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Larissa Dmitrievna Zvereva Memoirs, 1913-1976
4 items 4 items- Abstract Or Scope
Two typed memoirs of Zvereva. The larger (49 p.) discusses her family, childhood, and youth up to the time she emigrated. She discusses in some detail rural life around the turn of the century, including her father's estate and the 1905 revolution in the area. The shorter memoir (6 p.) concerns the aftermath of the murder of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in 1934. Also included are a handdrawn diagram and a photograph of Zvereva's father's house.
Valentin Platonovich Zubov Manuscripts, 1850-1968
7 items 2 manuscript boxes- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes V. P. Zubov's memoirs "Souvenirs de la revolution russe (1917-1925)"; Zubov's biography of Paul I "La fin de l'Empereur Paul". There is also the original manuscript of "Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskago" (ca. 1850) by Ivan Iakubovskii, and Zubov's foreword, comments and name index prepared for publication of the manuscript. There are two books and one offprint by Zubov in the collection: Zar Paul I: Mensch un Schicksal; Karlik favorita: Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskogo; and a portion of Zubov's memoirs about the Institut istorii iskusstv, from almanac "Mosty".
Valentin Platonovich Zubov Manuscripts, 1850-1968 7 items 2 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Zubov, V. P. (Valentin Platonovich), graf, 1884-1969
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes V. P. Zubov's memoirs "Souvenirs de la revolution russe (1917-1925)"; Zubov's biography of Paul I "La fin de l'Empereur Paul". There is also the original manuscript of "Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskago" (ca. 1850) by Ivan Iakubovskii, and Zubov's foreword, comments and name index prepared for publication of the manuscript. There are two books and one offprint by Zubov in the collection: Zar Paul I: Mensch un Schicksal; Karlik favorita: Istoriia zhizni Ivana Iakubovskogo; and a portion of Zubov's memoirs about the Institut istorii iskusstv, from almanac "Mosty".
- Collection Context
Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978
271 pages 271 pages- Abstract Or Scope
Bound memoirs "S polkom pradedov i dedov v velikuiu voinu 1914-1917 gg." by Zubov.
Iurii Vladimirovich Zubov Memoirs, 1978 271 pages 271 pages
- Creator
- Zubov, I︠U︡. V. (I︠U︡riĭ Vladimirovich), 1892-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Bound memoirs "S polkom pradedov i dedov v velikuiu voinu 1914-1917 gg." by Zubov.
- Collection Context
Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971
64 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Zi︠a︡blov. Included is a copy of a letter from Moscow in 1919 by Zi︠a︡blov to his daughter, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Manuscripts include Zi︠a︡blov's travel diary of a trip from Moscow to the Black Sea and the Crimea in 1886, his memoirs, and lectures on engineering. The memoirs discuss his childhood and education (he graduated from Moskovskoe Tekhnicheskoe Uchilishche (Moscow Technical Institute)) in 1887; his work as a teacher and engineer; the 1905 revolution in Kolomna, where he was director of a machine works; and his continued engineering career through World War I and the early Soviet period. There are family photographs and photographs of unidentified groups, including Zi︠a︡blov, standing around locomotives. Also included is a pamphlet by Zi︠a︡blov"K voprosu o nemet︠s︡kom zasilí: Illi︠u︡strat︠s︡ii iz parovozostroĭtelńoĭ praktiki" (Petrograd, 1919).
Aleksei Alekseevich Ziablov Papers, 1883-1971 64 items 1 box
- Creator
- Zi︠a︡blov, Alekseĭ Alekseevich, 1862-1923
- Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Zi︠a︡blov. Included is a copy of a letter from Moscow in 1919 by Zi︠a︡blov to his daughter, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Manuscripts include Zi︠a︡blov's travel diary of a trip from Moscow to the Black Sea and the Crimea in 1886, his memoirs, and lectures on engineering. The memoirs discuss his childhood and education (he graduated from Moskovskoe Tekhnicheskoe Uchilishche (Moscow Technical Institute)) in 1887; his work as a teacher and engineer; the 1905 revolution in Kolomna, where he was director of a machine works; and his continued engineering career through World War I and the early Soviet period. There are family photographs and photographs of unidentified groups, including Zi︠a︡blov, standing around locomotives. Also included is a pamphlet by Zi︠a︡blov"K voprosu o nemet︠s︡kom zasilí: Illi︠u︡strat︠s︡ii iz parovozostroĭtelńoĭ praktiki" (Petrograd, 1919).
