Five samizdat book made by a Russian poet Sasha Bogdanov in 1989 An addition to several samizdat books held at the Bakhmeteff Archive: 1. Chellenger kommunizma 2. Dorogaia Raisa Maksimovna 3. Mavzolejnoe 4. Rossiia 1989 5. Za Rodinu, za Stalina, za Ligacheva
The papers include a long letter by Anna Staniewska discussing Maciej Słomczyński's Polish translations of Shakespeare, with related correspondence of Czesław Miłosz. There is correspondence, and a manuscript by Valkenier concerning the 1961 publication in the Polish emigre press of Russian underground authors I. Ivanov and Abram Tertz. The extensive subject files are primarily concerned with 20th century Polish history, historiography and the Solidarity movement. There is a section on the 1959 U.S. Exhibit in Moscow and a number of Polish theatrical posters. Most of the books are in Polish and concern Polish history and historiography.
Typescript poem "Na strashnyi sud istorii (Delo Anny Akhmatovoi)" that discusses events in Akhmatova's life from the 1946 attack on her by Zhdanov through the publication in 1950 of her cycle "Slava miru." The poem circulated in the Soviet Union in samizdat in 1950-1951.