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C. Martin Wilbur papers, 1950-1992

53 linear feet (117 boxes 2 tube boxes)
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Correspondence, subject files, manuscripts and printed materials documenting the work of C. Martin Wilbur, George Sansom Professor Emeritus of Chinese History, Columbia University. Correspondence with non-Columbia organizations includes the Institute of Pacific Relations, Far Eastern Association, INDUSCO, Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Foundation, and American Council of Learned Societies, among others. Subject files relevant to Columbia University include items pertaining to the Department of Chinese and Japanese, later renamed the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, as well as teaching files, student files and research projects directed. The manuscript files contain the notes and, in some cases, printed copies of published and unpublished works and public talks. Wilbur's writings and research concentrate on the history and politics of twentieth century China, with emphasis on the Chinese Revolution, 1920-1929, Sun Yat-sen, and communism in China. There are translations of minutes for the first and second Kuomintang Congresses, copies of documents from the Kuomintang Archives, and photographs of members of the Young China Party, Sun Yat-sen and several historical events in the 1920s. Files on fund raising efforts for the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and the Wellington Koo Fellowship also contain relevant correspondence. Biographical information includes a curriculum vitae (ca. 1968)

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C. Martin Wilbur papers, 1950-1992 53 linear feet (117 boxes 2 tube boxes)

Samuel and Bella Spewack papers, 1920-1980

67 linear feet (155 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, playscripts, screenplays, diaries, documents, contracts, financial records, photographs, phonograph records, motion pictures, playbills, posters, sheet music, cartoons, art work, memorabilia, scrapbooks, and printed materials. . The collection consists chiefly of correspondence and production files relating to the creation, production, and performance of their works for stage, screen, radio, and television, such as Leave It To Me and Kiss Me Kate (with music by Cole Porter), Boy Meets Girl, and My Three Angels. Correspondence (with twentieth century authors, playwrights, musicians, political figures, and actors) includes: George Abbott, Jean Arthur, Bennett Cerf, Katharine Cornell, Jo Davidson, George and Ira Gershwin, Alec Guinness, W. Averell Harriman, Lilli Lehmann, Mary Martin, Laurence Olivier, Mary Pickford, Cole Porter, Regina Resnick, Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert E. Sherwood, Lincoln Steffens, Kurt Weill, Rebecca West, and Thornton Wilder. There is also correspondence concerning Bella Spewack's work with the New York Girls' Scholarship, UNRA, and the Sports Center of Israel. In addition to the production files, there are manuscripts and typescript drafts for novels, short stories, and articles by the Spewacks.

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Samuel and Bella Spewack papers, 1920-1980 67 linear feet (155 boxes)

Society of Authors' Representatives records, 1939-1991

6 linear feet (15 manuscript boxes)
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Correspondence, by-laws, memoranda, contracts, permission forms, reports, bank statements and other legal papers, advertising, and printed materials.

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Society of Authors' Representatives records, 1939-1991 6 linear feet (15 manuscript boxes)

Joseph Schwartz papers on Hart Crane, 1921-1985

6 linear feet (13 boxes)
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Correspondence, articles, research notes, manuscripts, illustrations, printed materials, and a phonograph record collected by Schwartz in compiling his HART CRANE, A REFERENCE GUIDE (Boston, G.K. Hall [1983]). Among the correspondents are Alfred Gilman and Allen Tate. There is also a xerox copy of the script for a production of "The Bridge" by Hart Crane as a dance drama performed at Bennington College in the early 1930s

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Joseph Schwartz papers on Hart Crane, 1921-1985 6 linear feet (13 boxes)

George Santayana papers, 1880-1946

10.75 linear feet (23 boxes)
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Letters from Agustin Ruiz de Santayana have typescript carbon English translations. The translations are not on microfilm.

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George Santayana papers, 1880-1946 10.75 linear feet (23 boxes)

Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet (24 boxes and 1 folder)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022 10.5 linear feet (24 boxes and 1 folder)

Wesley Clair Mitchell papers, 1898-1953

22.5 linear feet (50 boxes (24000 items))
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Professional correspondence, diaries, unpublished articles, lecture notes, abstracts, and other manuscripts by Mitchell. Subjects include economic theory and its history, business cycles, money, national planing, anthropology and psychology, and published material by Mitchell and others.

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Wesley Clair Mitchell papers, 1898-1953 22.5 linear feet (50 boxes (24000 items))

Herbert Lionel Matthews papers, 1909-2002, bulk 1937-1976

18 linear feet (36 document boxes 1 flat box 7 custom boxes)
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The Herbert L. Matthews Papers contain the writings, correspondence, and personal papers of this American journalist, a correspondent and editorial writer for the New York Times from 1922 to 1967. Matthews' assignments spanned the world. As a journalist he covered the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 and 1936, Spain and the Spanish Civil War, Italy, India, Europe and World War II, postwar Europe, Latin America; as an editor he wrote about Vietnam, China, and Latin America.
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Herbert Lionel Matthews papers, 1909-2002, bulk 1937-1976 18 linear feet (36 document boxes 1 flat box 7 custom boxes)

Joseph Marks papers about Anne Frank, 1950-1999

1.5 linear feet (3 manuscript boxes)
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These files concern the publication of Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl in 1952, the dramatization of this diary and the subsequent legal disputes with Meyer Levin over the play, and the motion picture made from the play. They also deal with the activities of the Anne Frank Foundation, primarily support for the renovation of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the programs of the International Anne Frank Youth Center. These files include 145 letters from her father, Otto Frank, and letters from Alfred Kazin, Max Lerner, Meyer Levin, and Eleanor Roosevelt. There are also seven letters from Adela Rogers St. Johns and related materials about her own books and the 1963 volume of minutes of the Doubleday & Co. Publishing Committee.

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Joseph Marks papers about Anne Frank, 1950-1999 1.5 linear feet (3 manuscript boxes)

E. James Lieberman papers, 1949-1996

3 linear feet (8 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, seminar papers, tape cassettes, and printed materials. The collection includes the first and final drafts of Lieberman's Acts of Will; The Life and Work of Otto Rank (New York: The Free Press, 1985), as well as his research files for the book. There is also a heavily annotated ms. translation by J. J. Taft of Rank's Daybooks (Diaries). Other correspondence, conference papers, lecture notes, and inscribed books have been added.

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E. James Lieberman papers, 1949-1996 3 linear feet (8 boxes)