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Rick Shur papers, 1949-2016, bulk 1970-2003

27 linear feet 22 record containers, 4 manuscript boxes, 1 oversized flat box, 1 tube box; 6 hard drives
Abstract Or Scope
The Rick Shur Papers document the life and work of New York City video artist, gay activist, English as a Second Language teacher, and cultural critic Rick Shur (1953-2016). As "Rick X," he hosted The Closet Case Show, a popular Manhattan cable access TV show featuring safer sex gay "edurotica" along with commentary on culture and politics. Shur attended Columbia College (1971-1975) and Teacher's College (1977-1979), and led the Gay Alumni of Columbia organization through the 1980s.
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Rick Shur papers, 1949-2016, bulk 1970-2003 27 linear feet 22 record containers, 4 manuscript boxes, 1 oversized flat box, 1 tube box; 6 hard drives

Howard Cruse Papers, 1941-2019

145 linear feet 49 record cartons; 8 manuscript boxes; 54 oversize flat boxes; hard drive (321 GB), hard drive (614 GB)
Abstract Or Scope
Personal and professional papers of comics artist Howard Cruse (1944-2019). Cruse was author of the graphic novel Stuck Rubber Baby (1995), the comic strips Wendel (1983-1989) and Barefootz (1971-1979), and founding editor of the anthology Gay Comix (1980-1991).
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Howard Cruse Papers, 1941-2019 145 linear feet 49 record cartons; 8 manuscript boxes; 54 oversize flat boxes; hard drive (321 GB), hard drive (614 GB)

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Terry McCaffrey Papers, 1970-2007, bulk 1993-2007

12.75 linear feet 11 record cartons, 3 manuscript boxes, and 1 half-manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Terry McCaffrey, especially efforts to abolish the death penalty in the United States and in other countries. It also includes information on torture, prisoners of conscience, AIUSA Faith in Action events, regional and national conferences, and many other subjects.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Terry McCaffrey Papers, 1970-2007, bulk 1993-2007 12.75 linear feet 11 record cartons, 3 manuscript boxes, and 1 half-manuscript box

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Stephen King Papers, 1979-1995, bulk 1984-1992

4 linear feet 4 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Stephen King, especially on his involvement with LGBTQ rights and the rights of individuals with HIV/AIDS. It also concerns internal decision making and planning at AIUSA.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Stephen King Papers, 1979-1995, bulk 1984-1992 4 linear feet 4 record cartons

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Rick Halperin Papers, 1987-1999, bulk 1989-1995

14.15 linear feet 13 record cartons, 2 document boxes, 1 half-sized document box
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the work of Rick Halperin during his time serving on the Amnesty International of the USA Board of Directors.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Paul Tighe Papers, 1991-1997

1 linear feet 1 record carton
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Paul Tighe, who worked with membership development, the death penalty in New Jersey, and LGBT concerns.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Paul Tighe Papers, 1991-1997 1 linear feet 1 record carton

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Louisa Coan Greve Papers, 1986-1997, bulk 1990-1997

10 linear feet 8 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of Lousia Coan Greve, an expert on human rights in China and a member of the AIUSA Board of Directors in the 1990s.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Jane Jerome Papers, 1974-2001, bulk 1989-1991

8.2 linear feet 8 record cartons and 1 oversize flat box
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains country files collected by Jane Jerome, AIUSA Area Coordinator for Mid-Peninsula, Palo Alto, CA, and a range of other materials related to refugees, women's rights, the Western Regional Conference, the Bay Area Development group, local groups, and other topics.
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Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Jane Jerome Papers, 1974-2001, bulk 1989-1991 8.2 linear feet 8 record cartons and 1 oversize flat box

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Carol Nagengast Papers, 1982-1994

8 linear feet 8 record cartons
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the work of AIUSA human rights activist Carole Nagengast on a large range of topics, such as the death penalty, women's rights, children's rights, and prisons, as well as a large amount of material on internal AIUSA actions and events, including meetings, policy decisions, and fundraising.
1 result in this collection

Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Carol Nagengast Papers, 1982-1994 8 linear feet 8 record cartons