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A.D. Golitsyn Memoirs, 1950
19 itemsThe memoirs are in two series: Golit︠s︡yn's typescript "Vospominanii︠a︡" (453 p. in 17 notebooks), which cover his childhood and youth, his "period of social and political service (1900-1917)", in World War I, and the Revolution and Civil War; and a manuscript in two notebooks entitled "Vtoroĭ god Russkoĭ Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: Bolśhevizm na Ukraine; Getmanskiĭ perevot; Petli︠u︡rovshchina" (410 p.), which discusses the Civil War in the Ukraine.
A.I. Ievreinov Memoirs, 1950
27 pagesTypescript memoir ""Poezdka v Tobolsk" that discusses Ievreĭnov's travel to Tobolśk in 1918 as part of a conspiracy to free the Imperial family.
Aleksei Grigorenko Printed Materials, 1914-1957
79 itemsThe collection consists of 26 scrapbooks of clippings, mostly concerning military and naval history and the Imperial family. There are issues of "Morskoĭ zhurnal" from 1930-39, and several books on military and naval history.
Boris Viktorovich Gontarev Memoirs, 1959-1960
11 pagesManuscript memoirs, entitled "Perezhitoe" (11 p.). One manuscript gives general autobiographical facts and the author's political views. The other manuscript describes life on his family's estate during the early 20th century.
Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkina Diary, 1953
180 pagesThe diary contains information on the tsaritsa and the court. Additions to the typescript include photographs of the diary and a facsimile of a note from the tsaritsa.
Elizaveta Vladimirovna Isaakova Memoirs, 1962
623 pagesTypescript memoirs that discuss such topics as her childhood on her parents' estate; World War I; 1917 in Petrograd; 1918 in the Ukraine; the Civil War and the emigration in Constantinople, Germany, and Poland; and World War II in Poland.
Evgeniia Stepanovna Shaikevich Memoirs, 1929
4 itemsShaĭkevich's (neʹe Ostrovskai︠a︡) handwritten memoirs (fifteen small notebooks) discuss her family and guests at her home, including Prince Sergeĭ Volkonskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, and Maksimili︠a︡n Voloshin. She also discusses prominent Russian and Jewish families at the turn of the century. The memoirs conclude with her emigration to Latvia, Germany, and France. The essay "Poslednii︠a︡ stranichki" and her minor manuscripts are also autobiographical in nature.
Fedor N. and Evdokiia N. Kosatkin-Rostovskii Papers, 1910-1950
150 itemsThe papers consist primarily of the Kosatkin-Rostovskiĭ's memoirs. His manuscript memoirs (150 p.) discuss his life up to 1906. Her typescript memoirs (440 p.) discuss her childhood, career as an actress in St. Petersburg, 1917-1918 in Petrograd, and the emigration in France. Also included are his diary for June-July 1940; a few letters written to him; clippings of his newspaper articles (many signed with the pseudonym "Antar"); and a book with his poetry and with essays dedicated to him; "Krestnym putem k voskresenii︠u︡" (Paris, 1948).
Garal'd Karlovich Graf Manuscripts, 1933-1953
4 itemsThree typescripts by Graf: one is entitled"Imperator bez trona: Zapiski nachalńika kant︠s︡eli︠a︡rii (nabli︠u︡denii︠a︡ i mysli)" (596 p.), describes the history of the Monarchist movement. The other two manuscripts deal with the Imperial Navy. One is entitled "Na baltiĭskom flote: Period vozrozhdeni︠a︡ flota posle I︠A︡ponskoĭ voĭny, s 1906 g. do 1914 g." (359 p., 2 drafts); the other is entitled "Russkiĭ flot: Materi︠a︡ly dli︠a︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Russkoĭ voenno-morskoĭ frazeologii" (203 p.). It contains a glossary of naval terms.
Georgii Goshtovt Papers, circa 1830-1952
2500 itemsPart of the collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, notes, military diaries, maps and printed materials that pertain to World War I. Some materials deal with the Civil War, Polish history, medieval Russia and Lithuania, and the history of Russian education. Several folders contain military orders, "prikazy", dating from the early 1900s to about 1925. There are also genealogical materials concerning Russian nobility and Goshtovt's family. The maps primarily concern World War I and the Civil War; also included are a postal map of Russia in 1860, and a map of transportation routes in 1887. The printed materials include clippings, and bulletins published by various emigre military organizations. Most of the books in the collection pertain to the German army during World War I.
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