Leo H. Downes Papers, 1789-2014, bulk 1950s-2014 20 linear feet 34 cassette boxes; 13 document boxes Creator Downes, Leo H., 1933-2014 Abstract Or Scope The collection comprises 753 cassette tapes; 2 videotapes, and 13 boxes of papers. view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Warner Mifflin Emancipation document, 1775 0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box Creator Mifflin, Warner, 1745-1798 Abstract Or Scope An extraordinary manumission document created by Warner Mifflin, of Delaware, in 1775. There are also two copies of the book "Life and Ancestry of Warner Mifflin" compiled by Hilda Justice, 1905 view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library