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Oral History Research Office Records, 1900-1987
25 linear feetMiscellaneous papers relating to the memoirists who were interviewed by the Oral History Office. Included are original papers, printed materials and microfilm copies of materials not retained by Columbia. One half of the collection consists of original notes, draft transcriptions, related correspondence and documents related to the Radio Pioneer Project. Of those papers only available on microfilm, about one-third have a list of contents
Reminiscences and memoirs, 1900-1980
6200 memoirsTypescript carbons of the reminiscences and memoirs of men and women prominent in American life including agriculture, art, book publishing, business, diplomacy, education, journalism, jurists, literature, labor movement, medicine, military history, New York City politics, and special projects such as the Eisenhower Administration, the Marine Corps, popular arts, the radio industry, and social security recorded on tape by the person concerned.