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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959

600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Svitich's papers, which consist of manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials, chiefly concern the Orthodox church in interwar Poland. The papers also include Svitich's diaries, written in Poland between 1939 and 1940. Also included is an essay, in an unidentified hand, which Svitich attributes to V.V. Rozanov. There are photographs of Mikhail Artsybashev and Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Subject files concern: the Orthodox church in the Vilnius region in the late 19th century; meetings of various Russian organizations in 1917; many aspects of Orthodoxy in Poland in the 1920's and 1930's, including government persecution and in World War II. Among printed materials are issues of "Russkiĭ Golos"(Lwʹow) confiscated by the Polish government in 1939, and issues of Russian newspapers from World War II, including "Vestnik Russkago Komiteta v General-Gubernatorstve" (Warsaw).

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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959 600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Anna Matveevna Sukhanina Memoirs, 1930-1950

50 items 2 boxes
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The memoirs, in 6 folders, primarily describe her life in Bessarabia up to 1919, and were written under her pseudonym, Ivan Ivanov. Printed materials consist of French and Russian newspapers and magazines with information on the Soviet Union in the 1950's. Also included are copies of letters from Roger Sarret, who had been a French consular official in Bessarabia at the time of the revolution.

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Anna Matveevna Sukhanina Memoirs, 1930-1950 50 items 2 boxes

Collection of China's Spring 1989 Democracy Movement, 1988-1997, bulk 1989-1990

11.5 Linear Feet 10 document boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 1 audio-visual box
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The Collection of China's spring 1989 democracy movement (六四前后中国民主运动资料汇集) documents the legacy of the democracy movement in China during 1989 as well as events leading up to the Tiananmen Square Incident and its aftermath, dating from 1988 to 1997, and with the bulk of the materials dating from 1989 to 1990. The collection holds the originals and the photocopies of over 300 ephemeral posters, leaflet/handbills, newsletters, open letters, and petitions created and distributed in 1989, including those issued by the Peking Workers Autonomous Association (北京工人自治联合会), student groups from various universities, the "Hunger Strike Newsletter" and other unofficial news bulletins, intellectuals' petitions to the government, cartoons, and poetry. The collection also comprises over 200 photographs depicting demonstration banners, big character posters, petitions and letters to the leaders. The collection also contains 15 eye-witness reports by Asians and Westerners, reports of human rights organizations, as well as books, miscellaneous news magazine articles and newspaper clippings. Related materials in the collection also include Spring 1989 issues of the banned intellectuals' journal "Eastern Record"; 147 slides of work shown at the Peking National Gallery's avant-garde exhibition; and a video tape of interviews with artists and performance art at the February 5, 1989 opening of that exhibition. Other items are several VHS, audiocassettes, floppy disks, fragments of wall posters, a T-shirt, and commemorative envelopes. A large fabric banner prepared by Chinese students at the University of Michigan which was sent to Peking where it was displayed at Tiananmen Square in May 1989 and later returned to the U.S., is also included in the collection.

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Collection of China's Spring 1989 Democracy Movement, 1988-1997, bulk 1989-1990 11.5 Linear Feet 10 document boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 1 audio-visual box

Columbia College records, 1875-2022, bulk 1969-1987

123 Linear Feet 99 record cartons; 12 document boxes; 3 card file boxes 2.47 Gigabytes 1 external hard drive and 908 PDFs
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This collection is composed of the general files of Columbia College's Dean's Office, the minutes of Columbia College committees and the correspondence of Columbia College administrative officers during the years 1892 through 2019. A review of this collection allows researchers to gain insights into the interaction of Columbia College faculty and administrators with students, fellow faculty members, parents of students, and administrators of other colleges.
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Columbia College records, 1875-2022, bulk 1969-1987 123 Linear Feet 99 record cartons; 12 document boxes; 3 card file boxes 2.47 Gigabytes 1 external hard drive and 908 PDFs

Columbia Scholastic Press Association convention records, 1954-1955

1 linear feet 1 record carton
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This collection consists of the materials related to the 30th Annual Columbia Scholastic Press Association convention held in 1954. It includes the registration forms and submissions for prizes.

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Columbia Scholastic Press Association convention records, 1954-1955 1 linear feet 1 record carton

Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964).

