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Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930

2 linear feet (4 boxes)
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American, English and French bookplates from private and institutional libraries. Box four contains some related correspondence concerning Welch's collecting and exchanging of bookplates. Four letters are from the English painter-etcher, Charles William Sherborn, who designed a bookplate for Welch's wife, Fanny Fredericka Dyckman Welch. The original etched plate is also enclosed.

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Alexander McMillan Welch bookplate collection, 1700-1930 2 linear feet (4 boxes)

Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940

1 linear feet (2 boxes)
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Typescript copies and copyrights to seven of Gudeman's scholarly publications. These are MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY (which has had eight editions), typescript with six large envelopes of illustrative material, photographs, etchings, and various other types of reproductions; IMAGINES PHILOLOGORUM, a new edition of a biographic, bibliographic index to the field of philology; bibliography of Aristotle's DE POETICA; a manuscript in Greek of the text of Aristotle's DE POETICA; Sallust CATALINE, 4th ed., numbers 1-5 "ready for publication;" English translation of Gudeman's own work containing HISTORY OF LATIN LITERATURE; and COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS and THE WORLD'S LITERATURE, 30 volumes. Also, various letters, lecture notes, club membership lists, and Gudeman's own lists of and notes about his works.

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Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940 1 linear feet (2 boxes)

American English and European architecture study prints, 1714-1965, bulk 1725-1875

510 Sheets
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This collection includes primarily original etchings, engravings, and lithographs, as well as published images from a variety of sources, of individual architectural structures or the built environment. Most of the images are uncolored. The collection is especially strong in images from the United States and England. A significant number of images are plates from Walter Harrison's "A new and universal history, description and survey of the cities of London and Westminister, the borough of Southwark, and their adjacent parts." (London, J. Cooke, 1776). A small portion of the collection depicts decorative arts and interiors. Also included are a few ephemeral items--such as tickets, letterhead, receipts, and bills--that include architectural imagery.

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American English and European architecture study prints, 1714-1965, bulk 1725-1875 510 Sheets

André Racz papers, 1952-1970

1 box (1 box, 1 flat case)
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Correspondence and works of Andre Racz, including one letter from Gabriela Mistral, 1952, a portrait of her (etching-aquatint), Ricz's etching (metal plate) for Mistral's POEMAS DE LAS MADRES (Santiago, Chile, 1950), a Christmas card, 1970, illustrated and signed by Racz, and a holograph of Thomas Merton's poem AUBADE--HARLEM, Racz's facsimile of this poem etched on a zinc plate, and his artist's proof pulled from the plate. Also, signature practice page for scroll presented to President Sovern by the Executive Committee of the Faculty in appreciation of his work as chairman, 1968.

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André Racz papers, 1952-1970 1 box (1 box, 1 flat case)

Andrew Alpern Collection of Edward Gorey Materials, 1954-2019

21.5 linear feet (15 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton, 4 flat boxes, 5 artifact boxes, 1 poster tube, and 2 map case folders)
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A collection of original artwork, published books, printed ephemera, and branded merchandise by the writer and artist Edward Gorey (1925-2000), assembled by Andrew Alpern.
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Andrew Alpern Collection of Edward Gorey Materials, 1954-2019 21.5 linear feet (15 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton, 4 flat boxes, 5 artifact boxes, 1 poster tube, and 2 map case folders)

Bassett Jones collection on Libris Polaris, 1818-1938

1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
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Letters, manuscripts, documents, and printed materials by and relating to explorers of both poles. Many of the letters are addressed to Vilhjalmur Stefansson or Bassett Jones. The letters for the most part discuss subjects of professional interest. Thre are printed materials, photographs and memorabilia of many expeditions and explorers.

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Bassett Jones collection on Libris Polaris, 1818-1938 1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)

Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Theatre and Costume print collection, 1787-1966

2100 items 2 document boxes
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This collection contains primarily 19th-century published prints depicting British and French dramatic theatres, with a small representation of international theatres. Images of sculpture, costumes, and fashion plates are also included. The majority of images are from published sources and are colored. Nearly all the prints are titled and most include artist, printer, and/or publisher information. Many noted printmakers are represented in this collection.

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Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Theatre and Costume print collection, 1787-1966 2100 items 2 document boxes

Charles A. Platt architectural records and papers, 1879-1981, bulk 1882-1933

3,989 architectural drawings 519 photographs 3 linear feet 91 glass plate negatives
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Charles Adam Platt (1861-1933) was an American architect and landscape designer. Although best remembered today for his landscape and country house designs, he was also nationally known for his etchings, landscape paintings, commercial architecture, and institutional projects. He was largely self-taught in each of these disciplines, building his success on his ability to reconceive the classical tradition in architecture for the needs and desires of his wealthy, powerful clients. This collection contains materials related to Platt's personal and professional lives, the bulk originating from Platt's office in the form of project drawings, photographs, and records documenting architectural projects from 1901-1933.
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Charles A. Platt architectural records and papers, 1879-1981, bulk 1882-1933 3,989 architectural drawings 519 photographs 3 linear feet 91 glass plate negatives

Eleanor M. Tilton papers, 1770-1991

68 linear feet (81 boxes 58 file drawers 88 card file boxes 1 oversized folder)
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This collection includes nine letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson as well as letters of Louis Agassiz, Amos Bronson Alcott, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, John Lothrop Motley, Charles Sumner, and John Greenleaf Whittier. In addition, there are two incomplete manuscripts by Emerson and one document from the Liverpool Custom-house signed by Nathaniel Hawthorne as Consul for the United States. The collection also includes the corrected typescript, index, and page and galley proofs for Thomas Franklin Currier, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (New York, 1953) which was edited by Professor Tilton. Also, some early correspondence and photographs of the Tilton family and friends. There are letters from the actors Annie Louise Ames, Richard J. Dillon, and Hans L. Meery to Tilton's grandfather, Bernard Paul Verne, as well as photographs, tintypes, and daguerreotypes of the Verne family and friends.

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Eleanor M. Tilton papers, 1770-1991 68 linear feet (81 boxes 58 file drawers 88 card file boxes 1 oversized folder)

George Macy papers, 1916-1970

13 linear feet (4 volumes 13 boxes 1 oversize box 1 map case drawer)
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Letters, documents, and printed materials documenting Macy's publishing career, including that relating to the Nonesuch Press, dating from 1941 to 1960. Included also are photographs, awards, and financial papers. The correspondents include many of Macy's close friends including Peter Beilenson, William Rose Benét, Clifton Fadiman, Christopher Fry, Lillian Gish, Alec Guinness, Fritz Kredel, Frederic and Florence March, Francis Meynell, Bruce Rogers, Louis Untermeyer, Carl Van Doren, and Lynd Ward. Also, miscellaneous engravings, lithographs, and drawings. The collection also includes 3 series of books: Macy-Masius Readers Club, Readers Club and Heritage Press. Macy Memorial Limited Addition Club books were cataloged individually as MACYMEM

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George Macy papers, 1916-1970 13 linear feet (4 volumes 13 boxes 1 oversize box 1 map case drawer)