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Afrikan Petrovich Bogaevskii Papers, 1918-1934

800 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials of Afrikan P. Bogaevskiĭ. The bulk of the collection concerns emigre Cossacks in Europe, but there are also materials from the Civil War. There are letters from such White Generals as Petr Krasnov, Aleksandr Kutepov, and Petr Wrangel, and many letters from various persons to Bogaevskiĭ's widow after his death. Manuscripts include Bogaevskiĭ's addresses ("obrashchenii︠a︡") to the emigre Cossacks and his memoirs about the Cuban campaign of 1918. Subject files concern the Civil War, emigre Cossacks and related matters. Printed materials touch on Bogaevskiĭ's death and funeral.

1 result in this collection

Afrikan Petrovich Bogaevskii Papers, 1918-1934 800 items 2 boxes

Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970

17 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers that largely consist of Bol' to's memoirs, entitled "Puti i pereput'ia" (ca. 500 p.), which discuss his childhood on an estate near Vilnius, education, World War I, the Revolution and Civil War, and the emigration in Europe and Africa up to 1937. Also included are photocopies of a number of his personal documents, and a typescript of various reminiscences entitled "Takaia byla starina.".

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Aleksandr Gvidonovich Bol'to Papers, 1917-1970 17 items 1 box

Aleksandr Nikolaevich Rozhdestvenskii Papers, 1900-1968

600 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. The correspondence chiefly covers from the 1920s to the 1960s. Manuscripts include an extensive autobiography; a memoir about his work before World War I as a prosecutor in the Tbilisi region"Desi︠a︡t ́let sluzhby v prokurskom nadzore na Kavkaze;" and notes and manuscripts on many topics, including history and his years in Georgia and the emigration. Included are Rozhdestvenskiĭ's personal documents from both Russia and the emigration, and photographs of him and of members of emigre organizations. Among the printed materials are clippings and several early twentieth century political pamphlets.

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Aleksandr Nikolaevich Rozhdestvenskii Papers, 1900-1968 600 items 2 boxes

Aleksandr Nikolaevich Shuberskii Manuscripts, 1948-1956

16 items 16 items
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The manuscripts include an outline, in 6 notebooks, of Shuberskiĭ's memoirs for 1875-1948; and, in 10 notebooks, notes on the reign of Nicholas II.

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Aleksandr Nikolaevich Shuberskii Manuscripts, 1948-1956 16 items 16 items

Aleksandr Pavlovich Kutepov Papers, 1918-1931

2200 items 8 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence consists chiefly of consolatory letters to his wife after his abduction; there are also letters to Kutepov from other White generals, such as Petr Wrangel and Pavel Shatilov. The financial records appear to be of the Military Union in 1924-29. Subject files concern such topics as Ataman Semenov and the Civil War in the Far East, the Civil War in the south, and the remnants of the White Army in Gallipoli and Bulgaria in 1921-22. Printed materials include emigre books and periodicals, a number of them concerning the Eurasian movement (evraziĭstvo).

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Aleksandr Pavlovich Kutepov Papers, 1918-1931 2200 items 8 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Aleksandr Sergeevich Gershel'man Memoirs, 1956-1977

54 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs (315 p.) that discuss in particular Gershelḿan's service in World War I, in the White army during the Civil War, and his life in the emigration in Europe. Also included are excerpts from the memoirs and writings of numerous other Russians.

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Aleksandr Sergeevich Gershel'man Memoirs, 1956-1977 54 items 1 box

Aleksei Aleksandrovich von Lampe Papers, 1777-1969

15000 items 54 boxes; 5 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the materials are from the years after World War II, and concern the organizations with which Lampe was affiliated. There is correspondence from members of the Romanov family, especially Grand Prince Vladimir Kirillovich, and from Alekseĭ Arkhangelśkiĭ, Ivan Ilín, Vasiliĭ Orekhov, and others of Lampe's emigre military and monarchist colleagues. Photographs deal with such topics as the Romanov family, the Civil War, the emigration, World War II, and with Lampe himself. Besides the post-1945 materials in the collection, smaller groups of materials concern 18th and 19th century Russian military history (including a letter signed by General Aleksandr Suvorov), the interwar period, and ROVS in Germany during World War Il.

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Aleksei Aleksandrovich von Lampe Papers, 1777-1969 15000 items 54 boxes; 5 oversized folders

Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940

300 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of General Aleksiei Alekseevich Brusilov and his wife Nadezhda Vladimirovna. The correspondence is largely copies of their letters from 1914-1918 and her correspondence after his death. The manuscripts include part of his memoirs and several of her minor manuscripts, including an incomplete memoir. There are family photographs as well as photographs of Brusilov in military dress. Printed materials relate to Brusilov's career in the Imperial and Red armies and his rehabilitation by the Soviets in the Khrushchev era.

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Aleksei Alekseevich and Nadezhda Vladimirovna Brusilov papers, 1880-1940 300 items 1 box

Aleksei Petrovich Arkhangel'skii Papers, 1903-1959

2500 items 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of General Alekseĭ Petrovich Arkhangelśkiĭ, consisting of correspondence, manuscripts, financial records, membership lists, photographs and miscellaneous printed materials. Most of the documents in the collection pertain to the activities of ROVS and its divisions and member organizations, especially its Fifth Section (Belgium), in the late 1920s and the 1930s and 1940s. The correspondence (1924-1954) is primarily between Arkhangelśkiĭ and other military officers, including A.I. Denikin, P.P.N. Krasnov, E.K. Miller, P.N. Wrangel, V.K. Vitkovskiĭ, I.A. Kholḿsen, P.A. Kusonskiĭ, P.K. Kondzerovskiĭ, E.S. Imnadze, etc. The manuscripts encompass official orders and pronouncements, information bulletins, speeches, announcements, manifestos, emigre military course instruction manuals and reports. Many of the latter deal with Soviet internal affairs and foreign policy. The collection also includes photographs, chiefly of White Army personnel in Yugoslavia in the early 1920s, miscellaneous printed materials, ROVS financial records for the period 1924-1926, various membership lists as well as 24 separate subject files, including materials on the founding of ROVS Fifth Section, ROVS activities in North America, Australia, and the Far East, the ROVS Court of Honor, the Russian Defense Corps (Russkiĭ Okhranyĭ Korpus) in Yugoslavia in World War II, the "Vnutrenni︠a︡i︠a︡ Linii︠a︡" and others.

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Aleksei Petrovich Arkhangel'skii Papers, 1903-1959 2500 items 5 boxes

Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965

56 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, and printed materials. There are letters and telegrams from Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim of Finland; two brief memoirs, one by E.L. Miller about Freederichsz and his wife, the other by the wife, entitled"Le salon de ma tante, la Baronne de Witte;" Freedericksz's diaries from 1938-40; and newspaper clippings about Mannerheim.

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Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965 56 items 1 box

Alexis Goldenweiser Papers, 1900-1974

36000 items 36000 items 114 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection chiefly consists of Goldenweiser's American legal case files. There are also case files from his German years, and substantial materials on his research into the condition of Russian refugees and refugee problems in general in the 1930s. Much of the correspondence from the late 1930s and early 1940s concerns Jews in Germany and occupied Europe. Correspondents in the collection include Mark Aldanov, Abraham Cahan, Antal Dorati, Georgiĭ Florovskiĭ, Tatʹi︠a︡na Frank, Vladimir and Vera Nabokov, and Mikhail Karpovich; there are 1 or 2 items each from Dwight D. Eisenhower, Eleanor Roosevelt, Herbert Lehman, and Nikolaĭ Losskiĭ. Letters, manuscripts, and documents by Vera Nabokova contain considerable information on her and her husband's lives in Germany and in the United States. Many of the American case files concern (as does much of the Nabokova material) individual claims for reparations from Germany after World War II.

