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A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958

155 pages 155 pages
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Manuscript memoirs that discuss Levitskiĭ's experiences during the Russo-Japanese War and as a staff officer in St. Petersburg before the First World War.

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A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 1958 155 pages 155 pages

Aleksandr Pavlovich Bragin Manuscript, 1920-1950

300 items 3 boxes
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The collection consists primarily of manuscripts by Bragin, including his memoirs, which describe his military service during the Boxer Rebellion, the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. The documents and subject file relate to his service as head of the White military mission to Iran in 1920. Printed materials are largely clippings from and copies of emigre periodicals, with articles by Bragin.

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Aleksandr Pavlovich Bragin Manuscript, 1920-1950 300 items 3 boxes

Aleksei Aleksandrovich Spasskii-Odynets Memoirs, 1965-1966

4 items 1 box
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"Gosudar* Imperator Nikolai Il-oi, graf S. Witte, Manifest 17-go Oktiabriai gody pervoi revoliutsii," 1905, pages 1-70. "Prodolzhenie vospominanii A.A. Spasskago," pages 71-129. "Graf Witte, Karatelfnye otriady - ekspeditsii i ego, Witte, Otvetstvennost1," pages 130-205. "Vozvrashchenie: A.I. Guehkov i ego fGolos Moskvy1," pages 206-350."Chetyre reki i odno more; vospominaniia, obnimaiushchiia vremia s1883-go goda (s piatiletniago vozrasta) po noiabr' 1920-go goda(Tom Chetvertyi)," pages 351-510

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Aleksei Aleksandrovich Spasskii-Odynets Memoirs, 1965-1966 4 items 1 box

Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich Papers, 1895-1975

250 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder
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The papers include correspondence, photographs, and articles written by I︠U︡zefovich on the defense of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War. Also included are scrapbooks relating to his life and career; and printed material.

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Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich Papers, 1895-1975 250 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder

Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930

150 items 1 box
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Papers of Alf́red K. Bentkovskiĭ that consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. These items chiefly concern the monarchist group associated with the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich in France in the 1920s. Bentkovskiĭ was chairman of the commission of foreign affairs of Grand Duke Kirill's "state council" (gosudarevo soveshchanie) in France in 1930. Files of printed materials concern the Mladorossy and the Russo-Japanese War.

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Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930 150 items 1 box

Bioscope avec l'Armée Russe en Mandchourie, 1904-1905

1 item bound 1 photoalbum
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Very rare album of 70 photographic prints of the Russo-Japanese War by George Henry Rogers, operator and the war correspondent of the Charles Urban Trading Co. He has made his application from Paris. Here he waited three months before a permit to go to Russia was granted. After waiting three weeks in St. Petersburg, he was allowed to proceed as far as Irkutsk. At this town, he was turned out of the train, on the ground that transport was needed for the military for war stores. So Mr. Rogers bought a sledge and three ponies, and fortunately falling in with a troop of cossacks arrived, after seventeen days travelling, at Harbin where he was by the end of April (source: During that time, George H. Rogers managed to film the newsreel "The Russian Army in Manchuria" as well as took photos that were included in the album entitled "The Bioscope, with the Russian Army in Manchuria." Photographs captured scenes of the war including Russian troops in Irkutsk; Generals Kuropatkin, Grekov and Rennenkempf; reservists getting on the train; Russian infantrymen; a Cossack division; General Kuropatkin with viceroy of Mukden; General Kuropatkin in Harbin; beheading of prisoners; photographs of Rogers. There is an inscription in French: "Dédié Respectueusement a mm. les Généraux Rennenkampf et Grekoff en témoignage de remerciement pour leur courtoisie envers l'auteur, qui a suivi les troupes russes en mandchourie depuis le commencement de la guerre. G. H. Rogers Janvier 1905."

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Bioscope avec l'Armée Russe en Mandchourie, 1904-1905 1 item bound 1 photoalbum

Borel' Mikhail K. and Vera M. Papers, 1905-1977

100 items 1 box
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The collection includes correspondence and manuscripts, as well as copies of documents. The correspondence of General Alekseev is represented by extracts from letters of the periord of the Russo-Japanese War, and by copies of both official and personal correspondence from 1917-1918. Also included are a few letters to K. V. Denikina answering requests for information about General Alekseev; these include 2 from his daughter V. M. Borel'. The largest part of the collection comprises manuscripts by M. K. Borel'; a lengthy memoir of the Civil War entitled "Za veru i vernost'". Other Civil War memoirs, a number of brief historical anecdotes and stories of an account of the battle of Mukden by a British journalist named Atteridge, and a memoir of 1917 Soviet Russia by Sergeĭ Novikov called "Konets rodnogo polka" complete the collection.

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Borel' Mikhail K. and Vera M. Papers, 1905-1977 100 items 1 box

Boris Doudoroff collection, 1905-1965

1 Linear Feet
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Russo-Japanese war - correspondence, photographs, diaries, journals which belonged to Boris Doudoroff (1882-1965).

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Boris Doudoroff collection, 1905-1965 1 Linear Feet

Boris Vladimirovich Gerua Papers, 1904-1974

2100 items 5 boxes
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The collection consists primarily of letters written to Gerua in the 1930s by other emigres who had formerly served as officers, such as Vladimir Kamenskiĭ and Vasiliĭ Gurko. There are also copies of letters by Gerua from the Far East at the time of the Russo-Japanese War. Also included are manuscripts by Gerua and by Nikolaĭ Rotshteĭn; sketches by Gerua of participants in the 1926 Zarubezhnyĭ Sʺezd (Congress Abroad) in Paris; and photographs.

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Boris Vladimirovich Gerua Papers, 1904-1974 2100 items 5 boxes

Carl Remington papers, 1899-1905

1 box 1 box
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Correspondence, reports, speeches, diaries, photographs, and memorabilia of Remington, including Remington's diaries and scrabooks, and copies of some of the Governor's speeches and reports. Also, an interesting collection of correspondence pertaining to the arrival of Russian warships in Manila harbor after the battle of Tsushima Straits.

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Carl Remington papers, 1899-1905 1 box 1 box