Zubov, V. P. (Valentin Platonovich), graf, 1884-1969
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes V. P. Zubov's memoirs "Souvenirs de la revolution russe (1917-1925)"; Zubov's biography of Paul I "La fin de l'Empereur Paul". There is also the original manuscript of "Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskago" (ca. 1850) by Ivan Iakubovskii, and Zubov's foreword, comments and name index prepared for publication of the manuscript. There are two books and one offprint by Zubov in the collection: Zar Paul I: Mensch un Schicksal; Karlik favorita: Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskogo; and a portion of Zubov's memoirs about the Institut istorii iskusstv, from almanac "Mosty".