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Alexis Goldenweiser Papers, 1900-1974 36000 items 36000 items 114 boxes

Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930

150 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Alf́red K. Bentkovskiĭ that consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. These items chiefly concern the monarchist group associated with the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich in France in the 1920s. Bentkovskiĭ was chairman of the commission of foreign affairs of Grand Duke Kirill's "state council" (gosudarevo soveshchanie) in France in 1930. Files of printed materials concern the Mladorossy and the Russo-Japanese War.

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Al'fred Karlovich Bentkovskii Papers, 1905-1930 150 items 1 box

Anton Antonovich Kersnovskii Papers, 1922-1952

43 items 1 box
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Papers primarily consists of a manuscript of an apparently unpublished book, "Istorii︠a︡ Rossii" (A History of Russia), a World War II memoir, and manuscripts and information bulletins of several Russian emigre organizations, including Narodnyĭ Soi︠u︡z Zashchity Rodiny i Svobody (National Union for the Defense of Homeland and Freedom) and Koordinat︠s︡ionnyĭ T︠S︡entr Antibolśhevit︠s︡koĭ Borb́y (Coordinating Center of the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle).

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Anton Antonovich Kersnovskii Papers, 1922-1952 43 items 1 box

Arkadii Nikolaevich Iakhontov Papers, 1914-1936

35 items 1 box
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The papers consist of correspondence and notes. The correspondence is made up of letters to I︠A︡khontov concerning his memoirs about the Council of Ministers from pre-revolutionary officials, including Vladimir Kokovt︠s︡ev, Pavel Ignatév, and Vsevolod Shakhovskoĭ. The notes are minutes taken at the meetings of the Council of Ministers; these exist as both the original handwritten notes and as typed copies. Finally, there is a brief memoir by I︠A︡khontov concerning World War I, and a printed copy of the announcement by Nicholas II that World War I had been declared.

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Arkadii Nikolaevich Iakhontov Papers, 1914-1936 35 items 1 box

Boris Aleksandrovich Nikol'skii Papers, 1894-1969

4000 items 12 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, questionnaires, photographs, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents are Ilín, Anton Denikin, Ivan Shmelev, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev, and Kirill Zaĭt︠s︡ev. Correspondence primarily concerns the Russian embassy in Stockholm through 1920 and the Russian Christian Labor Movement (1931-1940). Manuscripts are mostly by Ivan Ilín on anti-Communist topics. Subject files generally concern conferences of the Russian Christian Labor Movement, and also contain information on the Conference Economique des Allies a Paris (1916), the Russian embassy in Stockholm, and Witte's visit to Norway in 1894. Questionnaires, photographs and printed materials mostly deal with the Russian Christian Labor movement. Printed materials contain issues 7-91 of the periodical "Novy put"́ of the Bureau of Russian Christian Workers. The great majority of this collection concerns the Russian Christian Labor Movement.

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Boris Aleksandrovich Nikol'skii Papers, 1894-1969 4000 items 12 boxes

Boris Vladimirovich Gerua Papers, 1904-1974

2100 items 5 boxes
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The collection consists primarily of letters written to Gerua in the 1930s by other emigres who had formerly served as officers, such as Vladimir Kamenskiĭ and Vasiliĭ Gurko. There are also copies of letters by Gerua from the Far East at the time of the Russo-Japanese War. Also included are manuscripts by Gerua and by Nikolaĭ Rotshteĭn; sketches by Gerua of participants in the 1926 Zarubezhnyĭ Sʺezd (Congress Abroad) in Paris; and photographs.

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Boris Vladimirovich Gerua Papers, 1904-1974 2100 items 5 boxes

Dmitrii Nikolaevich Liubimov Papers, 1918-1954

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
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Papers of Dmitrii Nikolaevich Liubimov, consisting of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Correspondents include Vasilii Maklakov and Boris Zaitsev, and there is a document signed by Boris Savinkov. Manuscripts include Liubimov's memoirs of his years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, "Russkaia smuta nachala deviatisotykh godov (1902-1906)", and others by him on many topics, often based on his personal experiences. Liubimov scrapbooks from the emigration include notes and clippings on various topics. There are materials relating to the activities of his wife, Liudmila Ivanovna, as representative of the Russian Red Cross in Poland in 1919-1922, including correspondence and a photograph album.

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Dmitrii Nikolaevich Liubimov Papers, 1918-1954 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes

E.A. Efimovskii Papers, 1953-1964

48 items 48 items
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The papers consist of manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials. Among the manuscripts are his typescript memoirs entitled "Vstrechi na zhiznennom puti" (53 pp.), which discuss his youth, student days in the history faculty of Moscow University, his work in the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party, and the 1917 Revolution; and manuscripts of articles, some concerning the emigre monarchist movement. There are four photographs of Efimovskiĭ. Printed materials include offprints of his articles.

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E.A. Efimovskii Papers, 1953-1964 48 items 48 items

Evgeniia Ignat'evna and Iulii Nikolaevich Vagner Papers, 1866-1966

1700 items 4 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject file, and printed materials of Evgenii︠a︡ I. Vagner and her husband, I︠U︡liĭ N. Vagner. While most of the correspondence is personal, some of it relates to I︠U︡liĭ Vagner's scientific research. There is a manuscript by an unknown person about Ivan D. Sytin, and a number of notebooks with entries by Evgenii︠a︡ Vagner. The documents, which include passports, travel documents, service records, and diplomas of both Evgenii︠a︡ Vagner and her husband, mainly concern their lives in emigration in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and, at the end of World War II, in Germany. There are three folders of photographs, a subject file concerning Evgenii︠a︡ Vagner's post cards and copies of two editions of a book by I︠U︡liĭ Vagner"Nachalńyĭ kurs prirodovedenii︠a︡" Kiev, 1908, and Belgrade, 1924.

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Evgeniia Ignat'evna and Iulii Nikolaevich Vagner Papers, 1866-1966 1700 items 4 boxes

Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964

33 items 7 folders
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia, consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, personal documents, and photographs.

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Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964 33 items 7 folders

Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vechorin Papers, 1900-1971

3500 items 11 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vechorin, chiefly concerning alumni of the St. Petersburg Polytechnical Institute. The catalogued correspondence includes letters from Nikolai Andreev, Petr Savitskii, Igor ́Sikorskii, Gleb Struve, and Alfred Swann, and other prominent figures. Much of the arranged correspondence is from fellow graduates of the Institute, and concerns alumni affairs. Most of the manuscripts are likewise by fellow graduates; many are memoirs, such as those by Vechorin himself, while others concern technical subjects. Among the subject files are biographical sketches of Institute graduates and files on such individuals as Petr Savitskii, Igor ́Sikorskii, and Alfred Swann. There are several photographs taken at the Institute ca. 1900 as well as photographs of Vechorin and his colleagues after emigration. The printed materials include clippings and excerpts, miscellaneous journals, and books by Vechorin and S. P. Timoshenko.

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Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vechorin Papers, 1900-1971 3500 items 11 manuscript boxes

Fedor Konstantinovich Iur'ev Papers, 1880-1967

3 items 1 box
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Papers include I︠U︡rév's memoirs"Polkovnik", accompanied by photographs and songs and poems which he wrote; Russian, German and Latvian personal documents; and a two-page memoir by his wife.

