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Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979
500 itemsCorrespondence, manuscripts, photographs and printed materials of Volzhanin. The correspondence includes two letters from Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡. The manuscripts are all by Volzhanin himself, and include memoirs describing his World War I military service, his service in the White Army in Siberia, his arrest and imprisonment until about 1937, his service with the Germans during World War II, and his eventual emigration to the United States. Other manuscripts deal with noted figures in Russian history, the emigre press, and literature. There are a few photographs of Volzhanin and a number of clippings.
Aleksei Ivanovich Skrylov Papers, 1916-1973
10 itemsThe papers contain correspondence that dates from the 1950s to the 1970s, and concern emigre Cossack affairs as well as the career of Skrylov's son, Valerian. There are essays on the Kuban Cossacks, political events in 1964 and on the Cossack dictionary Skrylov was compiling. There is a photocopy of a 1948 cerificate Skrylov received from the "Soi︠u︡z pervago kubanskago pokhoda" in Munich. The cataloged photograph is of General Lavr Kornilov in 1916, shortly before his escape from a military hospital in Köszêg, Hungary, and there are photographs of both Skrylov and his son.
Aleksei Mikhailovich Iuzefovich Papers, 1895-1975
250 itemsThe papers include correspondence, photographs, and articles written by I︠U︡zefovich on the defense of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War. Also included are scrapbooks relating to his life and career; and printed material.
Alexis Goldenweiser Papers, 1900-1974
36000 itemsThe collection chiefly consists of Goldenweiser's American legal case files. There are also case files from his German years, and substantial materials on his research into the condition of Russian refugees and refugee problems in general in the 1930s. Much of the correspondence from the late 1930s and early 1940s concerns Jews in Germany and occupied Europe. Correspondents in the collection include Mark Aldanov, Abraham Cahan, Antal Dorati, Georgiĭ Florovskiĭ, Tatʹi︠a︡na Frank, Vladimir and Vera Nabokov, and Mikhail Karpovich; there are 1 or 2 items each from Dwight D. Eisenhower, Eleanor Roosevelt, Herbert Lehman, and Nikolaĭ Losskiĭ. Letters, manuscripts, and documents by Vera Nabokova contain considerable information on her and her husband's lives in Germany and in the United States. Many of the American case files concern (as does much of the Nabokova material) individual claims for reparations from Germany after World War II.
Anatolii Pavlovich Brailovskii Papers, 1919-1939
150 itemsfrom the period of the Russian Civil War. Printed materials include posters from the Civil War Period.
Anatolii Petrovich Beklemishev Papers, 1917-1959
300 itemsCorrespondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence consists of letters written to Beklemishev and his wife in the 1950s. Manuscripts include his extensive fictionalized memoirs ("Potonuvshai︠a︡ Atlantida"), items apparently written for emigre
Andrei Fedorovich Ponomarev Papers, 1923-1963
2000 itemsThe collection includes correspondence, memoirs, organizational records, and printed materials. The correspondence -- which covers the 1923-1963 period -- concerns the activities of a number of emigre Cossack groups, scout groups and anti-Communist organizations throughout Europe, Canada and the United States. There is a two volume memoir written by P.P. Cherepanov, a member of the Tiflis Cadet Corps. The organizational records include accounts, membership lists, poems and songs, protocols and receipts, chiefly for the Tiflis Cadet Corps. Among the printed materials are issues of emigre and Cossack publications (such as "Bodrost,́" "Mikhaĭlovt︠s︡y" and "Rodimyĭ kraĭ") and ten folders of clippings about Cossack events and members. One of the scrapbooks contains guest lists of various events, clippings and photographs (including photographs from the filming of a 1920s production of "Khadzhi Murat"), while the other scrapbook has records of Cossack events and a number of original watercolors.
Anton Ivanovich and Kseniia Vasil'evna Denikin Papers, 1905-1970
20000 itemsThe papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Boris Bakhmeteff, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Ivan Shmelev, and Petr Wrangel. There is a manuscript of General Denikin's entitled, "Ocherki russkoĭ smuty," and of some of his other writings. Subject files deal with the Civil War and the emigration. Extensive printed materials include General Denikin's library and a collection of chiefly Russian emigre periodicals. Boxes 51, 52, 56, 61 have been integrated in the SEEC periodical collection.
Bakhmeteff Archive General Manuscripts-Photographs, 1880-1960
230 itemsPhotographs of various people and on various topics. There are a number of major groups: late 19th century Russian revolutionaries; the wreck of Alexander III's train in 1888; Russian families in the early 20th century; nurses in Petrograd in World War I (Kononova); Aleksandr Kerenskiĭ at the front, 1917; St. Tikhon's Monastery in Pennsylvania; and American cultural and political figures in the USSR in the 1950's (such as Van Cliburn, W.A. Harriman, Richard Nixon, Carl Sandburg, and Isaac Stern).
Boris Georgievich Berg Manuscripts and Photographs, 1880-1953
14 itemsManuscripts and photographs of Boris Georgievich Berg. There is an unpublished biography by B. G. Berg of Fedor Fedorovich Berg, "Feld́marshal Graf F. F. Berg i ego sovreminniki." The memoirs of B. G. Berg cover his youth, theatre career, World War I and its aftermath, and the emigration in France and the United States. There are also photographs of members of the Berg family.