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Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976

3100 items 13 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.

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Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976 3100 items 13 boxes

Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953

30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files and printed material of Vladimir M. Zenzinov (1880-1953), writer, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and émigré activist first in France and, after 1940, in the United States.
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Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953 30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case

Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963

10 items 1 box
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Typescript memoirs of Zenḱovskiĭ. This collection consists of ten memoirs by Zenḱovskiĭ. In them he discusses such topics as his participation in the 1918 Ukrainian government; his participation in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe from the 1920's to the 1960's; and his participation in the Russian Christian Student Movement.

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Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963 10 items 1 box

Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, 1870-1950

4.5 Linear Feet 11 manuscript boxes
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Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler (Владимир Феофилович Зеелер; 1874-1954) was a Russian lawyer, state official and political activist; the Interior Minister in the South Russian Government; a pivotal figure of the Russian emigration; and a journalist, editor, memoirist and philanthropist. The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of many prominent cultural figures in the Russian emigration. A sizable part of the collection also concerns the painter Il'ia Repin (1844-1930).
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Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, 1870-1950 4.5 Linear Feet 11 manuscript boxes

Nikolai Nikolaevich Iudenich Papers, 1914-1959

10000 items 29 boxes
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Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, maps, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents include Georgiĭ Lv́ov, Anton Kartashev, and Petr Struve. The correspondence concerns to a large extent I︠U︡denich's aid to fellow emigres in France during the 1920s and 1930s. Manuscripts include a memoir about I︠U︡denich by his widow, Aleksandra, and I︠U︡denich's diary from 1919. Included also are two sets of the files of the Northwestern Army from 1919-20, and additional subject files concerning the Civil War. There are financial records of both the Northwestern Army and of I︠U︡denich himself. The photographs are of the Caucasian front, which I︠U︡denich commanded in 1914-17. Maps are of both the Caucasian front in World War I and of the Baltic region and the campaigns of the Northwestern Army.

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Nikolai Nikolaevich Iudenich Papers, 1914-1959 10000 items 29 boxes

Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945

3000 items 9 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed material of the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz (All Russian Zemstvo Union). The correspondence, spanning the years 1920-1944, is for the most part addressed to Porfirii N. Sorokin, Executive Secretary of the organization's Vremennyi glavnyi komitet (Temporary Executive Committee), the coordinating unit for all the institutions of the Zemstvo Union. The manuscripts include writings by N. I. Astrov, V. D. Kuz'min-Karavaev, and others. The documents are almost exclusively minutes of the Temporary Executive Committee's meetings from the period 1919-1924. The photographs, for the most part unidentified, are of Russian refugee settlements and White Army encampments in the area of Constantinople and Gallipoli, ca. 1921. The subject files include some financial records, and the printed material include the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz bulletin from 1916-1921 as well as publications about the Rossiiskii Zemsko-gorodskoi komitet and the Vserossiiskii soiuz gorodov.

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Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945 3000 items 9 manuscript boxes

Sergei L'vovich Voitsekhovskii Papers, 1945-1977

10500 items 35 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials of Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ. Correspondents include Tati︠́a︡na Dubrovskai︠a︡, Nikolaĭ Obruchev, Vasiliĭ Orekhov, Igor ́Sikorskiĭ, Boris Solonevich, and many others; there are also memoirs by Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ on emigres whom he knew. There are files on the Rossiĭskiĭ Politicheskiĭ Komitet (Russian Political Committee) in New York; on the Pushkin Fund; extensive materials concerning emigre monarchist and anti-Communist groups (for example, the Solidarists); and reviews of the Russian emigre press ("Obzor pressy") prepared by Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ in 1962-1975.

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Sergei L'vovich Voitsekhovskii Papers, 1945-1977 10500 items 35 boxes

Petr Mikhailovich Volkonskii Papers, 1905-1946

500 items 2 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, maps, and clippings of Volkonskiĭ. The correspondence dates from 1905-1946 and chiefly concerns religious matters. There are letters from Russians at the Vatican, for emample, and some concerning Volkonskiĭ's financial affairs in emigration. The manuscripts are almost exclusively in the form of notes on church history. Volkonskiĭ was particularly interested in the possible merging of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The documents include accounts and contracts. One subject files concerns a World War I field hospital, and another has extensive materials on the Ukraine during the period of the revolution and civil war (1917-1920).

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Petr Mikhailovich Volkonskii Papers, 1905-1946 500 items 2 boxes

Aleksei Aleksandrovich von Lampe Papers, 1777-1969

15000 items 54 boxes; 5 oversized folders
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Most of the materials are from the years after World War II, and concern the organizations with which Lampe was affiliated. There is correspondence from members of the Romanov family, especially Grand Prince Vladimir Kirillovich, and from Alekseĭ Arkhangelśkiĭ, Ivan Ilín, Vasiliĭ Orekhov, and others of Lampe's emigre military and monarchist colleagues. Photographs deal with such topics as the Romanov family, the Civil War, the emigration, World War II, and with Lampe himself. Besides the post-1945 materials in the collection, smaller groups of materials concern 18th and 19th century Russian military history (including a letter signed by General Aleksandr Suvorov), the interwar period, and ROVS in Germany during World War Il.

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Aleksei Aleksandrovich von Lampe Papers, 1777-1969 15000 items 54 boxes; 5 oversized folders

Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937

59 items 2 boxes
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These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. The correspondence consists of typed copies of letters sent by Vinaver and Ivan Petrunkevich to each other. Manuscripts include a Duma speech by Vinaver on the Białystok pogrom of 1906 and two items on Russian politics by him. There is also an essay by Petr I︠U︡renev on the Vinaver-Petrunkevich correspondence. Printed materials include bound copies of "Zveno" for 1926-1928, and six books by or about Vinaver.

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Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937 59 items 2 boxes