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Fedor Konstantinovich Iur'ev Papers, 1880-1967 3 items 1 box

Garal'd Karlovich Graf Manuscripts, 1933-1953

4 items 1 box
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Three typescripts by Graf: one is entitled"Imperator bez trona: Zapiski nachalńika kant︠s︡eli︠a︡rii (nabli︠u︡denii︠a︡ i mysli)" (596 p.), describes the history of the Monarchist movement. The other two manuscripts deal with the Imperial Navy. One is entitled "Na baltiĭskom flote: Period vozrozhdeni︠a︡ flota posle I︠A︡ponskoĭ voĭny, s 1906 g. do 1914 g." (359 p., 2 drafts); the other is entitled "Russkiĭ flot: Materi︠a︡ly dli︠a︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Russkoĭ voenno-morskoĭ frazeologii" (203 p.). It contains a glossary of naval terms.

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Garal'd Karlovich Graf Manuscripts, 1933-1953 4 items 1 box

George Vernadsky Papers, circa 1500-1973, bulk circa 1918-1973

100 linear feet 234 boxes; 4 oversized folders; 1 box glass negatives
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Papers of George Vernadsky (Georgii Vladimirovich Vernadskii, 1887-1973), Yale University professor of Russian history. The collection also includes materials from the Vernadsky/Vernadskii family, especially George Vernadsky's wife, Nina Vernadsky, his parents, Vladimir Vernadskii and Nataliia Vernadskaia, and his sister, Nina Toll'.
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George Vernadsky Papers, circa 1500-1973, bulk circa 1918-1973 100 linear feet 234 boxes; 4 oversized folders; 1 box glass negatives

Georgii Mitrofanovich Kiselevskii Papers, 1652-1966

74 items 1 box; 1 folder in BAR Gen MS, 2 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of, and historical documents collected by, Georgiĭ M. Kiselevskiĭ. Kiselevskiĭ's brief typed memoirs discuss his youth, service in the Imperial Ministry of Communications before World War I, and life as an emigre in Europe and Latin America. His diary from 1919-1920 covers the period when he served in the White Northwestern Army. Also included is a photograph and membership lists relating to emigre engineers' associations. Among the historical documents which Kiselevskiĭ collected are patents and edicts issued by the following Russian rulers: Alekseĭ Mikhaĭlovich (ruled 1645-76); Peter I (1682-1725); Catherine I (1725-27); Anna Ivanovna (1730-40); Ivan VI (1740-41); Catherine II (1762-96); and Alexander I (1801-25). Co-signers of certain of these documents are A.A. Arakcheev, V.V. Dolgorukiĭ, B.C. von Minikh, and A.D. Menshikov. Also included are over 50 miscellaneous receipts and other documents from the period 1732-1872. In addition there is a printed roll (stolbet︠s︡) depicting the order of march at Alexander I's funeral (1825).

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Georgii Mitrofanovich Kiselevskii Papers, 1652-1966 74 items 1 box; 1 folder in BAR Gen MS, 2 oversized folders

Georgii Pavlovich Benningsen Papers, 1917-1962

1000 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, and printed materials of Georgiĭ P. Benningsen, brother of E.P. Benningsen and, in the emigration, an associate of Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Much of the correspondence consists of letters to Georgiĭ Benningsen by Burt︠s︡ev (69 letters from the 1920s). Manuscripts include Benningsen's memoirs about Burt︠s︡ev, copies of Burt︠s︡ev's (apparently published) memoirs, and notes. Printed materials are chiefly clippings on various topics. There are also scattered issues of 1917 Russian newspapers ("Nash Vek," "Russkoe Slovo"), and an autographed copy of Burt︠s︡ev's 1919 edition of Griboedov's "Gore ot uma."

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Georgii Pavlovich Benningsen Papers, 1917-1962 1000 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Georgii Vasil'evich Dmitrenko Manuscripts and Notes, 1950-1964

100 items 2 boxes
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Collection includes an untitled manuscript, a 712 page political tract, which deals with world events since 1914 in a strongly anti-Communist spirit; there are several drafts of a second treatise on a similar subject, which might have been intended by the author as a continuation of the first. This has been labelled "The Contemporary World Crisis." Also included are: multiple drafts of several shorter pieces on political-historical subjects; a few such pieces included in a single version only; a number of reports written to be delivered at emigre political congresses, chiefly those of the All-Russian National Union (Rossiĭskoe Nat︠s︡ionalńoe Obe̋dinenie); and some notes and jottings. For a list of the contents of each of the numbered stenographer's notebooks in which most of the manuscripts are written see the list compiled by Dmitrenko's literary executor, P. Sokolov, in Box 2.

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Georgii Vasil'evich Dmitrenko Manuscripts and Notes, 1950-1964 100 items 2 boxes

Glinka Family Papers, 1892-1929

62 items 1 box
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Papers relating to the Glinka family, namely Grigoriĭ Vi︠a︡cheslavovich; his son, Vsevolod Grigorévich; and the latter's wife, Ekaterina Osipovna. The collection consists largely of documents, with letters and a photograph. There are personal documents from Russia and from Constantinople, Bulgaria, and France; and documents relating to the family's rural estate.

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Glinka Family Papers, 1892-1929 62 items 1 box

Iakob Glasse Diary, 1950

194 pages 194 pages
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Typescript copy of Glasse's diary which deals with the interwar USSR, World War II, his emigration to western Europe during the war and his life there afterwards.

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Iakob Glasse Diary, 1950 194 pages 194 pages

Isidor L'vovich Tsitron Papers, 1940-1960

15 items 1 scrapbook
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This small collection consists of correspondence, a short typescript biography of T︠S︡itron by an unidentified author, and clippings of articles by T︠S︡itron in emigre Russian newpapers. Correspondence includes one letter each by Mark Aldanov and Oskar Gruzenberg, and nine by Vasiliĭ Maklakov.

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Isidor L'vovich Tsitron Papers, 1940-1960 15 items 1 scrapbook

Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958

300 items 1 box
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The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Nikolaĭ Arsenév, Anton Kartashev, William K. Matthews, and Aleksandr Meyendorff. There are manuscripts by Kolemin on religious topics. Also included are papers of Kolemin's stepfather, Vasiliĭ Bakherakht, last Imperial ambassador to Switzerland. These consist of correspondence, drafts, and notes by Bakherakht, and the reports of a Russian commission investigating alleged German atrocities in World War I.

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Iurii Aleksandrovich Kolemin Papers, 1872-1958 300 items 1 box

Iurii Il'ich Lodyzhenskii Papers, 1924-1973

1000 items 11 boxes
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The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials. The majority of the collection consists of anti-communist printed materials, primarily on religious persecution in the U.S.S.R. Among the printed materials there is a memoir by Lodyzhenskiĭ on Gorkiĭ, Korolenko and Shmelev in the almanac, "Sbornik literaturno-istoricheskogo kruzhka v San Paulo (1951-61)." Manuscripts include a typescript by Lodyzhenskiĭ, "Pro-Christo: Povest"́ (227 p.), his memoirs, "Zapiski vracha (iz epokhi rossiĭskogo smutnogo vremeni)" (66 p.) and a manuscript on the emigre anti-communist movement, "Mezhdunarodnoe anti-kommunisticheskoe dvizhenie (1924-1950)" (255 p.). There is also a letter by Dmitriĭ Merezhkovskiĭ.

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Iurii Il'ich Lodyzhenskii Papers, 1924-1973 1000 items 11 boxes

Iurii Pavlovich Siuzor Papers, 1900-1935

74 items 74 items
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The papers include photographs, with some of the Olʹdenburgskiĭ family; picture postcards; and correspondence. One photograph is of the Duma chamber in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.

