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W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Strachan's correspondence with his primary publisher, Peter Owen of London relates chiefly to the nuts and bolts of translation and publication. The translations that are the subject matter of the letters are of Hermann Hesse, Caesar Pavese, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, and Julien Gracq. The majority of the letters are accompanied by retained copies of the replies of Peter Owen. Included is Owen's correspondence with the American publisher George Wittenborn.

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W. J. Strachan letters, 1954-1992 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Wilfred Owen collection, 1917-1966

1 box (68 items)
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains letters and manuscripts by and relating to Wilfred Owen, including seven letters (Nov. 5, 1917 to Oct. 10, 1918) written by Owen to Siegfried L. Sassoon (1886-1967) (English war poet, writer, and soldier). Additional correspondence includes 22 letters from the poet's mother, Mrs. Susan Owen to Sassoon (1921-1933); 28 letters written by the poet's brother, Harold Owen to Sassoon (1921-1966); one letter written by the poet's cousin, Leslie Gunston, to Sassoon (1921), and one letter (1930) to Edmund C. Blunden (1896-1974) (English poet, author and critic). There are also three letters from the Wilfred Owen scholar, Dennis S.R. Welland, to Siegfried Sassoon (1950). Finally, the collection holds one letter from Ian M. Parsons a partner at Chatto and Windus and one letter from the editor John Bell of Oxford University Press to Siegfried Sassoon (1946 and 1965).

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Wilfred Owen collection, 1917-1966 1 box (68 items)

Thomas Hood letters, 1837-1844

1 volume (1 volume)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters of Thomas Hood. Eight of the nine letters in the collection are addressed to J.O. Ward and treat chiefly matters of Hood's health and a governmental pension. None of these is dated. The remaining letter, written from abroad in 1837 to a Doctor Elliot of London, is a lengthy account of Hood's health, travels, literary activities, and experiences of living in Germany and Belgium. The items are pasted on or hinged to versos of leaves in one volume, being faced by typed transcriptions.

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Thomas Hood letters, 1837-1844 1 volume (1 volume)

Solton and Julia Engel collection of literary letters manuscripts and drawings, 1832-1935

4.5 linear feet (4 boxes, 1 mapcase drawer)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscript, and drawings relating to English and American literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries collected by Solton (1896-1961) and Julia (-1984) Engel. Ten letters and four manuscripts of poems by Rudyard Kipling form the largest unit within the collection. Prominent among the other items are the manuscript of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Mock Trial" and two Walt Whitman letters, a copy of R. W. Emerson's famous "Leaves of Grass" letter in Whitman's hand and Whitman's letter to Conway regarding the Emerson letter. Also included is a letter from James Fenimore Cooper to Mary Rutherfurd Clarkson Jay, wife of Peter Augustus Jay. Thirty-one of the drawings in the collection are by William Wallace Denslow and John Rae Neill and represent illustrations done for various works by L. Frank Baum. There are also two drawings of Gelett Burgess, one ot "The Goop" and the other of "The Purple Cow." Castings of the obverse and reverse of the bronze Kipling medallion commissioned by Engel in 1953 from Julio Kilenyi are stored in 2 oversize boxes. Most of the items in this collection relate to a collection of first editions which was also presented to the Libraries by Mr. and Mrs. Engel.

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Solton and Julia Engel collection of literary letters manuscripts and drawings, 1832-1935 4.5 linear feet (4 boxes, 1 mapcase drawer)

Sitwell family letters and manuscripts, 1928-1978

0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

Various letters and manuscripts by and about Sir Osbert Sitwell (1892-1969), Dame Edith Sitwell (1887-1964), and Sir Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-). There are 2 notebooks which Dame Edith Sitwell inscribed to Siegfried Sassoon containing drafts of her poem "Gold Coast Customs" as well as numerous other drafts of prose and poems.

