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Clifford Odets papers, 1937-1964, bulk 1945-1963

6 linear feet (6 record containers)
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Clifford Odets was an American playwright. He was born in 1906 to Russian and Romanian immigrants. Odets dropped out of high school, striking out on his own to pursue a career in acting. He was a founding member of the Group Theatre in New York that utilized a new technique in acting based on the ideas of Constantin Stanislavski. The Group Theatre was further developed by director Lee Strasberg. Odets was married twice, both to actresses: Luise Rainer and Bette Grayson. The collection consists of his original plays and screenplays, including drafts. These were at one time loaned to Margaret Brenman-Gibson for work on her biography of Odets, which was published in 1981. There is a small section of personal papers that includes clippings, correspondence, ephemera, notes, and his secretary's appointment book.
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Clifford Odets papers, 1937-1964, bulk 1945-1963 6 linear feet (6 record containers)

David Lloyd collection on Lao She, 1946-1957

1 Linear Feet (2 manuscript boxes)
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The David Lloyd collection on Lao She consists of records relating to the publications and translations of Lao She's work during and after his stay in New York, dating from 1946 to 1957. Materials in the collection include correspondence, accounts, manuscripts, and a portrait of Lao She.
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David Lloyd collection on Lao She, 1946-1957 1 Linear Feet (2 manuscript boxes)

Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984

16.5 linear feet (34 document boxes)
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Playscripts, correspondence about his scripts, poems, notebooks and other manuscripts including drafts, typescripts, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Cooper's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels.

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Giles Cooper Papers, 1945-1984 16.5 linear feet (34 document boxes)

Joanna Wan-Ying Chan papers, 1970-2020

20 Linear Feet (38 manuscript boxes, 1 audiocassette box, 2 CMI boxes, 1 flat box)
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The Joanna Wan-Ying Chan papers (陳尹瑩檔案) document the tale of a Hong Kong native, a US immigrant, a Maryknoll sister, and ultimately an artist and a trail-blazing playwright and stage director in Chinese-American theatre as well as Cantonese-language theatre in Hong Kong. The collection consists of Joanna Chan's personal materials as well as the records for three theatrical repertories: Four Seas Players, Yangtze Repertory Theatre of America, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, dating from 1970-2020. Also included are files related to her collaborative and inspiring work and involvement in the Sing Sing Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program, dating from 2001-2020. The highlight and the bulk of the collection is in Series IV: Production Files, which focuses on the creative theatrical productions directed and produced by Joanna Chan.
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Joanna Wan-Ying Chan papers, 1970-2020 20 Linear Feet (38 manuscript boxes, 1 audiocassette box, 2 CMI boxes, 1 flat box)

John Erskine papers, 1890-1951

40 linear feet (71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11))
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Correspondence relating to Erskine's various educational, musical and literary interests; manuscripts of his writings; lecture notes for college courses; souvenirs of his army service in World War I and his Columbia University professorship, and student papers from his own school and college days. Also, biographical file, scrapbooks, and articles.

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John Erskine papers, 1890-1951 40 linear feet (71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11))

John Hall papers, 1950-1997

23 linear feet (50 boxes)
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Correspondence and manuscripts including drafts, typescript, notes, photographs, mimeographed scripts and printed materials, re. Hall's plays, radio and television scripts, short stories, and novels. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Alan Ayckbourn, Robert Bolt, Christopher Fry, Sir John Gielgud, and Harold Pinter.

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John Hall papers, 1950-1997 23 linear feet (50 boxes)

Randolph Somerville papers, 1915-1958

28.5 linear feet (62 boxes 1 flat vol. 1 flat box)
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Papers, promptbooks, photographs, lecture notes, correspondence, and theatrical files of Somerville. Included are materials from the Washington Square Players and Duke's Oak Theatre in Cooperstown, N.Y.

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Randolph Somerville papers, 1915-1958 28.5 linear feet (62 boxes 1 flat vol. 1 flat box)

Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet (24 boxes and 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022 10.5 linear feet (24 boxes and 1 folder)

Stephen Haweis papers, 1860-1969

5 linear feet (15 boxes; 4 oversize folders)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, artwork, objects, and printed material. Included among the list of 37 cataloged correspondents are: Vera Brittain, Edward Gordon Craig, Clarence Darrow, Havelock Ellis, Augustus John, Emmeline Pankhurst, Edward Steichen, Gertrude Stein, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Sybil Thorndike, Alec Waugh, and H. G. Wells. The cataloged manuscripts include a poem by Witter Bynner entitled "Hay Wagon." There is a large selection of Stephen's writings (poetry, novels, plays, articles, biographies, memoirs) including drafts of a proposed biography of his father, a bound volume of his own memoirs, numerous notebooks, and "Mount Joy," a description of life on Dominica. His photographs and paintings are well represented, with 6 albums of photographs and 2 boxes & 1 folder of approximately 200 paintings and sketches. The printed material includes works by Stephen, his father and his mother.

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Stephen Haweis papers, 1860-1969 5 linear feet (15 boxes; 4 oversize folders)