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Iurii Pavlovich Siuzor Papers, 1900-1935 74 items 74 items

Ivan Platonovich Budanov Papers, 1860-1960

1200 items 3 boxes
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Correspondence, a diary, documents, subject files and printed materials of Ivan P. Budanov. Correspondence includes both personal letters and items concerning the Cossacks in the emigration. Many of the documents relate to Budanov's legal practice in the Don region, ca. 1910-17. Subject files deal with the Don Cossacks in the Civil War, Cossack emigre groups, and the elections to the post of Ataman of the Don Cossacks in the emigration in the 1930s. Printed materials include maps, a copy of volume 1 of Budanov's "Don i Moskva" and miscellaneous emigre publications and clippings.

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Ivan Platonovich Budanov Papers, 1860-1960 1200 items 3 boxes

Konstantin Nikolaevich Rozen Papers, 1890-1939

350 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized map case
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts and memoirs, documents, minutes of meetings, financial records, photographs, maps, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents include Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich and General Petr Wrangel. Manuscripts include memoirs by Konstantin Rozen on his military service from 1902-1917, and a memoir by F. N. Bui︠a︡k entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo kavalergarda 1885-1902." Subject files are on Kadry Voĭsk Ofit︠s︡erov (Cadres of Military Officers) in Belgrade and Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov (Union of Russian Officers), emigre Russian military organizations. Documents concern Rozen's family and estate in Vitebsk province. Minutes of meetings concern the Kavalergardskai︠a︡ Semi︠́a︡ (Cavalry Guard Family). Financial records cover the fundraising activities of Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov and the estate. Photographs are of the estate, and maps are of the Vitebsk region and the estate grounds. Printed materials concern the estate and the above mentioned military organizations, and include copies of the news bulletin"Vestnik Kavalergardskoĭ Semí.".

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Konstantin Nikolaevich Rozen Papers, 1890-1939 350 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized map case

Koshko Family Memoirs, 1920-1970

15 items 15 items
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Memoirs of the Koshko family, specifically Ivan Frantsevich, his brother Arkadiĭ, his son Boris, and his daughter Olǵa. Almost all of the memoirs are in the hand of Olǵa Koshko. Ivan's memoirs (partially published) touch on his government service in Samara, Novgorod, Penza, and Perḿ and his experiences during the 1917 Revolution and Civil War. The excerpt from Arkadiĭ's memoirs concern the Beilis ritual murder case. Boris Koshko's memoirs concern his experiences as an Imperial and Provisional government official during World War I. Olǵa Koshko's memoirs deal with her father and with life in the emigration in Europe.

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Koshko Family Memoirs, 1920-1970 15 items 15 items

Lozannskaia Kolonial'naia Russkaia Biblioteka Register, 1911-1914

2 items 1 bound
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Circulation register of the Russian Library in Lausanne, Switzerland (Lozannskaia Kolonial'naia Russkaia Biblioteka/Bibliotheque Russe, Lausanne), for late 1911-early 1914; on the binding of the book is written, "Zapis' vydachi knig abonentam." The register lists books checked out by readers, giving names and addresses of subscribers. Of some interest is the fact that some readers are noted as members of the Social Democratic and Socialist Revolutionary parties. Included with the register is the subscriber's card of a Mr. Kurilo.

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Lozannskaia Kolonial'naia Russkaia Biblioteka Register, 1911-1914 2 items 1 bound

Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937

59 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

These papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials. The correspondence consists of typed copies of letters sent by Vinaver and Ivan Petrunkevich to each other. Manuscripts include a Duma speech by Vinaver on the Białystok pogrom of 1906 and two items on Russian politics by him. There is also an essay by Petr I︠U︡renev on the Vinaver-Petrunkevich correspondence. Printed materials include bound copies of "Zveno" for 1926-1928, and six books by or about Vinaver.

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Maksim Moiseevich Vinaver Papers, 1906-1937 59 items 2 boxes

Mariia Nikolaevna Germanova Memoirs, 1920-1940

3 items 3 items
Abstract Or Scope

Typed memoirs entitled "Moĭ laret︠s︡." Germanova discusses in detail her childhood and education; work in the M.Kh.T. from the early years of the century to the 1917 Revolution; her departure from Moscow, and then from Russia during the Civil War; and the interwar years, during which she lived and worked chiefly in Prague but also in France, in other European countries, and then in New York. Also included are two autographed photographs of Germanova.

1 result in this collection

Mariia Nikolaevna Germanova Memoirs, 1920-1940 3 items 3 items

Mashukov Nikolai Nikolaevich Papers, 1918-1964

2000 items 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, financial records, photographs, subject files and printed materials. There are notes from Evgeniĭ Chirikov and Aleksandr Kuprin, and the autographs of Mark Aldanov, Ivan Bunin, and Nikolaĭ I︠U︡denich. There are manuscripts and notes by Mashukov and others, chiefly on the Civil War. Subject files also touch on the Civil War, as does much of the printed material.

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Mashukov Nikolai Nikolaevich Papers, 1918-1964 2000 items 9 boxes

Metropolitan Evlogii Memoirs, 1940-1948

9 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Memoirs that cover Evlogiĭ's childhood to the 1930s. They were published, in a somewhat abridged form, as "Put ́moeĭ zhizni" (Paris, 1947). This typescript version (986 p.) includes many handwritten corrections and annotations by Evlogiĭ. Also included with the memoirs are copies of reviews of the book.

1 result in this collection

Metropolitan Evlogii Memoirs, 1940-1948 9 items 1 box

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Taube Papers, 1890-1960

8000 items 24 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, a photograph, and printed materials of Taube. Most of the collection concerns his life in emigration. There are many letters from Nikolaĭ Roerich from the 1930's, concerning the Roerich Museum and the artist's political efforts. Manuscripts by Taube include memoirs of his years in the Imperial Government (1905-1917), and of his life in emigration, and also drafts of lectures which he gave at European institutions in the 1920's and 1930's. Subject files concern such topics as his service as a legal consultant for the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Roerich Museum; the history of the Taube family; emigre monarchism; and educational institutions with which he was affiliated, especially the Acadʹemie de Droit Internationale de la Haye. There is also a large group of files on Russian history, which he prepared for a book he planned to write. The photograph is of Tsar Alexander III and his wife in Denmark.

1 result in this collection

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Taube Papers, 1890-1960 8000 items 24 boxes

Mikhail L'vovich Kantor Manuscripts, 1904-1968

200 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Collection includes Kantor's diaries for 1921-32 and 1936-60; manuscripts of articles, poems, and a book-length work"Civilisation et assimilation"; and manuscripts of translations of the works of La Bruyeʹre and La Rochefoucauld. Also included are clippings and offprints of articles by Kantor (particularly from "Russkai︠a︡ Mysl"́, Paris, in the 1950s and 1960s); and a published volume of Kantor's poetry"Stikhi" (Paris, 1968).

1 result in this collection

Mikhail L'vovich Kantor Manuscripts, 1904-1968 200 items 2 boxes

Mikhail Mikhailovich Fedorov Papers, 1921-1943

8000 items 17 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, and printed materials that concern emigre educational and political groups in Europe. Most of the collection deals with the Central Committee to Secure Higher Education for Russian Youth Abroad (T︠s︡entralńyĭ Komitet po Obezpechenii︠u︡ Vysshego Obrazovanii︠a︡ Russkomu I︠u︡noshestvu za Granit︠s︡eĭ), which Fedorov headed. There are also materials on the Union of Russian Students in France (Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Studentov vo Frant︠s︡ii), for 1921-22; the Russian National Committee (Russkiĭ Nat︠s︡ionalńyĭ Komitet), of which Fedorov was vice-president; the journal "Borb́a za Rossii︠u︡" which he edited; and the Commission to Coordinate the Activity of Russian Organizations Aiding the Unemployed (Komissii︠a︡ po Soglasovanii︠u︡ Dei︠a︡telńosti Russkikh Organizatsiĭ, Okazyvai︠u︡shchikh Pomoshch ́Bezrabotnym), which he chaired. Cataloged correspondents in the collection include Aleksandr Kizevetter, Semen Frank, Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov, and Petr Struve.