- Collection Context
Pavel Ivanovich and Evgeniia Vasilievna Zhestovskii Manuscrip, 1950
242 pages 242 pages- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript "Dvenadtsat' let v Afganistane" by Zhestovskiĭ and his wife Evgenii︠a︡. The typescript includes memoirs, observations, historical information, and illustrations.
Pavel Ivanovich and Evgeniia Vasilievna Zhestovskii Manuscrip, 1950 242 pages 242 pages
- Creator
- Zhestovskiĭ, Pavel Ivanovich, ca. 1895-
- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript "Dvenadtsat' let v Afganistane" by Zhestovskiĭ and his wife Evgenii︠a︡. The typescript includes memoirs, observations, historical information, and illustrations.
- Collection Context
Nikolai Vasil'evich Zheleznov Memoirs, 1936-1937
11 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Memoirs of Zheleznov. The memoirs, in ten handwritten notebooks and one typed copy, cover the years 1915-1918, and give a detailed account of the formation of the 13th army during World War I, as well as a description of the commanders in charge at that time. Other issues described include : the situation at the Northern Front in the fall of 1915 (Riga-Dvinsk), the Romanian front, the formation of Latvian units in the 13th army, and the army's disintegration in 1917. The memoirs end with the author's participation in the White Army movement in South Russia.
Nikolai Vasil'evich Zheleznov Memoirs, 1936-1937 11 items 1 box
- Creator
- Zheleznov, Nikolaĭ Vasilʹevich, approximately 1890-1957
- Abstract Or Scope
Memoirs of Zheleznov. The memoirs, in ten handwritten notebooks and one typed copy, cover the years 1915-1918, and give a detailed account of the formation of the 13th army during World War I, as well as a description of the commanders in charge at that time. Other issues described include : the situation at the Northern Front in the fall of 1915 (Riga-Dvinsk), the Romanian front, the formation of Latvian units in the 13th army, and the army's disintegration in 1917. The memoirs end with the author's participation in the White Army movement in South Russia.
- Collection Context
Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976
3100 items 13 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.
Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976 3100 items 13 boxes
- Creator
- Zernov family
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.
- Collection Context
Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953
30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files and printed material of Vladimir M. Zenzinov (1880-1953), writer, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and émigré activist first in France and, after 1940, in the United States.
Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953 30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case
- Creator
- Zenzinov, V. (Vladimir), 1880-1953
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files and printed material of Vladimir M. Zenzinov (1880-1953), writer, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and émigré activist first in France and, after 1940, in the United States.
- Collection Context
Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963
10 items 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript memoirs of Zenḱovskiĭ. This collection consists of ten memoirs by Zenḱovskiĭ. In them he discusses such topics as his participation in the 1918 Ukrainian government; his participation in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe from the 1920's to the 1960's; and his participation in the Russian Christian Student Movement.
Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963 10 items 1 box
- Creator
- Zenʹkovskiĭ, V. V. (Vasiliĭ Vasilʹevich), 1881-1962
- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript memoirs of Zenḱovskiĭ. This collection consists of ten memoirs by Zenḱovskiĭ. In them he discusses such topics as his participation in the 1918 Ukrainian government; his participation in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe from the 1920's to the 1960's; and his participation in the Russian Christian Student Movement.
- Collection Context
Aleksandr Vasilievich Zen'kovskii Manuscripts, 1951-1966
17 items 2 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts, chiefly memoirs, of Zenḱovskiĭ. In these manuscripts are discussed, in particular, Petr Stolypin; the Kiev zemstvo; the 1917 revolution; the Ukraine in 1918, including a zemstvo congress in Kiev; and the Civil War in 1919-1920, when Zenḱovskiĭ worked provisioning the White Army and civilians in the Crimea.
Aleksandr Vasilievich Zen'kovskii Manuscripts, 1951-1966 17 items 2 boxes
- Creator
- Zenʹkovskiĭ, A. V. (Aleksandr V.)
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts, chiefly memoirs, of Zenḱovskiĭ. In these manuscripts are discussed, in particular, Petr Stolypin; the Kiev zemstvo; the 1917 revolution; the Ukraine in 1918, including a zemstvo congress in Kiev; and the Civil War in 1919-1920, when Zenḱovskiĭ worked provisioning the White Army and civilians in the Crimea.
- Collection Context