56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes
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Douglas Putnam Haskellan (1899-1979) was an American writer, architecture critic and magazine editor. This collection contains correspondence, memos, articles, speeches, lectures, transcripts, clippings, notes, printed matter, photographs, audiotapes, and memorabilia mainly relating to Douglas Haskell's editorship at Architectural Forum and his professional activities. The collection includes items dating from 1866 to 1979, with the majority of materials dating from the period of 1949 to 1964.
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Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964). 56 Linear Feet 118 manuscript boxes 5 print boxes

Evgenii Nikolaevich Gagarin Papers, 1915-1972

50 items 1 box
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Papers consist of manuscripts and printed materials. Manuscripts include a typescript memoir by Gagarin about Simferopol in 1917-18, two brief essays by Gagarin on the rivers Neva and Volga, and a typed copy of a letter from a soldier in World War I to a nurse. Printed materials include scattered issues of and clippings from "Russkoe Slovo" one issue of "Sei︠a︡teĺ" two issues of "Chasovoĭ" three issues of "Russkiĭ Invalid" and twenty-one issues of "Osvedomitel ́Leĭb-Egereĭ" and a copy of "Epizody proshlogo. Rasskazy iz zhizni avtora i izbrannye stikhotvorenii︠a︡" (Buenos Aires, 1972), a collection of poems and brief memoiristic essays, manuscripts of some which are among Gagarin's papers.

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Evgenii Nikolaevich Gagarin Papers, 1915-1972 50 items 1 box

Evgenii Vasil'evich Sablin Papers, 1886-1949

29.5 linear feet 59 manuscript boxes
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The collection includes copies of official communiques sent and received by the Russian Imperial Embassy in London for the period 1886-1890 and 1919-1922; copies of reports forwarded by E.V. Sablin to the Council of Ambassadors in Paris, for the period 1922-1937; correspondence grouped around specific subjects; "case files" containing letters from and on behalf of individual Russian emigres wishing to enter Great Britain or to adjust their immigrant status; and letters received by E.V. Sablin and his wife Nadezhda Ivanovna from various persons, together with carbon copies of their replies. The most voluminous correspondence is between E.V. Sablin and V.A. Maklakov, V. Dobuzhinskiĭ, Joseph P. Kennedy, Aleksandr F. Kerenskiĭ, Vladimir V. Nabokov, Fedor I. Shali︠a︡pin, Petr and Gleb Struve, Adri︠a︡na V. Trykova-Williams etc. The remainder of the collection consists of manuscripts of articles and speeches both by Sablin and by others; public statements issued by Sablin in mimeograph form; miscellaneous mimeo material; clippings from both the Russian emigre press and British and French newspapers of articles by and about Sablin; as well as miscellaneous clippings, books, booklets, leaflets, performance programs, newsletters, Russian language newspapers published in England, photographs and several drawings and watercolor sketches.

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Evgenii Vasil'evich Sablin Papers, 1886-1949 29.5 linear feet 59 manuscript boxes

Flat Files Collection, 1754-2024

60.16 linear feet 8 mapcase drawers and 18 OS flat boxes
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This artificial collection consists of oversized posters, maps, newspapers, drawings, floor plans and architectural plans related to Columbia events, people and locations. The collection has been organized by subject matter.

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Flat Files Collection, 1754-2024 60.16 linear feet 8 mapcase drawers and 18 OS flat boxes

Fly papers, 1965-2023, bulk 1990-2012

70 Linear Feet 68 manuscript boxes, 4 tall manuscript boxes, 3 index card boxes, 3 photo boxes, 2 CD boxes, 1 Vinyl box, 4 audiocassette boxes, 8 OS boxes (14x18), 3 OS boxes (21x25), 4 mapcase folders, 10 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope
Professional and personal papers of Fly, a comic artist, textile artist, "crust punk," musician, feminist, squatter, illustrator, muralist, chronicler, teacher, and community activist. The papers include comics, zines, illustrations, original art, journals, sketchbooks, ephemera, production materials, printed materials, photographs, and audio and video recordings which documented Fly's personal life and artistic career highlighting the history of New York City's Lower East Side neighborhood and the counterculture scenes from the 1990s and beyond.
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Fly papers, 1965-2023, bulk 1990-2012 70 Linear Feet 68 manuscript boxes, 4 tall manuscript boxes, 3 index card boxes, 3 photo boxes, 2 CD boxes, 1 Vinyl box, 4 audiocassette boxes, 8 OS boxes (14x18), 3 OS boxes (21x25), 4 mapcase folders, 10 record cartons