1 result in this collection

Mikhail Mikhailovich Fedorov Papers, 1921-1943 8000 items 17 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Mikhail Vladimirovich Bernatskii Papers, 1901-1932

500 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondence consists of letters by Petr Struve. There are Bernatskii's memoirs of 1917, and copies of several publications by him. Subject files concern: the finances of the Provisional Government and of the Whites in the South and in Siberia and the Far East; and the settlement of White Army veterans in European countries in the 1920s.

1 result in this collection

Mikhail Vladimirovich Bernatskii Papers, 1901-1932 500 items 2 boxes

Nataliia Apollinarievna Logunova Papers, 1913-1972

8 linear feet 15 document boxes 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope
The papers comprise correspondence, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, personal documents, photographs, printed materials, periodicals, and clippings relating to the life and professional activities of Nataliia Logunova, a Russian émigré journalist and writer.
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Nataliia Apollinarievna Logunova Papers, 1913-1972 8 linear feet 15 document boxes 1 oversized folder

Nataliia Lazarevna Erenburg-Manotti Papers, 1910-1973

13 items 13 items
Abstract Or Scope

Papers include correspondence and manuscripts. There is a transcription of nine letters written by Erenburg-Manotti from Central Asia to her family in 1910; a brief biography of her brother, Ili︠́a︡ L. Erenburg (not the writer Ili︠́a︡ G. Erenburg); and brief autobiographical essays and excerpts, entitled "Desi︠a︡t ́let vospominanii︠a︡ (1919-1929)""Avtobiografii︠a︡, and "J'ai 88 ans.".

1 result in this collection

Nataliia Lazarevna Erenburg-Manotti Papers, 1910-1973 13 items 13 items

Nikolai Evgen'evich Markov Papers, 1920-1960

100 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Markov's papers consist of correspondence, a brief biography (apparently by his nephew), and printed materials. Correspondence in this collection consists of letters to a nephew named Seva. Printed materials include issues of "Mirovai︠a︡ Sluzhba" (1936-38), and two books by Markov: "Voĭny temnykh sil" (Paris, 1928), and "Otrechennye dni fevralśkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii 1917 goda" (Harbin, 1938).

1 result in this collection

Nikolai Evgen'evich Markov Papers, 1920-1960 100 items 1 box

Nikolai Nikitich Ivanov papers, 1917-1959

8 folders 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Ivanov's manuscript memoirs (550 p.) touch on the following topics: the attempts by the Duma to convince Nicholas II to abdicate in February, 1917; Petrograd in 1917-1918; the Civil War on the Northwest Front, including relations between the Whites and the new Estonian republic (Ivanov also discusses the Northwest Front of the Civil War in a book "O sobytiiakh pod Petrogradom v 1919-om godu" Berlin, 1921.); his internment in the French concentration camp at Vernet in 1939-1940; German use of former White soldiers during WW II; and the war in the Smolensk area in 1942-1943. Notably collection includes typescritp draft of Grand Dukes' Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Kirill Vladimirovich and Pavel Aleksandrovich Manifesto of March 1 1917 (manifesto on granting constitution) with N. N. Ivanov's holograph notes and P. Miliukov's signature. There is also a letter to Ivanov from General Johan Laidoner, commander of the Estonian army.

1 result in this collection

Nikolai Nikitich Ivanov papers, 1917-1959 8 folders 1 box

Nikolai Nikolaevich Evreinov Papers, 1905-1965

5400 items 20 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, financial records, photographs, and printed materials. Among the correspondents are Ivan Bilibin, David Burli︠u︡k, Franz Theodor Csokor, Vasiliĭ Kamenskiĭ, and Percival Wilde; there is one item each from Jean Anouilh, Collete, Mikhail Fokine, Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ, Vladislav Khodasevich, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, and Dmitriĭ Merezhovskiĭ. Most of the manuscripts are by Evangulov and Nadezhda Teffi, and memoirs by Evreĭnov's wife, Anna Aleksandrovna, on such topics as her career in the emigration from 1925. There are photographs of Evreĭnov, Nikolaĭ Rimskiĭ-Korsakov, and Vasiliĭ Kamenskiĭ. This collection is almost entirely concerned with the emigration.

1 result in this collection

Nikolai Nikolaevich Evreinov Papers, 1905-1965 5400 items 20 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Nikolai Nikolaevich Iudenich Papers, 1914-1959

10000 items 29 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, maps, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents include Georgiĭ Lv́ov, Anton Kartashev, and Petr Struve. The correspondence concerns to a large extent I︠U︡denich's aid to fellow emigres in France during the 1920s and 1930s. Manuscripts include a memoir about I︠U︡denich by his widow, Aleksandra, and I︠U︡denich's diary from 1919. Included also are two sets of the files of the Northwestern Army from 1919-20, and additional subject files concerning the Civil War. There are financial records of both the Northwestern Army and of I︠U︡denich himself. The photographs are of the Caucasian front, which I︠U︡denich commanded in 1914-17. Maps are of both the Caucasian front in World War I and of the Baltic region and the campaigns of the Northwestern Army.

1 result in this collection

Nikolai Nikolaevich Iudenich Papers, 1914-1959 10000 items 29 boxes

Ob"edinenie Russkikh Advokatov Vo Frantsii Records, 1919-1973

4500 items 12 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The Ob"edinenie Russkikh Advokatov Vo Frantsii Records (Union of Russian Lawyers in France Records) contain correspondence, manuscripts, minutes and reports of meetings, subject files, and printed materials. Founded in 1926, the Union's first president was Nikolaĭ Teslenko, who was succeeded by Boris Gershun. From the early 1950s on the Union's activities became increasingly sporadic; its last general meeting was apparently held in 1973. The papers mostly concern 1930-1960. Cataloged correspondents are Oskar Gruzenberg, Maksim Vinaver, and Vasiliĭ Maklakov. There are annual reports of the Union's activities, and files on meetings of its executive council and on general meetings. Also included are membership lists and notes on members. Subject files concern chiefly Union activities. Substantial biographical materials on emigre lawyers can be found in the files related to the "Memorial of the Russian Legal Profession in the Emigration.".

1 result in this collection

Ob"edinenie Russkikh Advokatov Vo Frantsii Records, 1919-1973 4500 items 12 boxes

Obshchestvo Pomoshchi Russkim Detiam za Rubezhom Records, 1926-1964

52500 items 104 boxes; 9 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists mainly of correspondence, financial records, and subject files. Also included are protocols of meetings and reports, photographs, membership and subscription lists, and printed materials. The cataloged materials include manuscripts sent by such authors as Alekseĭ Remizov and Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev for "Den ́Russkogo Rebenka" (Day of the Russian Child) in the 1930s, as well as correspondence from Nikolaĭ Vakar, Claire Boothe Luce, Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡, and others. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence with and about beneficiaries, and financial records from the period 1926-57.

1 result in this collection

Obshchestvo Pomoshchi Russkim Detiam za Rubezhom Records, 1926-1964 52500 items 104 boxes; 9 oversized folders

Ol'ga N. Shilo-Nudzhaevskaia Memoirs, 1963

5 items 5 items
Abstract Or Scope

Shilo-Nudzhaevskai︠a︡'s five brief manuscript memoirs (in all 28 p.) discuss the Civil War in the Ukraine and the Crimea, meetings with White general Shkuro, the evacuation of refugees to Turkey, the emigration in Bulgaria and France, and attempts to avoid the Soviet forces and return to France at the end of World War II.

