avtobiograficheskie nabroski i vospominaniia" (371 p.), describing in detail his service in governmental posts. Several other manuscripts in the collection discuss general problems of Russian developments and also his views on a future, non-Soviet Russia.

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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Mel'nikov Manuscripts, 1933-1949 12 items 1 box

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pal'chevskii Papers, 1913-1954

198 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, a manuscript of the P.O.W. journal "Alibudér" in France, a subject file on the Turgenev Library, documents, picture postcards, and printed materials. Correspondence consists of letters and postcards to and from Palćhevskiĭ. There is one letter from Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Documents are Palćhevskiĭ's and include passports and affidavits, mostly from France. Picture postcards are primarily on historical topics. Printed materials include mainly clippings and programs. Cataloged letters are from Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev and Sergeĭ Svatikov.

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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pal'chevskii Papers, 1913-1954 198 items 1 box

Nikolai Alekseevich Epanchin Memoirs, 1931-1939

554 pages 554 pages
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs discuss Epanchin's military service under Tsars Alexander II, Alexander III, and Nicholas II, from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-88 through the Civil War, and the emigration in Europe. Also included is a photocopy of the memoirs.

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Nikolai Alekseevich Epanchin Memoirs, 1931-1939 554 pages 554 pages