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Andrew W. Cordier papers, 1918-1975

160 linear feet 202520 items in 347 boxes
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The large collection covers all aspects of Cordier's life. It contains letters, memoranda, reports, cables, printed materials and photographs, mostly pertaining to his tenure at the United Nations and Columbia University.
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Andrew W. Cordier papers, 1918-1975 160 linear feet 202520 items in 347 boxes

Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

534 linear feet 1069 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, publications, notes, subject files, awards, speeches, reports and audiovisual materials document work by the Church Peace Union, its successors Council on Religion in International Affairs and Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and related organizations such as the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches. The first installment of the CCEIA archival materials came to the RBML in 1974, with numerous additions over the years. A major addition in 1982 contained primarily the records of the Board of Directors and their semi-annual meetings, as well as the various programs and institutes of the Council, for the years 1972-1982, along with selected 1930s materials. 1986 addition contains presidential correspondence files, minutes of the Board of Trustees and committees, special projects, programs and conferences files, and the business and editorial files of "Worldview". Correspondents include John Foster Dulles, Jane Addams, Fiorello La Guardia, and Paul Tillich. 1990 and 2000 additions includes files of CCEIA presidents and vice presidents, paper and audiovisual materials on Merrill House Conversation Programs; Educational programs; International Monetary Fund/Lecture series; The Annals Of The Academy Of Political & Social Science; Washington Consultations; Colloquia for the Clergy; Church State Project; Asian Development & The Carribean Initiative; Korea: Year 2000 Project; fundraising files, printed materials and files of the Department of Publications.

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Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008 534 linear feet 1069 manuscript boxes

Henry Ford Peace Expedition Collection, 1913-1924, bulk 1915-1916

0.42 linear feet 1 document box
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This collection contains photographs, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, and writings relating to the Henry Ford Peace Expedition that took place in the winter of 1915-1916.
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Henry Ford Peace Expedition Collection, 1913-1924, bulk 1915-1916 0.42 linear feet 1 document box

John Somerville papers, 1960-1985

5.5 linear feet 11 boxes
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Papers of Somerville, alumnus and brief Columbia professor, writer and political activist.

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John Somerville papers, 1960-1985 5.5 linear feet 11 boxes

Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936

97 boxes 97 boxes
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Papers concerning both the administration of the Henry Street Settlement and Wald's involvement in numerous philanthropic and liberal causes. Her office files trace the foundation and growth of the Henry Street Settlement from 1895 until 1933. Her other activities include child welfare, civil liberties, immigration, public health, unemployment, and the peace movement during World War I. The correspondence files contain letters from public figures and writers including Jane Addams, Roger N. Baldwin, Van Wyck Brooks, Lavinia L. Dock, John Galsworthy, Samuel Gompers, William D. Howells, Charles Evans Hughes, Mabel Hyde Kittredge, Frances Perkins, Dorothy Thompson, Norman Thomas, Ida Tarbell, Margaret Sanger, and Jacob A. Riis.

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Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936 97 boxes 97 boxes

Ruth D. Masters papers, 1928-1947

1 box 1 box
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Course notes, manuscript drafts, and copies of publications by Masters, including her course notes for Prof. Joseph Chamberlain's classes on international organization and international waterways, a draft of her manuscript on public health, other manuscripts, and copies of printed works.

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Ruth D. Masters papers, 1928-1947 1 box 1 box

Sidney Edward Mezes papers, 1917-1919

1000 items 1000 items
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Mezes' correspondence and documents relating to the Inquiry group. Correspondents include Emily Greene Balch, George Louis Beer, Isaiah Bowman, Wilbur Cross, Cleveland H. Dodge, Stephen P. Duggan, Edward A. Filene, Glenn Frank, Robert Herrick, Robert Lansing, Edward M. House, Samuel McCune Lindsay, Walter Lippmann, Breckenridge Long, Adolph C. Miller, William Phillips, Frank L. Polk, Albert Shaw, James T. Shotwell, Vladimir G. Simkhovitch, Frank William Taussig, Allyn A. Young.

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Sidney Edward Mezes papers, 1917-1919 1000 items 1000 items

The Survey art files, 1921-1948

200 items 1 box
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Cover designs; original art work for illustrations, vignettes, charts, and mastheads; prints and photographs from the files of THE SURVEY. The collection consists primarily of art work for SURVEY GRAPHIC; some material for MIDMONTHLY is also included. SURVEY GRAPHIC included articles on broad social issues, including public health, world peace, welfare, labor conditions, and government regulations. It had striking pictorial covers, and was extensively illustrated with drawings, cartoons, reproductions of contemporary prints, and photographs, all represented in the collection. The cataloged artists include Wilfred Jones and Hendrik Willem Van Loon.

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The Survey art files, 1921-1948 200 items 1 box