1 result in this collection

Ol'ga N. Shilo-Nudzhaevskaia Memoirs, 1963 5 items 5 items

Pavel Nikolaevich Miliukov papers, 1879-1970

4000 items 4 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

There are letters from fellow historians, such as John Franklin Jameson and Aleksandr Lappo-Danilevskiĭ; Kadet Party leaders, including Vladimir D. Nabokov and Nikolaĭ Astrov; and others such as Boris Bakhmeteff, Charles Crane, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Louis Marshall, Thomas Masaryk, and Nikolaĭ Roerich. A large correspondence series consists of letters and petitions sent to Miliukov during the Third State Duma (1907-12). Manuscripts include Mili︠u︡kov's memoirs, and his notebooks from the period of the Civil War. There is also a manuscript by Isaak Shkovskiĭ (pseudonym -- Dioneo) on Russian writers and journalists during World War I. Subject files deal with the State Duma, the Civil War, and the emigration.

1 result in this collection

Pavel Nikolaevich Miliukov papers, 1879-1970 4000 items 4 boxes

Pavel Nikolaevich Shatilov Papers, 1921-1976

4000 items 14 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of correspondence and manuscripts. The correspondence, both incoming and outgoing (copies), spans the years 1921-1938, and includes both personal and official letters as well as such ancillary materials as financial accounts, reports, clippings, circulars, etc. It deals with the activities of the White army at the end of the Civil War (Crimea, Gallipoli, Bulgaria) and with the policies and programs of the Russkiĭ Obshche-Voinskiĭ Soiuz (ROVS) in the emigration. The manuscripts are in the form of memoirs, both General Shatilov's and his wife's; there is also a memoir by an unidentified author. There are two copies of General Shatilov's 2,000 page manuscript. In it he recounts his childhood and military education, his participation in the Russo-Japanese War, and his role in World War I, the Civil War, and subsequently in the emigration in Europe, through World War II.

1 result in this collection

Pavel Nikolaevich Shatilov Papers, 1921-1976 4000 items 14 boxes

Pavel Pavlovich Mendeleev Papers, 1900-1951

8 linear feet 12 manuscript boxes; 2 oversize boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. Correspondence in the collection includes 1 item from Ivan Bunin, 2 from Vladimir Davydov, and many from G. A. Alekseev. Mendeleev's extensive memoirs, "Svet i teni v moei zhizni," discuss his childhood and youth, government service, World War I, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, and life in the emigration up to 1933. Subject files in this collection concern the Prague Russian Archive, the Union of the Russian Nobility, the Russian Imperial family in the emigration, and other topics. Printed materials include an almost complete set of the weekly "Parizhskii Vestnik" (1942-1944).

1 result in this collection

Pavel Pavlovich Mendeleev Papers, 1900-1951 8 linear feet 12 manuscript boxes; 2 oversize boxes

Pavel Pavlovich Tutkovskii Papers, 1920-1960

300 items 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials of Pavel P. Tutkovskiĭ, including poems, short stories, a historical novel, and music compositions. There is also a short biography of Tutkovskiĭ by his wife, Ekaterina Konstantinovna. Also included are Tutkovskiĭ's personal documents, and several photographs. Printed materials include concert programs, flyers, and reviews, and novels by Tutkovskiĭ, such as "Orden Novykh li︠u︡deĭ" and "Deti komety.".

1 result in this collection

Pavel Pavlovich Tutkovskii Papers, 1920-1960 300 items 3 boxes

Petr Aleksandrovich Pletnev Memoirs, 1946-1957

9 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Pletnev's typescript memoirs include the following: His autobiography"Nikchemnai︠a︡ zhizn"́ (475 p.); "Den ́v Peterburge" (48 p.), with a description of St. Petersburg and in particular its cultural life before World War I; "U mori︠a︡" (5 p.), on the author's dacha near St. Petersburg; and "Den ́v Gaage" (30 p.), on his visits to a friend in the Hague in the years after the 1917 revolution. The manuscripts are in the third person; the central figure, Oborin, is Pletnev.

1 result in this collection

Petr Aleksandrovich Pletnev Memoirs, 1946-1957 9 items 1 box

Petr Mikhailovich Volkonskii Papers, 1905-1946

500 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, maps, and clippings of Volkonskiĭ. The correspondence dates from 1905-1946 and chiefly concerns religious matters. There are letters from Russians at the Vatican, for emample, and some concerning Volkonskiĭ's financial affairs in emigration. The manuscripts are almost exclusively in the form of notes on church history. Volkonskiĭ was particularly interested in the possible merging of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The documents include accounts and contracts. One subject files concerns a World War I field hospital, and another has extensive materials on the Ukraine during the period of the revolution and civil war (1917-1920).

1 result in this collection

Petr Mikhailovich Volkonskii Papers, 1905-1946 500 items 2 boxes

Petr Petrovich Isheev Memoirs, 1959

148 pages 148 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Typed memoirs "Itogi semidesiatiletiia" discuss such topics as Isheev's family and education; the 1905 Revolution in Riga and Jelgava; his contacts with the world of theatre and journalism in Russia; World War I and the Civil War; and the emigration in Bulgaria, France, and the United States, where he was again involved with cultural activities and journalism.

1 result in this collection

Petr Petrovich Isheev Memoirs, 1959 148 pages 148 pages

Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961

500 items 10 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Petr S. Makhrov, consisting primarily of extensive manuscript memoirs. Emigrating to France, he became a leading figure in the "Soviet patriotic" movement during and after World War II. His memoirs, in thousands of pages, discuss all aspects of his career. The papers also include correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed materials. There are orders (prikazy) from World War I and the Civil War, and reports and telegrams from his time in Poland. There is a copy of "Russkie v Gallipoli" autographed by Wrangel, and a photograph album entitled "Russkai︠a︡ armii︠a︡ na Balkanakh." Also included is the 1841 report of the director of the Imperial Military Academy in St. Petersburg, General Sukhozanet.

1 result in this collection

Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961 500 items 10 boxes

Petr Vasil'evich Kartashev Papers, 1918-1957

200 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the collection concerns the Cossacks in the emigration in the 1920s. Correspondents include Petr Krasnov, Aleksandr Lukomskiĭ, Afrikan Bogaevskiĭ, and Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich. There are White intelligence reports from the Civil War in the south, and manuscripts, correspondence, and mimeographed bulletins relating to the Cossacks in Europe in the 1920s. Printed materials consist of anti-Semitic Russian publications, including issues of "Nat︠s︡ii︠a︡" and "Zhidoved" from the 1930s.

1 result in this collection

Petr Vasil'evich Kartashev Papers, 1918-1957 200 items 1 box; 1 oversized folder

Rossiiskaia Laun-Tennisnaia Federatsiia Records, 1931-1939

700 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The correspondence is primarily with member clubs throughout Europe, and the manuscripts are chiefly minutes of federation and club meetings. Also included in the collection are several photographs, some financial records, a file on the women's team, clippings, programs and four issues of the federation's illustrated year-book.

1 result in this collection

Rossiiskaia Laun-Tennisnaia Federatsiia Records, 1931-1939 700 items 2 boxes

Russian Newspapers and Emigre Periodicals, 1904-1980

165 linear feet 110 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Collection of Russian and Eastern European emigre newspapers and periodicals published in Europe, North America, South America and Australia in the 20th century, also includes a number of newspapers published in Russia and the Soviet Union.

