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Amos Vogel papers, 1896-2001, bulk 1960-1990

68 linear feet 150 document boxes 1 halfsize box 6 index card boxes 1 flat box
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This collection documents the professional work of film critic, professor, and author, Amos Vogel. The bulk of the records are concerned with numerous films that Vogel has screened for Cinema 16, the independent film society that he founded and directed for sixteen years, as well as administrative records, correspondence, photographs, and printed material.
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Amos Vogel papers, 1896-2001, bulk 1960-1990 68 linear feet 150 document boxes 1 halfsize box 6 index card boxes 1 flat box

Annie Laurie Williams records, 1922-1971

91 linear feet 210 boxes
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Correspondence files and financial papers. The files include correspondence, contracts, clippings and programs, ledgers and financial accounts, submission books, and calendars and memorandum books. Authors for whom there are extensive files include the following: Truman Capote; Patrick Dennis; John Dos Passos; Lloyd C. Douglas; John Hersey; Alice Tisdale Hobart; Paul Horgan; William Humphrey; Frances Parkinson Keyes; Margaret Mitchell; Alan Paton; Kenneth Roberts; Lillian Smith; John Steinbeck; George R. Stewart; Ben Ames Williams; and Kathleen Winsor

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Annie Laurie Williams records, 1922-1971 91 linear feet 210 boxes

Austin Strong papers, 1890-1961

4300 items 32 boxes, includes 1 box cataloged correspondence (box A).
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Correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, commonplace books, drawings, photographs, and printed materials. The collection is a comprehensive documentation of the dramatist's career and includes manuscripts, typescripts, notes, and costume and scenic design for more than seventy of his plays and related writings; 31 diaries, commonplace books, and scrapbooks containing manuscript and typescript notes, travel sketches, original drawings, and photographs; and correspondence files including letters from Harley Granville-Barker, Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, John Galsworthy, Booth Tarkington, and Thornton Wilder. Austin Strong's mother, Isobel Field, was the step-daughter of Robert Louis Stevenson. Consequently, the collection contains much Stevensoniana, including photographs and Isobel Field's letters from Western Samoa, where she was known as "Teuila." Also, correspondence and photographs relating to Cornwall Park, Auckland, New Zealand, which was designed by Austin Strong.

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Austin Strong papers, 1890-1961 4300 items 32 boxes, includes 1 box cataloged correspondence (box A).

Authors' manuscripts, 1923-1982

26 linear feet 65 boxes
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Manuscripts of books and short stories written and published by various authors, many with Columbia University connections. This collection began as the result of a letter sent to authors with Columbia connections asking if they would consider the University Libraries as a place of deposit for the manuscripts of their published works. The collection grows as new authors deposit their works and new manuscripts are added to those already on deposit

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Authors' manuscripts, 1923-1982 26 linear feet 65 boxes

David Lloyd collection on Lao She, 1946-1957

1 Linear Feet 2 manuscript boxes
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The David Lloyd collection on Lao She consists of records relating to the publications and translations of Lao She's work during and after his stay in New York, dating from 1946 to 1957. Materials in the collection include correspondence, accounts, manuscripts, and a portrait of Lao She.
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David Lloyd collection on Lao She, 1946-1957 1 Linear Feet 2 manuscript boxes

Frank Sypher papers, 1831-1989

1 linear feet 2 boxes and 1 oversized folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Sypher, reflecting his interest in A.C. Swinburne and in the Estonian poet, Aleksis Rannit. Correspondents include Joseph Hume, Ted Joans, Aleksis Rannit, Enid Starkie, and Algernon Charles Swinburne. There are additional materials on Africa, the Mina dialect in Togo, and the Sypher and related families of New York State.

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Frank Sypher papers, 1831-1989 1 linear feet 2 boxes and 1 oversized folder

Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984

16.5 linear feet 34 document boxes
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Playscripts, correspondence about his scripts, poems, notebooks and other manuscripts including drafts, typescripts, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Cooper's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels.

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Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984 16.5 linear feet 34 document boxes

Helen Worden Erskine papers, 1860-1984

72 Linear Feet 154 boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 1 map case folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, drafts, notes, documents, drawings, photographs, audio tapes, clippings, and other printed materials covering every aspect of Helen Worden Erskine Cranmer's life and career. There are extensive biographical files on: Jenny S. Bradley, Prince Charles of England, Joseph Dixon, Dwight and Mamie Doud Eisenhower, Rosina Lhévinne, Paul Niehans, the Morgan twins (Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt and Thelma Morgan Converse Furness), Jovanka Tito, Harry and Bess Truman, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor; and large files on crime, recluses, New York City history, and travel. There are extensive drafts and source materials for her unpublished autobiography. There are pencil sketches, pen-and-ink drawings, watercolors, charcoal sketches, photographs, and printed copies by Helen Worden Erskine Cranmer and by others.

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Helen Worden Erskine papers, 1860-1984 72 Linear Feet 154 boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 1 map case folder

Jack Harris Samuels English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, [1630]-1964

6.5 linear feet 6 boxes 27 volumes
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A collection of letters, manuscripts, proofs, and drawings of English and American authors, including 33 letters from Alan Gabriel Barnsley (Gabriel Fielding) to Derek Stanford; a letter from James Boswell to George Colman the younger; a letter from Wilkie Collins; a letter from James Fenimore Cooper to William Buell Sprague; a letter from Dinah Maria Mulock Craik; letters from E.M. Forster; letters from Sarah Grand to James B. Pond; letters from T.B. Macauley; a letter from Hester Lynch Piozzi to James Robson; letters and cards from G.B. Shaw; letters from R.B. Sheridan to Thomas Grenville and to C. Ward, and a letter from Elizabeth Ann Linley Sheridan to R.B. Sheridan; a letter from William Wordsworth to F.W. Faber; a letter to Alfred, Lord Tennyson to Benjamin Disraeli; letters from Anthony Trollope written to Frederic Chapman, Mary Christie, J.T. Fields, Frederic Harrison, and others; letters from Ellen Terry and Rhoda Broughton, and postcards from Evelyn Waugh to Graham Ackroyd. The manuscripts include examples by Max Beerbohm, Arnold Bennett, Elizabeth Bowen, John Burroughs, Ivy Compton-Burnett, A.E. Coppard, Baron Corvo, Cecil Day Lewis, Ronald Firbank, E.M. Forster, George Gissing, Sarah Grand, A.P. Herbert, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Lear, Henry W. Longfellow, Amy Lowell, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester, G.B. Shaw, Edith Sitwell, and Logan Pearsall Smith.

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Jack Harris Samuels English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, [1630]-1964 6.5 linear feet 6 boxes 27 volumes

John Erskine papers, 1890-1951

40 linear feet 71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11)
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Correspondence relating to Erskine's various educational, musical and literary interests; manuscripts of his writings; lecture notes for college courses; souvenirs of his army service in World War I and his Columbia University professorship, and student papers from his own school and college days. Also, biographical file, scrapbooks, and articles.

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John Erskine papers, 1890-1951 40 linear feet 71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11)