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Sitwell family letters and manuscripts, 1928-1978 0.5 linear feet (1 box)

Siegfried Sassoon papers, 1894-1966

3 linear feet (4 boxes, 13 slipcases)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and manuscripts. The collection includes manuscript drafts and typescripts of two volumes of his autobiography: THE OLD CENTURY AND SEVEN MORE YEARS, 1938; and THE WEALD OF YOUTH, 1942. There are also 13 volumes of early notebooks for the period 1894 until 1909 (from age 8 to 22) containing drafts of over 200 poems, 19 short stories and many drawings. There is some correspondence about the autobiography. Also includes 21 letters from Arnold Bennett, 51 letters from Lady Ottoline Morrell, 26 letters from H.M. Tomlinson, 19 letters from Sassoon to his mother-in-law, Lady Gatty, 22 letters from Sassoon to his son, letters from many others, and a typescript of his poem "A love affair" with holograph note

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Siegfried Sassoon papers, 1894-1966 3 linear feet (4 boxes, 13 slipcases)

Roy Fuller manuscripts, 1965-1969

1 box (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope

A group of poetry manuscripts written during the 1960's. Also, a manuscript notebook containing at least 55 pieces including articles, talks, and book reviews, mostly with titles. These are carefully corrected first drafts and include a long essay on Graves' "White Goddess" an introduction to Edgell Rickword, and essays on J.R. Ackerley, Ruth Pitter "My Kind of Poetry", "Auden at Sixty", George Orwell, A.E. Housman, and F.R. Leavis.

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Roy Fuller manuscripts, 1965-1969 1 box (1 box)

Louis Napoleon Parker papers, 1869-1943

12.5 linear feet (25 document boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the papers of Louis Napoleon Parker, an English playwright, translator, and historical pageant producer active in the theater from the 1890s until the early 1940s. The collection includes holograph manuscripts, typescripts, and printed editions of Parker's plays, prose and poetry; theater programs and newspaper reviews; a small selection of sheet music; correspondence; personal documents, including datebook-style diaries; photographs; several books belonging to Parker; and his portrait in chalk by Cyril Roberts.
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Louis Napoleon Parker papers, 1869-1943 12.5 linear feet (25 document boxes)

Louis MacNeice papers, 1960-1969

1 box (1 box 38 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters, manuscripts, and books, including four letters from MacNeice to the poet and editor, Geoffrey Grigson. The manuscripts, either by or about MacNeice, include ten of his last poems. Five of these have been published in SOLSTICE, 1961, and four in THE BURNING PERCH, 1963. Drafts of the first group of poems were written in a personal notebook used by the poet while he worked for the British Broadcasting Corporation. In another similar notebook is a partial draft of his play "The Administrator." Both notebooks are in the collection. Also, an untitled, unpublished poem of seven stanzas"Tingling [born] the burning island" written on the reverse of a map. Works about NacNeice include manuscripts of a memoir and a radio portrait by Robert Pocock. The portrait has poignant comments and personal reminiscences by twenty of the poet's contemporaries, including John Betjeman, Anthony Blunt, W.H. Auden, E.R. Dodds, Stephen Spender, and others. Both Auden and a literary coterie of Spender, Betjeman, William Empson, and Cyril Connoly taped disucssions of MacNeice and his poetry. Also, thirty-eight books that were in MacNeice's personal library. Most are autographed by him, and many have marked passages and marginal notes. One of the books, Euripides' ALCESTIS AND OTHER PLAYS, is heavily annotated, apparently for a broadcast production.

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Louis MacNeice papers, 1960-1969 1 box (1 box 38 volumes)

Laura Riding letters, 1931-1977

1 box (1 box (27 items))
Abstract Or Scope

Autographed and typed letters from Riding to newspaper and magazine editors, primarily concerning published material by and about her. Throughout the collection there are references to Robert Graves. There is also a group of letters to Anthony Dickins, English poet and editor of the LONDON MAGAZINE.

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Laura Riding letters, 1931-1977 1 box (1 box (27 items))