1 result in this collection

Russian Newspapers and Emigre Periodicals, 1904-1980 165 linear feet 110 boxes

Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz (ROVS) Records, 1887-1968

70000 items 177 boxes; 2 oversized folders; 2 glass negatives
Abstract Or Scope

Related materials can be found in the following Bakhmeteff Archive collections: Arkhangel'skii, Kutepov, Lampe, ROVS-North America, and Shatilov.

1 result in this collection

Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz (ROVS) Records, 1887-1968 70000 items 177 boxes; 2 oversized folders; 2 glass negatives

Semen Liudvigovich Frank Papers, 1898-1975

3700 items 19 boxes; 1 oversized folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs and printed materials of Frank. The collection reflects almost every aspect of his career, but especially his life in Germany, France, and England after his expulsion from Russia in 1922. Among the correspondents are Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Sergeĭ Bulgakov, Albert Einstein, Georgiĭ Florovskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Losskiĭ, Fedor Stepun, and Petr Struve; there are one or two items each from Vi︠a︡cheslav Ivanov, Bernard Pares, and Alekseĭ Remizov. There are also many letters from Semen Frank and his wife Tati︠a︡na to their son Viktor, and from Peter Struve's family to the Franks. Manuscripts for several of Frank's books are in the collection, such as "Svet vo tḿe" "Realńost ́i chelovek" and "Biografii︠a︡ P.B. Struve." Other manuscript materials by Frank include essays and lectures, outlines of courses he taught as a professor in Russia before his expulsion, and notebooks. There are also two poems by Vi︠a︡cheslav Ivanov. Among the printed works are Frank's Bible and offprints of his articles. There are photographs of Sergeĭ Bulgakov, Fedor Stepun, and of the Frank and Struve families.

1 result in this collection

Semen Liudvigovich Frank Papers, 1898-1975 3700 items 19 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Sergei Efimovich Kryzhanovskii Papers, 1907-1940

500 items 8 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials. Correspondence includes letters by Vladimir Kokovt︠s︡ov, and letters concerning the posthumous publication of Kryzhanovskiĭ's memoirs. Manuscripts include drafts of these memoirs and other items by Kryzhanovskiĭ. There are also manuscripts, chiefly memoirs, by other persons; most were evidently sent to Kryzhanovskiĭ as editor of the emigre journal "Russkai︠a︡ Letopis"́ in the 1920s, but were never published. They deal with such topics as the Imperial police and government and the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War. There is a large group of manuscripts and related printed items, evidently prepared by Kryzhanovskiĭ, on the projected governmental system of a post-Bolshevik Russia. Subject files deal with the 1917 Revolution, emigre monarchism, and other topics.

1 result in this collection

Sergei Efimovich Kryzhanovskii Papers, 1907-1940 500 items 8 boxes

Sergei L'vovich Voitsekhovskii Papers, 1945-1977

10500 items 35 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials of Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ. Correspondents include Tati︠́a︡na Dubrovskai︠a︡, Nikolaĭ Obruchev, Vasiliĭ Orekhov, Igor ́Sikorskiĭ, Boris Solonevich, and many others; there are also memoirs by Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ on emigres whom he knew. There are files on the Rossiĭskiĭ Politicheskiĭ Komitet (Russian Political Committee) in New York; on the Pushkin Fund; extensive materials concerning emigre monarchist and anti-Communist groups (for example, the Solidarists); and reviews of the Russian emigre press ("Obzor pressy") prepared by Voĭt︠s︡ekhovskiĭ in 1962-1975.

1 result in this collection

Sergei L'vovich Voitsekhovskii Papers, 1945-1977 10500 items 35 boxes

Sergei Nikolaevich Prokopovich Papers, 1920-1958

4 linear feet 8 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection includes correspondence, photographs, manuscripts and printed materials. There are letters from Ekaterina Kuskova (Mrs. S.N. Prokopovich) and photographs of Mark Aldanov, Marie Curie, Aleksandra Kollontaĭ, Ekaterina Kuskova, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Mikhail Osorgin, Sergeĭ Prokopovich and Nadezhda Teffi among others. The manuscripts include drafts and typescripts for several dozen articles and chapters as well as untitled manuscripts and notes. The printed materials contain clippings and offprints of articles by Prokopovich, periodicals he edited, and copies of his major books.

1 result in this collection

Sergei Nikolaevich Prokopovich Papers, 1920-1958 4 linear feet 8 boxes

Sofiia Vladimirovna Panina Papers, 1900-1956

5000 items 16 boxes; 1 folder; 1 album
Abstract Or Scope

Most of the collection concerns the Russian emigration in interwar Europe; a sizeable part deals with the Kadet (Constitutional Democrat) Party in the Russian Civil War. There is correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. There are many letters by liberal figures, such as Astrov, Viktor Chelishchev, Petr I︠U︡renev, Aleksandr Kizevetter, Pavel Mili︠u︡kov, Vladimir D. Nabokov, Vladimir Obolenskiĭ, Panina, and Ivan Petrunkevich. There are also letters from Ivan Bilibin, Alice Masaryk, and Thomas Masaryk. Manuscripts are chiefly by Astrov, and include memoirs, poems, and lectures. There are also memoirs by Panina, and eulogies by various people on Astrov. Subject files from 1917-1920 have materials on Panina's arrest and trial by the Bolsheviks, Kadet conferences, protocols of meetings of the Kadet Party central committee, and other items. Files on the emigration deal with the Russkiĭ Ochag (Russian Hearth) and other bodies, especially in Czechoslovakia. There are photographs of Astrov, Kizevetter, Nikodim Kondakov, Alice Masaryk, Panina, and others. Printed materials include books, clippings, and offprints by Astrov and others.

1 result in this collection

Sofiia Vladimirovna Panina Papers, 1900-1956 5000 items 16 boxes; 1 folder; 1 album

Soiuz Pazhei Records, 1830-1970

2650 items 7 bound volumes; 16 boxes; 14 scrapbooks
Abstract Or Scope

Lists, subject files, photographs, etchings and printed materials relating to the Pazheskii Korpus (imperial Corps of Pages), a school for the sons of the Russian nobility founded in 1802, and the Soiuz Pazhei (Union of Pages), the emigré alumni organization founded in 1920. The materials were collected by representatives of the Union of Pages. The collection consists chiefly of mimeographed newsletters, books, printed mementoes, such as programs, menus, tickets, and school forms, and of pictorial materials, especially photographs and etchings. The great majority of the materials pertain to the Imperial Corps of Pages and to Russia's imperial family, and include many unusual photographs portraying school life and the life of the family of Nicholas II. There are also old photographs of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Tsarskoe Selo, printed reports of the State Council for 1894-99, newsletters published by the Union of Pages and miscellaneous Russian and foreign publications, originally part of the library of the museum of the Union of Pages in Paris.

1 result in this collection

Soiuz Pazhei Records, 1830-1970 2650 items 7 bound volumes; 16 boxes; 14 scrapbooks

Sozonovich Family Papers, 1886-1958

77 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

A letter, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of members of the Sozonovich family. The letter is by Vladimir Frant︠s︡ev. Manuscripts consist of lectures by Ivan Sozonovich and poems by his wife. There are photographs of the Sozonovich family; of Konstantin Bestuzhev-Ri︠u︡min, founder of a program of higher education for women in St. Petersburg; and of several professors at Warsaw University--Vladimir Frant︠s︡ev, Konstantin Grot, and Ivan Filevich. Printed materials include periodicals with items by Marii︠a︡ Sozonovich-Kozhina.

