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Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000

1 linear feet 2 document boxes
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Correspondence, contracts, reviews, brochures, fliers, and photographs of various theatrical productions involving Ann Greyson.

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Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000 1 linear feet 2 document boxes

Robert Wilson papers, 1969-2000

148 linear feet 318 boxes in ReCAP (1-59, 60a,b,c,d, 61-74, 75a,b,c, 76-81, 82a,b, 83-99, 100a,b, 101-294; 1 cataloged box (CC1), 4 flat boxes, 1 mapcase drawer, 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, outlines, scripts, production notes, technical materials, story boards, contracts, posters, programs, announcements, recordings, reviews, and other printed materials relating to all aspects of Robert Wilson's theater works, opera, films, artwork and video productions. There are files for all of Wilson's theatrical performances, the most extensive of which is the CIVIL warS. Also included are the files of the Byrd Hoffman Foundation.

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Robert Wilson papers, 1969-2000 148 linear feet 318 boxes in ReCAP (1-59, 60a,b,c,d, 61-74, 75a,b,c, 76-81, 82a,b, 83-99, 100a,b, 101-294; 1 cataloged box (CC1), 4 flat boxes, 1 mapcase drawer, 1 oversize folder

Herbert Machiz papers, 1956-1969

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Letters to Herbert Machiz (1923-1976), a prominent theatrical director in New York. The correspondence includes items from well-known actors and authors, such as Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Yukio Mishima, Julie Harris, Paul Bowles, and Gian Carlo Menotti. The collection also includes newspaper articles on Mishima collected by Machiz, and an obituary of Machiz.

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Herbert Machiz papers, 1956-1969 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
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Playscripts, notes, caricatures, rehearsal lists, playbills, a flyer, and newspaper reviews and clippings for THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller. THE CRUCIBLE, a drama about the Salem witch trials of 1692, was first produced in Wilmington in January 1953 and opened in New York in June 1953. The playscripts show the working notes of Arthur Miller and of Jed Harris, the director.

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Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

John Hall papers, 1950-1997

23 linear feet 50 boxes
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Correspondence and manuscripts including drafts, typescript, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Hall's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Alan Ayckbourn, Robert Bolt, Christopher Fry, Sir John Gielgud, and Harold Pinter.

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John Hall papers, 1950-1997 23 linear feet 50 boxes

Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984

16.5 linear feet 34 document boxes
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Playscripts, correspondence about his scripts, poems, notebooks and other manuscripts including drafts, typescripts, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Cooper's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels.

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Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984 16.5 linear feet 34 document boxes

Harold Clurman papers, 1922-1980

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Correspondence, notebooks, and photocopies of manuscripts. There are letters from Jean Dubuffet, Walter Matthau, Arthur Miller, Harold Pinter, and Tennessee Williams. There are also six of Clurman's notebooks with notes on theater and photocopies of typescript pages re. his book, THE FERVENT YEARS (1945).

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Harold Clurman papers, 1922-1980 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Annie Laurie Williams records, 1922-1971

91 linear feet 210 boxes
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Correspondence files and financial papers. The files include correspondence, contracts, clippings and programs, ledgers and financial accounts, submission books, and calendars and memorandum books. Authors for whom there are extensive files include the following: Truman Capote; Patrick Dennis; John Dos Passos; Lloyd C. Douglas; John Hersey; Alice Tisdale Hobart; Paul Horgan; William Humphrey; Frances Parkinson Keyes; Margaret Mitchell; Alan Paton; Kenneth Roberts; Lillian Smith; John Steinbeck; George R. Stewart; Ben Ames Williams; and Kathleen Winsor

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Annie Laurie Williams records, 1922-1971 91 linear feet 210 boxes

Booth Tarkington papers, 1921-1923

1 box 1 box (43 items)
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Correspondence regarding the production of the plays INTIMATE STRANGERS and MAGNOLIA by Tarkington. There are twelve holograph letters, one detail sketch for a costume, and one page of manuscript and one page of typescript notes by Tarkington as well as thirteen telegrams sent by him. The letters and telegrams are all addressed to Mr. Ira A. Hards, director of the plays. In addition, there are copies of seven telegrams by Hards and one by the producer, A.L. Erlanger, all but one of which are addressed to Tarkington. Also, carbon copies of four letters from Hards and Erlanger to Tarkington, two items concerned with book production and dramatic rights of THE INTIMATE STRANGERS and one theatre program.

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Booth Tarkington papers, 1921-1923 1 box 1 box (43 items)

Samson Raphaelson papers, 1916-1982

19.5 linear feet 41 boxes
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Correspondence, playscripts, screenplays, scenarios, short stories, and other manuscripts, drafts, photocopies, contracts and other documents, tearsheets, clippings, and other materials relating to his career as a screenwriter, playwright, and author of short stories. Correspondence with friends, students, admirers, and professional colleagues concern his teaching, playwriting, films, articles, photography, and literary topics. There are also two groups of letters from students and readers about his textbook, "The Human Nature of Playwriting" (1949). Among the cataloged correspondence are William Gibson, MacKinlay Kantor, Anna Louise Strong, Louis Untermeyer, and Carl Van Doren. Included are manuscripts, drafts, or photocopies of almost all his films, plays, and short stories, such as playscripts and drafts of his plays, "The Jazz Singer" (1922), "Skylark" (1939), "Jason" (1942), and others; screenplays and scenarios, many in photocopy, of "Trouble in Paradise" (1932), "The Merry Widow" (1934), "The Shop Aroung the Corner" (1940), "Suspicion" (1941), "Heaven Can Wait" (1943), and many other films; and manuscripts, drafts, tearsheets, and printed copies of his short stories and articles of film and television criticism. There are also many clippings and reviews, programs, and other printed materials about his plays and films.

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Samson Raphaelson papers, 1916-1982 19.5 linear feet 41 boxes