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A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-1926
196 pages (196 pages)- Abstract Or Scope
Memoirs of Sollogub-Dovoĭno. The memoirs are entitled "Russkai︠a︡ emigrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i russkoe menśhestvo v Polśhe, 1920-1926" and describe his life in Chelm Province in the early twenties.
Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963
3300 items (9 boxes)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.
Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963 3300 items (9 boxes)
- Creator
- Velʹmin, Anatoliĭ Petrovich, 1883-approximately 1969
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.
- Collection Context
Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolaev Papers, 1950-1960
55 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Correspondence mostly concerns the Obʺedinenie in the 1950s. One of the manuscripts by Nikolaev is entitled"Ukrainsko-polśkie otnoshenii︠a︡ vo vremi︠a︡ sovet︠s︡ko-polśkoĭ voĭny 1920-1921 gg." Nikolaev's memoirs largely concern his activities as legal consultant to the Orthodox Church in Poland. Printed materials deal mostly with the Obʺedinenie.
Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolaev Papers, 1950-1960 55 items (1 box)
- Creator
- Nikolaev, K. N. (Konstantin Nikolaevich), 1884-1965
- Abstract Or Scope
Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Correspondence mostly concerns the Obʺedinenie in the 1950s. One of the manuscripts by Nikolaev is entitled"Ukrainsko-polśkie otnoshenii︠a︡ vo vremi︠a︡ sovet︠s︡ko-polśkoĭ voĭny 1920-1921 gg." Nikolaev's memoirs largely concern his activities as legal consultant to the Orthodox Church in Poland. Printed materials deal mostly with the Obʺedinenie.
- Collection Context
Manfred Kridl Papers, 1925-1974
5000 items (30 boxes; 1 folder of negatives on glass plates)- Abstract Or Scope
These papers, which concern mostly Kridl's years in the United States, consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Oskar Kalecki, Roman Jakobson, Hans Kohn, Czesław Miłosz, Leszak Serafinowicz (Jan Lechoʹn), Kazimierz Wierzyʹnski, Jʹosef Wittlin, and Florian Zaniecki; there are one or two items each from Vladimir Nabokov, Harlow Shapley, and Antoni Slonimski. The manuscripts include lectures and articles by Kridl; there are also personal and family documents. There are about 100 photographs from Warsaw during the 1944 uprising and immediately after World War II. Printed materials include copies of books by Kridl.
Manfred Kridl Papers, 1925-1974 5000 items (30 boxes; 1 folder of negatives on glass plates)
- Creator
- Kridl, Manfred, 1882-1957
- Abstract Or Scope
These papers, which concern mostly Kridl's years in the United States, consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Oskar Kalecki, Roman Jakobson, Hans Kohn, Czesław Miłosz, Leszak Serafinowicz (Jan Lechoʹn), Kazimierz Wierzyʹnski, Jʹosef Wittlin, and Florian Zaniecki; there are one or two items each from Vladimir Nabokov, Harlow Shapley, and Antoni Slonimski. The manuscripts include lectures and articles by Kridl; there are also personal and family documents. There are about 100 photographs from Warsaw during the 1944 uprising and immediately after World War II. Printed materials include copies of books by Kridl.
- Collection Context
Ol'ga Tissarevskaia Memoirs, 1973
307 pages (307 pages)- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript memoirs "Svet i teni moei zhizni". The memoirs are edited and introduced by Mikhail Karachevskiĭ-Karateev. They touch upon her youth, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, emigration in Poland, World War II, emigration in the United States, and her subsequent round-the-world travels.
Ol'ga Tissarevskaia Memoirs, 1973 307 pages (307 pages)
- Creator
- Tissarevskai︠a︡, Olǵa, 1896?-
- Abstract Or Scope
Typescript memoirs "Svet i teni moei zhizni". The memoirs are edited and introduced by Mikhail Karachevskiĭ-Karateev. They touch upon her youth, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, emigration in Poland, World War II, emigration in the United States, and her subsequent round-the-world travels.
- Collection Context
Stanislaw Kot Manuscripts, 1950
5 items (1 folder)- Abstract Or Scope
Included in this collection are two minor typescripts identified as being by Kot: "Memorandum sur la sauvegarde de la culture des pays soumis à la domination sovietique" and "Komunizovanie nauczania;" a brief typescript in English, with no author given, concerning Polish-American relations after the war; and biographical notes on Kot and on Jan Dabrowski, another Polish historian.
Stanislaw Kot Manuscripts, 1950 5 items (1 folder)
- Creator
- Kot, Stanisław, 1885-1975
- Abstract Or Scope
Included in this collection are two minor typescripts identified as being by Kot: "Memorandum sur la sauvegarde de la culture des pays soumis à la domination sovietique" and "Komunizovanie nauczania;" a brief typescript in English, with no author given, concerning Polish-American relations after the war; and biographical notes on Kot and on Jan Dabrowski, another Polish historian.
- Collection Context
Valentin Iosifovich Lekhno Memoirs, 1940-1957
23 items (23 items)- Abstract Or Scope
The memoirs discuss Lekhno's experiences in the Soviet Union, Europe and Latin America. Also included are printed ephemera from Yugoslavia and Brazil.
Valentin Iosifovich Lekhno Memoirs, 1940-1957 23 items (23 items)
- Creator
- Lekhno, Valentin Iosifovich, d. 1973
- Abstract Or Scope
The memoirs discuss Lekhno's experiences in the Soviet Union, Europe and Latin America. Also included are printed ephemera from Yugoslavia and Brazil.
- Collection Context
Vasilii Fedorovich Klement'ev Papers, 1915-1975
18 items (1 box)- Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the papers consists of Klementév's manuscript memoirs (250 p.), which deal with such topics as the Civil War, Boris Savinkov and the Soi︠u︡z Zashchity from the 1920s, Flegont Klepikov and Leonid Shesheni︠a︡ (with a photograph of the latter); and a volume of essays on the Soviet secret police, entitled "Che-Ka" published by the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in 1922.
Vasilii Fedorovich Klement'ev Papers, 1915-1975 18 items (1 box)
- Creator
- Klementév, Vasiliĭ Fedorovich, b. 189?
- Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the papers consists of Klementév's manuscript memoirs (250 p.), which deal with such topics as the Civil War, Boris Savinkov and the Soi︠u︡z Zashchity from the 1920s, Flegont Klepikov and Leonid Shesheni︠a︡ (with a photograph of the latter); and a volume of essays on the Soviet secret police, entitled "Che-Ka" published by the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in 1922.
- Collection Context
Viktor Ivanovich Semenov Diaries, 1939
4 items (4 items)- Abstract Or Scope
The manuscript diaries, in 4 notebooks, cover from 1 September to 28 December 1939, and discuss events in the city.
Viktor Ivanovich Semenov Diaries, 1939 4 items (4 items)
- Creator
- Semenov, Viktor Ivanovich
- Abstract Or Scope
The manuscript diaries, in 4 notebooks, cover from 1 September to 28 December 1939, and discuss events in the city.
- Collection Context