1 result in this collection

Sozonovich Family Papers, 1886-1958 77 items 1 box

Vasiliĭ Fedoseevich Butenko Papers, 1925-1960

4 Linear Feet 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The papers of Vasiliĭ F. Butenko (1894-1976), Russian émigré socialist and political activist, include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs,and printed materials. The bulk of the collection relates to various émigré political organizations in which Butenko was involved: the Labor Peasant Party (Trudovai︠a︡ krestʹi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡), the Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society in America (Russkoe obʺedinennoe obshchestvo vzaimopomoshchi v Amerike), the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle Coordinating Center (Koordinettsionnyi Tsentr Antibol'shevistskoi Bor'by or KTsAB), and others.

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Vasiliĭ Fedoseevich Butenko Papers, 1925-1960 4 Linear Feet 9 boxes

Vasilii Grigor'evich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1947

200 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and miscellaneous manuscripts dealing with military events during World War I. Other manuscripts present Garilov's views on such issues as the future of Russia. In addition, there are two letters from the writer Ivan Nazhivin.

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Vasilii Grigor'evich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1947 200 items 1 box

Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963

10 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs of Zenḱovskiĭ. This collection consists of ten memoirs by Zenḱovskiĭ. In them he discusses such topics as his participation in the 1918 Ukrainian government; his participation in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe from the 1920's to the 1960's; and his participation in the Russian Christian Student Movement.

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Vasilii Vasil'evich Zen'kovskii Memoirs, 1951-1963 10 items 1 box

Vladimir Danilovich Merzheevskii Papers, 1927-1970

900 items 5 boxes
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, a subject file, and printed materials. There are letters both to Merzheevskiĭ and to other persons. Most of the manuscripts were submitted for publication in "Vladimirskiĭ Vestnik," which published chiefly religious and monarchist materials. There is a book of memoranda of the regional chapter of the society of veterans of Gallipoli in Belgium and the group of the First Army Corps in Belgium and Luxembourg. The subject file is on General Miller and contains photographs of Miller and General Kutepov. Printed materials include approximately 80 copies of "Vladimirskiĭ Vestnik" dated 1955-1968.

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Vladimir Danilovich Merzheevskii Papers, 1927-1970 900 items 5 boxes

Vladimir Fedorovich Malinin Papers, 1910-1952

32 items 32 items
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Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, a photograph, and printed materials. The correspondence is primarily made up of letters written by M.V. Chelnokov, mayor of Moscow up until the 1917 Revolution. The letters were written to Malinin in the early 1930s. The manuscripts consist of Malinin's memoirs of the 1905 Revolution, of Prince A.P. Old́enburgskiĭ, and of Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna; there is also a photograph of the latter.

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Vladimir Fedorovich Malinin Papers, 1910-1952 32 items 32 items

Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, 1870-1950

4.5 Linear Feet 11 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler (Владимир Феофилович Зеелер; 1874-1954) was a Russian lawyer, state official and political activist; the Interior Minister in the South Russian Government; a pivotal figure of the Russian emigration; and a journalist, editor, memoirist and philanthropist. The collection includes correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs of many prominent cultural figures in the Russian emigration. A sizable part of the collection also concerns the painter Il'ia Repin (1844-1930).
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Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, 1870-1950 4.5 Linear Feet 11 manuscript boxes

Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev Papers, 1900-1955

1000 items 7 boxes; 3 reels of microfilms on stack 14
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Most of the collection consists of manuscripts by Lebedev and others on Russian and East European literary and political topics from about 1914 to the 1930s. There are three microfilm reels of materials on Gavrilo Princip and the asassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, 1914. Correspondents include Hamilton Fish Armstrong and George F. Kennan. There are several drafts of articles by Mark Slonim and materials on the Socialist Revolutionaries in the emigration from about 1930. Lebedev's personal documents cover from his army service (the Russo-Japanese War), through the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and his later life in Europe and the United States. There are photographs from interwar Albania and Bulgaria, including ones of Aleksandŭr Stamboliski. Printed materials include a copy of Lebedev's book "Novym putem" and issues of "Voli︠a︡ Rossii.".

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Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev Papers, 1900-1955 1000 items 7 boxes; 3 reels of microfilms on stack 14

Vladimir M. and Mariia S. Urusov Papers, 1918-1923

32 items 32 items
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Correspondence and documents of Vladimir M. and Marii︠a︡ S. Urusov. Some of the letters are from other Russian emigres, while some appear to be from Russia. Related items include the Urusovs' passport.

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Vladimir M. and Mariia S. Urusov Papers, 1918-1923 32 items 32 items

Vladimir Mikhailovich Andreevskii Papers, 1885-1954

300 items 2 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, a subject file, and printed materials. Much of the collection consists of manuscripts and memoirs by V. M. Andreevskii: his memoirs up to 1917; memoirs of a trip to Palestine in 1881; and his diary for 1919-1931. Also included is a typescript copy of the memoirs of historian Boris Chicherin, entitled "N.I. Krivtsov." Many of the printed materials concern the Orthodox Church in emigration. Another item, dated 1885, is: "Spravochnaia kniga (instruktsiia) dlia rukovodstva gorodovym i voobshche nizhnim politseiskim sluzhiteliam."

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Vladimir Mikhailovich Andreevskii Papers, 1885-1954 300 items 2 manuscript boxes

Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953

30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, subject files and printed material of Vladimir M. Zenzinov (1880-1953), writer, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and émigré activist first in France and, after 1940, in the United States.
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Vladimir Mikhailovich Zenzinov Papers, circa 1900-1953 30 Linear Feet 50 boxes; 6 packages of oversized materials; 1 folder of 5 Fondaminskiĭ photos in map case

Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945

3000 items 9 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed material of the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz (All Russian Zemstvo Union). The correspondence, spanning the years 1920-1944, is for the most part addressed to Porfirii N. Sorokin, Executive Secretary of the organization's Vremennyi glavnyi komitet (Temporary Executive Committee), the coordinating unit for all the institutions of the Zemstvo Union. The manuscripts include writings by N. I. Astrov, V. D. Kuz'min-Karavaev, and others. The documents are almost exclusively minutes of the Temporary Executive Committee's meetings from the period 1919-1924. The photographs, for the most part unidentified, are of Russian refugee settlements and White Army encampments in the area of Constantinople and Gallipoli, ca. 1921. The subject files include some financial records, and the printed material include the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz bulletin from 1916-1921 as well as publications about the Rossiiskii Zemsko-gorodskoi komitet and the Vserossiiskii soiuz gorodov.

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Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945 3000 items 9 manuscript boxes

Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976

3100 items 13 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, and printed materials of members of the Zernov family, especially Nikolaĭ M. Zernov. Correspondence includes letters from Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Archimandrite Kiprian, Alekseĭ Remizov, Vasiliĭ Zenḱovskiĭ, and copies of many letters from Gustave Kullmann to his wife Marii︠a︡, nʹee Zernova. Manuscripts include: memoirs by Sofii︠a︡ A. Zernova about her childhood, youth, and family; Sofii︠a︡ M. Zernova's albums, poems, diaries and memoirs about the Civil War and the emigration in Europe; manuscripts by Nikolaĭ Zernov on religious and literary themes; a report by a Lt. Shokotov on his White Army detached service in 1917-1919; a brief manuscript by Vladimir M. Zernov claiming that syphillis was a contributing factor in Lenin's death; and manuscripts and speeches by Kullmann. Subject files include biographical information collected by Nikolaĭ Zernov on many emigre Orthodox churchmen and religious writers, and materials relating to Kullmann and the Zernov family.

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Zernov Family Papers, 1919-1976 3100 items 13 boxes